Packages changed: acl akonadi-calendar (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-calendar-tools (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-contact (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-import-wizard (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-mime (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-notes (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-search (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akonadi-server (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) akregator (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) analitza (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ark (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) audit-secondary baloo5-widgets (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) blinken (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) bovo (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) busybox (1.32.1 -> 1.33.0) busybox-links (1.32.1 -> 1.33.0) calendarsupport (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) cervisia (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) cups dolphin (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) dracut (051+suse.84.gc6bd70b8 -> 051+suse.85.g04886430) dragonplayer (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ed (1.16 -> 1.17) elfutils eventviews (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ffmpegthumbs (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) filesystem gawk grantleetheme (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) grub2 gwenview5 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) gzip hostname hwdata (0.343 -> 0.344) incidenceeditor (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) iputils (s20200821 -> 20210202) juk (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) k3b (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kaccounts-integration (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kaccounts-providers (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kaddressbook (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kalarmcal (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kalgebra (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kamera (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kanagram (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kapptemplate (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kate (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) katomic (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kblackbox (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kblocks (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kbounce (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kbreakout (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kbruch (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcachegrind (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcalc (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcalutils (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcharselect (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcolorchooser (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kcron (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kde-print-manager (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdeconnect-kde (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdeedu-data (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdegraphics-thumbnailers (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdepim-addons (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdepim-runtime (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdf (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdialog (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kdiamond (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kgeography (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kget (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kgoldrunner (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) khangman (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) khelpcenter5 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kidentitymanagement (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kig (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kimap (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kio-extras5 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kio_audiocd (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kipi-plugins (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kiriki (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kiten (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kitinerary (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kjumpingcube (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kldap (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kleopatra (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) klines (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmag (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmahjongg (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmail (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmail-account-wizard (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmailtransport (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmbox (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmime (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmines (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmousetool (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmouth (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kmplot (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) knavalbattle (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) knetwalk (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) knotes (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kolf (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kollision (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kolourpaint (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kompare (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) konquest (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) konsole (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kontact (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kontactinterface (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) konversation (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kopete (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) korganizer (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kpat (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kpimtextedit (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kpkpass (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kqtquickcharts (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) krdc (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kreversi (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) krfb (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kruler (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kshisen (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ksirk (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ksmtp (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kspaceduel (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ksquares (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ksudoku (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ksystemlog (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kteatime (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ktimer (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ktnef (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ktouch (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kturtle (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kubrick (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kwalletmanager5 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) kwordquiz (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libcap (2.46 -> 2.47) libgcrypt (1.8.7 -> 1.9.1) libgravatar (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libgudev (233 -> 234) libkcddb (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkcompactdisc (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkdcraw (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkdegames (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkdepim (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkeduvocdocument (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkexiv2 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkgapi (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkipi (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkleo (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkmahjongg (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libkomparediff2 (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libksane (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libksieve (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libktorrent (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) libmodulemd (2.10.0 -> 2.12.0) libopenmpt (0.5.4 -> 0.5.5) lokalize (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) lskat (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) lvm2 lvm2-device-mapper lzo mailcommon (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) mailimporter (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) man mariadb mbox-importer (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) messagelib (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) mobipocket (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) ncurses (6.2.20210116 -> 6.2.20210130) net-snmp (5.8 -> 5.9) net-tools (2.0+git20180626.aebd88e -> 2.10) nodejs15 (15.5.1 -> 15.8.0) okular (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) openafs openblas_pthreads parley (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) pim-data-exporter (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) pim-sieve-editor (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) pimcommon (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) plymouth procps signon-kwallet-extension (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) spectacle (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) speech-dispatcher step (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) supermin sweeper (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) systemd (246.9 -> 246.10) texinfo umbrello (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) update-alternatives util-linux util-linux-systemd xapian-core (1.4.17 -> 1.4.18) xdelta3 yakuake (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) yast2-network (4.3.41 -> 4.3.44) yast2-schema (4.3.16 -> 4.3.17) === Details === ==== acl ==== Subpackages: libacl1 libacl1-32bit - Replace system-user-{bin,daemon} with user({bin,daemon}): be resilient to package name changes. ==== akonadi-calendar ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar libKF5AkonadiCalendar5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Allow instance creation using an item ==== akonadi-calendar-tools ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-tools-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-contact ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-contact-lang akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-import-wizard ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-import-wizard-lang libKPimImportWizard5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-mime ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-mime-lang akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-notes ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-search ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-search-lang libKF5AkonadiSearch - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== akonadi-server ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-server-lang libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix Bug 432307 - Cancel drag'n drop does not work (kde#432307) * Add autotest for Item::setTags when creating instances * When tags are overwriien, get them from tags() * Remove unsused method in Config * Use lazy global initialization of Config singleton * Fix bug when deleting the last tag (kde#431297) * Fix Bug 430787 - When moving an email into a subfolder on KDE Plasma Wayland the context menu does not appear at the target subfolder (kde#430787) ==== akregator ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akregator-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== analitza ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ark ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ark-lang libkerfuffle20 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Show 'Compress' menu on multiple selected archives of the same type (kde#430086) * Fix crash after closing the window while loading a TAR archive (kde#410092) ==== audit-secondary ==== Subpackages: audit python3-audit - Do not explicitly provide group(audit) in system-users-audit: this is automatically handled by rpm/providers. - Create new "audit" group for read access to logs (bsc#1178154) * add change-default-log_group.patch * update audit-secondary.spec ==== baloo5-widgets ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: baloo5-widgets-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== blinken ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: blinken-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== bovo ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: bovo-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== busybox ==== Version update (1.32.1 -> 1.33.0) Subpackages: busybox-static - Update to version 1.33.0 - many bug fixes and new features - update_passwd_selinux_fix.patch upstream compile fix for SELinux ==== busybox-links ==== Version update (1.32.1 -> 1.33.0) Subpackages: busybox-coreutils busybox-findutils busybox-gawk busybox-grep busybox-gzip busybox-patch busybox-psmisc busybox-sed busybox-sendmail busybox-tar busybox-xz - Add zmore and zless ==== calendarsupport ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: calendarsupport-lang libKF5CalendarSupport5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== cervisia ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: cervisia-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== cups ==== Subpackages: cups-client cups-config libcups2 libcups2-32bit libcupsimage2 - CVE-2020-10001.patch fixes CVE-2020-10001 (bsc#1180520) access to uninitialized buffer in ipp.c ==== dolphin ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-part-lang libdolphinvcs5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * don't crash when building without baloo (kde#431730) * Show button to open knetattach inline with URL nav on remove:// view (kde#431626) * fix folder size calculation on FUSE and network file systems (kde#430778) * Change copy location shortcut in dolphin so as to not conflict with Konsole panel (kde#426461) - Drop upstream patch: * 0001-Show-button-to-open-knetattach-inline-with-URL-nav-o.patch ==== dracut ==== Version update (051+suse.84.gc6bd70b8 -> 051+suse.85.g04886430) - Update to version 051+suse.85.g04886430: * prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) ==== dragonplayer ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: dragonplayer-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ed ==== Version update (1.16 -> 1.17) - Update to 1.17 * The commands 'q' and 'Q' now work in a global command. * The new option '-E, --extended-regexp' has been added. It tells ed to use extended regular expressions instead of the basic regular expressions mandated by POSIX * Print the file name in case of read or write error ==== elfutils ==== Subpackages: elfutils-lang libasm1 libdw1 libelf1 - Enable LTO (boo#1138796) for elfutils.spec. ==== eventviews ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: eventviews-lang libKF5EventViews5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ffmpegthumbs ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ffmpegthumbs-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== filesystem ==== - add /usr/etc/skel/.cache with perm 0700 (boo#1181011) - Set correct permissions when creating /proc and /sys ==== gawk ==== - fix update-alternatives usage. Needs to be in %postun according to - prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) - remove use of obsolete %install_info ==== grantleetheme ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: grantleetheme-lang libKF5GrantleeTheme5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-xen - Complete Secure Boot support on aarch64 (jsc#SLE-15020) * 0001-Add-support-for-Linux-EFI-stub-loading-on-aarch64.patch * 0002-arm64-make-sure-fdt-has-address-cells-and-size-cells.patch * 0003-Make-grub_error-more-verbose.patch * 0004-arm-arm64-loader-Better-memory-allocation-and-error-.patch * 0005-Make-linux_arm_kernel_header.hdr_offset-be-at-the-ri.patch * 0006-efi-Set-image-base-address-before-jumping-to-the-PE-.patch * 0007-linuxefi-fail-kernel-validation-without-shim-protoco.patch * 0008-squash-Add-support-for-Linux-EFI-stub-loading-on-aar.patch * 0009-squash-Add-support-for-linuxefi.patch - Fix rpmlint 2.0 error for having arch specific path in noarch package aiming for compatibility with old package (bsc#1179044) * grub2.spec - Fix non POSIX sed argument which failed in sed from busybox (bsc#1181091) * ==== gwenview5 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: gwenview5-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix visual artifacts when panning zoomed in image on HiDPI (kde#417342) ==== gzip ==== - add gzip-1.10-fix_count_of_lines_to_skip.patch to fix count of lines to skip [bsc#1180713] ==== hostname ==== - prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) ==== hwdata ==== Version update (0.343 -> 0.344) - Update to version 0.344: + Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. ==== incidenceeditor ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: incidenceeditor-lang libKF5IncidenceEditor5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== iputils ==== Version update (s20200821 -> 20210202) Subpackages: rarpd - Update to version 20210202 - Version scheme change: dropped leading 's', update that change ==== juk ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: juk-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== k3b ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: k3b-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Large directories were not being added to data projects with all their contents ==== kaccounts-integration ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kaccounts-integration-lang libkaccounts2 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kaccounts-providers ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kaccounts-providers-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kaddressbook ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc kaddressbook-lang libKPimAddressbookImportExport5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kalarmcal ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-kalarmcal kalarmcal-lang libKF5AlarmCalendar5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Add setName() method ==== kalgebra ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kalgebra-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kamera ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kanagram ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kanagram-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kapptemplate ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kate ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kate-lang kate-plugins - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== katomic ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: katomic-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kblackbox ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kblackbox-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kblocks ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kblocks-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kbounce ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kbounce-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kbreakout ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kbreakout-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kbruch ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kbruch-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcachegrind ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcalc ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcalc-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcalutils ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcalutils-lang libKF5CalendarUtils5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcharselect ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcharselect-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcolorchooser ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcolorchooser-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kcron ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kcron-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kde-print-manager ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdeconnect-kde ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-lang kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix notifications in the KDE Connect plasmoid (kde#432337) * UseHighDpiPixmaps in kdeconnectd and kdeconnect-indicator * Remove OnlyShowIn from daemon desktop file - Add upstream patch: * 0001-Don-t-escape-notification-title-text.patch ==== kdeedu-data ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdepim-addons ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdepim-addons-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix rendering problem ==== kdepim-runtime ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdepim-runtime-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdf ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdialog ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdialog-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kdiamond ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdiamond-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kgeography ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kgeography-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kget ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kget-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * The New Download button had an empty layout * Don't create dangling iterators in TransferMultiSegKio * Initialize Transfer::m_runningSeconds - Drop upstream patches: * 0001-Initialize-Transfer-m_runningSeconds.patch * 0002-Don-t-create-dangling-iterators-in-TransferMultiSegK.patch ==== kgoldrunner ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== khangman ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: khangman-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== khelpcenter5 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: khelpcenter5-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kidentitymanagement ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kig ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kig-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Prevent crash during construction of circle by three points (kde#430884) ==== kimap ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kio-extras5 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kio-extras5-lang libkioarchive5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * don't log passwords ==== kio_audiocd ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kio_audiocd-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kipi-plugins ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kipi-plugins-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kiriki ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kiriki-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kiten ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix addItem() group name in ConfigDictionarySelector::updateWidgets() (kde#418108) ==== kitinerary ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Handle Accor reservation without a hotel phone number ==== kjumpingcube ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kldap ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kldap-lang libKF5Ldap5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kleopatra ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kleopatra-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== klines ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: klines-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmag ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmag-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmahjongg ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmail ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmail-application-icons kmail-lang ktnef - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmail-account-wizard ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmail-account-wizard-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmailtransport ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmailtransport-lang libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmbox ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmime ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmines ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmines-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmousetool ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmousetool-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmouth ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmouth-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kmplot ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kmplot-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== knavalbattle ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== knetwalk ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: knetwalk-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== knotes ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: knotes-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Clean up CMakeLists.txt (remove duplicate entries) * Fix Bug 431126 - KNotes cannot be configured using the GUI (kde#431126) ==== kolf ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kolf-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kollision ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kollision-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kolourpaint ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kompare ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kompare-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== konquest ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: konquest-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== konsole ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Fix the handbook URL in the maintainer README * Fix crash exiting all tabs at the same time (kde#431827) * Fix "Remember window size" not working when unchecked (kde#427610) ==== kontact ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kontact-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Some appdata checkers complain if caption ends with . * Add OARS content rating ==== kontactinterface ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== konversation ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: konversation-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kopete ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kopete-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== korganizer ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: korganizer-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kpat ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kpat-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kpimtextedit ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kpimtextedit-lang libKF5PimTextEdit5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kpkpass ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKPimPkPass5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== krdc ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: krdc-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kreversi ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kreversi-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== krfb ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: krfb-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * pipewire: Support BGRA ==== kruler ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kruler-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kshisen ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kshisen-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ksirk ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ksirk-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ksmtp ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kspaceduel ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ksquares ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ksquares-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ksudoku ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ksudoku-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ksystemlog ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kteatime ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kteatime-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ktimer ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ktimer-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ktnef ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ktnef-lang libKF5Tnef5 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ktouch ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: ktouch-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kturtle ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kturtle-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kubrick ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kubrick-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kwalletmanager5 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kwalletmanager5-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== kwordquiz ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libcap ==== Version update (2.46 -> 2.47) - update to 2.47: * Restructured gowns to default to uid base of getuid(). * Augment NOPRIV libcap mode with the sticky NO_NEW_PRIVS prctl bit. * Improve the usage and diagnostic message for setcap * Documentation fixes, license declarations, example updates ==== libgcrypt ==== Version update (1.8.7 -> 1.9.1) Subpackages: libgcrypt20 libgcrypt20-32bit libgcrypt20-hmac - Update to 1.9.1 * *Fix exploitable bug* in hash functions introduced with 1.9.0. [bsc#1181632, CVE-2021-3345] * Return an error if a negative MPI is used with sexp scan functions. * Check for operational FIPS in the random and KDF functions. * Fix compile error on ARMv7 with NEON disabled. * Fix self-test in KDF module. * Improve assembler checks for better LTO support. * Fix 32-bit cross build on x86. * Fix non-NEON ARM assembly implementation for SHA512. * Fix build problems with the cipher_bulk_ops_t typedef. * Fix Ed25519 private key handling for preceding ZEROs. * Fix overflow in modular inverse implementation. * Fix register access for AVX/AVX2 implementations of Blake2. * Add optimized cipher and hash functions for s390x/zSeries. * Use hardware bit counting functionx when available. * Update DSA functions to match FIPS 186-3. * New self-tests for CMACs and KDFs. * Add bulk cipher functions for OFB and GCM modes. - Update libgpg-error required version - Use the suffix variable correctly in get_hmac_path() - Rebase libgcrypt-fips_selftest_trigger_file.patch - Add the global config file /etc/gcrypt/random.conf * This file can be used to globally change parameters of the random generator with the options: only-urandom and disable-jent. - Update to 1.9.0: New stable branch of Libgcrypt with full API and ABI compatibility to the 1.8 series. Release-info: * New and extended interfaces: - New curves Ed448, X448, and SM2. - New cipher mode EAX. - New cipher algo SM4. - New hash algo SM3. - New hash algo variants SHA512/224 and SHA512/256. - New MAC algos for Blake-2 algorithms, the new SHA512 variants, SM3, SM4 and for a GOST variant. - New convenience function gcry_mpi_get_ui. - gcry_sexp_extract_param understands new format specifiers to directly store to integers and strings. - New function gcry_ecc_mul_point and curve constants for Curve448 and Curve25519. - New function gcry_ecc_get_algo_keylen. - New control code GCRYCTL_AUTO_EXPAND_SECMEM to allow growing the secure memory area. * Performance optimizations and bug fixes: See Release-info. * Other features: - Add OIDs from RFC-8410 as aliases for Ed25519 and Curve25519. - Add mitigation against ECC timing attack CVE-2019-13627. - Internal cleanup of the ECC implementation. - Support reading EC point in compressed format for some curves. - Rebase patches: * libgcrypt-1.4.1-rijndael_no_strict_aliasing.patch * libgcrypt-1.5.0-LIBGCRYPT_FORCE_FIPS_MODE-env.diff * libgcrypt-1.6.1-use-fipscheck.patch * drbg_test.patch * libgcrypt-fipsdrv-enable-algo-for-dsa-sign.patch * libgcrypt-FIPS-RSA-DSA-ECDSA-hashing-operation.patch * libgcrypt-1.8.4-fips-keygen.patch * libgcrypt-1.8.4-getrandom.patch * libgcrypt-fix-tests-fipsmode.patch * libgcrypt-global_init-constructor.patch * libgcrypt-ecc-ecdsa-no-blinding.patch * libgcrypt-PCT-RSA.patch * libgcrypt-PCT-ECC.patch - Remove patches: * libgcrypt-unresolved-dladdr.patch * libgcrypt-CVE-2019-12904-GCM-Prefetch.patch * libgcrypt-CVE-2019-12904-GCM.patch * libgcrypt-CVE-2019-12904-AES.patch * libgcrypt-CMAC-AES-TDES-selftest.patch * libgcrypt-1.6.1-fips-cfgrandom.patch * libgcrypt-fips_rsa_no_enforced_mode.patch ==== libgravatar ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5 libgravatar-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libgudev ==== Version update (233 -> 234) - update to 234: * Clarify that _get_sysfs_attr() functions are cached * Add functions to get uncached sysfs attributes ==== libkcddb ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5 libkcddb-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkcompactdisc ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkdcraw ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkdegames ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkdepim ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5 libkdepim-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkeduvocdocument ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkexiv2 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkgapi ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2 - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Don't reset account scopes if not necessary (kde#429406) - Drop upstream patch: * kde-429406-dont-reset-account-scopes.patch ==== libkipi ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkleo ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5 libkleo-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkmahjongg ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libkomparediff2 ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libksane ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libksieve ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libksieve-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libktorrent ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== libmodulemd ==== Version update (2.10.0 -> 2.12.0) - Update to 2.12.0 + Add support for 'buildorder' to Packager documents + Fix issue with ModuleIndex when input contains only Obsoletes documents + Extend read_packager_[file|string]() to support overriding the module name and stream. + Ignore Packager documents when running ModuleIndex.update_from_*() + Add python overrides for XMD in PackagerV3 + Add python override to ignore the GType return when reading packager files + Add PackagerV3.get_mdversion() - Drop patch incorporated in this release + Patch: 0001-Fix-integer-size-issue-on-32-bit-platforms.patch ==== libopenmpt ==== Version update (0.5.4 -> 0.5.5) - Update to 0.5.5: * [Bug] stb_vorbis: Fix decoding of Vorbis streams without comments which affected most Vorbis samples since stb_vorbis v1.20. * openmpt::ext::interactive::set_pitch_factor wasn?t applied to OPL voices. * OPL channel state (in particular current patch) is now updated when seeking. * The FT2 tremolo quirk is now also applied to MOD files. FT2 just copied the quirky code from ProTracker! * DMF: Preserve effects better in some situations where there is more than one effect in a pattern cell. * DMF: Improve import of finetune effect with parameters larger than +/-15. ==== lokalize ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: lokalize-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== lskat ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: lskat-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== lvm2 ==== Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03 - lvm2 should use 'external_device_info_source="udev"' by default (bsc#1179691) - add SUSE special patch to void issues in non udev env + bug-1179691_config-set-external_device_info_source-none.patch ==== lvm2-device-mapper ==== Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03 libdevmapper1_03-32bit - lvm2 should use 'external_device_info_source="udev"' by default (bsc#1179691) - add SUSE special patch to void issues in non udev env + bug-1179691_config-set-external_device_info_source-none.patch ==== lzo ==== - add lzo-2.08-rhbz1309225.patch to avoid aliasing issues ==== mailcommon ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5 mailcommon-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== mailimporter ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 mailimporter-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== man ==== - require only glibc-locale-base ==== mariadb ==== Subpackages: libmariadbd19 mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages - exclude galera files if we build without this feature. - switch from 664 to 644 for my.cnf configuration file (probably a typo) - added fix-lock-rollback-assert-abort.patch fix an abort when a transaction is rolled back - track all patches in a series so we can easily set up a quilt tree without requiring all the devel packages ==== mbox-importer ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== messagelib ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: messagelib-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Connect before calling code - Add upstream patches: * 0001-Fix-Bug-431218-mail-viewer-loads-external-fonts-even.patch * 0002-Exclude-loading-stylesheet.patch ==== mobipocket ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== ncurses ==== Version update (6.2.20210116 -> 6.2.20210130) Subpackages: libncurses6 ncurses-utils terminfo terminfo-base terminfo-iterm terminfo-screen - Add ncurses patch 20210130 + correct an off-by-one in comparison in waddch_literal() which caused scrolling when a double-cell character would not fit at the lower right corner of the screen (report by Benno Schulenberg). + split-out att610+cvis, vt220+cvis, vt220+cvis8 -TD + add vt220-base, for terminal emulators which generally have not supported att610's blinking cursor control -TD + use vt220+cvis in vt220, etc -TD + use att610+cvis, xterm+tmux and ansi+enq in kitty -TD + use vt220+cvis in st, terminology, termite since they ignore blinking-cursor detail in att610+cvis -TD - Port patch ncurses-6.2.dif * Skip cvvis entries where vt220+cvis is used * Skip function keys in rxvt-basic as rxvt+pcfkeys and use=vt220+keypadcw is used - Add ncurses patch 20210123 + modify package/config scripts to provide an explicit -L option for cases when the loader search path has other directories preceding the one in which ncurses is installed (report by Yuri Victorovich). + minor build-fixes in configure script and makefiles to work around quirks of pmake. ==== net-snmp ==== Version update (5.8 -> 5.9) Subpackages: libsnmp30 perl-SNMP snmp-mibs - update to 5.9: snmplib: - Add IPv6 support to DTLSUDP transport CHANGES: snmplib: use new netsnmp_sockaddr_storage in netsnmp_addr_pair CHANGES: snmplib: add base_transport ptr for tunneled transports snmpd: - Security vulnerabilty in the ping MIB reported by Christopher Ertl from Microsoft fixed - Changing to a different uid/gid can only be done once - The extend mib is now read-only by default snmptrap: - BUG: 2899: Patch from Drew Roedersheimer to set library engineboots/time values before sending unspecified: - Add pkg-config support for building applications and sub-agents Use the netsnmp package when building Net-SNMP applications. Use the netsnmp-agent package when building Net-SNMP subagents. - drop net-snmp-5.8-fix-python3.patch, net-snmp-5.8-netgroups.patch: obsolete ==== net-tools ==== Version update (2.0+git20180626.aebd88e -> 2.10) Subpackages: net-tools-lang - update to 2.10: * man: pt_BR: ifconfig: fix procmisc option typo * netstat: exit non-zero when sctp protocols are not supported * man: route: add single route del example * ifconfig: accept "pointtopoint" as an alias to "pointopoint" * man: netstat: fill out Timers section * man: ethers: remove funky comment blocks * man: standardize SEE ALSO across all pages & translations * netstat: fix iface truncation with -i * ifconfig: fix exabyte statistic handling * man: ipmaddr/iptunnel: new stub man pages * man: route: use standard .BR for SEE ALSO * netstat: fix iface truncation with -g * po: rename et_EE to et * README/INSTALL: refresh for the modern times * THANKS: add a few more people from `git-log` * netstat: Set SCTP report compliant with -l/--listening option. * Describe "hyphen" program in man page. * man: cleanup ipfw & ipchains refs * ipv6: fix memmove usage with overlapping memory * build: drop support for backing up programs * netstat: add ROSE print support * remove ancient "register" markings * hostname: constify a few string arguments * hostname: add fallback errno decoding on failure * de.po: fix typo "Processe" -> "Prozesse" * route: Fix a missing space in the ipv6 route output * util: drop new() helper * proc: constify filename arg * nameif: add printf attributes to helper funcs * nameif: mark local vars/funcs as static * nameif: fix memory corruption and increase maximum MAC address length * inet_gr: tweak formatting to avoid confusing the compiler * ipmaddr: use safe_strncpy for ifr_name * ifconfig: fix confusing error message logic * ifconfig: add name subcommand to rename an interface * statistics: Fix ipFragOKs and ipFragFails verbiage * statistics: fix packets typo * fix minor mistakes in Czech translation - drop 0003-Add-support-for-EiB-in-interface.c.patch 0005-Add-support-for-interface-rename-in-nameif.patch: upstream - net-tools-configure.patch: refresh ==== nodejs15 ==== Version update (15.5.1 -> 15.8.0) Subpackages: npm15 - New upstream version 15.8.0: * crypto: + add generatePrime/checkPrime + experimental (Ed/X)25519/(Ed/X)448 support * deps: upgrade npm to 7.5.0 This update adds a new npm diff command. * dgram: support AbortSignal in createSocket * esm: deprecate legacy main lookup for modules * readline: + add history event and option to set initial history + add support for the AbortController to the question method - versioned.patch: refreshed - New upstream version 15.7.0: * buffer: + introduce Blob + add base64url encoding option * fs: + allow position parameter to be a BigInt in read and readSync (raisinten) * http: + attach request as res.req + expose urlToHttpOptions utility - New upstream version 15.6.0: * child_process: + add 'overlapped' stdio flag + support AbortSignal in fork * crypto: + implement basic secure heap support + fixup bug in keygen error handling + introduce X509Certificate API + implement randomuuid * http: set lifo as the default scheduling strategy in Agent * net: support abortSignal in server.listen * process: add direct access to rss without iterating pages * v8: fix native serdes constructors - versioned.patch: refreshed ==== okular ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: okular-lang okular-spectre - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Reload xml to update shortcuts when they change in other parts * Fix an unexpected file type being the default on open (non Plasma desktops) (kde#430728) * We're using clang format 11 on CI now * CI: Switch to new clang-format ==== openafs ==== Subpackages: openafs-client openafs-kmp-default - use stock 1.8.7 from * git-version might contain experimental code * add linux-kmp.patch for newer kernels ==== openblas_pthreads ==== - Disable lto for ppc64le to avoid build failure (bsc#1181733) - Add openblas-ppc64be_up2_p8.patch to avoid ppc64 (BE) build failure Do not set BUILD_BFLOAT16 for ppc64 (BE) (same bug nb) - BUILD_BFLOAT16=1 is not supported in s390(x) (bsc#1181522) - Add: * 0001-Require-gcc-11-for-builtin_cpu_is-power10.patch * 0002-patch-to-support-power10-in-builtin_cpu_is-was-backp.patch: Only gcc11 has builtin_cpu_is(power10) - fix build issue for ppc64 (bsc#1181522). ==== parley ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: parley-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== pim-data-exporter ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * Don't copy empty exporteddata information file (kde#429895) * Fix store archive info. ==== pim-sieve-editor ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== pimcommon ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 pimcommon-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== plymouth ==== Subpackages: libply-boot-client5 libply-splash-core5 libply-splash-graphics5 libply5 plymouth-dracut plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-two-step plymouth-scripts plymouth-theme-bgrt plymouth-theme-spinner - Disable plymouth-ignore-serial-console.patch: We could not totally disable serial, because S390 and some customer are still rely on it (bnc#1180973, bnc#1181216). ==== procps ==== Subpackages: libprocps8 - Package translations in procps-lang. ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== spectacle ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: spectacle-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * If region capture is cancelled, close Spectacle (kde#432006) * fix lookup of ComparableQPoint keys in QMap (kde#430942) * Don't translate property name (kde#431557) ==== speech-dispatcher ==== Subpackages: libspeechd2 python3-speechd speech-dispatcher-configure speech-dispatcher-module-espeak - Fix requires for the spd-conf tool ==== step ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: step-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== supermin ==== - add patch supermin-kernel_version_compressed.patch find kernel module path even for compressed kernels like on aarch64 and s390x ==== sweeper ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: sweeper-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== systemd ==== Version update (246.9 -> 246.10) Subpackages: libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libudev-devel libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-doc systemd-lang systemd-logger systemd-sysvinit udev - systemd-sysv-convert: handle the case when services are migrated from SysV scripts to systemd units and are renamed at the same time (bsc#1181788) The list of such services is hard coded and contains only the 'ntp->ntpd' translation. - Import commit 134cf1c8bc3e361a2641161aa11ac2b5b990480b (merge of v246.10) 25f220eafb sysusers: flush nscd's caches whenever /etc/{passwd,group} are modified (bsc#1181121) 4a543f0257 journal: send journald logs to kmsg again 26df96473f busctl: add a timestamp to the output of the busctl monitor command (bsc#1180225) For a complete list of changes, visit: - prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) * don't install legacy symlinks to / * use %_pamdir to install pam modules * leave nss files in /usr/lib*, glibc loads them from there just fine independent of usrmerge ==== texinfo ==== Subpackages: info info-std - Use file requires for gzip to be able to use alternate implementations ==== umbrello ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: umbrello-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - Changes since 20.12.1: * umbrello/umlscene.cpp: Fix crash on exit with widget selected in diagram - Add a _constraints file to avoid disk space failures. ==== update-alternatives ==== - don't remove slave links that turned into master. Happens on usrmerge (boo#1180939, update-alternatives-slavetomaster.patch) ==== util-linux ==== Subpackages: libblkid1 libblkid1-32bit libfdisk1 libmount1 libmount1-32bit libsmartcols1 libuuid-devel libuuid1 libuuid1-32bit util-linux-lang - Merge package with SLE15 SP3 and openSUSE Leap 15.3: Obsoletes upstreamed patches: - libblkid: Do not trigger CDROM autoclose (v2.35, bsc#1084671, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-1.patch, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-2.patch, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-3.patch). - lscpu: avoid segfault on PowerPC systems with valid hardware configurations (v2.36.1, bsc#1175623, bsc#1178554, bsc#1178825, lscpu-avoid-segfault-on-PowerPC-systems-with-valid-h.patch) - Fix for SG#57988, bsc#1174942 (v2.36): libmount-fix-mount-a-EBUSY-for-cifs.patch: Fix warning on mounts to CIFS with mount ?a. - blockdev: Do not fail --report on kpartx-style partitions on multipath (v2.36, bsc#1168235, util-linux-blockdev-report-dm.patch). - nologin: Add support for -c to prevent error from su -c (v2.35, bsc#1151708, util-linux-nologin-su-c.patch). - Add libmount-Avoid-triggering-autofs-in-lookup_umount_fs.patch: Avoid triggering autofs in lookup_umount_fs_by_statfs (v2.36 boo#1168389) - mount: fall back to device node name if /dev/mapper link not found (v2.34, bsc#1149911) * Add patch: util-linux-canonicalize-coverity-scan.patch - De-duplicate fstrim -A properly (v2.34, bsc#1127701, util-linux-fstrim-A-1.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-3.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-4.patch). - Do not trim read-only volumes (v2.34, boo#1106214, util-linux-fstrim-A-2.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-4.patch). - libmount: To prevent incorrect behavior, recognize more pseudofs and netfs (v2.34, bsc#1122417, util-linux-libmount-pseudofs.patch). - agetty: Return previous response of agetty for special characters (v2.34, bsc#1085196, bsc#1125886, util-linux-agetty-smart-reload-13.patch, util-linux-agetty-smart-reload-14.patch). - Fix problems in reading of login.defs values (v2.34, bsc#1121197, util-linux-login_defs-priority1.patch, util-linux-login_defs-priority2.patch, util-linux-login_defs-SYS_UID.patch). - Build with libudev support to support non-root users (boo#1169006). - Move findmnt and lsblk to util-linux-systemd, as they use libudev (bsc#1169006#c10). ==== util-linux-systemd ==== - Merge package with SLE15 SP3 and openSUSE Leap 15.3: Obsoletes upstreamed patches: - libblkid: Do not trigger CDROM autoclose (v2.35, bsc#1084671, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-1.patch, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-2.patch, util-linux-libblkid-cdrom-autoclose-3.patch). - lscpu: avoid segfault on PowerPC systems with valid hardware configurations (v2.36.1, bsc#1175623, bsc#1178554, bsc#1178825, lscpu-avoid-segfault-on-PowerPC-systems-with-valid-h.patch) - Fix for SG#57988, bsc#1174942 (v2.36): libmount-fix-mount-a-EBUSY-for-cifs.patch: Fix warning on mounts to CIFS with mount ?a. - blockdev: Do not fail --report on kpartx-style partitions on multipath (v2.36, bsc#1168235, util-linux-blockdev-report-dm.patch). - nologin: Add support for -c to prevent error from su -c (v2.35, bsc#1151708, util-linux-nologin-su-c.patch). - Add libmount-Avoid-triggering-autofs-in-lookup_umount_fs.patch: Avoid triggering autofs in lookup_umount_fs_by_statfs (v2.36 boo#1168389) - mount: fall back to device node name if /dev/mapper link not found (v2.34, bsc#1149911) * Add patch: util-linux-canonicalize-coverity-scan.patch - De-duplicate fstrim -A properly (v2.34, bsc#1127701, util-linux-fstrim-A-1.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-3.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-4.patch). - Do not trim read-only volumes (v2.34, boo#1106214, util-linux-fstrim-A-2.patch, util-linux-fstrim-A-4.patch). - libmount: To prevent incorrect behavior, recognize more pseudofs and netfs (v2.34, bsc#1122417, util-linux-libmount-pseudofs.patch). - agetty: Return previous response of agetty for special characters (v2.34, bsc#1085196, bsc#1125886, util-linux-agetty-smart-reload-13.patch, util-linux-agetty-smart-reload-14.patch). - Fix problems in reading of login.defs values (v2.34, bsc#1121197, util-linux-login_defs-priority1.patch, util-linux-login_defs-priority2.patch, util-linux-login_defs-SYS_UID.patch). - Build with libudev support to support non-root users (boo#1169006). - Move findmnt and lsblk to util-linux-systemd, as they use libudev (bsc#1169006#c10). ==== xapian-core ==== Version update (1.4.17 -> 1.4.18) - update to 1.4.18: * QueryParser::FLAG_ACCUMULATE: New flag. Previously the unstem and stoplist data was always reset by a call to QueryParser::parse_query(), which makes sense if you use the same QueryParser object to parse a series of independent queries. If you're using the same QueryParser object to parse several fields on the same query form, you may want to have the unstem and stoplist data combined for all of them, in which case you can use this flag to prevent this data from being reset. * QueryParser::unstem_begin(): Eliminate unnecessary copying of the data. * Fix typo in Swedish stopword list, syncing change made to Snowball by Daniel G�mez Villanueva. * Remove some French stop words with other meanings, syncing change made to Snowball by PhilippeOuellet. testsuite: * Run testcase testlock4 using backend chert, not just using glass * Skip testcase testlock4 on platforms that don't allow us to implement Database::locked() (which notably include GNU Hurd and Microsoft Windows). documentation: * List DB_NO_TERMLIST in the WritableDatabase constructor API documentation where we already list the other DB_* constants. portability: * Eliminate single use of std::mem_fun() which was deprecated in C++11 and removed in C++17. Reported by Mateusz Pusz in #806. * Add missing includes for std::numeric_limits<>. Reported by stac47 in #805. * Work around header issue. MSVC seems to implicitly include <winerror.h> but's headers don't, leading to ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED not being defined. Fixes, reported by Alex Sandro. * Suppress MSVC warnings about possible loss of data. The values involved are the number of set bits in a value of integer type, so these warnings are bogus. * Include <sys/types.h> for size_t and off_t, which is the appropriate header, and needed with Android's bionic libc. Patch from Matthieu Gautier. * Use a temporary file for the Doxygen configuration to work around Doxygen 1.8.19 bug which truncates a config file read from stdin to 4096 bytes ==== xdelta3 ==== - Run tests using upstrem test wrapper - Small packaging updates ==== yakuake ==== Version update (20.12.1 -> 20.12.2) Subpackages: yakuake-lang - Update to 20.12.2 * New bugfix release * For more details please see: * - No code change since 20.12.1 ==== yast2-network ==== Version update (4.3.41 -> 4.3.44) - Cache the hardware netcards information in order to speed up the access (bsc#1180702) - 4.3.44 - Added lladdr attribute to the interface section in the networking schema and honors it when importing the config (bsc#1179876) - 4.3.43 - Improved the NetworkManager wireless configuration writers adding support for writing WPA-EAP and open WEP authentication modes. - 4.3.42 ==== yast2-schema ==== Version update (4.3.16 -> 4.3.17) - Add the 'lladdr' element to the networking interface section (bsc#1179876). - 4.3.17