
This following job description was found in one of the Books of Chilam
Balam [1] written sometime after AD 1593 by the priests of the Classic
and Postclassic Maya civilization. Obviously, the Maya priest corps had
ambitious expectations for new hires, so that only truly outstanding
candidates need apply. I offer this as an example to be used in
recruiting Internet engineering staff and in formulating the
requirements for policy-based routing. The ennumeration has been added
for possible future reference.

1.   To impersonate and invoke the deity

2.   To offer food and drink to the idols

3.   To effect the drawing of the pebbles and regulate the calendar

4.   To read weather and other omens in the clouds

5.   To study the night sky and interpret the appearance of the
     celestial bodies

6.   To determine the lucky and unlucky days for various mundane
     activities by the casting of lots

7.   To perform the numerous rituals of the cup, plate, etc.

8.   To work miracles

9.   To concoct medicinal herbs into ceremonial drinks

10.  To predict the future

11.  To announce the times for various agricultural and other activities

12.  To insure adequate rainfall

13.  To avert or bring to a timely end famine, drought, epidemics,
     plagues of ants and locusts, earthquakes

14.  To distribute food to the hungry in time of need

15.  To cut the honey from the hives

16.  Tp determine the compensation to be placed on the crossroad altars

17.  To read from the sacred scriptures the future road of the katun
     [calendar round]

18.  To design and supervise the carving of stelae [stone monuments],
     the manufacture of word and clay idols, and the construction of

19.  To construct tables of eclipses and heliacal risings of planets
     [such as are found in the Dresden Codex]


1.   Makemson, M.W. The Book of the Jaguar Priest, a translation of the
     Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimin, with commentary. Henry Schuman,
     New York, 1951, p. 141.

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