NAME Dialog Widget for Perl/Tk Text. SYNOPSIS use Tk::SearchDialog; my $dialog = $mw -> SearchDialog; my @searchoptions = $dialog -> Show; DESCRIPTION The Tk::SearchDialog widget pops up a dialog box that allows entry of search and/or replacement text, and search options. The SearchDialog returns a list of ($option, $value) pairs (see below) when the user clicks the "Search!" button, and undef if the user clicks the "Cancel" button. SEARCH OPTIONS The SearchDialog returns a list with the following search specifications. All specifications are string scalar values. The '-option*' options are set to '1' when selected, and '0' or undef if not selected. Labels and titles are read-only. -searchstring -replacestring -optioncase -optionregex -optionbackward -optionquery -entrylabel -replacelabel -optiontitle -optcaselabel -optregexlabel -optbackwardlabel -optquerylabel -searchlabel -cancellable -accept BUGS Allow all option defaults to be set by the calling module. Should have some entry validation. VERSION INFORMATION $Id:,v 0.41 2000/11/30 23:09:37 kiesling Exp $ Author: <Robert Kiesling>