Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication
Information Sources: the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication
02 Oct 93; Release 2.98
(c) 1993 John December (decemj@rpi.edu). Permission to use for non-commercial, educational purposes. This copyright and permission notice must appear in all copies.
Provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty. I make no representations about this document's suitability, accuracy, or stability.
- to list pointers to information describing the Internet, computer
networks, and issues related to computer-mediated communication (CMC). Topics
include the technical, social, cognitive, and psychological aspects.
- those getting started in understanding the Internet and CMC; for
those experienced, it compactly summarizes sources of information.
- you have access to and know how to use finger, ftp, gopher,
http, telnet, email, or Usenet newsgroups.
- Respect access privileges. (See Net Etiquette Guide, below.)
- This information changes quite a bit; Additions/comments welcome.
- Use Archie to find a file if it is not at the site given here.
- Learn to use Gopher, Veronica, WAIS, WWW, to find more information.
Information about updates to this document:
This section lists information about the Internet, services available
on it, and topics related to computer networking.
Anonymous post: : mail anonymus+ping@tygra.michigan.com Body: "help"
Anonymous post: : mail help@anon.penet.fi Body: "help"
CARL Systems databases for article access and delivery
Correct Time/NBS tells National Bureau of Standards correct time
Electronic Newsstand information provided by U.S.magazine publishers
Login as : enews
FAXNET: FAX's via email ($): mail info@awa.com Body: "help"
Finger database: Access to a database facility via finger: finger help@dir.su.oz.au
FTP MAIL: get files at anonymous ftp sites via email.: mail ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com Body: "help"
Internet Marketing: by the Internet Company: mail market@internet.com Body: "send market info""
IP Address Resolver: resolves given Internet Protocol host address: mail dns@grasp.insa-lyon.fr Body: "help"
Knowbot provides a uniform user interface to heterogeneous remote information services
Softlock: selling freely-copyable computer programs and documents: mail Info@SoftLock.COM Body: "send info"
This section lists sources of information devoted to the study of CMC,
the Internet or computer network technology. Below the description of
the services, newsletters, and journals are tables describing online
access when available. [see also DIRECTORIES/Electronic Journals in
Section -1-] For more or specialized Information Servers, see Yanoff's
Services List. Find a server closer to your home site when possible.
ALMANAC: A service for multi-media document and information delivery and database functions: mail almanac@oes.orst.edu Body: "send guide"
CCITT Doc Retriev: : mail teledoc@itu.arcom.ch Body: "help"
Comserve: online service for human communication research: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "send Comserve Helpfile"
HCIBIB: A mail-based retrieval system interface to a database related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).: mail hcibib@bellcore.com Body: "query:"
RFCs via mail: Request For Comments--documents about various issues for discussion, covering a broad range of networking issues.: mail rfc-info@isi.edu Body: "help: ways_to_get_rfcs"
ARACHNET: An association of electronic discussion groups and electronic journals of interest to scholars.: mail listserv@uottawa.bitnet Body: "sub ARACHNET YOUR NAME"
CMC: Computer-Mediated Communication Comserve Hotline: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "join CMC YOUR NAME"
EduTel: Comserve Hotline use of computers in education: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "join edutel YOUR NAME"
IAMCRNet: Comserve Hotline International Association for Mass Communication Research Network: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "join IAMCRNet YOUR NAME"
CNI-DIRECTORIES: Coalition for Networked Information Directories.: mail listserv@cni.org Body: "sub CNI-DIRECTORIES YOUR NAME"
HELP-NET: For people new to the Internet: mail listserv@templevm.bitnet Body: "sub HELP-NET YOUR NAME"
HYTEL-L: announcements of new versions of the popular HYTELNET program: mail listserv@kentvm.kent.edu Body: "sub HYTEL-L YOUR NAME"
IPCT-L: The Interpersonal Computing and Technology List, issues in education, especially networking and computing.: mail listserv@guvm.georgetown.edu Body: "sub IPCT-L YOUR NAME"
NIS: Network Information Services. Announcement of new resources, services, and applications being offered the Internet, and the tools to access them.: mail listserv@is.internic.net Body: "sub YOUR_EMAIL_ADR nis"
NETTRAIN: a discussion list about training/support of others in using the resources available on Bitnet and Internet.: mail listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Body: "sub NETTRAIN YOUR NAM"
Net Happenings: conferences, publications, political news, resources, newsletters, etc.: mail listserv@is.internic.net Body: "sub net-happenings YOUR NAME"
Net Resources: resources only, low volume: mail listserv@is.internic.net Body: "sub net-resources YOUR NAME"
NEW-LIST: discusses new LISTSERV mailing lists.: mail listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet Body: "sub NEW-LIST YOUR NAME"
NewJour-L: new electronic journals/newsletters: mail LISTSERV@e-math.ams.org Body: "sub NewJour-L YOUR NAME"
NIR: Network Information Retrieval. List dedicated to studying networked information retrieval tools and processes.: mail mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Body: "sub NIR YOUR NAME"
OCLC-JOURNALS: OCLC electronic journal publishing: mail listserv@oclc.org Body: "sub OCLC-JOURNALS YOUR NAM"
UNITE: interface to all network services.ng. theme: mail mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk Body: "join UNITE YOUR NAME"
VPIEJ-L: Electronic publishing issues, especially Scholarly Electronic Journals: mail listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu Body: "sub VPIEJ-L YOUR NAME"
Bits and Bytes: a weekly electronic newsletter about miscellaneous high-tech issues: mail slakmaster@aol.com Subject: "SUBSCRIBE" Body: "your email address"
Chaos Corner: Dr. Chaos's random and interesting things about computers, networks, and other things: mail chaos-request@pelican.cit.cornell.edu Body: "sub YOUR NAME"
Chaos Corner Archive
Chaos Digest: frauds, hacking, swapping, legislation: mail tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu Body: "sub YOUR NAME"
Chaos Digest Archive
Cook Report($): a monthly newsletter on NREN, National Information Infrastructure, and Internet commercialization: mail cook@path.net Body: "Please send Cook Report info."
CPU: electronic journal for computer industry workers: mail listserv@cpsr.org Body: "sub CPSR-CPU YOUR NAME"
CPU Archives
Cu-Digest: technical, social, ethical, legalekly electronic journal/newsletter devoted to many computing issues: mail tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu Body: "sub YOUR NAME"
Cu-Digest Archive
Current Cites A journal which provides citations and brief annotations for articles from 30 journals in networks and information and computer technolog
EDUPAGE: summary of information technology news: mail listserv@bitnic.educom.ed Body: "sub EDUPAGE YOUR NAME"
Effector Online (Index) Electronic Frontier Foundation Newsletter
EJC/REC: Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication Covers communication theory, research, practice, and policy: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "join EJCREC YOUR NAME"
EJournal: Concerned with implications of electronic networks and texts: mail listserv@albany.bitnet Body: "sub EJRNL YOUR NAME"
EJVC: Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture, communicate scholarly thought on aspects of virtual [CMC] culture.: mail listserv@kentvm.kent.edu Body: "sub EJVC-L YOUR NAME"
EJVC Archive
GNN: Global Network Navigator: mail info@gnn.com Body: "Please send GNN info."
HPC SELECT NEWS: The Electronic News Magazine for High-Performance Computing: mail sub@hpcwire.ans.net Body: "Select 601"
INFOBITS: electronic service of the Institute for Academic Technology's Information Resources Group: mail listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu Body: "sub INFOBITS YOUR NAME"
Netweaver: The Newsletter of the Electronic Networking Association: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "send Netweave Winter91"
DISTED: Online Journal of Distance Education and Communication: mail listserv@uwavm.bitnet Body: "sub DISTED YOUR NAME"
ConneXions: Newsletter on information on networking: mail ole@csli.stanford.edu" Body: "Please send ConneXions info."
IBJ Internet Business Journal
Internet Review An `irregular and on-line journal of new and interesting stuff on the net
Internet World: a newsletter from Meckler Associates: mail meckler@jvnc.net Body: "Please send Internet World info."
Legion of Doom Tech J
Link Letter Merit/NSFNET newsletter.
LITA Newsletter Library and Information Technology Association
Matrix News: (monthly online newsletter, $) Covers crossnetwork issues.: mail mids@tic.com Body: "Please send Matrix News info."
Matrix News some issues
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship: mail listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu Body: "sub MCJRNL YOUR NAME"
NETNEWS: newsletter for network resources by Metronet (St. Paul, MN): mail listserv@ndsuvm1.bitnet Body: "sub NNEWS YOUR NAME"
PACSR: The Public-Access Computer Systems Review: mail listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu Body: "sub PACS-P YOUR NAME"
Voices Voices from the Net Magazine
CIOS: Communication Institute for Online Scholarship: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "help topics associates"
CIX (README) Commercial Internet eXchange Association, non-profit trade association promoting communications services.
CNI Coalition for Networked Information, promotes creation of and access to information resources in networked environments
CNI Gopher Coalition for Networked Information, promotes creation of and access to information resources in networked environments
CoSN: Consortium for School Networking, helps educators and students access information and communications resources: mail cosn@bitnic.bitnet Body: "Please send CoSN info."
CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, alliance of computer professionals who discuss the impact of computer technology on society.
EDUCOM: dedicated to the study and access of information technology in higher education and integrating technology into learning and research: mail inquiry@educom.edu Body: "Please send EDUCOM info."
EFF (index-ietf) public interest organization to educate public about computer and communication technologies.
ENA: Electronic Networking Association, promotes electronic networking: mail comserve@vm.its.rpi.edu Body: "send Netweave Winter91"
FARNET non-profit corporation to advance the use of computer networks for research and education.
IETF (index) Internet Engineering Task Force
IRVC Institute for Research on Virtual culture
ISOC supports the development of the Internet and promotes education and applications.
RARE (00README) Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne, European networking organizations
RIPE Reseaux IP Europeen, ensures coordination to operate a pan-European IP network.
MailCom (README) a telecommunications publishing and training firm located in Oakland, California.
MIDS (TIC) Matrix Information and Directory Services, a private consulting partnership based in Austin, Texas.
NOMA: National Online Media Association: mail natbbs-request@echonyc.com Body: ""
O'Reilly and Assoc. publisher of books for UNIX, open systems, and networking.
Login as : gopher
Internet.COM: The Internet Company, consulting in network access and commercial use of the Internet: mail info@internet.com Body: "Please send Internet.com info""
Internet.COM Gopher
Newsgroups are sometimes a rich source of information about the
Internet, networks, and CMC issues. This section lists newsgroups in
which topics related to networks, the Internet, or CMC are discussed.
Watch for (FAQ) = periodic posting of Frequently Asked Questions.
This section lists useful information sources. For the sake of
compactness, the book list here is short. For longer lists, see
the online or paper bibliographies available.
- Communications of the ACM (1991). Collaborative computing issue. Volume 34, number 12, December.
- Communication Research (1987). Special issue on Theories of Organizations and Information Technology. Volume 14, number 5, October.
- Communication Yearbook (1989). Issues and Concepts in Research on Computer-Mediated Communication Systems. Volume 12, chapter 8.
- Journal of Communication (1989). Issue on computer communication affecting social power distribution. Volume 39, number 3.
- The Serials Librarian (1991). Issue on technology and information for serials. Volume 21, numbers 2/3.
- Serials Review (1992). Issue on Economic Models for Networked Information. Volume 18, numbers 1-2.
- Scientific American (1991). Issue on computer networks. Volume 265, number 3, September 1991.
- Written Communication (1991). Issue on computers, language, and writing. Volume 8, number 1, January.
BOOKS: a selected listing of particularly useful books.
- Burge, Elizabeth (1992). Computer Mediated Communication and Education: A Selected Bibliography. Toronto, Ontario: Distance Learning Office, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St W,
- Romiszowski, A. J. (1992). Computer-mediated communication: a selected bibliography. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
- Hahn, Harley (1993). A Student's Guide to Unix. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Kehoe, Brendan (1993). Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Krol, Ed (1992). The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly and Associates.
- Lane, Elizabeth S. and Craig Summerhill (1992). An Internet primer for information professionals: a basic guide to Internet networking technology. Westport, CT: Meckler.
- LaQuey, Tracy with Jeanne C. Ryer. Foreword by Al Gore. (1992). The Internet companion: a beginner's guide to global networking. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Lynch, Daniel C. and Marshall T. Rose., Eds. (1993). Internet System Handbook. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Malamud, Carl. (1993). Exploring the Internet: a Technical Travelogue. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Rose, Marshall T. (1993). The Internet Message: Closing the Book with Electronic Mail. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PTR Prentice Hall.
- Smith, Richard and Mark Gibbs. (1993). Navigating the Internet. SAMS Publishing.
- Tennant, Roy, John Ober, and Anne G. Lipow. (1993). Crossing the Internet Threshold: An Instructional Handbook. Berkeley, CA: Library Solutions Press.
- Adams, Rick and Frey, Donnalyn. (1990). !%@:: A Directory of Mail Addressing and Networks, 2nd Ed. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly and Associates.
- Kessler, Gary C. (1990). ISDN: concepts, facilities, and services. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- LaQuey, Tracy L., ed. (1990). The User's Directory of Computer Networks. Bedford, MA: Digital Press.
- McClure, Charles R., Ann P. Bishop, Philip Doty, and Howard Rosenbaum. (1991). The National Research and Education Network (NREN): Research and Policy Perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
- Motorola Codex. (1992). The Basics Book of Information Networking. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Quarterman, John S. (1990). The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide. Bedford, MA: Digital Press.
- Chesebro, James W. and Donald G. Bonsall. (1989). Computer-mediated communication: human relationships in a computerized world. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
- Dunlop, Charles and Rob Kling, eds. (1991). Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices. Academic Press.
- Gattiker, U. E., ed. (1992). Technology-mediated communication. Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter.
- Hiltz, Starr Roxanne and Murray Turoff. (1993). The Networked Nation: Human Communication via Computer. Rev. Ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Lea, Martin, ed. (1992). Contexts of computer-mediated communication. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
- Mason, Robin and Anthony Kaye., eds. (1989). Mindweave: Communication, Computers, and Distance Education. New York: Pergamon Press.
- Rapaport, Matthew. (1991). Computer mediated communications : bulletin boards, computer conferencing, electronic mail, and information retrieval. New York: Wiley.
- Sproull, Lee and Sara Kiesler. (1991). Connections: New Ways of Working in the Networked Organization. MIT Press.