patch-2.3.10 linux/scripts/ksymoops/object.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.3.9/linux/scripts/ksymoops/object.c linux/scripts/ksymoops/object.c
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-	object.c.
-	object handling routines for ksymoops.  Read modules, vmlinux, etc. 
-	Copyright Keith Owens <>.
-	Released under the GNU Public Licence, Version 2.
-	Wed Oct 28 13:47:23 EST 1998
-	Version 0.4
-	Split into separate sources.
- */
-#include "ksymoops.h"
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-/* Extract all symbols definitions from an object using nm */
-static void read_nm_symbols(SYMBOL_SET *ss, const char *file)
-	FILE *f;
-	char *cmd, *line = NULL, **string = NULL;
-	int i, size = 0;
-	static char const procname[] = "read_nm_symbols";
-	if (!regular_file(file, procname))
-		return;
-	cmd = malloc(strlen(path_nm)+strlen(file)+2);
-	if (!cmd)
-		malloc_error("nm command");
-	strcpy(cmd, path_nm);
-	strcat(cmd, " ");
-	strcat(cmd, file);
-	if (debug > 1)
-		fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s command '%s'\n", procname, cmd);
-	if (!(f = popen_local(cmd, procname)))
-		return;
-	free(cmd);
-	while (fgets_local(&line, &size, f, procname)) {
-		i = regexec(&re_nm, line, re_nm.re_nsub+1, re_nm_pmatch, 0);
-		if (debug > 3)
-			fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s regexec %d\n", procname, i);
-		if (i == 0) {
-			re_strings(&re_nm, line, re_nm_pmatch, &string);
-			add_symbol(ss, string[1], *string[2], 1, string[3]);
-		}
-	}
-	pclose_local(f, procname);
-	re_strings_free(&re_nm, &string);
-	free(line);
-	if (debug > 1)
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"DEBUG: %s %s used %d out of %d entries\n",
-			procname, ss->source, ss->used, ss->alloc);
-/* Read the symbols from vmlinux */
-void read_vmlinux(const char *vmlinux)
-	if (!vmlinux)
-		return;
-	ss_init(&ss_vmlinux, "vmlinux");
-	read_nm_symbols(&ss_vmlinux, vmlinux);
-	if (ss_vmlinux.used) {
-		ss_sort_na(&ss_vmlinux);
-		extract_Version(&ss_vmlinux);
-	}
-	else {
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"Warning, no kernel symbols in vmlinux, is %s a valid "
-			"vmlinux file?\n",
-			vmlinux);
-		++warnings;
-	}
-/* Read the symbols from one object (module) */
-void read_object(const char *object, int i)
-	ss_init(ss_object+i, object);
-	read_nm_symbols(ss_object+i, object);
-	if ((ss_object+i)->used) {
-		ss_sort_na(ss_object+i);
-		extract_Version(ss_object+i);
-	}
-	else {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Warning, no symbols in %s\n", object);
-		++warnings;
-	}
-/* Add a new entry to the list of objects */
-static void add_ss_object(const char *file)
-	++ss_objects;
-	ss_object = realloc(ss_object, ss_objects*sizeof(*ss_object));
-	if (!ss_object)
-		malloc_error("realloc ss_object");
-	ss_init(ss_object+ss_objects-1, file);
-/* Run a directory and its subdirectories, looking for *.o files */
-static void find_objects(const char *dir)
-	FILE *f;
-	char *cmd, *line = NULL;
-	int size = 0, files = 0;
-	static char const procname[] = "find_objects";
-	static char const options[] = " -follow -name '*.o' -print";
-	cmd = malloc(strlen(path_find)+1+strlen(dir)+strlen(options)+1);
-	if (!cmd)
-		malloc_error("find command");
-	strcpy(cmd, path_find);
-	strcat(cmd, " ");
-	strcat(cmd, dir);
-	strcat(cmd, options);
-	if (debug > 1)
-		fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s command '%s'\n", procname, cmd);
-	if (!(f = popen_local(cmd, procname)))
-		return;
-	free(cmd);
-	while (fgets_local(&line, &size, f, procname)) {
-		if (debug > 1)
-			fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s - %s\n", procname, line);
-		add_ss_object(line);
-		++files;
-	}
-	pclose_local(f, procname);
-	if (!files) {
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"Warning: no *.o files in %s.  "
-			"Is %s a valid module directory?\n",
-			dir, dir);
-		++warnings;
-	}
-/* Take the user supplied list of objects which can include directories.
- * Expand directories into any *.o files.  The results are stored in
- * ss_object, leaving the user supplied options untouched.
- */
-void expand_objects(char * const *object, int objects)
-	struct stat statbuf;
-	int i;
-	const char *file;
-	static char const procname[] = "expand_objects";
-	for (i = 0; i < objects; ++i) {
-		file = object[i];
-		if (debug > 1)
-			fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s checking '%s' - ",
-				procname, file);
-		if (!stat(file, &statbuf) && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
-			if (debug > 1)
-				fprintf(stderr, "directory, expanding\n");
-			find_objects(file);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (debug > 1)
-				fprintf(stderr, "not directory\n");
-			add_ss_object(file);
-		}
-	}
-/* Map a symbol type to a section code. 0 - text, 1 - data, 2 - read only data,
- * 3 - C (cannot relocate), 4 - the rest.
- */
-static int section(char type)
-	switch (type) {
-	case 'T':
-	case 't':
-		return 0;
-	case 'D':
-	case 'd':
-		return 1;
-	case 'R':
-	case 'r':
-		return 2;
-	case 'C':
-		return 3;
-	default:
-		return 4;
-	}
-/* Given ksyms module data which has a related object, create a copy of the
- * object data, adjusting the offsets to match where the module was loaded.
- */
-SYMBOL_SET *adjust_object_offsets(SYMBOL_SET *ss)
-	int i;
-	elf_addr_t adjust[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-	SYMBOL *sk, *so;
-	SYMBOL_SET *ssc;
-	if (debug > 1)
-		fprintf(stderr,
-			"DEBUG: adjust_object_offsets %s\n", ss->source);
-	ssc = ss_copy(ss->related);
-	/* For common symbols, calculate the adjustment */
-	for (i = 0; i < ss->used; ++i) {
-		sk = ss->symbol+i;
-		if ((so = find_symbol_name(ssc, sk->name, NULL)))
-			adjust[section(so->type)] = sk->address - so->address;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < ssc->used; ++i) {
-		so = ssc->symbol+i;
-		/* Type C does not relocate well, silently ignore */
-		if (so->type != 'C' && adjust[section(so->type)])
-			so->address += adjust[section(so->type)];
-		else
-			so->keep = 0;  /* do not merge into final map */
-	}
-	ss->related = ssc;	/* map using adjusted copy */
-	return(ssc);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: