Encheliophis Mìller, 1842
Encheliophiops Reid, 1940; (synonym)
Encheliophis boraborensis
Fierasfer boraborensis Kaup, 1856; (valid as)
Fierasfer parvipinnis Kaup, 1856; (synonym)
Fierasfer kagoshimanus Steindachner & Dæderlein, 1887; (synonym)
Rhizoiketicus carolinensis Vaillant, 1893; (synonym)
Carapus boraborensis Arnold, 1956; (valid as)
Carapus kagoshimanus Arnold, 1956; (synonym)
Carapus parvipinnis Arnold, 1956; (synonym)
Encheliophis boraborensis Markle & Olney, 1990; (valid as)
Encheliophis dubius
Fierasfer caninus Gìnther, 1862; (synonym)
Fierasfer dubius Putnam, 1874; (valid as)
Fierasfer arenicola Jordan & Gilbert, 1882; (synonym)
Fierasfer microdon Gilbert, 1905; (synonym)
Leptofierasfer macrurus Meek & Hildebrand, 1928; (synonym)
Carapus caninus Arnold, 1956; (synonym)
Carapus dubius Arnold, 1956; (valid as)
Encheliophis dubius Markle & Olney, 1990; (valid as)
Encheliophis gracilis Arnold, 1956
Oxybeles gracilis Bleeker, 1856; (valid as)
Fierasfer umbratilis Jordan & Evermann, 1903; (synonym)
Jordanicus umbratilis Gilbert, 1905; (synonym)
Fierasfer houlti Ogilby, 1922; (synonym)
Carapus houlti Arnold, 1956; (synonym)
Jordanicus gracilis Shen & Yeh, 1987; (valid as)
Encheliophis homei
Oxybeles homei Richardson, 1846; (valid as)
Oxybelus brandesii Bleeker, 1851; (synonym)
Oxybeles lumbricoides Bleeker, 1854; (synonym)
Oxybeles lumbrico¯des Bleeker, 1854; (misspelling)
Fierasfer neglectum Peters, 1855; (synonym)
Fierasfer affinis Gìnther, 1862; (synonym)
Helminthodes lumbricoides Gill, 1864; (synonym)
Pirellinus lumbricoides Whitley, 1928; (synonym)
Carapus homei Arnold, 1956; (valid as)
Encheliophis homei Markle & Olney, 1990; (valid as)
Encheliophis sagamianus Arnold, 1956
Carapus sagamianus Tanaka, 1908; (valid as)
Jordanicus sagamianus Shen & Yeh, 1987; (valid as)
Encheliophis vermicularis Mìller, 1842
Encheliophis jordani Heller & Snodgrass, 1903; (synonym)
Encheliophiops hancocki Reid, 1940; (synonym)
Encheliophis hancocki Arnold, 1956; (synonym)
Encheliophis vermiops Markle & Olney, 1990
24.4.2004 (7)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26); https://doi.org/10.48580/dfz8d
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.