From: KITEJAG@MOTHER.COM (John A. Gabby Jr.) Subject: Chevron 5 Meter in the United States Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 03:19:36 -1000 Organization: Mother.COM Message-ID: <4o4i5l$> After what seemed like an eternity, a new Chevron 5 meter kite arrived in the mail this past week. This kite represents some of Andrew's latest thinking and sports such goodys as high aspect ratio, three demensional taper and the lightest materials that will do the job. I know many people knew this kite was coming but the British and US postal services conspired to keep the package lost for over six weeks!! After trying the kite, I sent Andrew the following message: QUOTE I had a chance to go to the local park yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) to try the new kite out. The winds were kind of choppy as often happens when we have a North wind...causes lighter winds at ground level (15 mph yesterday) with much heavier winds above fifty feet (estimate gusts to 25 or so). On the off chance that I got the hang of the kite quickly, I also took a buggy along. In a word, phenominal!! I had no trouble launching the kite by myself. I think the larger center cells help in this area...not only are they larger, but because of the design they inflate quicker or at least at the same speed as the tips. Once airborne, I was amazed at the kite's willingness to stay parked directly overhead while I fumbled and plotted my next move. Bringing the kite into the window builds power but gradually so the kite remains totally controlable. After ten minutes or so getting pulled around, my ass was sufficiently warm to warrant the cooling effects of a buggy seat. This kite is really no more difficult to buggy than a fact, I think with some practice it will be easier. The kite turns faster than any dual line bag I've flown and this, coupled with predictable overhead manners, should keep even new dual line flyers (like me) out of trouble. I spent about an hour buzzing around two soccer fields...bring the kite low and it slowed because of the winds...climb to a hundred feet and it was like afterburners...saw 38 mph on my speedo which has been calabrated with radar gun...keep in mind, this was on grass! I went back to the park last evening after the winds calmed down...found eight mph is still doable buggy, in fact. with the lighter winds I tried intentionally to bag the kite in the air...possible, but you have to work at it. Once deflated all you have to do is stop doing whatever it is you were doing and the kite starts flying again. Despite repeated attempts, I never got the kite so balled up and out of shape that I couldn't recover...and you know my skills (lack of) with dual line bags. You've got a winner. Will be showing the kite at Berkley this Saturday if anyone's interested. UNQUOTE In addition to having the kite at Berkley this Saturday, I'll also have it at San Ramon on Sunday and Monday and will try to make it down to El Mirage for a couple of days next week. If you want to try the Chevron, just let me know. financial interest in Andrews kites, etc, etc, etc. John Think Kindly Thoughts. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =