patch-2.1.67 linux/drivers/net/README.ltpc

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.66/linux/drivers/net/README.ltpc linux/drivers/net/README.ltpc
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-This is the ALPHA version of the ltpc driver.
-In order to use it, you will need at least version 1.3.3 of the
-netatalk package, and the Apple or Farallon Localtalk PC card.
-There are a number of different Localtalk cards for the PC; this
-driver applies only to the one with the 65c02 processor chip on it.
-To include it in the kernel, select the CONFIG_LTPC switch in the
-configuration dialog; at this time (kernel 2.1.23) compiling it as
-a module will not work.
-Before starting up the netatalk demons (perhaps in rc.local), you
-need to add a line such as:
-/sbin/ifconfig ltalk0
-The driver will autoprobe, and you should see a message like:
-"LocalTalk card found at 240, IR9, DMA1."
-at bootup.
-The appropriate netatalk configuration depends on whether you are
-attached to a network that includes appletalk routers or not.  If,
-like me, you are simply connecting to your home Macintoshes and
-printers, you need to set up netatalk to "seed".  The way I do this
-is to have the lines
-dummy -seed -phase 2 -net 2000 -addr 2000.26 -zone "1033"
-ltalk0 -seed -phase 1 -net 1033 -addr 1033.27 -zone "1033"
-in my atalkd.conf.  What is going on here is that I need to fool
-netatalk into thinking that there are two appletalk interfaces
-present -- otherwise it refuses to seed.  This is a hack, and a
-more permanent solution would be to alter the netatalk code.
-Note that the dummy driver needs to accept multicasts also -- earlier
-versions of dummy.c may need to be patched.  
-If you are attached to an extended appletalk network, with routers on
-it, then you don't need to fool around with this -- the appropriate
-line in atalkd.conf is
-ltalk0 -phase 1
-Card Configuration:
-The interrupts and so forth are configured via the dipswitch on the
-board.  Set the switches so as not to conflict with other hardware.
-       Interrupts -- set at most one.  If none are set, the driver uses
-       polled mode.  Because the card was developed in the XT era, the
-       original documentation refers to IRQ2.  Since you'll be running
-       this on an AT (or later) class machine, that really means IRQ9.
-       SW1     IRQ 4
-       SW2     IRQ 3
-       SW3     IRQ 9 (2 in original card documentation only applies to XT)
-       DMA -- choose DMA 1 or 3, and set both corresponding switches.
-       SW4     DMA 3
-       SW5     DMA 1
-       SW6     DMA 3
-       SW7     DMA 1
-       I/O address -- choose one.
-       SW8     220 / 240
-	Many people are interested in this driver in order to use IP
-when Localtalk, but no Ethernet, is available.  While the code to do
-this is not strictly speaking part of this driver, an experimental 
-version is available which seems to work under kernel 2.0.xx.  It is
-not yet functional in the 2.1.xx kernels.
-2.1.xx:	The module support doesn't work yet.
-	Thanks to Alan Cox for helpful discussions early on in this
-work, and to Denis Hainsworth for doing the bleeding-edge testing.
--- Bradford Johnson <>

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,