Ltxinput readme.txt

Ltxinput is an MSDOS utility which may add a little extra functionality
to your favourite LaTeX shell. Ltxinput recursively searches a file for
input (and include) statements, writing a list of files which are input  
to STDOUT and to a batch file which sets an environmental variable LTXINPUT 
to point to this filelist.  

Files in the archive

readme.txt        This file
ltxinput.exe      Binary executable for MSDOS.
ltxedit.bat       Sample application
freshen.bat       Sample application
src\ltxinput.c    C source
   \lground.tex   Pretty-printed source (requires lgrind.sty)
doc\ltxinput.tex  Documentation (2 pages) (requires lgrind.sty)
    ltxedit.tex   Lground version of ltxedit.bat (input in ltxinput.tex)
    lgrind.sty    Style definitions for ltxinput.tex
test\test*.tex    Test files -- try ltxinput test

See ltxinput.c for history and copying restrictions.
LaTeX ltxinput.tex for documentation.
