Short: IRSEND 0.5a Author: (Jim Pollock) URL: Uploader: Type: s5/comms/ir IRSEND Read Me File Version 0.5a 7/26/1997 ============================================================================== NOTE: The shareware version of IRSEND is limited to sending files of less than 2048 bytes. Please register to receive the full unlimited version. =============================================================================== What's new in version 0.5? Add in support for TM0 thru TM3 external adapter chips. After five attempts to connect at current baud rate drop down to next fastest baud rate. When running under OS/2 Warp I have found that the maximum rate is limited to 57,600 baud where as in pure DOS I can run at 115,200 baud. Once you have found that you need to run at a slower baud rate than the maximum for your Psion you should use the "SET IRSPEED=" DOS command to limit the initial Infrared speed. In my case I type SET IRSPEED=57 at the DOS prompt when running in an OS/2 DOS window. What's new in version 0.5? Support for Psion Series 5 IR protocol. Program now auto-detects Series 5 from 3c/Siena and uses appropriate protocol. Support for Infrared link speeds up to 115200 baud for 3c and Series 5. Support data packet sizes up to 2K when sending to Series 5. Fix bug that prevented small size files from being transferred. What's new in version 0.4? Support for Actisys IR220L, Jeteye, and Redeye external adapters and the Temic TOIM3232 chip. Support for environment variable IRTYPE. What's new in version 0.3? Support for Adaptec Airport 1000/2000 external IR adapters. Support for environment variables IRPORT and IRSPEED. What does IRSEND do? IRSEND allows you to send files (text or binary) from your PC to your Siena or 3c using the native Psion IR protocol and IR Receive key on the keyboard. No additional software is required on your Psion. Just follow the directions in your Psion manual for receiving a file from another Psion. The IRSEND.COM program allows your PC to mimic the Psion protocol. What doesn't IRSEND do? IRSEND does not handle sending multiple files at one time. You also can not overwrite an existing file. Sending the same name file as an existing one results in a dialog box with options to only rename or abort. The program IRCOPY solves both of these short comings as well as preserving a files original date and time. How is the data protected? Each data block transferred is protected by a 16 bit CRC check code (x^0+x^5+x^12+x^16) and a 3 bit sequence number. Bad and missing blocks are automatically resent until received correctly by the Psion. (Although this early version may need some work in this area.) What baud rate is used to send the files? The initial negotiations start at 9600 baud per the IRDA spec and then go to 19,200 or higher for the actual header and file transfer. The speed can be limited to 9,600 baud by setting the environment variable IRSPEED=9600. At the DOS prompt type: "set irspeed=9600". If you experience problems sending files try limiting the baud rate to 9600. What IR hardware works with IRSEND? This version now supports the Adaptec AIRport 1000/2000, Actisys IR220L, Redeye, and Jeteye external adatpers. Where can I get the latest version? A web site has been setup at: It has the latest version of IRSEND plus access to other Psion IR programs and information about current and future plans. IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT ============================================================================== It is highly recommended that you verify the accuracy of a few large files after doing your first IRSEND. The companion program IRSAVE can be used to transfer the same file back to your PC for comparision. If you have text files, open an editor and view the file, checking the beginning and end for correctness. If you have a binary compare program try comparing the copied version of a program with its original. ============================================================================== DISCLAIMER Use this software at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for any damage to you, your machine and/or your information as a result of using IRSEND. ============================================================================== Requirements: PSION: Siena, 3c, or Series 5 PC : x86 with IRDA compliant IR port Operating System: DOS, Windows 3.1, WIN95 (MS-DOS mode only) Files in this package: IRSEND.COM Program that sends files to your Psion. README.SND This file. Installation: Load IRSEND.COM on your PC. Running IRSEND. Be sure to set the IR Link to run at HIGH power. From the system screen press Psion-L select Infrared then Power setting to HIGH. Then type IRSEND followed by the COM number for your IR port, the name of the file to be sent and the Psion "save as" name. For the Siena and 3c the Psion name should be complete including "LOC::M:" for the internal drive or "LOC::A:" or "LOC::B:" for your external drives. The path on the Psion will be created if it does not exist. For the Series 5 the Psion name should only be the file name (ie test.txt) and the file is saved into the current folder. Your Psion does not allow overwriting the same file so you must delete an old copy before sending a newer one with the same name. If you try to send the same file name it will be received into a temporary location and the user is prompted for a new name. If you find a way to copy over a file please let me know how you did it. The Series 5 does allow the user the option to overwrite the current file. If a file transfer gets hung up you can terminate the IRSEND by holding down both shift keys on the PC. If after aborting your Psion IR send and receive keys no long work just go to the System screen, select Special/Communications, disable the IR link, and exit. Then go back and reenable the IR link. This seems to do a complete reset of the IR Link. Saved files will have the current date and time not the date and time of the original file on your PC. Sorry, the Psion native protocol does not include this information. Syntax of IRSEND.COM: irsend Examples: (3c or Siena) irsend 2 test.opl loc::m:\opl\testnew.opl irsend 3e8:9 test.opl loc::m:\opl\testnew.opl (custom IRQ ) irsend 1 d:\psion\app\chess.opa loc::m:\app\chess.opa /trace Examples: (Series 5) irsend 2 test.opl test.opl (file gets saved into current folder) You can set the environmet variable IRPORT to avoid having to type the IR port information on the command line each time. At the DOS prompt type: "set IRPORT=2" or "set IRPORT=3e8:9" (Of course use the correct values for your IR port.) You can also use the environment variable IRTYPE to avoid having to type the adapter type. At the DOS prompt type: "set IRTYPE=Redeye" (replace Redeye with your adatper type). Aborting the program: To abort IRSEND on the PC just hold down both the left and right shift keys for a few seconds. Improvements: If you have any suggestions for improvements please email me with them. Registration: If you find this program useful please register your copy. Registered users will receive the full version that supports sending any size file. To register both IRSEND and IRSAVE online for $21.50 goto: Jim Pollock History: 0.1 2/11/1997 First release 0.2 2/12/1997 -Improved retry for noisy Infrared links. -Skip statistics if program aborted by user. -When using comports 1,2,3, or 4 the interrupt level used is based on the I/O port value (ie 3E8=>IRQ4) not the comport number. Better for systems that have missing comports (ie 1 and 3 but not 2). -Have NOT been able to make it work with an external IR adapter under OS/2. 0.3 5/19/1997 -Support Adaptec Airport 1000/2000 external adapters. Now works under OS/2 with an AIRport IR adapter. -Support environment variable IRPORT. -Support environment variable IRSPEED. 0.4 6/ 1/1997 -Support Actisys IR220L, Jeteye, and Redeye external adapters. -Support environment variable IRTYPE. 0.5 7/25/1997 -Support Series 5 IR protocol -Support baud rates up to 115200 -Fix bug when sending very small files. 0.5a 7/26/1997 -Add in support for TM0 thru TM3 adapters -After five attempts to connect to Psion at current baud rate drop down to next fastest baud rate. -Support limiting baud rate to values less than maximum that Psion supports. ===========================End of Readme======================================