IETF Directory Working Group Scope
                                  (Version 4)

                                   S.E. Kille

                               December 22, 1990


        This document defines the scope for the IETF OSI Directory
     Services Working Group (OSI-DS).
        The OSI-DS group works on issues relating to building an
     OSI Directory Service using X.500 and its deployment on the
     Internet.   Whilst this group is not directly concerned with
     piloting, the focus is practical, and technical work needed as
     a pre-requisite to deployment of an open Directory will be

1   X.500 Infrastructure

The major goal of this WG is to provide the technical framework for a
Directory Service infrastructure on the Internet.   This infrastructure
should be based on the OSI Directory (X.500).   It is intended that
this infrastructure can be used by many applications.   Whilst this WG
is not directly concerned with operation of services, close liaison is
expected with those groups which do operate pilots and services.

X.500 (1984) / ISO 9594 does not have sufficient functionality for
full deployment on the Internet.   This group should identify areas
where extensions are required.   This may lead to two things

   o Service requirements on implementations, to be provided by
     implementations specific techniques.   For example, this might be
     appropriate for access control.

   o Specification of Internet procedures for operation.   For example,
     this might be appropriate for replication


It is a basic aim of the group to be aligned to appropriate base
standards and functional standards.   Any activity should be undertaken
in the light of ongoing standardisation activity.   Areas which should
be examined include:

   o Replication

   o Knowledge Representation

   o Schema Management

   o Access Control

   o Authentication

   o Distributed operations for partially connected DSAs

   o Presentation Address Handling

A Schema (Naming Architecture) should be defined for the Internet.   A
requirement for a schema should be defined, and inputs evaluated.
Various approaches to specification of Schema from a user and system
standpoint should be considered, including update mechanisms.   The
THORN and RARE Naming architecture, as used in the European Pilots and
PSI WP Service should be considered as a basis for this work, and
evolution into a joint RARE and Internet Naming Architecture

There is a requirement for representation of Directory Names, as these
will need to be communicated ``out of band''.   An Internet approach to
this should be defined.

This work will lead to a series of RFCs, which define how to provide
the Internet Directory Infrastructure.   It is aimed to have this in
place by March 1991.

2   Application of the Directory

The directory can be used to support a wide range of applications.
For most applications, this will be the concern of the applications.
Examples of applications which might define how to use the X.500

   o X.400


   o Key Management and Authentication for use by:

      -  Privacy Enhanced Mail

      -  Policy Based Routing

   o FTAM (and other OSI Applications requiring Application Entity
     Title to presentation address mapping)

   o RFC 1148/987

   o Yellow pages and general searching

   o Library Lookup

   o NTP Support

Two applications of the directory are of special interest, and will be
tackled directly by the WG.

  1. Use of the directory to provide a White Pages service, to locate
     users and services.   This will be developed in conjunction with
     the basic infrastructure.

  2. Relationship of the OSI Directory to the Domain Name Scheme.   The
     group will develop a working document which examines possible
     inter-relationships between these two services.

Other applications are currently beyond the scope of this group.
However, it is expected that other functions will be added to the
group later.   It is critical to develop applications of the directory
as well as providing the basic infrastructure.

3   Liaison

Liaisons should be established as appropriate.   In particular:

RARE WG3  To harmonise work with European activities

NIST  To co-ordinate with the Directory SIG (OSI Implementors Workshop)

CCITT/ISO IEC   To co-ordinate with ongoing standardisation.


North American Directory Forum     To liaise with service developments in
     North America.


A   Charter of the OSI-DS Group

This appendix gives the official IETF charter of the group.

OSI DS (osids)



      Steve Kille,

Mailing Lists:
      General Discussion:
      To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

      The OSI-DS group works on issues relating to building an OSI Di-
      rectory Service using X.500 and its deployment on the Internet. Whilst
      this group is not directly concerned with piloting, the focus is practi-
      cal, and technical work needed as a pre-requisite to deployment of an
      open Directory will be considered.

Goals and Milestones:

March 91       Definition of a Technical Framework for Provision of
       a Directory Infrastructure on the Internet, using X.500.
       This task may later be broken into subtasks.   A series of
       RFCs will be produced.

March 91       Study the relationship of the OSI Directory to the Domain
       Name Service.

Ongoing        Maintain a Schema for the OSI Directory on the Internet

Ongoing        Liaisons should be established as appropriate.   In
                particular:   RARE WG3, NIST, CCITT/ISO IEC, North American
       Directory Forum,
