Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 22:17:22 -0400 (AST)
From: MacKenzie Strickland
To: Sunday Snippets List
Subject: Announcement: Sunday Snippets Closing

Dear Subscribers of Sunday Snippets:

Some months ago, I announced I would be 'taking a vacation' from Sunday Snippets, I had hoped by September or October I would be in a routine where I could re-continue Sunday Snippets on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, due to work pressures, home responsibilities, lack of reading much Christian Lit, and now some health problems, a return to Sunday Snippets does not at all look likely for me.

I have enjoyed the approximately 4 years I served as Editor of 'Snippets. In the meantime, Christian resources on the net have multiplied since 1994. You will be able to find some similar devotional e-mailing list to subscribe to, no doubt many of you have done so already. One such possibility is the Christian Quotation of the Day. I appreciate many of the daily quotes they provide. You can obtain subscription info from the following sources:

As always, I recommend as part of a healthy spiritual diet a daily time spent in Bible reading and prayer, and regular fellowship with other believers. In any case, thank you for reading my snippets for the time period that you did, and may good Christian literature nourish your soul always.

Grace and Peace
MacKenzie Strickland
John 17:3
Retired Editor

P.S. The archive file containing all the old Sunday Snippets will remain open for public reading, courtesy of Gary Bogart. The URL for this is:

Best Wishes, MacKenzie
From: Gary Bogart, ICLnet

Sunday Snippets goes back as far as the archives which Martin Bush let us set up on ICLnet. MacKenzie was actually publishing 'Snippets before we opened the archive. If we had caught him earlier, we would have had a few more issues archived.

When I saw Sunday Snippets on line, I just said to myself, "I'll write this fellow and see what he says about setting up an archive." I wonder who I thought I was. In fact, I was no one special, but that didn't matter to MacKenzie. He just said, "Yes." With that, Sunday Snippets became one of the first internet projects we were permitted to store, and probably the longest lasting.

I liked Sunday Snippets. I still think that there is a distinctiveness about the Sunday Snippets project that points to MacKenzie's careful selection, and a heart to minister. For the most part, the work has been bite-sized "snippets"-- something that busy folk could grab and cogitate for a few moments a day, or longer if we had the time. But it was always done with care and thoughtfulness, and it always left a good feeling in my heart. Nor has the Lord's word returned without fulfilling its course. Us readers have come away as more thoughtful.

I will miss you, MacKenzie. I do want to thank you for your outlook and presentation of Sunday Snippets. I have been blessed by the work you have done. Also, I wish you well in your walk with the Lord. I hope that you will be able to get back to more leisurely, less frantic, reading, even if you can't do the networking you used to be able to do. I know how important that has become to me since I've slowed down. I know that it is important to you. It has been a priviledge for me to have worked with you.

Gary Bogart