This is the text version of the web page: -=[ EMPIRE NEWS ]=- "All the news that fits, we print." Vol.3No.3, 7 Mar 1996 published monthly ==Table of Contents== 1 What's New? 2 New Games Starting Up 3 Current Games 4 Clients and Player Tools 5 Server and Deity Information 6 This Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==What's New?== Current Games One new long term game started up this month. Latency Free Empire Client version 0.17 A bug fix release for the client usable on slower connections. Xemp 5.2 Alpha is Released Julian Onions has released an alpha to the PEA. Empire Server 3 is Updated to 3.0.16 More fixes from the Server team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==New Games Starting Up== Euro Empire VII Euro Empire is played on a realistic map of Europe, with players assigned real place names randomly by the deity. The game begins on March 12, and there is already a good mix of player levels signed up. Each player must register with an "alias", that will be used to assign the European place names to players. A list of aliases/countries will be sent out and posted. To register, send the following information to prefered e-mail: Country you are known by: skill level (1-10): pass word: alias: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Current Games== Current Long-Term Games ( Thematic III, The Valley began since the last Empire News. Current Blitzes ( The Howitzer and UAlberta blitzes are the best places to start learning Empire. Some deities of long-term games also run test blitzes in the interim. Check out the pea_pages for the latest information on game locations and times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Clients== Drake Diedrich updates the Latency Free Empire Client. Release 0.17 has some bug fixes. Binaries are provided for some machines, and source for others. Any successful ports should be reported to Xemp 5.2 Alpha released by Julian Onions. This alpha release has several successful ports, and the author is requesting bug reports at this point. The source is available on the PEA ( Client Discussion Mailing List. Subscribe to the discussion list focussing on client development by sending mail to with "subscribe" in the message body. Approval for inclusion takes place before you receive any mail. Catch up on archived messages by visiting the Planet Empire Archives, under Client Discussion ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Server== The Empire2 Server The empire server of choice. To try it out, grab the latest version from the PEA ( The Empire3 Server If you'd like to try running the new server (, it is available on PEA. This is still in the experimental stage, so please stick with Empire 2 for long term games. The Empire Project Home Page ( For an up to date list of the changes in the new server, connect to the Howitzer Blitz ( and type "info Empire3". Empire Server Discussion Mailing List ( The mailing list, a forum of discussion regarding changes to the server, has been established. If you have time to help with the server project, or would like to participate in the on-going plans, send mail to with "subscribe" in the message body. There is an approval process, so any useful information about your interest in the discussion helps. A more general mailing list is available to all coders, good players, and especially deities. Subscribe to this list to keep abreast of all coding changes by sending mail to with "subscribe" in the message body. To subscribe to a digest, send mail to, and include in the body: "subscribe empire-list-digest". How to Run a Game ( Before making a game announcement to, please read and heed this document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==This Newsletter== Mark Ballinger is responsible for the Empire News and the Empire FAQ. If you have suggestions, corrections or announcements, please email me at Mark Ballinger (Uesugi)