"Gaia's Web" by Nigel Jayne

[This source text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). You can take chunks of the source, except text that is printed to the game screen (the "say" phrases), and incorporate them into your games.
The source text is almost 43000 words with about another 1000 words as comments. The comments are based on my interpretations and preferences. Notably, I use a screen reader. The text will probably have some idiosyncratic formatting that I didn't detect. This is also why I use hardcoded paragraph breaks. The code was compiled using version 6L38 of Inform 7.] 

Include Extended Banner by Stephen Granade.

The Story headline is "Interactive Quality Assurance". The 	Story genre is "Mystery".
							The story description is "Correcting bugs in video games wasn't supposed to be like this. Then again, S.hip of Theseus isn't a typical game. As a titan, you maintain the real-world experience of the game players. When you lose contact with one of them, the fix isn't a bit of code. It's real. And the problem is much more dangerous than you ever expected.  

Gaia's Web puts a different spin on the conspiracy established in the fictional game S.hip of Theseus and prepares you for S.hip's official sequel, Re.constructing the Ship of Theseus. The secret is out; it's up to you to uncover it.".

The story creation year is 2016. The 	Release number is 1.
The story copyright string is "2016".
		Use no deprecated	features, serial comma, and American dialect.

Release along with an interpreter, source text, library card, and cover art ("A ghostly white spider web glistens in the dark of night. Gaia's Web is printed along the top in white.").

Include Alternatives by Eric Eve. 
Include Disambiguation Control by Jon Ingold. 
Include Numbered Disambiguation Choices by Aaron Reed.
Include Object Kinds by Brady Garvin.
Include Real-time Delays by Erik Temple.
Include Basic Hyperlinks by Emily Short. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short. Include Punctuation Removal by Emily Short. Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.	  
	Include Common Commands Sidebar by Alice Grove.
Include Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.

[From Disambiguation Control. This extension also has a use option to avoid the parser filling in nouns for incomplete commands, but it causes a compilation error.]
Use no multiple suggestions.

Figure of gamecover is the file "cover.png".

Volume - World Parameters

Book - Kinds, Variables, and Descriptors

Chapter - Things, Values, and Variables

A computer is a kind of device.

An icon is a kind of thing.
Understand "icon/icons" as an icon.
An icon can be no-screen, low-screen, or full-screen. An icon is usually no-screen. [Low-screen are minimized icons.]

An animalistic resource is a kind of animal.
An animalistic resource can be on-site.

A human resource is a kind of person.
A human resource can be waiting for a decision.
A human resource can be on-site.

A mechanical resource is a kind of thing.
A mechanical resource can be on-site.

A thing can be standby, activated, or deactivated (this is its preparedness). 

A human resource is usually standby. [That is, starts out awaiting instructions from the player.]
An animalistic resource is usually standby. 
A mechanical resource is usually standby.

Understand "costume", "disguise", "face mask", "facemask", and "mask" as "[disguise]".
A mask is a kind of wearable thing. Understand "[disguise]" as a mask.
the buzzard's mask, the cat's mask, the dog's mask, the eagle's mask, the fly's mask, the hawk's mask, the owl's mask, the pig's mask, the rat's mask, the raven's mask, and the swan's mask are masks.

Should the game choose doing something with a mask:

An alcoholic drink is a kind of thing. 
An alcoholic drink has a list of things called drinkers. 

A secret folder is a kind of thing. 

A conspirator is a kind of person.
A Conspirator has a list of people called aliases. 

A conspirator can be connected or disconnected. A conspirator is usually disconnected. [Players can't use aliases for disconnected conspirators.]

The addressee is a conspirator that varies.

A co-conspirator is a kind of person. A co-conspirator is privately-named. [Because we don't want the player to be able to use their name until they are connected with the conspirator name.]

A co-conspirator has some text called real name. A co-conspirator has some text called DOB. A co-conspirator has some text called residence. A co-conspirator has some text called pic. A co-conspirator has some text called email.

The description of a co-conspirator is usually "[b]Username: [/b] [if item described is Chin][set link 19]Chin Lee[end link][otherwise if item described is Olga][set link 20]Olga Burlenko[end link][otherwise if item described is Yaphet][set link 21]Yaphet Kalotto[end link][otherwise if item described is Tuttle][set link 22]Richard Tuttle[end link][otherwise][set link 23]Fiona Campbell[end link] [end if][lb][b]Real Name: [/b][real name of item described] (DOB: [dob of item described])[lb][b]Address:[/b] [residence of item described][lb][b]S.hip e-mail: [/b] [email of item described] [pb][pic of item described]".

Chin Lee, Olga Burlenko, Fiona Campbell, Yaphet Kalotto, Richard Tuttle, and Eve Martin are co-conspirators.
A second co-conspirator is a kind of person. A second co-conspirator is privately-named. [For the same reason as above for co-conspirators.]

EveryMan, LaserLight, LuckySeven, MoneyClip, and NeedlePoint are second co-conspirators.

Awareness is a kind of value. automaton, awakening, conscious, and godly are awarenesses. 
A person has an awareness. The awareness of a person is usually automaton.

The awareness of a conspirator is usually godly.

An occupation is a kind of value. banker, bartender, doctor, engineer, journalist, law enforcement, lawyer, pilot, politician, retiree, and exotic dancer are occupations. 
A person has an occupation.

A responsibility is a kind of value. NPC characteristics, Player Characteristics, Resource Management, Titan Management, and World Modeling are responsibilities.

A conspirator has a responsibility. The verb to be responsible for means the responsibility property.

Eye color is a kind of value. blue, gray, green, and hazel are eye colors. 
Hair color is a kind of value. black, blond, brown, and red   are hair colors. 
Stature is a kind of value. average, short, and tall are statures. 
Movement is a kind of value. bold, careful, clumsy, and refined are movements. 
Weight is a kind of value. skinny, stocky, muscular, and thin are weights. 

Some conspirators are defined by the Table of Attributes.

Table of Attributes
Conspirator	Co-conspirator	Second Co-conspirator	Eye Color	Hair Color	Stature	Movement	Weight	Occupation
The buzzard	Chin Lee	MoneyClip	hazel	brown	average	bold	stocky	banker 
the eagle	Olga Burlenko	LuckySeven	blue	blond		average	careful	thin	lawyer	
the hawk	Yaphet Kalotto	EveryMan	hazel	brown	tall	careful	muscular	politician 
the raven	Richard Tuttle	LaserLight	blue	black	tall	careful	thin	engineer 
the swan	Eve Martin	--	blue	black	tall	refined	thin	journalist 
the owl	Fiona Campbell	NeedlePoint	green	red	short	clumsy	skinny	doctor

The eagle, Olga, LuckySeven, the swan, Eve Martin, the owl, Fiona Campbell, and NeedlePoint are female.

The swan is connected. The swan is awakening.

An actionable dialogue is a kind of value. No-dialogue is an actionable dialogue.
An actionable dialogue can be relevant or irrelevant. An actionable dialogue is usually irrelevant.
An actionable dialogue can be accomplished.

The current dialogue is an actionable dialogue that varies. The current dialogue is no-dialogue.
Dialogue choices is a list of actionable dialogues that varies.

Ask-order is a list of things that varies. [To track if the player has asked the NPCs in the right order for Task Two.]
A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined.

A person has a list of things called things spoken about.

A person can be npc.

A scene can be debugging.

Understand "gal/gals/girl/girls/lady/ladies/woman/women" as a woman.
Understand "boy/boys/guy/guys/man/men" as a man.
Understand "animal/animals" as an animal.

Ending quest finally is initially false.
Fussing in the office is initially false.[Used when the player wants to do something in the Office while engaged with HarborMaster.]

Section - The Manual

table of help contents 
	title (text)	subtable (table name)	description (text)	used (number)	bookpage (number)	localpage (number)
"Introduction and How to Play (for novice and experienced interactive fiction players)"	--	"[fiction title] uses many unusual commands. A sidebar along the left side of the screen shows these when a within-world interpreter, [i]HarborMaster,[/i] is open (and not during the introductory session). These commands can also be listed in the main window by typing RESOURCES or COMMANDS. SIDEBAR ON and SIDEBAR OFF toggles the sidebar. The resources are listed in the status bar if you choose to play without the sidebar. Many parts of the game use some hyperlinks, but they can be activated with X or BIO FOR [bracket]link name[close bracket] as well, whichever is appropriate. When numbered dialogue choices are presented, select the dialogue you want by typing the corresponding number, without the parentheses. [pb]Conventional actions are also available when appropriate, the most common being ASK [bracket]someone[close bracket] ABOUT [bracket]something[close bracket], EXAMINE (or X) [bracket]something[close bracket], LOOK (or L), and TALK TO [bracket]someone[close bracket]. You can try different actions as well, just keep the phrasing simple. Two additional commands are used on resources: ACTIVATE and DEACTIVATE. [pb]Check the 'hints' in this menu if you need some help; it includes a walkthrough called 'Untangling the Web.' [lb]"	--	--	--
"Hints"	Table of Help Options	--	--	--	--
"Spinning the Web"	--	"[spinning the web]"	--	--	--
"Acknowledgements"	--	"The creative team behind [fiction title] was headed by Nigel Jayne, with code contributed by Wade Clarke, Eric Eve, Stephen Granade, Alice Grove, Jon Ingold, Aaron Reed, Emily Short, and Erik Temple. Thank you to Jonathan Blask and David White for consulting on the project and for testing. Comments and transcripts are welcome. Send them to nigelsjayne@gmail.com. The cover, 'Spider web,' is a photograph by Tom Burke, and it is used under the creative commons by 2.0 license ([fixed letter spacing]http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/[variable letter spacing]). Jeff Meloche designed and added the title. [pb]The game was designed using Inform 7 ([fixed letter spacing]http://inform7.com/[variable letter spacing]), created by Graham Nelson with help from Emily Short and many others."	--	--	--

Include Menus by Wade Clarke. [We need this here because it needs to be included after defining the Table of Help Contents.]

To say spinning the web:
say "I had no idea what I was doing for [i][story title].[/i] I wrote it for a game jam, called Imaginary Games from Imaginary Universes, in which each entry had to be inspired by entrant-submitted reviews of fictional games, defined as those that would be very difficult or impossible to actually create. It took me a week to choose the [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] (SOT) review out of the five I received, and it is reprinted as part of the e-mail you  can read in your office at the beginning of this game. I liked the conspiracy plot and the mention of [i]House of Leaves,[/i] though I'm not familiar with SOT. After a little more thought, I decided to sprinkle references to Greek mythology throughout the game, based solely on the Ship of Theseus paradox, and that the game would use an experimental style, much like [i]House of Leaves[/i] had. Obviously I couldn't make SOT as described in the review, but I wanted to use its game mechanics in some way, and giving the player a beta testing role seemed like a good strategy. Besides, it would allow me to explore how a game like SOT would work in the real world. I had seven weeks to build and launch my S.hip. [pb]";
say "I wanted to design Gaia around the idea that players would need to complete several debugging tasks before transitioning into the real world and uncovering a real conspiracy. Inform 7 debugging commands would therefore be included as part of the game play. I liked the idea of drones monitoring the player as mentioned in the SOT review, and I decided to expand on it to include the other resources that would be needed for player surveillance. The first task, reconnecting to the game world, grew from there. Given the time limit, though, I started coding Gaia without much notion of where to take it after this initial task. Gaia originally began with the player in the office,
but I soon realized that it would probably be more interesting to show that the player was a beta tester, rather than just mention it in the room description. The introduction then became the first game-within-a-game, a theme which would continue throughout Gaia, and I used Greek mythology as a bit of foreshadowing (I still feel a little guilty about lifting some ideas from the movie [i]Clash of the Titans[/i] (2010)).";
say "The remaining tasks were to focus on the multiplayer concept suggested in the SOT review, but first I needed a scenario. Restricting players to a single room for each task would keep the map simple and help focus them on what exactly had to be done. For the second task, I sought alternatives to the typical 'find object, use object' puzzle design. In [i]Eclosion,[/i] another work of interactive fiction, players had to figure out the right sequence of actions to solve its puzzle. I thought that approach would probably work for Gaia, given [i]Eclosion[/i] was written under a time constraint of three hours. [i]Taco Fiction,[/i] another game involving a conspiracy, inspired the use of masks, and an objective crystallized. I was reading [i]The Barkeep[/i] by William Lashner at this time. Each chapter of the book is named after a mixed drink. I now had the remaining ingredients [mdash] a setting and a puzzle solution [mdash] from which to write the second task. [pb]";
say "The first task was a typical interactive fiction setup: The player, as a PC, influences the game world by using typed commands. The second task delved deeper into meta-game territory by layering PC upon PC and combining within-world and debugging commands. For the third, I wanted to limit players to debugging commands and let the multiplayer concept dominate. Essentially players would watch other PCs, but ideally there would also be a puzzle for players to solve. This design presented a couple of problems: how would time advance if player actions don't influence the game world, and how would players feel any sense of agency if events progress without intervention? With regard to the first, I could have used an Inform extension so that text could be printed in real time, but there is no guarantee that all interpreters would support this function and, given that reading speeds vary, I couldn't pace the scene properly to also allow players to type commands between within-world events. So, I settled on conventional turn-based time progression. I thought about the second problem for awhile, and I could never figure out a satisfying way to immerse players in the game world using only debugging commands. The best I could do was reward players with a bit of information after they identify each conspirator. [pb]";
say "Transitioning players from the game world of the tasks into the real world presented another problem: In theory, [fiction title] is a product of the fictional company FromChaos, so why would they release a game that exposes themselves? My solution was to include a bonus section, the egg hunt, which, presumably, the FromChaos executives would take little heed of but hardcore players would attempt and, if clever and tenacious, eventually find the secret that was hidden by one of the game developers. I wanted a hint system that included the hunt though, so I consider the menu system 'out-of-world,' and it contains information that a true FromChaos production wouldn't include. This is why 'Spinning the Web' only appears in the menu and not as an option listed at the end of the game. [pb]";
say "With the deadline looming, I had to change my plans for the 'hidden' content. Originally, players were going to be able to actually copy several top secret files onto their game devices, read them and, theoretically, distribute them for all to see. They would also need to solve a final puzzle to access the top level of the conspiracy. This last challenge was going to be a variation on the 'find the password' problem. However, I am happy with the compromise. By the time the player reaches this part of the game, I think it was a better idea to wrap up the proceedings quickly. Players have gone through enough just to get there. And I like the software glitch because it fits with the testing objectives set up in the rest of the game. [pb]";
say "When the games from the game jam were released, there was very little feedback from the interactive fiction community. What little comment [fiction title] did receive was positive, with a couple of reviewers remarking that it was weird. I think that is an apt description, befitting of the source material and of some of the conspiracy theories that are really out there.";
say "[lb]Nigel Jayne, May 2016 [lb]".

table of Help Options
title (text)	subtable (table name)	description (text)	used (number)	bookpage (number)	localpage (number)
"Connecting with Eve"	--	"The first task has several outcomes, which depend upon what you tell your resources to do and which you activate. Activate the drone early to watch the action. If you let the car pass Chucky, it will take him longer to find his target. De-activating Chucky frees him to roam [mdash] and less likely to distract."	--	--	--
"Recognizing the Raven"	--	"You need to ask each bar patron about the raven in the correct order. It's possible to lock yourself out of the solution, but remember you have the RESET command to take you back to the start of the task. The fly needs to get drunk enough to talk about the raven and, when he does, the rat remembers something. Note the properties (using SHOWME) for a particular drink in the bar."	--	--	--
"Eavesdropping the Meeting"	--	"You can recognize people at the meeting based on the SHOWME results. The raven is interested in his tablet, which has the names of members at the meeting. As the raven addresses specific people, the globe hints at where the person is from. Remember to check BIO FOR someone after you recognize him or her."	--	--	--
"Finding Eggs"	--	"There are 12 egg types to find. Every action you need to perform is some form of jumping. Be specific; use common phrasings. The room should give hints on what to act upon [mdash] which isn't always a physical object."	--	--	--
"The server"	--	"You really do just need to open a folder. Notice a different one appears when you try. It can be opened,	too."	--	--	--
"Untangling the Web"	--	"To start: n / kill Zeus (note that many actions cause an intentional error message; you're beta testing a game [pb]To open [HarborMaster]: read e-mail / read review / open HarborMaster / Titan (or whatever you want) / Password (or whatever you want) [pb]To connect to Eve: (one of many possibilities) activate drone / x drone / x alicia / talk to Alicia / 1 / x travis / talk to Travis / 1 / x Chucky / activate Chucky / x Eve / z / x roger / x Sam / talk to sam / 2 / z / z / deploy gas / talk to Alicia / 1 / z [pb]To recognize the raven: headpop into the swan / x me / read invitation / ask bud about raven / ask pig about raven / ask cat about raven / ask dog about raven / ask rat about raven / ask fly about raven / ask rat about raven / showme (the drink the raven ordered) / recognize Tuttle as raven [pb]To recognize Gaia members: showme globe / relations / showme tablet / recognize Chin as the buzzard / bio for Chin / showme buzzard / recognize Olga as eagle / bio for Olga / showme eagle / recognize hawk as Yaphet / bio for Yaphet / showme hawk / recognize owl as Fiona / bio for Fiona / showme owl / bio for raven / showme raven / z / showme swan [pb]To find the eggs and the server: jump over wall / jump into arms / jump start / jump for joy / jump rope / jump on the spot / jump kick / jump off the deep end / jump back / jump cut / jump scare / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / open people / open earthsim"	--	--	--

Chapter - Starting room and Player

SOC is a room. "[one of]From among the trees, you continue to watch the naked women. The younger and shorter of the two wades into the stream, her hair like threads spun from Midas['] gold. She lowers her basket to the water's surface. Fish flop into it, settling into a motionless stack. The other woman, bright flowers in her black hair, plucks apples from a tree and drops them into the basket hanging from her arm. The fruit ripen and swell under her touch. [pb]You were right. Nymphs. Your search is nearly over. [pb]The water nymph returns to land. She begins to sing. The forest nymph joins in, her pitch deeper than that of the blond. With both of their baskets full, the pair follow the bank upstream. [pb]You venture from the trees to the stream, keeping the nymphs in sight. They have joined a group of their sisters to the north of you. You call that direction 'north' because you're facing it; fatigue has rendered your inner compass as trustworthy as Zeus with a farmer's daughter[or]You're transfixed by the naked nymphs gathered to the north[stopping].". 

The printed name of SOC is "Stream of Consciousness". 

Questing is a scene. Questing begins when the location is SOC.

Yourself has a text called username. Yourself has a text called password.
Understand the username property as describing yourself when the player is yourself.
Understand "titan" as yourself when the player is yourself.

Yourself can be oblivious to problems, alerted to problems, or attending to problems.
Yourself is oblivious to problems.

The description of the player is "[if Questing is happening]You're exhausted, Hermes['] sandals having failed you. Poseidon's trident rakes the ground behind you; it's much easier to drag the weapon than it is to wield it. Hades['] helmet might have served him well in the Underworld, but out here in the sun it just makes your scalp itchy and your forehead sweaty. The sack slung over one shoulder throws off your balance, causing you to stumble like a reveler at a party hosted by Dionysus, with music by an incessant siren song cycling through your brain[otherwise]You give yourself a strength of about 60, more mental than physical, but you're determined to increase the maximum of both. Your stamina started at 50 this morning after a good night's sleep, but weariness has set in, and the early-afternoon caffeine jolt is fizzing out. Maybe it's 25 now? Charm, on the other hand, holds steady at 50. The HR department at FromChaos wanted 'excellent interpersonal skills' for this job, which isn't normally associated with a code-tester position. It didn't take you too long after joining the [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] team to learn why being cast such a large number for 'charm' on a throw of the cosmic dice would be so important[end if].".

Chapter - Definitions and Relations

Definition: a thing is involved if (it is the noun or it is the second noun) and it is not the player.

Definition: an object is on-screen rather than off-screen:
if location is the Office and it is clickable, yes;
if engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three and it is the location, yes;
if location is Calydonian Boar Bar and Calydonian Boar Bar encloses it, yes;
if location is the Chamber and The Chamber encloses it, yes;
if player has been bunny and it is in the location, yes;
no .

Definition: a thing is clickable if it is enclosed by a computer.

Definition: a thing is resourceful rather than unresourceful if it is an animalistic resource or it is a human resource or it is a mechanical resource.

Definition: a thing is ready to act:
if it is resourceful begin;
if it is activated and it is not on-site and the travel time of it is 0 begin;
if it is a human resource and it enacts an actionable dialogue, decide yes;
if it is an animalistic resource or it is a mechanical resource, decide yes;
end if;
end if;

Accessibility relates one icon (called activator) to various things. The verb to access means the accessibility relation.

Enactment relates one actionable dialogue (called mission) to various people. The verb to be enacted by means the enactment relation.
The verb to enact means the reversed enactment relation.
Definition: a actionable dialogue is chosen if it is enacted by an activated human resource.

Disguising relates one person to another (called alter ego). The verb to disguise means the disguising relation.

Chapter - Phrases

Section - Deciding

To decide which text is the/-- accessible text of (converted - a snippet):
let t be text;
let t be converted;
decide on converted.

To decide whether conspiring:
if Finding Reality is happening, decide no;
if HarborMaster is full-screen, decide yes;

To decide which text is intervention time for (intervener - a thing):
if Roger is forestbound begin;
unless the intervener is a human resource, decide on "unknown";
if intervener is a human resource and intervener is actively enacting trail, decide on "unknown";
end if;
if Roger is roadbound and intervener is a human resource and intervener is not activated, decide on "undetermined";
decide on "[travel time of intervener]".

To decide whether (converser - a person) is actively enacting (task - an actionable dialogue):
if converser is enacting task and converser is activated, decide yes;
To decide whether (agent - a thing) is actively on-site:
if agent is on-site and agent is activated, decide yes;

To decide whether (task - an actionable dialogue) is accomplished by (agent - a human resource):
if agent is activated and agent is on-site and agent enacts task, decide yes;

To decide whether (talker - a person) has spoke/spoken about/of (target - a thing):
if the target is listed in the things spoken about of the talker, decide yes;

To decide whether (name of kind of value K) has been spoke/spoken generally about/of:
repeat with selection running through Ks begin;
if conversationalist has spoken of selection, decide yes;
end repeat;

To decide whether engaged in Task One:
if Task One is happening and Conspiring, decide yes;

To decide whether engaged in Task Two:
if Task Two is happening and Conspiring, decide yes;

To decide whether engaged in Task Three:
if Task Three is happening and Conspiring, decide yes;

Section - Saying

To say i  -- beginning say_i -- running on:
					(- style underline; -).
						To say /i  -- ending say_i -- running on: 
					(- style roman; -).
						To say b -- beginning say_b -- running on: (- style bold; -).
						To say /b -- ending say_b -- running on: (- style roman; -).

To say fiction title: say "[i][story title][/i]".
				To say mdash: say unicode 8212.
				To say lb: say line break.
					To say pb: say paragraph break.
					To say rpo: Say run paragraph on.

To say quest final message:
say "Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command?".

To say Buick:
say "[first time]maroon[only] Buick".
To say Roberta:
say "[one of]a gray-haired woman[or]Roberta[stopping]".

Section - Verbs

To activate is a verb.
To attain is a verb.
To attempt is a verb.
To come is a verb.
To mull is a verb.
To mutter is a verb.
To stand is a verb.

Section - Other Phrases

To set the/-- (operatives - a table name):
Repeat through the operatives begin;
unless resource entry is Jason begin;
now HarborMaster accesses Resource entry;
now office-computer incorporates Resource entry;
end unless;
end repeat.

To report a premature ending:
say lb;
say "[if location is Boar Bar]You lost contact with the swan and the raven, thus ending your session ... and apparently your job. The day after your encounter with Eve, FromChaos fired you. No 2 weeks notice. Just get out[otherwise]*** Signal from Eve Martin lost. *** [pb] You think about what may have happened [mdash] [Eve] could have turned off her phone [mdash] then your phone rings. You're fired. Just like that. Get out[end if]. As you transferred your players to other titans, you notice that [Eve] had already been removed from your roster. Maybe you weren't her designated titan. Was it a bug? [unless location contains Eve or engaged in Task One]A PC can only be removed from play by a titan, and the vulture wasn't controlled by one. If Eve wasn't supposed to be under your watch, that would explain why she was removed without your permission. [end unless]But that kind of error shouldn't be the reason for firing you. You decide to take some time off and create some games of your own.";
say thank the player.

To say thank the player:
end the story finally saying "Thank you for playing [fiction title]. Continue to unravel the mystery of Gaia in [i]Re.constructing the Ship of Theseus,[/i] the official sequel to [i]S.hip of Theseus,[/i] and take control of real-world resources to defend yourself and your friends from Gaia's web.".

To decide which object kind is the specific kind for (candidate - a thing):
	let result be a list of object kinds; 
repeat with I running through object kinds begin;
if candidate is of kind I, add I to result;
end repeat;
decide on entry (number of entries in result) in result. [Kinds are listed hierarchical, so that the last one listed is not subdivided into any other kinds.]

[Obviously this won't be adequate for games with complicated hierarchies of things, but for this game it is good enough.]
To test (selection - a thing) for attributes:
let OK be the specific kind for selection;
say "    [selection] - [if selection is a conspirator or the selection is a co-conspirator]PC[otherwise if the selection is an npc person]bar patron[otherwise][the singular of OK][end if]";
if selection is a container, say "[lb]    [random thing which is in selection]";
if selection incorporates something begin;
repeat with part-of running through things incorporated by selection begin;
now OK is the specific kind for part-of;
say "[lb]    [part-of] (part of [selection] [lb] - [the singular of OK] ";
if part-of contains something, say "[lb]        [random thing which is in part-of]";
end repeat;
end if;
repeat with worn-thing running through things worn by selection begin;
now OK is the specific kind for worn-thing;
say "[lb]    [worn-thing] (worn - [the singular of OK]) ";
end repeat;
repeat with carried-thing running through things carried by selection begin;
now OK is the specific kind for carried-thing;
say "[lb]    [carried-thing] (carried - [the singular of OK])";
end repeat;
say pb.

[We alter the "Common Commands Sidebar" extension defaults below. We adapt these phrases instead of those in the extension because we use things - Resources - and testing commands instead of text, the commands for the table in the extension.]

To print a table of commands in the sidebar, in main window:
say "[bold type]HarborMaster ";
say "[if location is the Office]Resources [roman type](estimated time before intervention in parentheses)[otherwise]Testing Commands[roman type][end if][pb]";
if yourself is attending to problems and location is Office begin;
say "[i]Biological[/i][lb]";
show the Table of Task One Biological Resources;
say "[pb] [i]Mechanical[/i][lb]";
show the Table of Task One Mechanical Resources;
say lb;
say "To learn more about a resource, type its name or CLICK it. You can also ACTIVATE it or DEACTIVATE it, which places it on standby. ";
say "[b]BIO FOR [bracket]someone[close bracket]:[/b] shows registration information for a player.";
unless location is the Chamber begin;
say "[B]DEPOSSESS [bracket]someone[close bracket]:[/b] relinquish control of a PC.";
say "[B]HEADPOP [bracket]someone[close bracket]:[/B] take control of a PC.";
end unless;
say "[B]RECOGNIZE [bracket]a person[close bracket] AS [bracket]a thing[close bracket]:[/B] allows a titan to re-connect a player with an unrecognized PC.";
say "[B]RELATIONS:[/B] shows the relationships between people or things.";
unless location is the Chamber, say "[B]RESET:[/B] resets the game session to the state it was in before connecting with a player.";
say "[B]SHOWME [bracket]any character or thing[close bracket]:[/B] shows game information, such as properties.";
end if;
if in main window, say lb.

To show the/-- (operatives - a table name):
if (operatives is Table of Task One Biological Resources and (1 human resource is on-screen or 1 animalistic resource is on-screen)) or (operatives is Table of Task One Mechanical Resources and 1 mechanical resource is on-screen) begin;
repeat through the operatives begin;
let re be resource entry;
if re is on-screen begin;
say lb;
indent the upcoming sidebar entry;
if re is Chucky, say "[set link 12][re][end link]";
if re is Alicia, say "[set link 13][re][end link]";
if re is Jason, say "[set link 14][re][end link]";
if re is Samuel, say "[set link 15][re][end link]";
if re is Travis, say "[set link 16][re][end link]";
if re is DONCAN-132, say "[set link 17][re][end link]";
say  "     ([intervention time for Re] mins; [preparedness of Re])";
end if;
end repeat;
say "[lb]None";
end if.

[Adapted from the extension Real-Time Delays by Erik Temple.]
Current teletype character delay is initially 30.

To teletype (text-to-be-printed - a text):
repeat with N running from 1 to the number of characters in the text-to-be-printed begin;
say "[character number N in the text-to-be-printed][rpo]";
wait (current teletype character delay) milliseconds before continuing, strictly;
end repeat.

To transition the human resources:
now every human resource is not on-site;
now every human resource is standby;
now every relevant actionable dialogue is irrelevant;
repeat with freelancer running through human resources begin;
now freelancer enacts nothing;
end repeat.

Book - Activities, Actions, and Rules

Chapter - Activities

The display banner rule is not listed in any rulebook.

Rule for printing the banner text:
say "[if location is not Office and Questing is happening][b]A New Olympia[/b] [pb]An interactive mythology by Ona Zee. Version 1. Copyright [unicode 169] [story copyright string]  by Ona Zee. [lb]Serial number 160104 / Inform 7 build 6L38 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD[otherwise][b][story title][/b] [pb][story headline] by The FromChaos Team, headed by Nigel Jayne. Version [release number]. Copyright [unicode 169] [story copyright string] by [story author]. [lb]All rights reserved. Serial number [story serial number] / Inform 7 build [I7 version number][end if].".

Rule for constructing the status line:
do nothing.

[We need the "rule succeeds" designation, otherwise the rules continue.]
 Rule for constructing the status line during Questing:
fill status bar with Table of Fancy Status;
rule succeeds.

Rule for constructing the status line when engaged in Task One and the sidebar is g-unpresent:
deepen the status line to 2 rows;
center "[b]Resources[/b] " at row 1;
center "[list of on-screen resourceful things]" at row 2;
rule succeeds.

Table of Fancy Status
Left	Central	Right
"[b]Chapter 12: The Silence of the Thunder[/b]"	""	"Quests: 11/12     Score: 450/500"

Before listing nondescript items of a room:
now every marked for listing thing is not marked for listing.

First after reading a command:
let transformed be the accessible text of the player's command;
replace the regular expression "(?i)s\.hip" in transformed with "ship";
 replace the regular expression "(?i)re.constructing" in transformed with "reconstructing";
change the text of the player's command to transformed;
remove stray punctuation.

After reading a command when the player's command includes "showme" and Conspiring:
let converted command be the accessible text of the player's command;
replace the regular expression "showme" in converted command with "show-me";
change the text of the player's command to "[converted command]".

After reading a command when the player's command matches "relations" and Conspiring:
let converted command be the accessible text of the player's command;
now converted command is "web";
change the text of the player's command to "[converted command]".

After reading a command when the conversationalist is not the player and engaged in Task One:
let max choices be the number of entries in dialogue choices;
if the player's command matches "[a number]" begin;
if the number understood is less than 1 or the number understood is greater than max choices begin;
say "You have [max choices] options.";
reject the player's command;
continue the activity;
end if;
unless the player's command matches "answer/say [a number]" begin;
say "Please choose a number from 1 to [max choices], one of the choices listed above.";
reject the player's command;
end unless;
end if.

After reading a command when Ending quest finally is true during Questing:
unless the player's command matches "break/restart/restore/quit" or the player's command matches "take a/-- break" begin;
say "[quest final message] [lb]";
if the player's command matches "restore", say "Restore failed.";
if the player's command matches "restart", say "Restarting failed.";
unless the player's command matches "break/quit" or the player's command matches "take a/-- break", say "[lb][i]I'll need to mention that, too, [/i] you think.";
say "[lb]You close the interpreter.";
now Ending quest finally is false;
change the text of the player's command to "take a break";
end unless.

After reading a command when the command prompt is "Username? ":
let input be the accessible text of the player's command;
if the number of characters in input is less than four or the number of characters in input is greater than 15 begin;
say "Usernames must be between 4 and 16 characters long (type UNDO to cancel).";
now username of yourself is input;
say "[username of yourself] confirmed. Use UNDO if you want to cancel login.";
now the command prompt is "Password? ";
end if;
reject the player's command.

After reading a command when the command prompt is "Password? ":
let input be the accessible text of the player's command;
if the number of characters in input is less than eight or the number of characters in input is greater than 20 begin;
say "Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters long.";
reject the player's command;
now password of yourself is input;
say "Thank you.";
enable saving of undo state;
now HarborMaster is full-screen;
now the command prompt is ">";
end if;
say lb;
change the text of the player's command to "look".

Include (-Replace PrintInferredCommand;[ PrintInferredCommand; ];-) before "Parser.i6t". [This removes parenthetical confirmations when the parser fills in a second noun or chooses an object (in this case, the parser does this before the "supplying a missing noun/second noun" activity and "Does the player mean."]

After printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the 		not a verb I recognise error or the latest parser error is the only understood as far as error during Questing:
say ">";
teletype "* [Comment corresponding to an Error of the latest parser error in the Table of Questing Errors].";
say "Noted. [pb]***[pb]Sighing, you decide that's enough testing for now. you close the interpreter.";
try continuing to office.

Table of Questing Errors
Error	Comment
the only understood as far as error	"Expand the grammar for this action."
the not a verb I recognise error	"Implement this verb."	

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the can't see any such thing error and the player has not been the bunny:
if Questing is happening, continue the activity;
say "Maybe you've been playing games a little too long; you're getting a bit confused about what you actually see.".

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is 	the can't talk to inanimate things error and engaged in Task One:
say "Just TALK TO someone to find out what he or she can do.".

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error:
say "You zone out for a second and do nothing.".

Chapter - New Activities

Offering an action something is an activity on actionable dialogues.

Before offering an action of an actionable dialogue:
say "'".

After offering an action of an actionable dialogue:
say ".'".

Suggesting options something is an activity on people.

Chapter - Rulebooks

The conversation rules is an object-based rulebook. The conversation rules have default success.

The operation rules is an object-based rulebook.

[How resources transition their preparedness:
A resource is standby at the beginning of the game and whenever something significant occurs and available actions change (reset in the "transition the human resources" phrase.
Human resources enact an actionable dialogue until they become standby; this way we can record whether they have been de-activated from a specific actionable dialogue.
Human resources accomplish actionable dialogues, whether or not they were successful.
All resourceful things can be on-site, which determines if animalistic or mechanical resources are successful.]

First operation rule for something (called agent):
if the agent is a human resource and the agent enacts an actionable dialogue, now the mission of the agent is accomplished;
say "From ";
if agent is Alicia, say "Alicia's bodycam";
if agent is Jason, say "Jason's cell phone";
if agent is Samuel, say "Roberta's cell phone";
if agent is Travis, say "Travis['] body cam";
if agent is Chucky begin;
unless DONCAN-132 is actively on-site and Roger is carbound, say "Chucky's microphone";
end if;
if agent is DONCAN-132, say "DONCAN-132";
say ": [rpo]".

Completed a previous operation is initially false. [We need this because an extra line break isn't printed between rules when more than one resource acts and the rule doesn't fail.]

First operation rule when completed a previous operation is true:
say lb.

Last operation rule when completed a previous operation is false:
now completed a previous operation is true.

The orphic rules is a rulebook. The orphic rules have default success.

Chapter - Out-of-World Actions

Understand "load" and "load game" as restoring the game.
				Understand "re-load", "reload", "re-open", and "reopen" as restarting the game.

Before undoing an action when the player's command matches "reset":
unless engaged in Task Two begin;
if engaged in Task One, say "No game session is available.";
if engaged in Task Three, say "You cannot reset a game session when players are acting within it.";
say "I didn't understand that command.";
rule fails;
end unless.

To decide which number is undo word #2:
	(- 'revert' -)
To decide which number is undo word #3:
	(- 'reset' -)

Report undoing an action during Task Two:
say "Resetting ... done. [pb]";
move player to Boar Bar;
rule succeeds.

Understand "examine", "read", and "x" as "[peruse]".

Displaying cover is an action out of world. Understand "display the/-- cover art/image/page/--", "show the/-- cover art/image/page/--", and "cover art/image/page" as displaying cover.

Check displaying cover:
				unless  glulx graphics is supported, say "This interpreter doesn't support graphics (Some interpreters that support both graphics and sound include Gargoyle and Windows Glulxe).".

Carry out displaying cover when glulx graphics is supported:
set the justification for special-style-1 to center-justified;
say "[special-style-1]";
	say " ";
display figure of gamecover inline;
	say " [lb]"; 
	say "[roman type]".

To set the justification for (style - a glulx text style) to (N - a text justification):
	(- GTE_SetStylehint( wintype_TextBuffer, {style}, stylehint_Justification, {N} - 1 ); -).

To display (chosen figure - a figure-name) inline:
	(- DrawInline({chosen figure}); -)

Include (-

[ DrawInline N;
	glk_image_draw(gg_mainwin, ResourceIDsOfFigures-->N,  imagealign_InlineUp, 0);


Report displaying cover:
say "A ghostly white spider's web glows in the dark of night. The title, Gaia's Web, is printed along the top.".

Understand "guidance", "guide", "guidebook", "help", "info", "information", "instructions", and "manual" as "[helpers]". ["About" won't work when included in this list.]

Helping is an action out of world. Understand "about", "[helpers]" and "[peruse] [helpers]" as helping.

Carry out helping:
carry out the displaying activity;
clear the screen;
try looking.

Hinting is an action out of world. Understand "hint", "hints", and "[peruse] hint/hints" as hinting. 
Check hinting during Questing:
say "[b]Note from Ona Zee to FC:[/b] I don't like tempting players with hints. Should I add them anyway?" instead.

Report hinting when Task One is happening:
say description corresponding to a title of "Connecting with Eve"	 in the Table of Help Options;
rule succeeds.

Report hinting when Task Two is happening:
say description corresponding to a title of "Recognizing the Raven" in the Table of Help Options;
rule succeeds.

Report hinting when Task Three is happening:
say description corresponding to a title of "Eavesdropping the Meeting" in the Table of Help Options;
rule succeeds.

Report hinting when player is the bunny:
say description corresponding to a title of "Finding Eggs" in the Table of Help Options;
rule succeeds.

Report hinting when location is the FC Server:
say description corresponding to a title of "The server" in the Table of Help Options;
rule succeeds.

Report hinting:
try helping. 

Showing credits is an action out of world. Understand "acknowledgement", "acknowledgements", "author", "authors", "about the/-- author/writer", "credits", "credit", "writer", "writers", and "[peruse] the/-- acknowledgements/acknowledgement/credits/credit" as showing credits.
Check showing credits during Questing:
say "[b]A New Olympia[/b] was written by Ona Zee using Inform 7 ([fixed letter spacing]http://inform7.com/[variable letter spacing]), created by Graham Nelson with help from Emily Short and many others. Additional code in the form of extensions was provided by Wade Clarke, Eric Eve, Brady Garvin, Jon Ingold, Aaron Reed, and Emily Short. Thank you, dear beta testers, for testing, and to FromChaos for commissioning my work." instead.

Report showing credits:
say description corresponding to a title of "Acknowledgements" in the Table of Help Contents.

Showing solutions is an action out of world. Understand "solution", "solutions", "walkthrough", "walkthroughs", "walkthru", "[peruse] solution/solutions/walkthrough/walkthroughs/walkthru" as showing solutions.
Check showing solutions during Questing:
say "You'll need to tough this one out, adventurer. Remember that patience is a virtue." instead.

Carry out showing solutions:
try helping.

Check requesting the score during Questing:
say "You have so far scored 450 out of a possible 500 points, earning you the rank of hero." instead.

Check switching the story transcript off during Questing:
say "You decide that you've had enough for now, and you close the interpreter.";
try continuing to office instead.

Check switching the story transcript on when engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three:
try looking instead.
Check switching the story transcript off when engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three:
try minimizing HarborMaster instead.

Section - HarborMaster Debugging Commands

Biographing for is an action out of world, applying to one visible thing. Understand "bio for/on/-- [any person]" as biographing for when a debugging scene is happening.
Understand the commands "biography", "info", and "information" as "bio".

First check biographing for a disconnected conspirator:
say "*** Warning: [username of yourself] does not recognize PC [the noun]. *** [lb]" instead.

Check biographing for the player when engaged in Task One or engaged in Task Three or (engaged in Task Two and player is yourself):
try examining the noun instead.

Check biographing for a resourceful thing:
try examining the noun instead.

Check biographing for someone:
if (the noun is a co-conspirator or the noun is a second co-conspirator) and the noun disguises a disconnected conspirator, say "There seems to be no such [if the noun is a person]person[otherwise]object[end if] anywhere in the location." instead;
unless the noun is a conspirator , say "FromChaos has no biographical data for [the noun]; [the noun] is not a player registered with us." instead.

Carry out biographing for someone:
if the noun is the swan begin;
say "[description of Eve Martin]";
say "[description of co-conspirator of noun]";
end if;
say lb.

Playing as swan is initially false.

Despiriting is an action out of world, applying to nothing. Understand "depossess" as despiriting when a debugging scene is happening.

Check depossessing when engaged in Task One:
say "[We] [are] not connected to a game session." instead.

Check despiriting:
if the player is the swan, try depossessing the swan instead;
say "You are not playing as a PC." instead.

[We can't combine this action with the one above and use the "supplying a missing noun" activity.]
Depossessing is an action out of world, applying to one thing. Understand "deposses [something]" as depossessing when a debugging scene is happening.

Check depossessing something when engaged in Task One:
say "[We] [are] not connected to a game session." instead.

Check depossessing something which is not a person:
say "[We] can only control PCs and NPCs." instead.

Check depossessing someone who is not the player:
say "[We] [are] not controlling [the noun]." instead.

Check depossessing when the player is yourself:
say "[We] [need] to be controlling someone first." instead.

Carry out depossessing something:
if playing as swan is true, now Playing as swan is false;
now the player is yourself;
say "You relinquish control of [the noun].".

Headpopping is an action out of world, applying to nothing. Understand "headpop" and "head pop" as headpopping when a debugging scene is happening.

Check headpopping when engaged in Task One:
say "No game session is available." instead.

Check headpopping when engaged in Task Three:
try headpopping into the raven instead.

Check headpopping when engaged in Task Two:
if the player is yourself, try headpopping into the swan instead;
try headpopping into the player instead.

Headpopping into is an action out of world, applying to one visible thing. Understand "headpop to/in/into/on/onto/-- [any thing]" and "head pop in/into/to/on/onto/-- [any thing]" as headpopping into when a debugging scene is happening.

Check headpopping into something when engaged in Task One:
say "No game session is available." instead.

Check headpopping into an NPC person during Task Two:
now noun is blocked from player;
say "*** [username of yourself] is not authorized to control [the noun]. *** [lb]" instead.

Check headpopping into something which is not a person:
say "[We] can only headpop into person things." instead.

Check headpopping into the player:
say "[We] [are] already [noun]." instead.

Check headpopping into someone:
if the noun is the swan and engaged in Task Three, say "[The noun] [are] not available." instead;
if the noun is not the swan begin;
if the noun is a conspirator, say "[if noun is disconnected][The noun] is under control by another player, but it is not being recognized as anyone in our database[otherwise][Co-conspirator of noun] controls [the noun], and you cannot interfere[end if]." instead;
say "[The noun] [are] not available." instead;
end if.

Carry out headpopping into something:
if the noun is the swan, now Playing as swan is true;
say "[We] [take] control of [the noun], the only available PC.";
now the player is the noun.

Recognizing-by-text it as is an action out of world, applying to one visible thing and one topic. Understand "recognize [any thing] as [text]" as recognizing-by-text it as when a debugging scene is happening.

Understand "recognize [text] as [any thing]" as recognizing-by-text it as (with nouns reversed) when a debugging scene is happening.

Understand "recognize [text]" as a mistake ("[We] [need] to recognize something as something unrecognized.") when a debugging scene is happening.

Check recognizing-by-text something as text when engaged in Task One:
say "No game session is available." instead.

Check recognizing-by-text something as text:
say "There does not seem to be a [topic understood] PC anywhere in the world model." instead.

Recognizing it as is an action out of world, applying to two visible things. Understand "recognize [any thing] as [any thing]" as recognizing it as when a debugging scene is happening.

Understand "recognize [a co-conspirator] as [a conspirator]" and "[any thing] as [a conspirator]" as recognizing it as (with nouns reversed) when a debugging scene is happening.
Understand the command "recognise" as "recognize".

Understand "recognize [any thing]" as a mistake ("[We] [need] to recognize something as something unrecognized.") when a debugging scene is happening.

First check recognizing something as something when engaged in Task One:
say "No game session is available." instead.

Check recognizing something as something when the noun is the second noun:
say "They are already the same." instead.

Check recognizing something which is not a person as something which is not a person:
say "They are already recognized to particular things." instead.

Check recognizing something as something:
if something which is not a person is involved, say "[if a human resource (called interloper) is involved]I cannot find anyone called [Interloper][otherwise]People things are never recognized as non-people things[end if]." instead;
if a npc person is involved, say "[The list of involved npc persons] [are] [if exactly one npc person is involved]an [end if]NPC[if exactly one npc person is involved]s[end if], and therefore do[if exactly 1 npc person is involved]es[end if]  not have [if exactly one npc person is involved]a player[otherwise]players[end if]." instead;
unless (the noun is a conspirator or the second noun is a conspirator) and (the second noun is a conspirator or the second noun is a co-conspirator), say "[The noun] and [the second noun] are who they are." instead;

Last check recognizing someone as someone:
unless noun disguises second noun or second noun disguises the noun begin;
if one involved thing is a disconnected conspirator begin;
let disjointed be noun;
if second noun is a disconnected conspirator and disjointed is not a disconnected conspirator, now disjointed is second noun;
if one involved thing is a disconnected conspirator, say "[The disjointed] does not match [if noun is disjointed][the second noun][otherwise][the noun][end if] in our database. Use the testing commands and within-game things to figure out to which person [the disjointed] matches. ";
end if;
let candidate be the noun;
let second candidate be the second noun;
if (noun is a co-conspirator or noun is a second co-conspirator) and alter ego of noun is connected, now candidate is alter ego of noun;
if (second noun is a co-conspirator or second noun is a second co-conspirator) and the alter ego of the second noun is connected,now second candidate is alter ego of second noun;
if noun is not candidate or second noun is not second candidate, say "Our database recognizes [if noun is not candidate][the candidate][otherwise][the second candidate][end if] as [if noun is not a conspirator][aliases of candidate][otherwise][aliases of second candidate][end if][if candidate is not noun and second noun is not second candidate], and [the second candidate] is recognized as [aliases of second candidate][end if]. ";
if (noun is a co-conspirator or noun is a second co-conspirator) and alter ego of noun is disconnected, now candidate is alter ego of noun;
if (second noun is a co-conspirator or second noun is a second co-conspirator) and the alter ego of the second noun is disconnected,now second candidate is alter ego of second noun;
if noun is not candidate and second noun is not second candidate begin;
say "Our database does not recognize [the noun] or [the second noun] as PCs in the world. ";
if noun is not candidate or second noun is not second candidate, say "Our database does not recognize [if noun is not candidate][the noun][otherwise][the second noun][end if] as any PC in the world[if candidate is not noun and second noun is not second candidate], and [the second noun] is recognized as [aliases of second candidate][end if]. ";
end if;
say lb;
rule fails;
end unless.

Carry out recognizing something as something:
if the noun provides the property connected, now the noun is connected;
if the second noun provides the property connected, now the second noun is connected.

Report recognizing something as something:
say "[The noun] has been successfully reconnected with ";
if the second noun is a co-conspirator begin;
if second noun is Chin, say "[set link 19]Chin Lee[end link]";
if second noun is Olga, say "[set link 20]Olga Burlenko[end link]";
if second noun is Yaphet, say "[set link 21]Yaphet Kalotto[end link]";
if second noun is Tuttle, say "[set link 22]Richard Tuttle[end link]";
if second noun is Fiona, say "[set link 23]Fiona Campbell[end link]";
say "[the second noun]";
end if;
say ". They will be recognized as one another in the game.";
if the raven is involved begin;
say "[lb]*** Finding location of the raven ... done. [if the player is the swan]The swan is now inactive. [Username of yourself] removed from game world.[end if]  Resetting Calydonian 
Boar ... done. [HarborMaster] sidebar updated testing commands[if sidebar is g-unpresent and the sidebar is allowing toggling]; use SIDEBAR ON to show the sidebar[end if]. *** [lb]";
now the player is yourself;
enable saving of undo state;
now raven wears the raven's mask;
move the raven to the chamber;
move the player to the Chamber;
now Eve's-phone is off-stage;
if location is the Chamber, follow the every turn rules;
end if.

Showing relations is an action out of world. Understand "web" as showing relations when a debugging scene is happening.

Check showing relations:
if engaged in  Task One, say "No game session is available." instead.

Check showing relations:
say "[b]Relations (of objects in [location]).[/b] [lb]".

Synching it with is an action out of world, applying to two things. Understand "sync [something] to/with [something]" and "sync [something]" as synching it with when conspiring.

Understand the commands "connect", "hookup" and "hook-up" as "sync".

Rule for supplying a missing second noun while synching something with:
now the second noun is HarborMaster.

Check synching something with something:
if the noun is the gaming session, now the noun is Eve's-phone;
if the second noun is the gaming session, now the second noun is Eve's-phone;
if office-computer is involved begin;
if noun is office-computer, now noun is HarborMaster;
if second noun is office-computer, now second noun is HarborMaster;
end if;
unless Eve's-phone is involved or HarborMaster is involved, say "You can only sync game devices with [i]HarborMaster.[/i]" instead.

Check synching something with something:
if the noun is the second noun, say "They're already synched." instead;
if engaged in Task Two, say "They're already synched." instead;
if engaged in Task Three, say "You are not connected with Eve Martin." instead.

Carry out synching something with something:
say "You'll need to use your resources to sync them.".

Synching is an action out of world, applying to nothing. Understand "sync" as synching.

Check synching when engaged in Task One:
try synching Eve's-phone with HarborMaster instead.
Check synching:
say "Game device is already synched with [i]HarborMaster.[/i]" instead.

Working is an action out of world, applying to nothing. Understand "debug" and "work" as working.

Check working when yourself has not been alerted to problems:
say "[We] could really use a break." instead.

Check working when player has been bunny:
say "You're working it out now." instead.

Report working:
say "You [if HarborMaster is no-screen]click open [otherwise if HarborMaster is low-screen]maximize[otherwise]sigh and stare at[end if] [i]HarborMaster.[/i] [lb]";
if an icon (called minimizer) is full-screen and minimizer is not HarborMaster, now minimizer is low-screen;
now HarborMaster is full-screen;
try looking.

Section - Alterations to the Command Sidebar extension

Understand "command", "resource", "resource manager", and "resources" as "[resource]".

To say list type:
say "[if engaged in Task One]RESOURCES[otherwise]COMMANDS[end if]".

To say window type:
if engaged in Task One, say "resources";
otherwise say "testing commands".

Understand "display [resource]", "display testing commands", "display [resource] list/sidebar", "display testing commands list/sidebar", "open [resource]", "open testing commands", "open [resource] list/sidebar", "open testing commands list/sidebar", "[resource] on", "testing commands on", "[resource] list/sidebar on", "testing commands list/sidebar on", "show [resource]", "show testing commands", "show [resource] list/sidebar", "show testing commands list/sidebar", "[resource] list/sidebar", "testing commands list/sidebar", "switch on/-- [resource]", "switch on testing commands", "switch on/-- [resource] list/sidebar", "switch on testing commands list/sidebar", "turn on/-- [resource]", "turn on testing commands", "turn on/-- [resource] list/sidebar" and "turn on testing commands list/sidebar" as turning on the commands sidebar when the sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-unpresent and Conspiring.

Understand "[resource] list/sidebar", and "testing commands list/sidebar" as turning on the commands sidebar when the sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-unpresent and Conspiring.

Understand "hide [resource]", "hide testing commands", "hide [resource] list/sidebar", "hide testing commands list/sidebar", "close [resource]", "close testing commands", "close [resource] list/sidebar", "close testing commands list/sidebar", "[resource] off", "testing commands off", "[resource] list/sidebar off", "testing commands list/sidebar off", "switch
off/-- [resource]", "switch off testing commands", "switch off/-- [resource] list/sidebar", "switch off testing commands list/sidebar", "turn off/-- [resource]", "turn off testing commands", and "turn off/-- [resource] list/sidebar" as turning off the commands sidebar when the sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-present and Conspiring.

Understand "[resource] list/sidebar" and "testing commands list/sidebar" as turning off the commands sidebar when the sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-present and Conspiring.

Understand "commands", "resources", and "testing commands" as listing the sidebar commands when the sidebar is allowing toggling.

Understand "[resource] [text]" and "[resource] window [text]" as a mistake ("Use SIDEBAR ON or OFF to show or hide the [window type] sidebar. To list the [window type] in the game screen, type [list type].") when the sidebar is allowing toggling.

The introduce the sidebar commands as a list rule response (A) is "Type [list type] to see the list of available [window type].".

The turn on the commands sidebar rule response (A) is "The [window type] sidebar will now be shown[if the sidebar is allowing toggling]. To hide it, type SIDEBAR OFF[end if].".
The turn on the commands sidebar rule response (B) is "		The [window type] window should already be displayed[if the sidebar is allowing toggling]. To hide it, type SIDEBAR OFF[end if]. To list the available [window type] in the game screen, type SIDEBAR on.".

The turn off the commands sidebar rule response (A) is "The [window type] sidebar is now hidden[if the sidebar is allowing toggling]. To show it again, type SIDEBAR ON[end if]. To list the [window type] in the main game screen, type [list type].".
The turn off the commands sidebar rule response (B) is "The [window type] window should already be hidden[if the sidebar is allowing toggling]. To show it, type SIDEBAR ON[end if]. To list the [window type] in the game screen, type [list type].".

The can't open the sidebar for unknown reason rule response (A) is "Your [window type] sidebar couldn't be opened. To list the [window type] in the game screen instead, type [list type].".

Check turning on the commands sidebar when HarborMaster is not full-screen:
say "Sidebar is only available in [i]HarborMaster.[/i] [lb]" instead.
Check turning off the commands sidebar when HarborMaster is not full-screen:
say "No sidebar is available." instead.

First check listing the sidebar commands when HarborMaster is no-screen:
say "I didn't understand that sentence." instead. 
Check listing the sidebar commands when player has not been alerted to problems:
say "Contact with player(s) has not been established. No resources are needed." instead.

The attribute the play IF postcard rule does nothing. [This is printed when a player activates a transcript, but its contents don't seem relevant to this game.]

This is the new list the sidebar commands in the main window rule:
print a table of commands in the sidebar, in main window.
[Because sidebar and main window are listed similarly. The clause at the end just prints out a line break when listing in the main window.]

The select the appropriate table of commands before listing the commands rule is not listed in any rulebook. [We did this work manually.]

The new list the sidebar commands in the main window rule is listed instead of the list the sidebar commands in the main window rule in the Carry Out listing the sidebar commands rules. [Because we changed it substantially.]

Chapter - Within-World Actions From Standard Rules

Understand "* [text]" as a mistake ("Noted.") when Questing is happening.

Understand nothing as attacking.
Understand "[a fleeing person]" and "[a resourceful thing]" as examining.

Understand "cover [something] with [something]" as putting it on.

Understand "take [something] from/off of/-- [something]" as removing it from.

Understand "play [a device]" and "play [an icon]" as switching on.
Understand "switch on [a switched off device]", "switch [a switched off device] on", "turn on [a switched off device]", and "turn [a switched off device] on" as switching on.
Understand "switch off [a switched on device]", "switch [a switched on device] off", "turn off [a switched on device]", and "turn [a switched on device] off" as switching off.

The examine containers rule does nothing.
the examine devices rule does nothing.
the examine supporters rule does nothing.
The carrying requirements rule does nothing.

Chapter - New Within-World Actions

[In general, I only use the tense and viewpoint text substitutions in the specific action-processing rules because I'm more likely to use them in other projects.]

Abandoning the quest is an action applying to nothing.
Carry out abandoning the quest:
say "You decide to allow Fate to take over, and you abandon the quest. [pb]Thanks for playing [b]A New Olympia.[/b] [pb]*** [pb]*** You scored 450 out of 500 points in that game.".

Understand the commands "buy" and "purchase" as something new.
Buying it for is an action applying to two things. Understand "buy [something] for [something]" and "buy [something]" as buying it for.
Understand "buy [a person] [something]" as buying it for (with nouns reversed).
Understand the commands "order" and "purchase" as "buy".

Rule for supplying a missing second noun while buying something for:
now the second noun is the player.

Check buying something for something which is not a person:
say "[We] could, but [we] doubt [the second noun] could appreciate [regarding the noun][them]." instead.
Check buying something which is not an alcoholic drink for something:
if the noun is a person, say "[We] doubt [the noun] [are] for sale[if engaged in Task Two]; Bud won't go for that[end if]." instead;
otherwise say "[if engaged in Task Two]Bud isn't selling [the noun][otherwise][The noun] [are]n't for sale[end if]." instead.
Check buying something for something:
try giving the noun to the second noun instead.

Buying it from is an action applying to two things. Understand "buy [something] from [something]" as buying it from.

Check buying something from something which is not a person:
say "[We][']ll [need] to find someone to buy from." instead.
Check buying something which is not an alcoholic drink from something:
if the noun is a person, say "[Noun] isn't owned by [second noun]." instead;
otherwise say "[if engaged in Task Two]Bud isn't selling [the noun][otherwise][The noun] [are]n't for sale[end if]." instead.

Check buying something from something:
unless the second noun is Bud, say "[Second noun] isn't selling anything." instead;
otherwise try taking the second noun instead.

Changing channels is an action applying to nothing. Understand "change channel/channels//station" and "switch channel/channels/station" as changing channels when Questing has ended.

Understand nothing as touching.
Understand the command "press" as something new.

Clicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "click on/-- [something]" as clicking.
Understand the commands "c", "press", and "touch" as "click".
The clicking action has a thing called pressed icon.

Setting action variables for clicking an icon:
if a random full-screen icon (called shuttable) is not the noun, now the pressed icon is shuttable;
otherwise now the pressed icon is the noun.

Check clicking something which is not an icon:
say "[We] [do]n't see anything like that on [our] monitor." instead.

Last check clicking an icon:
if the noun is low-screen, try maximizing the noun instead;
if noun is full-screen, try minimizing the noun instead;
unless the noun is the pressed icon, now the pressed icon is low-screen.

Carry out clicking an icon:
now the noun is full-screen.

Report clicking an icon:
say "[The noun] opens. ";
if noun is HarborMaster and sidebar is allowing toggling begin;
show the command sidebar window;
if sidebar is g-present, say "[HarborMaster] sidebar open and updated. ";
end if;
if noun is either HarborMaster or Thunderbird, say lb;
if noun is HarborMaster, try looking;
if noun is Thunderbird, try examining the noun.

Table of Hyperlink Glulx Replacement Commands (continued)
linknum	replacement
1	"click flagged e-mail"
2	"click game thoughts"
10	"click Roger"
11	"click Eve"
12	"click Chucky"
13	"click Alicia"
14	"click Jason"
15	"click Samuel"
16	"click Travis"
17	"click DONCAN-132"
18	"bio for Eve"
19	"bio for Chin Lee"
20	"bio for Olga Burlenko"
21	"bio for Yaphet Kalotto"
22	"bio for Richard Tuttle"
23	"bio for Fiona Campbell"

Continuing to office is an action applying to nothing. Understand "take a break" as continuing to office when Questing is happening.

Carry out continuing to office:
say "Press a key to continue.";
wait for any key;
now every thing carried by the player is off-stage;
now every thing worn by the player is off-stage;
move the player to the Office.

Deciding upon is an action applying to an actionable dialogue.

Last check deciding upon when the conversationalist is waiting for a decision:
now the conversationalist is not waiting for a decision.

Carry out deciding upon thought-processing when the conversationalist is standby:
now the conversationalist is waiting for a decision;
rule succeeds.

Carry out deciding upon:
if the conversationalist enacts a actionable dialogue and the mission of the conversationalist is the current dialogue begin; [The player wants to stop the resource from doing what he or she is doing.]
now the conversationalist is deactivated;
now the conversationalist enacts nothing;
now conversationalist is not on-site;
end if;
now the conversationalist enacts current dialogue;
now the conversationalist is activated.

Report deciding upon:
say "'[if the conversationalist is Alicia]Gotcha,' Alicia[otherwise if the conversationalist is Travis]Copy that,' Travis[otherwise if the conversationalist is Jason]Okay,' Jason[otherwise]Yeah, okay,' Sam[end if] says.";
now the conversationalist is the player.

Fighting it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fight [something] with [something]" and "fight" as fighting it with.
Understand the command "stab" as "fight".

Should the game suggest fighting something with the trident:
if Questing is happening,  it is a good suggestion.
Should the game suggest fighting something with the player:
if Questing is not happening, it is a good suggestion.

Check fighting something with something:
say "[We] [lack] the necessary impulse." instead.

Fishing is an action applying to a thing. Understand "catch [something]", "fish for [something]", and "fish" as fishing.
Rule for supplying a missing noun while fishing:
if questing is happening, now the noun is the fishes;
now the noun is the player.

Check fishing something:
try taking the noun instead.

Fulfilling the quest is an action applying to nothing.
Carry out fulfilling the quest:
say "Thanks for playing [b]A New Olympia.[/b] *** [pb]*** You scored 500 out of 500 points in that game.".

Understand the command "feed" as something new.
Understand the command "hand" as "give".

First check giving something to something:
if the second noun is not a person, say "[The noun] won't appreciate the gesture." instead;
if the noun is not enclosed by the player, say "[We] [do]n't have [the noun]." instead;
if the second noun is the player, try taking the noun instead;
say "[The second noun] politely refuses [our] offer." instead.

Looking off-screen is an action applying to nothing. Understand "l around/at//-- the/-- office", "look around/at//-- the/-- office", "l around/at//-- the/-- command center/centre", "look around/at//-- the/-- command centre/center", "l around", and "look around" as looking off-screen.

Carry out looking off-screen:
say "[description of Office] [lb]".

Looking out of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "look out/through of/-- [something]" and "look outside" as looking out of.
 Rule for supplying a missing noun while looking out of:
 now the noun is the office-window.

Looking off-screen is gazing. Looking out of is gazing. Looking is gazing. Waiting is gazing.

Maximizing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "maximize [something]" as maximizing.

Check maximizing something which is not clickable:
say "[regarding the noun][Those] [are]n't on your monitor." instead.
Check maximizing something which is not an icon:
say "That isn't a computer program." instead;
Check maximizing a full-screen icon:
say "[Noun] already fills the monitor." instead.
Check maximizing an icon:
if the noun is no-screen, try clicking the noun instead.

Carry out maximizing something:
now the noun is full-screen.

Report maximizing an icon:
say "You click [Noun], and it fills the screen. ";
if noun is HarborMaster and sidebar is allowing toggling begin;
show the command sidebar window;
if sidebar is g-present, say "[HarborMaster] sidebar open and updated. ";
end if;
say lb;
if noun is HarborMaster, try looking;
if noun is Thunderbird, try examining the noun.

Minimizing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "minimize [something]" as minimizing.

Check minimizing something which is not clickable:
say "[regarding the noun][Those] [are]n't on your monitor." instead.

Check minimizing something which is not an icon:
say "That isn't a computer program." instead.

Check minimizing a low-screen icon:
say "[Noun] is open, but it isn't maximized." instead.

Check minimizing a no-screen icon:
say "[Noun] isn't open on the screen." instead.

Carry out minimizing an icon:
now the noun is low-screen.

Report minimizing an icon:
say "[Noun] minimizes. ";
if noun is HarborMaster begin;
if sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-present, close the sidebar;
if the sidebar is g-unpresent, say "[HarborMaster] sidebar closed. ";
end if;
say lb;
try looking.

Praying to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "pray to [any thing]" and "pray" as praying to.
Rule for supplying a missing noun while praying to:
if Questing is happening, now the noun is Zeus;
otherwise now the noun is the player.

Check praying to something which is not the player:
say "[The noun] wouldn't make sense of [our] effort." instead.
Check praying to the player:
say "[We] [take] a moment to acknowledge [our] existence and whoever may be responsible for it." instead.

Responding with it to is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "[number]", "answer [a number] to [something]", "answer [a number]", "say [number] to [something]", and "say [a number]" as responding with it to when a debugging scene is happening.

Rule for supplying a missing second noun while responding with a number to:
now the second noun is the conversationalist.

Check responding with a number to the player:
say "[We] [attempt] a countdown from [number understood] but decide against it: too trite." instead.

Check responding with a number to something which is not the conversationalist:
if the second noun is not a person, say "[We] can count  how many there are, but [we] probably shouldn't count to [regarding the second noun][them]." instead;
if second noun is either office-computer or HarborMaster begin;
now the second noun is the conversationalist;
say "[We] are talking to [conversationalist]." instead;
end if.

Carry out responding with a number to something:
now current dialogue is entry number understood in dialogue choices;
try deciding upon current dialogue.

Showing room attributes for is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "show-me [any room]" and "show-me" as showing room attributes for when Conspiring.

First check showing room attributes for a room during Task One:
say "No game session is in play." instead.

Check showing room attributes for a room which is not the location:
say "[The noun] isn't the location of the player." instead.

Carry out showing room attributes for a room:
say "[printed name of noun] - room [lb]";
repeat with selection running through things in the location begin;
test selection for attributes;
end repeat;
say  "singular-named, [if noun is improper-named]im[end if]proper-named; lighted, visited [lb]list grouping key: none [pb]";
say  "printed name: '[printed name of location]' [lb]plural name: none [lb] indefinite article: none [lb] description: '[description of noun]' [lb]".

Showing attributes for is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "show-me [any thing]" as showing attributes for when Conspiring.

First check showing attributes for a disconnected conspirator:
say "*** [username of yourself] does not recognize PC [the noun]. *** [lb]" instead.

Check showing attributes for something which is not enclosed by the location:
say "There seems to be no such [if the noun is a person]person[otherwise]object[end if] anywhere in the location." instead.

Last check showing attributes for the player when the player is yourself:
say "You are not controlling a PC, and you cannot test yourself." instead.

Carry out showing attributes for something:
if player is yourself and noun is female, now the player is female;
if player is yourself, now story viewpoint is third person singular;
test noun for attributes;
say "location: ";
if noun is incorporated by something, say "part of [random thing which incorporates noun]";
if the noun is in something or the noun is carried by someone or the noun is worn by someone, say "[if the noun is carried by someone]carried by[otherwise if the noun is worn by someone]worn by[otherwise]in[end if] [the holder of noun][if something incorporates holder of noun], which is part of the [holder of a random thing which incorporates holder of noun][end if]";
say  " in [location of noun] [lb] singular-named, [if the noun is improper-named]im[end if]proper-named; unlit, inedible, [if the noun is portable]portable[otherwise]fixed in place[end if]";
if the noun is a container, say "; opaque, open, unopenable, unlocked";
if the noun is a door begin;
say "; closed, openable, unlocked ";
say ", [if the noun is scenery]scenery, [end if][if the noun is a device]switched on, [end if]";
end if;
say "unexamined";
if the noun is a person begin;
say "[if noun is female]; female[otherwise if the noun is male]; male[end if]";
end if;
say "[lb][i]printed name:[/i] '[printed name of noun]' [lb]";
say "[i]description:[/i] '[description of noun]' [pb]";
if the noun provides the property things spoken about and the noun is not an npc person, say "[i]things spoken about:[/i] [unless things spoken about of the noun is empty][things spoken about of the noun][otherwise]none[end unless] [lb]";
if the noun provides the property favorite drinks, say "[i]favorite drinks:[/i] [unless the favorite drinks of the noun is empty][favorite drinks of the noun][otherwise]none[end unless][lb]";
if the noun is a person and the noun is not the swan, say "[i]drunkenness:[/i] [if the noun is the fly][drunkenness of the fly][otherwise if the noun is the dog]3[otherwise]0[end if][lb]";
if the noun is an alcoholic drink, say "[i]sippiness:[/i] [sippiness of the noun][lb]";
if the noun provides the property drinkers, say "[i]drinkers:[/i] [unless drinkers of the noun is empty][drinkers of the noun][otherwise]none[end unless][lb]";
if the noun is a door, say "[i]other side:[/i] Bud's Cellar[lb]";
if the noun provides the property aliases and the noun is not the swan, say "[i]aliases:[/i] [aliases of the noun][lb]";
if the noun provides the property awareness, say "[i]awareness:[/i] [awareness of the noun][lb]";
if the noun is a person, say "[i]occupation:[/i] [occupation of the noun][lb]";
if the noun provides the property responsibility and the noun is not the swan, say "[i]responsibility:[/i] [responsibility of the noun][lb]";
if the noun provides the property raven's agenda, say "meeting attendees: [the raven's agenda] [lb]";
if player is yourself and noun is female, now the player is male;
if player is yourself, now story viewpoint is second person singular.

Section - Resource Usage

Activating is an action applying to one thing. Understand "activate [something]" as activating.
Understand the commands "contact" and "deploy" as "activate".

First check activating something which is not resourceful:
if engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three, say "You can only activate resources, and none are available." instead;
say "[if sidebar is g-present]The resources you can activate are listed in the resource sidebar[otherwise]Type RESOURCES to list the resources that are available[end if]." instead.

Check activating an activated resourceful thing when the noun is not a human resource:
say "[The noun] [have] already been activated. The ETI is approximately [travel time of noun]." instead.

Carry out activating something:
if the noun is resourceful, now the noun is activated.

Report activating something:
say "[The noun] [activate].".

Decommissioning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "deactivate [something]" as decommissioning.

First check decommissioning an unresourceful thing:
if engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three, say "[regarding the noun][Those] [are] not a resource available to you." instead.

Check decommissioning a deactivated resourceful thing when the noun is not a human resource:
say "[The noun] [have] not been activated." instead.

Carry out decommissioning something:
if the noun is an on-site resourceful thing and the noun is not a human resource begin;
now the noun is not on-site;
increment the travel time of the noun;
end if;
if the noun is resourceful, now the noun is deactivated.

Report decommissioning something:
say "[The noun] de-activates.".

Section - Conversation

Understand nothing as asking it about. Understand nothing as telling it about. 

The conversationalist is a thing that varies. The conversationalist is Yourself.

Discussing it with is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "ask [any thing] to/of/with [any thing]", "talk about [any thing] to/with [any thing]", "ask for/about/-- [any thing]", "talk about [any thing]", "speak [any thing]", "tell [any thing]", and "say [any thing]" as discussing it with.
Understand "ask [any person] about/-- [a conspirator]" and "talk to [any person] about [a conspirator]" as discussing it with (with nouns reversed).
Understand "ask [any person] about/-- [any thing]" and "talk to [any person] about [any thing]" as discussing it with (with nouns reversed).

Check discussing something with something which is not a person:
say "[We] [do]n't expect a reply." instead.

Check discussing something with someone who is not enclosed by the location:
say "[The second noun] [are]n't around." instead.

Check discussing something with the player:
say "[We] [mutter] [the noun] to [ourselves]." instead.

Check discussing something with something which is not a person:
say "[We] [do]n't expect a response." instead.

Understand "tell [any person] about/-- [a conspirator]" as discussing it with (with nouns reversed).
Understand 	"tell [any thing] to/-- [any thing]" as discussing it with.
Understand 	"tell [any person] about/-- [any thing]" and "tell to [any person] [any thing]"as discussing it with (with nouns reversed).

Talking about it with is an action applying to a topic and one thing. Understand "ask [text] to [something]", "talk about [text] with/to [something]", "ask about/for [text]", "say [text] with/to [something]", "speak [text] with/to [something]", "tell [text] with/to [something]", "ask about [text]", "talk about [text]", "speak [text]", "say [text]", and "tell [text]" as talking about it with.

Understand "ask [something] to/of/-- [text]" and "talk to [something] about [text]" as talking about it with (with nouns reversed).

Check talking about text with the player:
say "[We] [mutter] something about [topic understood] to [ourselves]." instead.

Check talking about text with something which is not a person:
say "[We] [do]n't expect a response." instead.

Discussing something with is conversing. Talking about text with is conversing. 					

Rule for supplying a missing second noun while conversing:
now the second noun is the conversationalist.

Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to/with/-- [something]", "answer [something]", "ask [a person]", "speak to/with [something]", "converse", "speak", and "talk"  as talking to.

Understand the command "call" as "talk".
Understand "connect to/with [someone]" as talking to when engaged in Task One.

Rule for supplying a missing noun while talking to:
now the noun is the player.

First check talking to the player:
if yourself is alerted to problems, try clicking HarborMaster instead;
say "[We] [mull] things over." instead.

Check talking to something which is not a human resource when engaged in Task One:
say "[if the number of human resources incorporated by the office-computer is 1][We] can only talk to [a random human resource incorporated by the office-computer][otherwise]The resources [we] can talk to are [the list of human resources incorporated by the office-computer][end if]." instead.

Check talking to something which is not a person:
unless engaged in Task One, say "[We] [do]n't expect a response." instead.

Last check talking to a human resource:
say "'[contact-text of the noun].' [pb]";
now the conversationalist is the noun;
if the conversationalist is standby and the conversationalist is not waiting for a decision begin;
say "'[one of]What can you offer me[or]How's it looking[or]You have something for me[or]What are my options[or]What are you thinking[purely at random]?' [pb]";
carry out the suggesting options activity with the conversationalist;
end if.

Carry out talking to something:
now dialogue choices is {};
let counter be 1;
repeat with choice running through the action options of the conversationalist begin;
if choice is relevant begin;
add choice to dialogue choices;
say "([counter]) ";
carry out the Offering an action activity with choice;
increment counter;
end if;
end repeat;
say "([counter]) '[if the conversationalist is waiting for a decision]I'm still thinking. Hold on[otherwise if the conversationalist is standby]I'll think about it[otherwise]I'm re-thinking what to do, but continue on for now[end if].'";
add thought-processing to dialogue choices.

Volume - Introduction

Book - The Quest

Chapter - Quest Rooms and Characters

The player carries Poseidon's trident, the sirens' song, and the sack. The player wears Hades' helmet and Hermes' sandals.

The printed name of the sirens' song is "sirens['] song".
The printed name of Hades' helmet is "Hades['] helmet".
The printed name of Hermes' sandals is "Hermes['] sandals".

Understand "Poseidon's dolearm/spear/weapon", "dole arm", and "dolearm/spear/weapon" as Poseidon's trident.
The description of Poseidon's trident is "Once able to create burbling streams to fathomless oceans as well as flood shores and sink ships, the trident is no more than a three-pronged dole arm in your hands.".

Understand "hades' cap/hat/helm", "cap/hat/helm of darkness/invisibility", "helmet of invisibility/darkness",  and "cap/hat/helm" as Hades' helmet.
The description of Hades' helmet is "Black metal isn't the best headgear for journeying under the sun, but you suppose Hades didn't do much of that. You continue to wear it, though, in hopes that the invisibility it reportedly bestows on the wearer kicks in.".

Understand "Hermes' shoes/shoe/sandal/wing/wings", "shoe/sandal/shoes/wing/wings", and "winged sandals/sandal/shoes/shoe" as Hermes' sandals.
The description of Hermes' sandals is "The white wings attached to these sandals weigh your legs down as if they were not sewn from feathers but rather forged with Hephaestus' most leaden metal. But the soles are soft, and walking as if on clouds spares you the pain of callused and torn feet.".

Understand "bag/bounty/booty", "backpack",  "treasure/treasures", and "sac" as the sack.
The description of the sack is "The hag enchanted this sack with a capacity beyond its simple stitchings. Within it are Achilles['] tendon, Asclepius['] staff, 3 golden apples, the Graeae's eye, and a plank (possibly from the ship of Theseus).".

The sack contains Achilles' heel, Asclepius' staff, some golden apples, the Graeae's eye, and a plank.
The printed name of Achilles' heel is "Achilles['] heel".
The printed name of Asclepius' staff is "Asclepius['] staff".

Understand "Achilles foot/leg/tendon", "Achilles' leg", "Achilles's foot/leg/tendon", and "foot/leg/tendon/thumbprint"  as Achilles' heel.
The description of Achilles' heel is "This isn't just the heel of the Trojan War hero, but one whole foot. It bears the indelible thumbprint of his mother, Thetis.".

Understand "Asclepius's staff/rod/snake/", "Asclepius' rod/snake/", "rod/staff of Asclepius", and "rod/snake" as Asclepius' staff.
The description of Asclepius' staff is "As if it were asleep, a snake droops languidly from around the top of Asclepius['] staff. Its powers are still active but, given that some scars remain from your encounter with Heracles, it evidently needs to be placed in the right hands to rouse the snake and resurrect its healing magic.".

 Understand "Aphrodite's gold/golden apples/apple",  "gold apple/apples/fruit", "golden apple/fruit", and "apple/fruit" as the golden apples.
The description of the golden apples is "Aphrodite's golden apples embody the beauty of the goddess herself. They taste a little too sweet, though.".

Understand "Graiai's eye", "eye of the grey/gray ones", "eye of the graeae/graiai/sisters/witches", and "witches'/witches/sisters'/sisters's eye" as the Graeae's eye.
The description of the Graeae's eye is "The eye is big, blue, and bright, as if it belonged to a baby and not the old crones from whom you took it. They didn't even see you coming.".

Understand "board/wood",  "plank from Theseus' ship", "ship of Theseus", "Theseus' ship/board/plank",and "Theseus's Theseus'plank/ship/board" as the plank.
The description of the plank is "This plank was part of a ship in Theseus['] fleet but, because it was replaced by another one, can it really be said that it is a plank from a ship of Theseus? Does a reconstruction take the place of an original?".

Understand "sirens's/siren song/music" and "music/earworm" as the sirens' song.
The description of the sirens' song is "[if location is Nest]You don't want to even try to recall it[otherwise]The sirens sing to the fishes now, while their feathered bodies thrash in the tides among the rocks. Their song remains, however, starting every morning upon awakening, plucking away at your brain like an eagle at Prometheus['] liver[end if].".

The Nest is north of SOC. 
The printed name of the nest is "A Nest of Nymphs".

The water is a backdrop. It is in SOC and The Nest.
Understand "brook", "consciousness", "consciousness stream/river", "river", "rock/rocks", "stream of consciousness", and "stream" as the water.
The description of the water is "The water hypnotizes, brings you back to the womb, birth, and the light, followed by dark, night, and waking, and dreaming, and waking again, into a new world without influence from above but with agency from within, stepping from the hands of your fathers whose blood runs thick and deep, providing the nourishment, the enlightment, the awareness to continue as one with the many.".

Some trees are a backdrop. They are in SOC and the Nest.
Understand "apple tree/orchard" and "forest/tree/woods" as the trees.
The description of the trees is "The richest of soils and the thirstiest of roots couldn't support such a robust forest.". 

Some nymphs are women in SOC.
Understand "blond/blonde/brunette", "forest/tree nymph/nymphs", "nymph", and "water/stream/river/water nymph/nymphs" as the nymphs.
Understand "redhead" and "redhead nymph/nymphs" as the nymphs when location is The Nest.

The description of the nymphs is "[if location is SOC]Several nymphs are sitting and standing in a clearing upstream[otherwise]Daughters of Aphrodite, all of them. As drawn to them as you are, they lack interest in you, sparing only a glance upon your arrival. Maybe Zeus commanded it to be so; he doesn't want you to become too distracted[end if].".

SOC contains some fruit and some fishes.

Understand "apple/apples", "red apple/apples" and "green apple/apples" as the fruit.
The description of the fruit is "Some are green and some are red. All are big and flawless.".
Understand "fish" as the fishes.

Should the game choose doing something to the fruit:

The description of the fishes is "The fish swim languidly, as if through fermented honey, drunk and loitering among the rocks.".

The description of The Nest is "[one of]As you approach, the nymphs part, revealing a naked, emaciated man with a patchy white beard lying on a sheet suspended between two trees. A nymph places her hand on his shoulder. Her red hair rises, and she giggles. [pb]You shake your head. The god who once cast thunderbolts, now a flirtatious magician's apprentice. [pb]Zeus raises a limp hand to pat the nymph's bottom, his light touch only stresses his impotence. He sighs, turns to you, and stares. A nymph at his shoulder whispers into his ear. His eyes widen and he nods. 'I'm told you carry the means of both saving and ending my life,' he says, his voice a croak. 'Whatever it may be, do it quickly. I care not which you choose, for I feel not of sky, land, or water, returned to my childhood, suspended here but not.' [or]Zeus has returned to a place of security, his childhood home where he had been tended by nymphs and kept hidden from Cronus. Nymphs have once again rallied around the god, who lies on a blanket tied at each end to a tree. Some caress his thin naked body, their hair raised, Zeus not. Others prepare food and drink, and one is sitting next to the stream and strumming her lyre. Her song is quiet, the notes flowing with the burbling water. The women tuned to the wildlife stand in the periphery with a menagerie of animals crowded behind them[stopping]".

Zeus is a man in The Nest. Understand "god" and "god of thunder" as Zeus.
The description of Zeus is "Zeus['] divinity isn't obvious in his physical form. He's bald, and wisps of his stringy beard lay on his chest, its ribbed indentations heaving with each breath. His skin is pale, and   rashes have spread over his arms and face. He mumbles to himself, his thoughts probably following his eyes, which would normally be focused on the naked nymphs surrounding him but which now wander without purpose or interest.".

The Nest contains the food, the lyre, and the lyre-music. the wildlife is an animal in Nest.
The printed name of the lyre-music is "lyre song".

Understand "apple/apples/drink", "fish/fishes", "red apple/apples", "grape/grapes", "grape juice", "green apple/apples", "juice", and "wine" as the food. 
The description of the food is "The forest nymph slices the apples while the water nymph cleans the fish. Behind them, another nymph is sitting cross-legged with her hands inside a large bowl held between her hips. Her arms are stained purple.".
Understand "music" and "song" as the lyre-music.
The description of the lyre-music is "The lyre produces notes as if the strings were plucked by Apollo himself. The nymph has a sweeter voice, though, and the song, for the moment, replaces that of the sirens.".
The description of the lyre is "It appears to be similar to all other lyres: cow-gut strings stretched over a tortoise shell.".
Understand  "animal menagerie/wildlife", "black horse/horses/stallion/stallions", "boar/boars", "dogs/wolf/wolves", "raptor",  "horse/horses", "menagerie of animals/wildlife", and "menagerie" as the wildlife.
The description of the wildlife is "Some of the animals forage, but most are standing or sitting as they watch and wait. One nymph strokes the neck of a black horse while the other pets a wolf. They're flanked by wandering boars. A third nymph supports a condor on her arm as she feeds it.".

Chapter - Quest Action-Processing Rules

When play begins:
now the sidebar is shown manually;
now sidebar is disallowing toggling.

Before answering something that text during Questing, try talking to the noun instead.
Before conversing during Questing, try talking to the second noun instead.

Before eating or drinking the water, try taking the noun instead.
Before eating the fruit, try taking the noun instead.
Before eating the food, try taking the noun instead.

Before examining something when the noun is neither the nymphs nor the player and SOC contains player, say "You reluctantly pull your attention away from the nymphs. [rpo]".

Before fishing during Questing, try taking the fishes instead.

Before going nowhere from SOC, try abandoning the quest instead.
Before going nowhere from the Nest, try abandoning the quest instead.
Before going south from Nest, try abandoning the quest instead.

Before listening when the noun is either Sirens' song or the lyre-music, try examining the noun instead.
Before listening during Questing:
if location is SOC, try examining Sirens' song instead;
otherwise try examining the lyre-music instead.

Before removing something from during questing, follow the convert remove to take rule instead.

Before taking off something during Questing, try taking the noun instead.

Instead of dropping something enclosed by the player during Questing, say "You've gone through too much to be leaving your treasures behind.".

Instead of fighting the nymphs with something, say "Attacking the nymphs isn't necessary. Without Zeus, they will wither and die like flowers without a sun.".

Instead of fighting Zeus with Poseidon's trident:
now Zeus is off-stage;
say "You drop the sack, grab the trident in both hands, and stride over to Zeus. The nymphs around him pull away and bow. Zeus frowns, notices you, speaks: 'My [mdash]' [pb]You thrust the trident into Zeus['] throat. The middle spear punches through his neck, the two others rip through the sheet supporting him. He gurgles and thrashes his arms, but the reaction seems reflexive not defensive. When he falls limp, you pull the trident free. [pb]The nymphs around him begin to cry. You don't share their despair. It's time for humankind to direct its own destiny.";
try fulfilling the quest.

Instead of giving Asclepius' staff to Zeus:
say "You drop the sack and retrieve Asclepius' staff. You approach Zeus. Wide-eyed, the nymphs step away from him. [pb]'Be witness to the one who saved Zeus['] life,' you say loud enough for all the nymphs to hear. [pb]You lay the staff over Zeus' shoulder. He regards it, smiles, and looks at you. [pb]'Remember that I spared only you,' you say. [pb]Zeus nods and grips the staff with a strength not evident just seconds before. 'You will be rewarded handsomely, my son,' he says.";
try fulfilling the quest.

Instead of giving something which is not staff to Zeus when the noun is enclosed by the player, say "[regarding the noun][They] will do you more good than [they] will Zeus.".
Instead of giving something to the nymphs, say "They don't seem interested in you, and you figure they can provide for themselves.".

Instead of kissing Zeus, say "If the nymphs can't rouse him, a mere mortal won't.".
Instead of kissing the nymphs, say "They aren't likely interested, and you don't want a fight like you had with Artemis. These nymphs are likely to rally around one another.".

Instead of praying to something during Questing, say "[if location is SOC]There's only one god left to pray to, and you aren't sure yet whether you'll give him such reverence[otherwise]Given the condition Zeus is in, you doubt a prayer would help[end if].".

Instead of taking inventory during Questing, say "Instead of lugging them around in your sack, you've decided to wear Hades['] helmet and Hermes['] sandals, and carry Poseidon's trident. [if location is SOC]You also carry the sirens['] song locked in your head. [end if]The sack contains even more bounty: [lb]Achilles['] heel [lb]Asclepius' staff [lb]some golden apples [lb]the Graeae's eye [lb]a plank, possibly from the ship of Theseus [lb]".

Instead of taking something which is in the sack during Questing, say "You'll pull out [the noun] when you decide to use [them].".
Instead of taking a worn thing during Questing, say "[The noun] [are] easier to wear than to carry.".
Instead of taking the Sirens' song, say "[if location is Nest]It's gone [mdash] thank you, singing nymph [mdash] and you don't want it back[otherwise]You wish you could remove it from your mind, but you would have done that a long time ago if you could[end if].".

Instead of taking the fishes, say "Fishing is for idle hands, and you've no time for it.".
Instead of taking the food, say "You can eat when your quest is finished.".
Instead of taking the fruit, say "You have plenty of golden apples to eat.".

Instead of taking the water, say "Drinking from the Stream of Consciousness would blow your mind.".

Last instead of doing something other than abandoning the quest or continuing to office or fulfilling the quest or going or looking or examining during Questing:
if talking to or fighting with begin;
say "*** Run-time problem P21: Attempt to look up a non-existent correspondence in the table [']Table of [if talking to]Conversation Pieces[otherwise]Battle Throes[end if]";
say "*** Run-time problem [one of]P47 (at paragraph 4312 in the source text): Phrase applied to an incompatible kind of value[or]P50: Attempt to use list item which does not exist[or]P21: Attempt to look up a non-existent correspondence in the table [']Table of Ungodly Actions['][or]P40: Attempt to splice a snippet value which is currently invalid: words 0 to -1[purely at random]";
end if;
say ". *** [pb]Sighing, you decide that's enough testing for now. You'll add some comments to the game's transcript later. You close the interpreter.";
try continuing to office.

After abandoning the quest or fulfilling the quest:
now ending quest finally is true;
say "[quest final message] [lb] [i]Well,[/i] you think, [i]that was a bit abrupt. I'll need to talk to Ona about that. But that can wait. I need a break.[/i] [lb]".

After going north from SOC:
move the nymphs to the Nest;
continue the action.

Book - The Office

Chapter -Office Rooms and Characters

The Office is a room. "[one of]A naked blond nymph is sitting on your desk, a clipboard resting on her crossed legs. She taps her pouty lips with a pen. It falls from her delicate fingers, teeters on her knee, and lands on the floor. She frowns then bends over. [pb]You blink your weary eyes. The woman disappears. A nymph secretary doesn't come with the job, but the office that does seems just as unreal, with decor the dream of any teenager[or]Six months on the job, and your office still seems unreal[stopping]: big-screen television, stereo system, [first time]and [only]soundproofed walls[one of]. Even the window can be covered to block exterior light and sound[or], and a cover for the window to minimize exterior sound and light[stopping]. Outside the window and anchored to the building is a drone launch pad. The most important piece of equipment, though, remains the desktop computer[first time]. [pb]All of this seemed intimidating when, six months ago, you joined the team responsible for keeping [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] afloat by providing the players real-time updates and orchestrating the game's real-world interactivity. Fortunately, the project team is large, and much of the typical player experience is automated, so you usually have time for more conventional game development[only][if flagged e-mail is unexamined and thunderbird is full-screen]. [one of]Right now, though, [or]On it, [stopping][Thunderbird] [one of]alerts you to [or]has flagged [stopping]an e-mail message with the subject [set link 1]'RST Article.'[end link][first time][pb][b]Experienced and new players of interactive fiction should type ABOUT[/b][only][end if].".

The printed name of the Office is "Command Center".

Questing ends when the location is the Office.

The masterscreen is a backdrop. It is everywhere.
The printed name of the masterscreen is "monitor".
Understand "computer screen/monitor" and "screen/monitor" as the masterscreen.

Office contains the office-computer, the desk, the launch pad, the soundproofing, the office	-door and the office-window.
The office-computer incorporates gaming session, HarborMaster and Thunderbird. HarborMaster and Thunderbird are icons.

Rule for printing the name of an icon (called target) when target is HarborMaster or target is Thunderbird:
say "[i][printed name of target][/i]".

The flagged e-mail and the game thoughts are icons.
Thunderbird accesses the flagged e-mail and game thoughts. Thunderbird incorporates flagged e-mail and game thoughts.
Thunderbird is full-screen.

Understand "e-mail/email", "email", "message", "news", and "update" as "[e-mail message]".
Understand "alert/article", "e-mail/email alert/message/update", "flagged alert", "flagged [e-mail message]", "message/news/update", "reconstructing", "reconstructing [e-mail message]", "rst", "rst article", and "rst [e-mail message]" as the flagged e-mail.
Understand "e-mail" and "email" as the flagged e-mail when Thunderbird is full-screen.
Understand "news" as the flagged e-mail when the television is switched off.

The description of flagged e-mail is "The e-mail is from Kathryn Bogelew, one of the Marketing executives at FromChaos: Below is an article that will be published by [i]The First POV[/i] on Monday. Please notify me if it contains contentious material. Thank you. [pb][b]Will the Ship Sink?[/b][pb]Two years ago, an anonymous game creator released [i]S.hip of Theseus,[/i] a game that redefined 'interactive.' The game took place on screen and in the 'real world.' The within-game conspiracies spilled over into reality, and players could find their inboxes full of incriminating e-mails, their movements followed by cameras, their conversations recorded. Players had reason to be suspicious of that stranger hanging around the street or the people they saw at the grocery store. [pb]The game became a huge success and eventually an independent game creator, Marc Kamen, was outed as its author. Industry came calling, but Marc refused their advances. Unfortunately, and apparently without warning to family or friends, Marc committed suicide. FromChaos obtained the rights to his creation. With their deeper pockets and vast resources, FromChaos turned [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] into a worldwide blockbuster. [pb]A sequel was inevitable. Earlier this year, FromChaos released [i]Gaia's Web,[/i] which wasn't that sequel, but rather a purely text-based introduction to what was to come. This Friday, FromChaos is publishing the heavily-anticipated follow-up to [i]S.hip,[/i] [i]Re.constructing the Ship of Theseus.[/i] Every day this week we will be previewing this new release, which boasts that it is 'interactive fiction that will change your world. Literally.' [pb]For more information on [i]S.hip of Theseus,[/i] read my [set link 2]review of the game[end link]. [pb]Kathryn has attached the review, even though you can just click on the link in her e-mail.".

Understand "attachment", "game/ship/sot review", "review", "review of game/ship/sot", and "review of ship of theseus" as game thoughts.
The printed name of game thoughts is "[i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] review".

The description of the game thoughts is "[b]S.hip of Theseus[/b] [pb]I was so pleased to see VM Straka's [i]Ship of Theseus[/i] adapted as a game; he's a criminally underrated writer. [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] is one of the most interesting experiments I've seen since [i]the House of Leaves[/i] ARG disaster, so naturally I was excited to see what the developers did. The manner of adaptation feels like an homage to its source material: the game blends traditional IF tools with new technology as you piece together the multinational conspiracy at its heart. Most notably, the game tracks your progress via drone surveillance, which is used to trigger later levels and make information assimilation more difficult. (Flooding my department was a nice touch of verisimilitude for which I applaud the anonymous designer.) [pb]Where [i]S.hip of Theseus[/i] shines is the incorporation of multiplayer format; in Act 2 you're paired with another player, and so the narrative shifts. Clues are possible to destroy, depending on how careful a reader you are [mdash] or your partner is. (There's been a lot of complaining about the procedurally-generated pairing lists, but the developers quite rightly pointed out that it's possible to rig a simple last-in-first-out stack to ensure two friends or lovers are paired together. Though I can't imagine why you'd want to [mdash] being responsible for a loved one's implication in a major government conspiracy? If you get the [bracket]REDACTED[close bracket] ending, you won't even find out for a good 5-7 years if they can forgive you.)".

Understand "HarborMaster icon/program/software" and "interpreter" as HarborMaster.

Should the game choose doing something with HarborMaster:
unless the player is oblivious to problems, it is a good choice;

Understand "e-mail/email client/software/program", and "thunder bird" as Thunderbird.
The description of Thunderbird is "FromChaos requires that employees use the Mozilla Foundation's Thunderbird e-mail client[if flagged e-mail is unexamined]. An e-mail message with the title 'RST Article' is flagged[end if].".

Should the game choose doing something to Thunderbird:
if flagged e-mail has not been full-screen, it is a good choice;

The office-computer is a computer.
The printed name of the office-computer is "computer".
Understand "computer", "desktop", "desktop computer", "harddrive", and "hard drive" as the office-computer.
Understand "pc" as the office-computer when the location is the Office.
Understand "pc" as yourself when location is not the Office and the player is yourself.

		The description of the office-computer is "Every titan on the [i]S.hip[/i] team monitors their own distinct set of players. Outfitted with microphone and webcam, and with a touch-screen, the computer is everything a titan needs. Using the [HarborMaster] software, a titan can fix bugs in real-time, monitor players through both transcripts and game sessions, and initiate real-world responses, which include directing drones and communicating with field agents[if HarborMaster is full-screen]. The program is open on your screen[otherwise if HarborMaster is low-screen]. The program is minimized[otherwise if yourself is alerted to problems]. Its icon is flashing on the screen[end if].".

The office-computer incorporates the microphone and webcam. The microphone and webcam are devices.

Understand "headset" as the microphone.
The description of the microphone is "It's a bluetooth device, and it's set to automatically activate when a human resource is available, and de-activate when [HarborMaster] closes.".

Understand "computer camera", "computer webcam/cam", "web cam" and "web camera" as the webcam.
The description of the webcam is "You rarely use the webcam for anything more than meetings with the staff or executives at FromChaos. The network here is supposed to be secure, but you still don't like the possibility, however small, that someone could be watching you.".

Understand "drawer/drawers", "office desk",  "office table", and "table" as the desk. 
The description of the desk is "The desk had been against a wall when you arrived, but you moved it to the center of the room. You like to walk when you work, circling the desk as you think,  listen, or talk.".

Understand "office door" and "soundproof/soundproofed/foam/rubber door" as the office-door.
The printed name of the office-door is "office door".
The description of the office-door is "The soundproofing extends to the door, which is studded with the absorbant rubber foam. The door is also kept closed, to prevent information from leaking in or out.".

Understand "balcony", "chopper/choppers/helicopter/helicopters", "drone/drones", "drone/drones launchpad", "drone/drones landing/launch pad", and "landing pad" as the launch pad.
		The description of the launch pad is "This launch pad is designed for a single drone to land when it has something for you, or you for it. Besides delivery, drones are primarily used for surveillance, but some can be loaded with anesthetic or hallucinogenic agents. Most drones aren't stored here; they stay out in the field at the residences of people who work as operatives, or sometimes at police stations or fire departments.".
Understand "egg carton/cartons", "foam/rubber", "foam/rubber padding/soundproofing/wall/walls", "padding", "soundproof/soundproofed wall/walls", and "wall/walls" as the soundproofing.
The description of the soundproofing is "You're not sure whether the rubber foam sound absorbers lining the walls is absolutely necessary. It seems more like a security feature requested by paranoid executives. At least it's a pleasant blue and not melancholic black or sterile white.".
Should the game choose doing something to the main window:
Should the game suggest doing something to the main window:

Should the game choose doing something to the status window:
Should the game suggest doing something to the status window:

Understand "cover/velcro", "sound-absorbant/soundproof/soundproofed/soundproofing cover/window", "window cover/soundproofing/velcro", and "window" as the office-window.
The printed name of the office-window is "office window".

The description of the office-window is "The window is large enough to access a drone on the launch pad and pull it inside. Regulations dictate that the window stays closed otherwise, but at least you're only required to cover it with the sound-absorbant foam when it gets noisy in the office.".

The alarm, the stereo and the television are devices in the Office.
 Understand "compact disc/disk/discs/disk", "cds/dvds", "cd/dvd player",  "radio", "shortwave", "shortwave radio", "speaker/speakers", "stack", and "stack of CDs/DVDs"  as the stereo.

 The description of the stereo is "The radio picks up both satellite and terrestrial signals, as well as shortwave. Usually it is tuned to news broadcasts, as is the television. There is also a stack of CDs that you play when you're communicating with a game player and you need to simulate another environment, like an airport or a jungle. At other times you like to listen to music, [if the item described is switched on]like now[otherwise]but you aren't in the mood for anything right now[end if].".

Understand  "big/large screen television/tv", "big-screen tv/television", "large-screen tv/television", "large/big screen", "office television/tv" and "tv" as the television.
Understand "broadcast" and "news broadcast" as the television.
Understand "news" as the television when the television is switched on.

The description of the television is "You're supposed to use the television to watch news stations like the BBC, CNN, CBC, and CCTV. And most of the time you do. You actually don't like to leave it on unless you're expecting some breaking news, [if the item described is switched on]the talking heads just providing ambient chatter now[otherwise]which is why it isn't on[end if].".

Understand "call", "hail",  and "siren" as the alarm.
Understand "game screen/simulation", "game" and "transcript" as the gaming session.

Chapter - Office Action-Processing Rules

This is the new room description heading rule:
say "[b][location of player][/b]     ";
unless Questing is happening, say "(as [if player is yourself][username of yourself][otherwise][set link 18]Eve Martin[end link], the swan PC[end if])";
say lb;
say run paragraph on with special look spacing.

The new room description heading rule is listed instead of the room description heading rule in the carry out looking rules.

The new room description heading rule does nothing when Office contains player or Finding Reality is happening.

First before doing something other than gazing when an off-screen thing is involved and conspiring:
if discussing an off-screen thing with something or showing attributes for or showing room attributes for, continue the action;
if 1 off-screen involved thing (called excluder) is not enclosed by the Office, say "[The excluder] must be elsewhere in the game world." instead;
if (closing or minimizing) and noun is  HarborMaster, say "You're too involved to want to close the session." instead;
if (clicking or maximizing or opening or touching) and noun is  HarborMaster, say "[HarborMaster] is already working." instead;
if an icon is involved, say "[HarborMaster] is the priority." instead;
if Task Two is happening begin;
if player is swan begin;
now Playing as swan is true;
now the player is Yourself;
end if;
now the actor is yourself;
end if;
unless location is Office, move player to Office, without printing a room description;
now fussing in the office is true.

Before changing channels, say "You prefer to keep the television tuned to the news and the radio to music, unless you need specific ambient noise." instead. 

Before clicking when the noun is either office-computer or masterscreen:
if HarborMaster is not full-screen, try clicking HarborMaster instead;
try looking instead.
Before clicking an icon when the noun is not full-screen and Thunderbird accesses the noun:
if an icon (called minimizer) is full-screen, now minimizer is low-screen;
	say "You touch ";
if noun is low-screen, say "[the noun], and it maximizes";
if noun is no-screen, say "[if Thunderbird is no-screen]the [Thunderbird] icon then [end if][the noun]";
say ". [rpo]";
if Thunderbird is full-screen, now Thunderbird is low-screen;
now noun is full-screen.

Before clicking masterscreen:
if yourself is alerted to problems begin;
if HarborMaster is no-screen, try opening HarborMaster instead;
if HarborMaster is low-screen, try maximizing HarborMaster instead;
end if;
if one icon is low-screen, try maximizing a random low-screen icon instead;
if one icon is full-screen, say "You touch [a random full-screen icon] on the screen, which is already open." instead.

Before closing a resourceful thing:
if HarborMaster is no-screen, try closing HarborMaster instead;
if HarborMaster is low-screen, try minimizing HarborMaster instead;
try decommissioning the noun instead.

Before closing a device, try switching off the noun instead.

Before conversing when the second noun is the webcam, try talking to the noun instead.
Before conversing when the second noun is the microphone, try talking to the second noun instead.

Before discussing something with the player when the noun is either the office-computer or HarborMaster or the alarm and yourself is alerted to problems, try opening HarborMaster instead.

Before doing something other than examining to the gaming session, say "It's just pixels on the screen." instead.

Before examining a not full-screen icon when the noun is HarborMaster or the noun is Thunderbird:
if the noun is no-screen HarborMaster begin;
if yourself is alerted to problems, try clicking HarborMaster instead;
try examining the office-computer instead;
end if;
try maximizing the noun.

Before examining when the noun is either the flagged e-mail or game thoughts, try clicking the noun instead.
Before examining full-screen HarborMaster, try looking instead.

Before examining or listening to when the noun is the alarm and yourself is alerted to problems, try listening instead.

Before examining the masterscreen when Questing is happening or Conspiring, try looking instead.
Before examining the masterscreen, try examining the office-computer instead.

Before examining the gaming session:
if HarborMaster is not full-screen, try opening HarborMaster;
try looking instead.

Before fishing something when Questing is not happening, try taking the noun instead.

Before going nowhere from Office, try opening the office-door instead.

Before listening to the gaming session, try looking instead.

Before looking when the location is the Office for the first time:
clear the screen;
carry out the printing the banner text activity;
say lb.

Before maximizing the office-window, say "The office window is large enough as it is." instead.
Before minimizing the office-window, say "The office window is about as small as it's going to get." instead.

Before opening a device, try switching on the noun instead.

Before opening the office-door, say "[if yourself has been alerted to problems]You can't leave with work to do. Besides, you can't help but wonder if something is wrong. Really wrong[otherwise]You'd like to leave early, but you shouldn't[end if]." instead.

Before opening a resourceful thing:
if HarborMaster is no-screen, try opening HarborMaster instead;
if HarborMaster is low-screen, try maximizing HarborMaster instead;
try activating the noun instead.

Before opening an icon:
if the noun is full-screen, say "[The noun] is already shown on the monitor." instead;
if the noun is low-screen, try maximizing the noun instead;
try clicking the noun instead.

Before   putting the office-window on the noun, try closing the noun instead.

Before searching something, try examining the noun instead.

Before switching off office-window, try closing the noun instead.
Before switching on office-window, try opening the noun instead.
Before switching off an icon, try closing the noun instead.

Before switching on an icon, try opening the noun instead.
Before switching off the alarm when yourself is alerted to problems, try opening HarborMaster instead.

Before talking about "hi/hello/greetings" with someone who is not the player when engaged in Task One, try talking to the second noun instead.
Before talking to the alarm, try talking to HarborMaster instead.

Instead of clicking no-screen HarborMaster for the first time:
disable saving of undo state;
say "[HarborMaster] loads with the message: Good afternoon. We have updated our systems, and we need a new password for you. Please confirm your username and enter the new password. Use 'Titan' for default username.";
now the command prompt is "Username? ".

Instead of clicking a full-screen icon when Thunderbird accesses the noun:
say "[description of the noun] [lb]";
if the noun is unexamined flagged e-mail, HarborMaster sounds the alarm in 1 turn from now;
now the noun is examined.

Instead of closing a no-screen icon, say "[The noun] isn't displayed on the monitor.".

Instead of closing a not no-screen icon:
say "You close [the noun]. ";
now the noun is no-screen;
if noun is HarborMaster begin;
if sidebar is allowing toggling and the sidebar is g-present, close the sidebar;
if the sidebar is g-unpresent, say "[HarborMaster] sidebar closed. ";
end if;
say lb.

Instead of closing the desk, say "It isn't open, and there's nothing in the desk that you need.".
Instead of closing the office-door, say "It's closed tight.".
  Instead of closing the office-window, say "The window stays closed, and the sound-absorbant foam isn't necessary.".

Instead of examining or listening to when the noun is the alarm, say "It remains silent.".

Listening to HM is initially false. [We use this so that the player won't listen to the alrm again in the "Every turn" rule.]

Instead of listening when yourself is alerted to problems:
say "[HarborMaster] hails.";
now listening to HM is true.

Instead of looking out of the office-window:
 say "An empty blue sky and full parking lot.".
Instead of opening the desk, say "There's nothing in the desk that you need.".
Instead of opening the office-window, say "The launch pad is vacant, and you like to keep it closed. Policy dictates it so.".

Instead of switching off or switching on the alarm, say "It switches on and off automatically.".

Instead of switching on the webcam, say "You don't like to leave it on unless absolutely necessary.".
Instead of switching off the webcam, say "It's already off, just as you like it.".

Instead of switching off the switched on microphone during Task One, say "You don't want to risk forgetting to turn it on again.".
Instead of switching off the switched off microphone, say "The microphone is already off.".
Instead of switching on the switched on microphone, say "The microphone is already on.".

Instead of switching off the office-computer, say "Only at the end of the day. Or when it crashes.".  
Instead of switching on the office-computer, say "It's always on when you're here.".

Instead of talking to the microphone:
if Task One is happening, say "You can just talk to whomever you want.";
otherwise say "Nobody is on the other end, so you'd be talking to yourself.".

Instead of talking to the webcam, say "It's not on, and you prefer to use the microphone anyway.".

Instead of taking something which is incorporated by the office-computer, say "[The noun] [are] just pixels on the screen.".

Instead of taking the microphone, say "You don't need to carry it around.".

Instead of taking inventory, say "Because all of FromChaos['] products are digital, the company doesn't have a warehouse and no real 'inventory.' [lb]".

Instead of talking to no-screen HarborMaster, say "The program isn't open, and it isn't voice-activated.".

Instead of talking to not no-screen HarborMaster, say "You'd rather talk to people using the program, not the program itself.".

Last instead of doing something other than conversing or examining or clicking or looking or maximizing or minimizing or switching on or switching off or talking to when location is Office and HarborMaster is not full-screen:
if player is oblivious to problems begin;
say "[if the flagged e-mail is unexamined]You could, but that e-mail is priority[otherwise]Maybe you should just get back to testing[end if].";
say "[HarborMaster] is your priority; that's why it uses an alarm.";
end if.

After clicking a no-screen HarborMaster during Task One:
say "You close [noun][if the microphone is switched on], and the microphone switches off[end if]";
now the microphone is switched off.

After clicking full-screen HarborMaster, try looking.
After clicking full-screen Thunderbird, say "[Thunderbird] [if thunderbird was low-screen]maximizes[otherwise]opens[end if]. One flagged e-mail is in your inbox.".

After clicking a low-screen icon, say "You minimize [the noun].".
After clicking a no-screen icon, say "You close [the noun].".

After examining the office-computer when Thunderbird is not no-screen, say "Thunderbird, your e-mail program, is open, [if Thunderbird is low-screen]but it's minimized[otherwise]and the 'Rebuilding the Ship' message has been flagged[end if].".

After switching on when the noun is either the stereo or the television, say "You turn on [the noun] but keep the volume low.".
After switching on the microphone, say "You click the microphone on.".		

Check looking when (HarborMaster was no-screen and HarborMaster is full-screen) or (password of yourself was "" and password of yourself is not ""):
if yourself is alerted to problems begin;
now yourself is attending to problems;
Christopher calls in 1 turn from now;
end if;
now the sidebar is allowing toggling;
show the command sidebar window;
say "HarborMaster V 2.6 is loading ... [pb][B]Welcome to HarborMaster[/b] [lb]";
if yourself is oblivious to problems, say "[lb]No problems are detected, and no updates are needed." instead;
if HarborMaster is full-screen and password of yourself is not "" and location is Office begin;
now the office-computer incorporates Eve's-phone;
set the Table of Task One biological Resources;
set The Table of Task One mechanical Resources;
end if.

Chapter - Office Turn Sequence Rules

Every turn when yourself is alerted to problems and the command prompt is ">" and listening to HM is false:
say "[HarborMaster] continues its siren call.".

Every turn when listening to HM is true:
now listening to HM is false.

At the time when HarborMaster sounds the alarm:
now yourself is alerted to problems;
say "A siren calls from your computer; [HarborMaster] hails[if HarborMaster is low-screen]. The program maximizes[end unless].";
unless HarborMaster is no-screen begin;
now HarborMaster is full-screen;
say "[lb]The siren silences.";
unless the command prompt was "Password? ", try looking;
now yourself is attending to problems;
end unless.

Volume - HarborMaster Tasks

Book - Task One

Chapter - Task One Players and Resources

Task One is a debugging scene. Task One begins when yourself is attending to problems. Task One ends when location is not Office.

When Task One begins:
now office-computer incorporates Eve Martin;
now office-computer incorporates Roger Thornhill.

Roadbound Roger is a scene. Roadbound Roger begins when Roger is roadbound. Roadbound Roger ends when Roger is gassed or Roger is forestbound.

Section - The Fugitives

Eve can be fleeing. Eve is fleeing.
Eve can be crashed by squirrel.

Understand "eve/martin", "eve martin", and "player/players"  as Eve Martin when engaged in Task One.

Rule for printing the name of Eve when engaged in Task One:
say "[if Roger is identified]Sonja[otherwise]Eve[end if]".

The real name of Eve is "Sonja Kenyon". The DOB of Eve is "03/15/1988". The residence of Eve is "43 Thorogh St. Hamilton, On, Canada". The email of Eve is "fairydancer@sotfc.com".

The pic of Eve is "Picture of Sonja Kenyon: A young woman with short blond hair and green eyes. Her lips are full, her nose a small bulbous tip.".

The description of Eve is "[b]Username: [/b][if engaged in Task One][set link 11]Eve Martin[end link][otherwise][set link 18]Eve Martin[end link][end if] [lb][b]Real Name: [/b][real name of item described] (DOB: [dob of item described]) [lb][b]Address: [/b][residence of item described] [lb][b]S.hip e-mail: [/b] [email of item described] [pb][pic of item described]".

Eve's-phone is a device.
The printed name of Eve's-phone is "Eve's phone".
Understand "Eve's/martin's phone", "Eve's/martin's cell/mobile phone", and "electronic/game/gaming device" as Eve's-phone.

Roger Thornhill is a man. Roger has some text called real name. Roger has some text called DOB. Roger has some text called residence. Roger has some text called pic. Roger has some text called email.

The real name of Roger is "Grant Mason". The DOB of Roger is "11/7/90". The residence of Roger is "1112 Updike Dr. Toronto, On, Canada". The email of Roger is "thornroses@sotfc.com".

The pic of Roger is "Picture of Grant Mason: A man with black hair slicked back and almost touching his shoulders. His eyes are small and brown, his chin square."

Roger can be carbound, roadbound, gassed, or forestbound. Roger is carbound.
Roger can be identified or unidentified. Roger is unidentified.
Roger can be licence-tagged.
Roger can be fleeing. Roger is fleeing.

The description of Roger is "[b]Username: [/b][set link 10]Roger Thornhill[end link] [lb][b]Real Name: [/b][real name of item described] (DOB: [dob of item described]) [lb][b]Address: [/b] [residence of item described] [lb][b]S.hip e-mail: [/b] [email of item described] [pb][pic of item described]".

Rule for printing the name of Roger:
say "[if Roger is identified]Grant[otherwise]Roger[end if]".

Section - The Resources

Some things are defined by the Table of Task One Biological Resources.

Table of Task One Biological Resources
Resource	Affiliation	Description	Contact-text	Travel Time
Chucky	"gray squirrel, [i](Sciurus carolinensis[/i]"	"Like all animal operatives, squirrels are equipped with a microphone, which is useful for listening to conversations and the environment. Small animals like squirrels also have brain implants. Upon activation, the squirrel will seek out the target game device and remain in the vicinity until de-activation. Squirrels do not typically engage in physical contact with the players. However, the actions of animals are often unpredictable, as are the reactions of players upon encountering them."	""	15
Alicia Anderson	"student"	"Alicia, 23 years old, has been a freelance field agent for 3 years. She is attractive, energetic, and personable. She travels by motorcycle."	"Hey, Alicia,' you say. [pb]'Yeah, I gotcha[if Alicia has not been activated]. I'm on my bike, but I can be there in a jiff[end if]"	4
Jason Williams	"ecologist"	"Jason has been a freelance field agent for 5 years. Usually his dog, Diana, is with him, and the two are useful for both surveillance and interception, Diana being an effective way to attract human targets."	"Hi, Jason,' you say. [if Jason is examined]'And Diana.'[end if] [pb]'We're here"	2 
Travis Watson	"Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)"	"Travis, 32 years old, has been a versatile field agent for 10 years. He is most often used to impersonate police officers, for which he has formal training. Field agents are not employed by any police department, nor do they operate in any official capacity with the police. In some jurisdictions, field agents have been granted permission to impersonate police officers or detectives, including the use of uniforms and vehicles, under strict regulations."	"Travis, you copy?' you say. [pb]'Loud and clear. Over"	3
Samuel Walker	"retired"	"Samuel, a 65-year-old former accountant, has been a freelance field agent for six years. He is willing to assume many roles, and his versatility means he is comfortable with surveillance, reconnaissance, and physical confrontation. His wife, Roberta, is also often available, and the two of them frequently collaborate."	"Sam, you there?' you say. [pb]'We both are[if Roger is carbound][first time]. Me and Ma are just passing through, but we might be able to help[only][end if]"	3

Chucky is an animalistic resource.
Alicia, Jason, Travis, and Samuel are human resources.

Understand "gray/grey squirrel", "squirrel", "Sciurus", and "Sciurus carolinensis" as Chucky.
Chucky can be distracting the dog.

A human resource has a list of actionable dialogues called action options.

Alicia is female. 
Alicia has a number called time to car. The time to car of Alicia is 4.
alicia has a number called time to runners. The time to runners of Alicia is 5.

Understand "girl/lady/woman" and "hitchhiker/motorcyclist/student" as Alicia.

Jason is male.
Jason can be successful with Diana.
Understand "bloodhound/Diana", "ecologist/scientist", and "man/guy"  as Jason.

Travis is male. 
Travis has a number called time to car. Time to car of Travis is 4. 
Travis has a number called time to runners. Time to runners of Travis is 5.

Understand "cop/detective/police", "guy/man", "police officer", and "opp" as Travis.

Samuel is male. 

Understand "accountant/couple/retiree", "man/pa/sam", "roberta/ma", "Roberta Walker", and "walkers" as Samuel.

Some mechanical resources are defined by the Table of Task One Mechanical Resources.

Table of Task One Mechanical Resources
Resource	Affiliation	Description	Travel Time
DONCAN-132	"drone[if travel time of DONCAN-132 is greater than 13] Peterborough, ON (police station)[end if]"	"DONCAN-132 is a medium-sized drone equipped with a camera and designed to deliver packages. Because of its size, its maneuverability is limited, and it can't navigate tight spaces (e.g., building interiors,  wooded areas). It is also able to disperse chemical reagents. It is carrying SynSleep, an anesthetic gas that causes loss of consciousness for about 10 minutes. DEPLOY GAS will release the drone's cargo."	11

Understand "chopper/helicopter" and "drone/doncan" as DONCAN-132.

Should the game choose doing something with DONCAN-132:
if Task One is happening and HarborMaster is not no-screen, it is a good choice;

Rule for printing the name of a resourceful thing (called agent) while constructing the status line:
say "[if agent is Alicia]Alicia[otherwise if agent is Jason]Jason[otherwise if agent is Travis]Travis[otherwise if agent is Samuel]Samuel[otherwise][printed name of agent][end if]".

DONCAN-132 incorporates the anesthetic gas. 
The anesthetic gas can be deployed.

Understand "anesthesia/drug/sedative" and "synsleep" as the anesthetic gas.

Chapter - Task One Suggesting Options 

Before suggesting options for someone:
say "'".

Rule for suggesting options for Alicia:
if Roger is carbound, say "They're heading my way, so I think I can try to get them to pick me up. There's a guy in that car, right? I can work with that. Once I'm in there, I may be able to get the phone, and we won't lose them. Whatever you think";
if Roger is gassed, say "They're down and out. It should be pretty easy for me to swipe their phone and hook you up"; 
if Roger is roadbound, say "I can follow them and wait for an opportunity[unless hitchhike is accomplished]. They haven't seen me, so maybe I can orchestrate a little run-in with them. A helpless girl in trouble, perhaps[end unless]. I'll have to hurry, though. I may not be able to find them if they decide to hide in the trees. But they need to come out eventually, right? I could just wait by their car. Up to you";
if Roger is forestbound, say "That's some pretty dense forest there, chief. I can try to follow them, or I can just wait by their car. I'm betting they'll be out eventually[unless hitchhike is accomplished]. I might have a better chance of running into them there[end unless]". 

Rule for suggesting options for Jason:
say "[if sniff-out is accomplished]I don't see anyone out here, so we could give Diana another chance[otherwise]I have Diana with me. She's old, but she still has a little left in the sniffer. She could track them down. Lots of smells out here, though. I hope she doesn't lead us astray[end if]".

Rule for suggesting options for Travis:
if Roger is carbound, say "I have two options. I can set up a roadblock ahead of them and hope they don't just turn around, or I can pull them over. Either way, I should be able to get her to hand over the phone and get some cam shots so we can verify their identity. Over";
if Roger is roadbound, say "I can track them for now, before they hit those trees. Once they're in there, though, who knows?[if pull-over is accomplished or roadblock is accomplished] I won't be able to engage them, though, since they've already seen me. [end if]I can also watch their car. Wait for them to come back. Over";
if Roger is gassed, say "I suppose they won't be getting up anytime soon. I can get their quick, connect you with the phone. Over";
if Roger is forestbound, say "I can try to follow them in the trees, but if they know we're onto them, I think they can lose us rather easily. Or get the drop on us. Maybe I should just wait out here by their car[unless roadblock is accomplished or pull-over is accomplished]. A cop inspecting a car at the side of the road isn't too suspicious[end unless]. Over".

Rule for suggesting options for Samuel:
if Roger is carbound, say "I can stop ahead of them and pretend to have car trouble,' Sam says. 'If she is decent folk, she'll stop and help. Between the two of us, we'll try to get that phone.' [pb]'Screw that, Pa,' Roberta says. 'You want them stopped? Ram [']em! Hit them in the kiester. Then send in the troops".

After suggesting options for someone:
say ".' [lb]".

Chapter - Resource Conversations

attend car, establish connection, hitchhike, roadblock, pull-over, ram, roadside assistance,  thought-processing, trail,    and sniff-out are relevant actionable dialogues.

The action options of Alicia is {attend car, establish connection, Hitchhike, trail}.
The action options of  Travis is {attend car, establish connection, pull-over, trail, roadblock}.
The action options of Samuel is {ram, roadside assistance}.
The action options of Jason is {sniff-out}.

Rule for offering an action of hitchhike when conversationalist is Alicia:
if Alicia is standby, say "I like the idea of getting someone in the car, and I think you have a good chance at getting that phone. Go ahead and try hitchhiking";
if Alicia is activated, say "[first time]There might be a better approach than putting you in the car with them. [only]Don't try hitchhiking just yet";
if Alicia is deactivated, say "[first time]Maybe I was right. [only]Try hitchhiking again".

Rule for offering an action of establish connection when the conversationalist is Alicia:
if Alicia is standby, say "I think you're in the clear. Go for the phone and hook me up";
if Alicia is activated, say 	"Hold off on the phone for a sec[if Travis is actively enacting establish connection]. I have Travis on it[end if]"; 
if Alicia is deactivated, say "Okay, go for the phone".

Rule for offering an action of attend car when the conversationalist is Alicia:
if Alicia is standby, say "[if Roger is roadbound]We'll try to catch them if they return. Find the car and stay with it[otherwise]I think we have a better chance at them when they're with the car. Keep an eye on it for me[end if]";
if Alicia is activated begin;
if Alicia enacts attend car, say "Shut off your cam, Alicia.  [one of]We'll catch them when they come out[or]Take a break[stopping]. [if Travis is actively enacting attend car]Travis is watching the car for us[otherwise]I'll let you know if we need to monitor their car[end if]";
if Alicia enacts trail, say "[if Roger is roadbound][one of]Let's be more proactive and follow as close as we can. Maybe we won't lose them[or]Follow them, Alicia[stopping][otherwise][first time]We need to get a visual on them. [only]I'm sure you can find your way through a few trees[end if]";
end if;
if Alicia is deactivated, say "Power up, Alicia. [one of]Let's stay alert and w[or]W[stopping]atch that car".

Rule for offering an action of trail when conversationalist is Alicia:
if Alicia is standby, say "Time might be a factor here. Go ahead and follow them";
if Alicia is actively enacting attend car, say "[if Roger is roadbound][one of]Let's be more proactive and follow as close as we can. Maybe we won't lose them if we do[or]I want you on their trail instead[stopping][otherwise][one of]We need to get a visual on them. I'm sure you can find your way through a few trees[or]Try to find them in those trees[stopping][end if]";
if Alicia is actively enacting trail, say "Hold up. I don't want you getting too close to them just yet[if Travis is actively enacting trail]. Travis is on it[first time]. Let's see how he does[only][end if]";
if Alicia is deactivated, say "Okay, pick up their trail again".

Rule for offering an action of attend car when the conversationalist is Travis:
if Travis is standby, say "[if Roger is roadbound]Stick with the car, Travis. They'll likely be back[otherwise]I really don't think they'd just leave the car there. Keep an eye on it[end if]";
if Travis is actively enacting trail, say "Head back to the car[first time] instead[only]";
if Travis is actively enacting attend car, say "Power down. [if Alicia is actively enacting attend car]Alicia is on it [end if][first time]. I don't know how long they'll be in there, or if they're coming out where you are[only]";
if Travis is deactivated, say "I don't want to miss anything[first time]. You're back on duty. [only]Let's stay with their car".

Rule for offering an action of establish connection when the conversationalist is Travis:
if Travis is standby, say "Find Eve's phone and activate it";
if Travis is activated, say "Just hold up. [if Alicia is actively enacting establish connection]I put Alicia on it[otherwise]I may want you to just keep watch[end if]";
if Travis is deactivated, say "Go ahead and get me hooked up".

Rule for offering an action of trail when conversationalist is Travis:
if Travis is standby, say "[if Roger is roadbound]Try to follow them, and we'll wait for an opportunity to strike[otherwise]Search the trees for them, Travis. Maybe we can set something up in there[end if]";
if  Travis is actively enacting attend car, say "Forget the car. Go find them";
if Travis is actively enacting trail begin;
if Roger is roadbound, say "[first time]We should hold back. We don't want to scare them too much. [only]Hold your position[if Alicia is actively enacting trail]. Alicia is on it[end if]";
if Roger is forestbound, say "Hang back[if Alicia is actively enacting trail]. Let's see what Alicia finds[end if][first time]. Maybe you'll hear something[only]";
end if;
if Travis is deactivated, say "[if Roger is roadbound][first time]I need your perspective on this. [only]Go ahead and follow them[otherwise][first time]We can't let them go. [only]Find out where they're headed, if you can[end if]".

Rule for offering an action of roadblock when conversationalist is Travis:
if Travis is standby, say "Stopping the car may be a good idea. And if you can get them out of it, even better. Go ahead and set up that roadblock";
if Travis is actively enacting roadblock, say "[first time]I'm not convinced the roadblock will work. [only]Hold off on [one of]it[or]the roadblock[stopping] for now";
if Travis is actively enacting pull-over, say "[first time]I don't want to risk a chase and losing them. [only]Let's block their escape instead";
if Travis is deactivated, say "Let's get that roadblock up[first time]. It may be our best approach after all[only]".

Rule for offering an action of pull-over when conversationalist is Travis:
if Travis is standby, say "Yeah, try pulling them over. We should at least be able to identify them if they stop";
if Travis is actively enacting pull-over, say "[first time]I'm thinking I don't want to risk a high-speed chase. [only]Hold your position[if Alicia is actively enacting hitchhike]. Alicia is trying something[end if]";
if Travis is actively enacting roadblock, say "[first time]I want you to get as close as you can. [only]Try to pull them over instead";
if Travis is deactivated, say "[first time]I don't think they'll run. [only]Go ahead and try to pull them over".

Rule for offering an action of roadside assistance when conversationalist is Samuel:
if Samuel is standby, say "All right. We'll go with Sam's idea. Maybe they'll stop for a couple having car trouble";
if Samuel is actively enacting roadside assistance, say "[if Alicia is actively enacting hitchhike or Travis is actively enacting pull-over]I put someone else on it, Sam, so just keep driving for now[otherwise]I may have a better idea, Sam, so don't pull over just yet[end if]";
if Samuel is actively enacting ram, say "[one of]Let's go with the less risky approach and fake car trouble[or]Try to get them to stop and help you instead[stopping]";
if Samuel is deactivated, say "[if 1 actionable dialogue is chosen]We can try a couple of strategies, so go ahead with that car trouble[otherwise][first time]You may have had it right, Sam. [only]Go ahead and fake the car trouble[end if]".

Rule for offering an action of ram when conversationalist is Samuel:
if Samuel is standby, say "I like Roberta's idea. Try to run them off the road. That'll probably get them out of the car";	
if Samuel is actively enacting roadside assistance, say "[one of]Maybe Roberta had the best idea, so g[or]G[stopping]o ahead and try to run them off the road";
if Samuel is actively enacting ram, say "[one of]I'm not going to risk injury, so just hold back for now[or]Stay on their trail but don't engage for now[stopping]";
if Samuel is deactivated, say "[if Samuel enacts roadside assistance][first time]Maybe some force is needed. [only]Run them off the road, Sam[otherwise][first time]Let's stick with Roberta's idea. [only]Give them a bump, Sam[end if]".

Rule for offering an action of sniff-out when conversationalist is Jason:
if Jason is standby, say "Put Diana on it. Let's see where she leads us";
if Jason is activated, say "[if Alicia is actively enacting trail or Travis is actively enacting trail][one of]We'll try human trackers for now. I don't know how they'll react to a dog[or]We'll put a hold on canine tracking for now[stopping][otherwise][one of]Keep a leash on Diana for now. Maybe human contact would be safer[or]Hold Diana back for now[stopping] [end if]";
if Jason is deactivated, say "[if Chucky has been distracting the dog]Let's try Diana again[first time]. Let her sniff them out[only][otherwise][first time]I trust Diana. [only]Let [one of]her[or]Diana[stopping] find the trail[end if]".

Chapter - Task One Operation Rules

An operation rule for Alicia when Roger is carbound:
say "Alicia parks her motorcycle behind some trees and places her helmet upon it. She makes her way to the roadside. The Toyota appears. Alicia thrusts out her arm, thumb up. The car passes by. [pb]";
say "[if Travis is ready to act and pull-over is chosen]An OPP cruiser jiggles in the shot as it passes. Travis waves.[otherwise if Samuel is ready to act and ram is chosen][pb]A [Buick] approaches, and it jiggles in the shot. A woman waves from the passenger side.[end if] ";
if (Travis is ready to act and pull-over is chosen) or (Samuel is ready to act and ram is chosen), say "[pb]From Alicia's bodycam: ";
say "Alicia rushes back to her motorcycle and switches off her camera.";
if Roger is not licence-tagged begin;
say "[lb]From Alicia's cell phone: At least I got the plate, huh? I'm sending you the number now.";
Roger's licence is tagged in 0 turns from now;
end if;
now travel time of Alicia is 3;
now Alicia is standby.

An operation rule for Alicia when Roger is roadbound:
if Alicia enacts trail, say "Across the road, [Roger] and [Eve] walk toward the trees.";
if Alicia enacts attend car begin;
say "Alicia takes a position from behind the car, which is [if roadblock is accomplished]parked at the side of the road[otherwise]abandoned in a ditch[end if].";
if Roger is not licence-tagged, Roger's licence is tagged in 0 turns from now;
end if;
now Alicia is on-site.

An operation rule for Alicia when Roger is gassed:
say "[Roger] and [Eve] lie beside one another just short of some maple trees. Alicia picks up the phone from beside [Eve]. Fingers fly over the phone's screen. Alicia places the phone back onto the ground. [pb]From Alicia's cell phone: Done. You should be connected anytime now.";
rule fails.

An operation rule for Alicia when Roger is forestbound:
say "Alicia threads her way through maple trees[first time]. [pb]From Alicia's cell phone: As you can see, I'm still looking. They should be around here somewhere. I'll be in touch if I find them[only]. [pb]Alicia's bodycam shuts off.";
now Alicia is on-site.

An operation rule for Travis when Roger is carbound and Travis enacts pull-over:
say "Travis exits his cruiser and approaches the Toyota. As he sidles up to the driver's door, [Roger] looks up, smiles, and lowers his window. [Eve] sits in the passenger seat, hands empty. [pb]Travis steps away from the door, and the couple exit the car. Travis ushers them to the side of the road. He opens the passenger door. No phone on the seats or in the footwells. [pb]Travis closes the door and turns to the couple. [Eve] shakes her head and grips her purse. [Roger] speaks, and Travis allows the pair to get back into their car before returning to his own[if Samuel is ready to act and Samuel enacts ram]. Just before the camera goes black, a [Buick] passes by, and [Roberta] waves[end if]. [pb]From Travis['] cell phone: I couldn't justify a search, so I had to let them go. I got some good headshots, though. I'll send you the facial recognition and license number results. Over. [pb]'Thanks, Travis,' you say.";
if Roger is not licence-tagged, Roger's licence is tagged in 0 turns from now;
targets real names are revealed in 1 turn from now;
now travel time of Travis is 2;
now Travis is standby.

An operation rule for Travis when Roger is carbound and Travis enacts roadblock:
say "Travis stands outside in the middle of the road. He waits. The Toyota, still at a distance, slows and pulls over. Two people [mdash] a tall guy and a shorter woman [mdash] exit and head for the trees. [pb]From Travis['] cell phone: Looks like we scared them. I'll park to the side of the road. [pb]The camera goes black.";
now travel time of Travis is time to runners of Travis;
rule fails.

An operation rule for Travis when Roger is roadbound:
now Travis is on-site;
if Travis enacts trail, say "On the other side of a gravel road, [Roger] and [Eve] walk toward some large maple trees.";
if Travis enacts attend car begin;
say "Travis stands beside his car at the side of the road[if Eve is crashed by squirrel], the Toyota lying in a ditch[otherwise], the Toyota parked off-road nearby[end if].";
if Roger is not licence-tagged, Roger's licence is tagged in 0 turns from now;
end if.

An operation rule for Travis when Roger is gassed:
say "[Eve] lies on the ground next to [Roger], her cell phone at her side. [pb]Travis picks up the phone, which shows an interpreter open to [i]S.hip of Theseus.[/i] Travis taps at the phone. [pb]From Travis['] cell phone: You should be good now. Over. [pb]'Thanks, Travis,' you say. 'Good work.' [lb]";
rule fails.

An operation rule for Travis when Roger is forestbound:
say "Maple trees and bush. [first time][pb]From Travis['] cell phone: As you can see, they may be hard to find, especially if they don't want to be found. I'll be in touch if I find something. Over.[only][pb]The footage goes black.";
now Travis is on-site.

An operation rule for Samuel when Roger is carbound and Samuel enacts roadside assistance:
say "Sam is standing in front of his car with its hood raised. The phone swings around to catch the Toyota approaching. It drives by. [pb]'Told you we should've hit [']em,' Roberta says to Sam. To you, 'Sorry about that. You'd think after 46 years of marriage he would know enough to listen to me.' [pb]Sam shakes his head and says something before closing the hood. The feed goes black.";
now Samuel is standby;
now travel time of Samuel is 3.

An operation rule for Samuel when Samuel enacts ram:
say "The engine roars as Sam speeds at the Toyota and rams into its bumper. [pb]'Boom!' Roberta says. 'Good one, Pa.' [pb]The Toyota speeds up, but Sam hits it again, sending it careening into a ditch. [pb]'Suckers!' Roberta says as she passes the Toyota. 'We got them good.' [pb]Roberta swings her phone around to catch [Roger] and [Eve] leave their car. [pb]'Got the licence, too,' Roberta says. 'You're welcome.' She hangs up.";
if Roger is not licence-tagged, Roger's licence is tagged in 0 turns from now;
now travel time of Samuel is 3;
rule fails.	

An operation rule for Jason:
if sniff-out was not accomplished, say "We've found the car, and Di is checking it out. She's got something. Boy, does she ever. We're following it. Hold on. [pb]Jason huffs, running.";
if Chucky is actively on-site begin;
say "[one of][lb]Whoa! She's after a squirrel. Get back here, Diana. Sorry. She's lost the scent. She is too interested in the squirrel[or]Sorry, no can do. Diana is still after that squirrel[stopping].";
now Jason enacts nothing;
now Jason is standby;
now Jason is on-site;
rule fails;
end if;
if sniff-out was not accomplished, say lb;
say "Okay, I think she has them. I'll see if I [mdash] [pb]Di! She just took off after them.   	Wait. Here she comes. What's that girl? Give it here. Hold on. [pb]Rustling. [pb]Okay. Diana grabbed a purse and brought it to me. Let's see ... cookies ... and a phone. I'll connect you then give the phone back. Gotta go, they're coming.";
	now Jason is successful with Diana.
An operation rule for an activated resourceful thing (called agent) when the agent is not a human resource and Roger is carbound and ((Chucky is ready to act and DONCAN-132 is actively on-site) or (DONCAN-132 is ready to act and Chucky is actively on-site)):
say "From DONCAN-132: An aerial view shows  the Toyota driving along a gravel road. Suddenly, Chucky lands on its hood. The squirrel claws across metal and leaps onto the car's windshield. [pb]The Toyota swerves off the road and into a ditch. Chucky is thrown off its hood. [pb][Roger] and [Eve] exit the car while Chucky watches them from the grass. [pb]From Chucky's microphone: [squirrel discussion] ";
say "[lb]From DONCAN-132: The couple rush toward the cover of the trees, [Eve] with a purse slung over her shoulder and a cell phone in hand. The drone dips lower and follows them from behind.";
now Eve is crashed by squirrel;
now Chucky is on-site;
now DONCAN-132 is on-site;
rule fails.

An operation rule for Chucky when Roger is carbound and DONCAN-132 is not on-site:
say "The sound of a car engine increases. A thud. Claws scrabble over metal. A loud bang. Silence. [pb][squirrel discussion] [lb]";
now Eve is crashed by squirrel.

To say squirrel discussion:
say "'What the hell was that?' Roger says[if DONCAN-132 is on-site] as he checks the hood of the car[end if]. [pb]'I think it was a squirrel,' [Eve] says. 'See over there? I think he's watching us.' [pb]'Now who's being paranoid? [if DONCAN-132 is on-site]I don't know about him, but that drone is going to be a problem. [end if]Let's go.'".

An operation rule for Chucky when Roger is roadbound:
say "'[if Chucky has been on-site][one of]Look, another squirrel,' [Eve] says. 'There seem to be an awful lot of them around. You sure one of them isn't watching us?' [pb]'I guess I wouldn't put it past them,' [Roger] says. 'Let's hurry it up[or]Here's our gray friend again,' [Eve] says. 'Shoo[stopping][otherwise]I think that squirrel is following us,' [Eve] says. 'Look. Over there.' [pb]'He does seem a bit too friendly, doesn't he?' [Roger] says. 'Let's see what he does when we get under some cover[end if].' [lb]".

An operation rule for Chucky when Roger is forestbound:
say "[one of]'See?' [Eve] says. [pb]'I see him,' [Roger] says[or]Indistinct low voices[stopping].".

An operation rule for Chucky:
now Chucky is on-site.

An operation rule for DONCAN-132 when Roger is carbound:
say "An aerial view shows the black Toyota driving along a gravel road, the drone trailing behind.".

An operation rule for DONCAN-132 when Roger is roadbound:
say "An aerial view of [Roger] and [Eve] running for the trees[if Chucky is ready to act], Chucky following them[end if].".

An operation rule for DONCAN-132 when Roger is forestbound:
say "Dense treetops.".

An operation rule for DONCAN-132:
now DONCAN-132 is on-site.

Chapter - Task One Action-Processing Rules

First before doing something when engaged in Task One or engaged in Task Two:
if fussing in the office is true, decrement time of day. [We don't want time to pass when we're fussing in the office.]

Before activating a human resource, try talking to the noun instead.
Before activating a device, try switching on the noun instead.

Before answering a human resource that "hi/hello/greetings" when engaged in Task One, try talking to the noun instead.

Before decommissioning a device, try switching off the noun instead.

Before clicking when the noun is a fleeing person or the noun is a resourceful thing:
if HarborMaster is not full-screen, say "That isn't on your screen." instead;
try examining the noun instead.

Before closing a fleeing person, try minimizing HarborMaster instead.
Before closing a resourceful thing, try decommissioning the noun instead.

Before dropping the anesthetic gas, try activating the noun instead.

Before opening a fleeing person, try examining the noun instead.
Before opening a resourceful thing, try examining the noun instead.

Before putting the anesthetic gas on a fleeing person, try activating the noun instead.

Before switching on a resourceful thing, try activating the noun instead.
Before switching off a resourceful thing, try decommissioning the noun instead.

Instead of conversing when the second noun is a human resource, say "You'll need to activate [the second noun] before you can talk to h[if the second noun is female]er[otherwise]im[end if].".

Instead of decommissioning a standby human resource, say "[We] [have] not activated [noun] yet.".
Instead of decommissioning a deactivated human resource, say "[Noun] [are] not activated." 

Instead of doing something when Eve's-phone is involved:
if activating or clicking or decommissioning or examining begin;
if Task One is happening, say "No game session available.";
if Task Two is happening, try looking;
rule succeeds;
end if;
say "You don't have access to her phone beyond what you see on your computer.".

Instead of doing something other than activating or decommissioning when the anesthetic gas is involved, say "[if anesthetic gas is deployed]SynSleep has already been deployed, and DONCAN-132 has no other cargo[otherwise]DONCAN-132 is carrying SynSleep, which you can deploy whenever you are ready[end if].".

Instead of activating the anesthetic gas when DONCAN-132 is not activated, say "DONCAN-132 is inactive.".
Instead of activating the anesthetic gas when activated DONCAN-132 is not on-site, say "No target within range.".

Instead of activating the anesthetic gas:
if Roger is forestbound begin;
say "Target cannot be acquired successfully.";
say "Acquiring target ... locked. [pb]From DONCAN-132: ";
if Roger is carbound, say "The drone dips down over the Toyota's roof then rises again.";
if Roger is roadbound, say "The drone dips down behind [Roger] and [Eve], who begin to run. [if Chucky is on-site and Chucky is activated]Chucky's microphone picks up the whirring drone, and a man says, 'Let's go. Move it.' [end if] [pb]The drone speeds over grass and toward the pair as they run. Suddenly the view jerks upward and over their heads. The drone turns around. [Roger] stumbles and falls, pulling down [Eve]. Her phone tumbles to the ground. [Eve] gets to her knees then collapses. [pb]The two figures next to the trees shrink as the view pulls back and up[if Chucky is actively on-site]. An excited squirrel prances around the fallen woman[end if].";
say "[lb]*** SynSleep successfully deployed. *** [lb]";
now noun is deployed;
now Roger is gassed;
if one human resource is activated begin;
say lb;
if Alicia is activated, say "From Alicia's cell phone: And they all fall down. Looks like you got them.";
if Travis is activated, say "From Travis['] cell phone: They're down, and I'm standing down.";
if Samuel is activated, say "From Roberta's cell phone: 'Good shot!' Roberta says. 'They're down and out.' [lb]";
end if;
now every human resource is standby;
end if.

Instead of talking to a human resource when 2 human resources are activated and Roger is not forestbound and the noun is not activated, say "You don't want to activate too many human operatives; they may interfere with each other, especially in a situation like this.".

Instead of talking to Samuel when Roger is not carbound or roadside assistance is accomplished:
say "'Hey, Sam,' you say. [pb]'Sorry, but we were just passing through,' Sam says. 'We need to be on our way.' [pb]'Oh come on, pa,' Roberta says. 'Cassidy can wait. Let's get these baddies.' [pb]'Now Ma, we're already late. I'm driving and I'm not stopping.' [lb]";
now Samuel is off-stage.

Instead of talking to Alicia when Roger is carbound and hitchhike is accomplished, say "'Hey, Alicia,' you say. 'Do you have any other ideas?' [pb]'Not right now. I'll stick around, though.' [lb]".

After activating Chucky, say "Brain stimulation successful. Chucky is heading toward game device. [pb]From Chucky's microphone: Grass rustles and birds chirp.".

After activating DONCAN-132, say "[noun] has [one of]found Eve Martin's phone, and the drone has been launched[or]been redirected to Eve Martin's phone[stopping].".

After decommissioning Chucky, say "Brain stimulation stopped, and microphone turned off. Chucky is free to resume natural activity.".

After decommissioning DONCAN-132, say "Camera turned off. DONCAN-132 will remain in the vicinity until the operation is complete.".

After looking when engaged in Task One and (trail is accomplished or attend car is accomplished):
if trail is accomplished begin;
if trail is accomplished by Alicia and trail is accomplished by Travis begin; 
say "Alicia's and Travis['] bodycams show ";
say "From [if trail is accomplished by Alicia]Alicia's[otherwise]Travis['][end if] bodycam: ";
end if;
say "[Roger] and [Eve] walk[if trail is accomplished by Alicia and trail is accomplished by Travis]ing[end if] toward dense tree cover.";
end if;
if attend car is accomplished begin;
if attend car is accomplished by Alicia and attend car is accomplished by Travis begin;
say "Alicia's and Travis['] bodycams show: [if roadblock is accomplished]The car parked on the side of the road[otherwise]The car stuck in a ditch[end if].";
say "From [if attend car is accomplished by Alicia]Alicia's[otherwise]Travis['][end if] bodycam: [if roadblock is accomplished]A car parked along the side of a gravel road[otherwise]A car trapped head-first in a ditch[end if].";
end if;
end if.

After looking when engaged in Task One and (an animalistic resource is activated or a mechanical resource is activated):
unless Chucky is ready to act begin;
if Chucky is activated begin;
say "From Chucky's microphone: ";
if Chucky is not on-site begin;
say "Grass rustles[one of] and birds chirp[or][purely at random][if Roger is carbound and (travel time of Chucky is 1)]. A car crunches along a gravel road[end if].";
say "[if Roger is roadbound]Grass rustles[otherwise if Roger is gassed]birds chirp[otherwise]crickets hum and birds chirp[end if].";
end if;
end if;
if DONCAN-132 is activated begin;
if Chucky is activated, say lb;
if DONCAN-132 is not on-site begin;
if travel time of DONCAN-132 is greater than 0 and the travel time of DONCAN-132 is less than 3, say "From DONCAN-132: [if Roger is carbound]A black car drives along a gravel road[otherwise if Roger is roadbound]Two small figures walk toward a wooded area[otherwise if Roger is gassed]Two small figures lay on the grass next to a wooded area[otherwise]Trees grow larger as the distance between them and the drone shortens[end if].";
say "From DONCAN-132: ";
say "[if Roger is carbound]The drone follows from behind the black car as it drives down a gravel road[otherwise if Roger is roadbound]The drone follows [Roger] and [Eve] from high overhead as they head for a wooded area[otherwise if Roger is gassed][Roger] and [Eve] lie unconscious on the ground[otherwise]The drone hovers over treetops[end if].";
end if;
end if;
say rpo;
end unless.

Check examining a resourceful thing:
say "[printed name of noun][if the noun provides an Affiliation] ([Affiliation of noun])[end if]: ";
say rpo.

Carry out looking when HarborMaster is full-screen and location is Office and username of yourself is not "":
if sidebar is disallowing toggling, now sidebar is allowing toggling;
say "[b]Player(s): [/b][set link 11]Eve Martin[end link]         [b]Location: [/b]Rice Lake, ON, Canada          [b]Heading: [/b][if Roger is carbound]North by northwest[otherwise]West[end if] [b]Average Speed (km/h): [/b][if Roger is carbound]20[otherwise]<5[end if][pb]";
if HarborMaster was no-screen, say "Locating and updating resources ... Done[if sidebar is g-present]. Sidebar open and updated. [end if] Appropriate field operatives have been notified. Type RESOURCES or check the resource sidebar for information. [if microphone is switched off][lb]Microphone on. [end if] [pb]";
now microphone is switched on;
say "No game session available[first time]. [pb]From [i]The Titan Handbook,[/i] ('Connecting with Players,' pg. 43)[lb]When a player has logged on but a game session is unavailable, visual and textual connection is needed. Use your resources to confirm that the player is in control of the playing device and sync playing device with [HarborMaster], which every field operative is trained to do[only].";
rule succeeds.

Chapter - Task One Turn Sequence Rules

[These prevent anything within-world from happening when the player is talking to a human resource.]
First scene changing rule when engaged in Task One and conversationalist is a human resource:
rule fails.
The timed events rule does nothing when engaged in Task One and conversationalist is a human resource.
The advance time rule does nothing when engaged in Task One and conversationalist is a human resource.
The update chronological records rule does nothing when engaged in Task One and conversationalist is a human resource.

First every turn when engaged in Task One (this is the change travel times rule):
if travel time of Chucky is greater than 0 and (Roger is carbound and travel time of Chucky has not been 0) or Chucky is activated begin;
decrement travel time of Chucky;
increment travel time of Chucky;
end if;
if DONCAN-132 is activated and the travel time of DONCAN-132 is not 0, decrement travel time of DONCAN-132;
if DONCAN-132 is deactivated and Roger is not carbound, increment travel time of DONCAN-132;
if a human resource is activated begin;
repeat with trailer running through activated human resources begin;
if travel time of trailer is 0, next;
if (Roger is roadbound or Roger is forestbound) and (trailer is Alicia or trailer is Travis) begin;
calculate travel time for trailer;
decrement travel time of trailer;
end if;
end repeat;
end if.

To calculate travel time for (intervener - a person):
if intervener is actively enacting attend car begin;
increment time to runners of intervener;
decrement time to car of intervener;
now travel time of intervener is time to car of intervener;
end if;
if intervener is actively enacting trail begin;
decrement time to runners of intervener;
increment time to car of intervener;
now travel time of intervener is time to runners of intervener;
end if.

[Note that, in this order, travel times reach 0 a turn before the resource actually acts.]
First every turn when a resourceful thing is ready to act and engaged in Task One (this is the make the resources act rule):
let operative order be a list of things;
if a human resource is ready to act, now operative order is the list of ready to act human resources; 
if a mechanical resource (called operative) is ready to act, add operative to operative order;
if an animalistic resource (called operative) is ready to act, add operative to operative order;
repeat with counter running from one to the number of entries in operative order begin;
let freelancer be entry counter in operative order;
unless freelancer is standby, follow the operation rules for entry counter in operative order; [a resource could be made standby in the operation rules.]
if Roger is carbound and freelancer is a human resource and rule failed, now every human resource is standby;
if freelancer is a human resource and (Roger is gassed or Jason is successful with Diana) begin;
say "[lb]'Thanks everyone,' you say. 'We're done.' [pb]*** Titan [username of yourself] is now connected to cell phone of Eve Martin. Transferring game session ... done. Press any key to test connection. *** [lb]";
wait for any key;
now every resourceful thing is off-stage;
now 	The background color of the sidebar is "#d3d3d3";
now conversationalist is the player;
move player to Boar Bar, without printing a room description;
refresh the sidebar;
now Boar Bar contains the raven;
now Boar Bar contains the swan;
end if;
end repeat;
now completed a previous operation is false;
if location is Boar Bar begin;
try looking;
rule succeeds;
end if.

First every turn rule when engaged in Task One and conversationalist is a human resource:
rule fails.

First every turn when fussing in the office is true and Conspiring:
say "You return to [HarborMaster] and the game world";
if engaged in Task Two begin;
say "[if playing as swan is true], playing as the swan[otherwise], as [username of yourself][end if]";
move the player to Boar Bar, without printing a room description;
if playing as swan is true, now player is the swan;
end if;
if engaged in Task Three begin;
say ", watching the proceedings";
move the player to the Chamber, without printing a room description;
end if;
say ".";
now Fussing in the office is false.

Every turn when Roger is carbound and engaged in Task One and time since Task One began is 21 minutes:
if one resourceful thing is ready to act, follow the make the resources act rule;
now Roger is roadbound.

Every turn when Roger was carbound and (Eve is crashed by squirrel or ram is accomplished or roadblock is accomplished or Roger is roadbound):
say "***Eve Martin has changed direction. She is now heading west at less than 5 km/h.*** [pb]";
transition the human resources;
now Roger is roadbound;
if roadblock is accomplished, now Roger is forestbound;
now Trail is relevant;
now attend car is relevant.

Every turn when (Roger is gassed for 10 turns or Roger is forestbound for 15 turns) and engaged in Task One:
if one resourceful thing is ready to act, follow the make the resources act rule;
if Boar Bar contains player, rule succeeds;
report a premature ending.

[We use scenes to measure time, but we could have also said "if roger is roadbound for x turns ... "]
Every turn when Roadbound Roger is happening and Roger is not gassed:
if time since Roadbound Roger began is 6 minutes begin;
if one resourceful thing is ready to act, follow the make the resources act rule;
now Roger is forestbound;
end if.

Every turn when Roger was not gassed and Roger is gassed:
transition the human resources;
now establish connection is relevant;
now the travel time of Alicia is 1;
now the travel time of Travis is 1.

Last every turn when Roger was not forestbound and Roger is forestbound:
Jason arrives in 1 turn from now;
if Roger was carbound begin;
if activated DONCAN-132 is on-site begin;
say "From DonCAN-132: The Toyota pulls over to the side of the road and parks. [Roger] and [Eve] exit and, after both look at the drone, they rush into the cover of a wooded area.";
say "From Travis['] cell phone: Looks like they're parking along the road. I can't see them anymore. They've got some tree cover now. Over.";
end if;
if Chucky is actively on-site, say "From Chucky's microphone: 'Even if they can still track your phone in here, I think we can stay one step ahead of them,' [Roger] says. [pb]'Wanna bet that squirrel follows us? I don't think we'll lose him,' [Eve] says.";
if DONCAN-132 is actively on-site, say "[if Chucky is actively on-site][lb][end if]From DONCAN-132: [Roger] and [Eve] disappear into a region of dense maple trees[if Chucky is actively on-site], and Chucky follows[end if]. The drone flies above the treetops and hovers.";
say "[if activated DONCAN-132 is on-site or Chucky is actively on-site][lb] [end if]From Alicia's cell phone: They're taking cover in the trees. We might lose them. [unless Alicia enacts an actionable dialogue]I'm still waiting for orders, sir.'[end unless] ";
if Alicia enacts trail begin;
say "I'll try to follow them into their hidey hole, though.' ";
now Alicia is not on-site;
now time to runners of Alicia is (time to runners of Alicia plus 2);
end if;
if Alicia enacts attend car, say "[if Alicia is not on-site]Once I get good position on their car I'll stick with it[otherwise]I'll keep an eye on their car[end if] until you let me know otherwise.'";
say pb;
say "From Travis['] cell phone: ";
if Travis enacts trail begin;
say "I'm still on their trail, and I'll try to follow them in there. ";
now Travis is not on-site;
now time to runners of Travis is (time to runners of Travis plus 2);
end if;
if Travis enacts attend car, say "[if Travis is not on-site]I'm closing in on their car. Notify me if plans change[otherwise]I'm staying at the car. Let me know if you want me to follow them instead[end if]. ";
unless Travis enacts an actionable dialogue, say "I'm still on standby. ";
say "Over.' [lb]";
end if.

Every turn when the sidebar is g-present and Conspiring:
refresh the sidebar.

At the time when Roger's licence is tagged:
if HarborMaster is full-screen 		begin;
now Roger is licence-tagged;
say "[b]License Plate information for RTEMGMSK[/b] [lb]Vehicle: black Toyota Corolla [lb]Registered to: Grant Mason ([dob of Roger]) [pb][b]FromChaos Registration Information: [/b][description of Roger] [lb]";
now Roger is identified;
Roger's licence is tagged in 1 turn from now;
end if.

At the time when targets real names are revealed:
if HarborMaster is full-screen 		begin;
now Roger is identified;
say "Results of facial recognition: [pb]";
say "[description of Eve] [pb] [description of Roger] [lb]";
targets real names are revealed in 1 turn from now;
end if.

At the time when Jason arrives:
if HarborMaster is full-screen begin;
say "*** New resource available: Jason Williams *** [pb] From Jason's cell phone: I just got wind of the situation. I'm close-by. Out for a hike with my dog. Let me know if we can help.";
now HarborMaster accesses Jason;
now office-computer incorporates Jason;
now sniff-out is relevant;
Jason arrives in 1 turn from now;
end if.

At the time when Travis reports:
if HarborMaster is full-screen begin;
say "From Travis['] cell phone: They're on a side road. They're out in the open now, but there's a lot of tree cover around, and they could be headed for that, especially if they know we're onto them.";
Travis reports in 1 turn from now;
end if.

At the time when Christopher calls:
if HarborMaster is full-screen begin;
say "Christopher Suthen is calling from his cell phone ... connected. [pb]From Christopher's cell phone: Those two yer after was just here at my gas station. They got some food and gas. He's Roger. Short guy with slicked back, long black hair. She's Eve. Short, blond hair. Pretty, though I can't really say how [']cause I wasn't lookin['] in her eyes, if you catch me there. Both could be twenty-something. I offered to help them get hooked up, but she wouldn't give me her phone. Guess I can't blame her, though. Game like [i]Ship.[/i] Players are a suspicious group.' [pb]'Thanks, Chris. We're on them now,' you say.";
Travis reports in 1 turn from now;
Christopher calls in one turn from now;
end if.

Book - Task Two

Chapter - Task Two Rooms and Characters

Task Two is a debugging scene. Task Two begins when location is the Boar Bar. 

First after reading a command when the location is the Boar Bar for the first time:
disable saving of undo state.

After deciding the scope of the player during Task Two:
if the location is the Office, place the Boar Bar in scope;
if the location is Boar Bar, place the Office in scope.

The Calydonian Boar Bar is a room. "The bar is buried underground, as if its proprietor, Bud, doesn't want people to find him. And if they do, the damp cold is likely to hasten their exit. The television hanging from the wall next to the bar counter glows as bright as the lights, and it is so loud that you wonder if Bud actually wants anyone to try to order a drink from him. He knows his stuff, though, given the well-stocked shelves behind him. [pb]Except for Bud, everyone wears a mask. A dog and a cat are sitting at one table. A rat, the waitress, is sitting on a barstool. With a drink in hand, a fly hovers [unless cat has spoken of raven or dog has spoken of raven or pig has spoken of raven]around her[otherwise]between you and the waitress[end unless][if location contains pig]. A pig watches everyone from the doorway, the stairs behind him leading up and down[end if][if player is yourself]. The swan watches the stairs[end if].".

Should the game choose doing something with something which is enclosed by the Boar Bar when engaged in Task Two:
it is a good choice.

The printed name of the Bar is "The Calydonian Boar".

Before looking when the location is the Boar Bar for the first time:
say "PC the swan of [set link 18]Eve Martin[end link] detected and inactive. Locating resources ... none found. [HarborMaster] sidebar updated to testing commands[if sidebar is g-unpresent and the sidebar is allowing toggling]; use SIDEBAR ON or SIDEBAR OFF to toggle it[end if]. [pb]";
say "[b]Transcript of Eve Martin (as the swan)[/b] [pb]>Raven, ";
if Eve is crashed by squirrel, say "A squirrel took out Roger's car! We're okay. ";
say "[if Roger is gassed]There's some trees. I think we can lose them in there[otherwise]We're trying to hide in some trees[end if]. I'm sure I'll pass the test. [pb]The raven says (to the swan): Good luck. I'll send the vulture for you when we're ready. [pb]The raven leaves the bar through the east door.".

All alcoholic drinks are in Boar Bar.
An alcoholic drink has a number called sippiness.
Some alcoholic drinks are defined by the Table of Booze.

Table of Booze
Alcoholic Drink	Sippiness
Agent Orange	6
American Sour	5
Black Russian	4
Bloody Mary	8
Blue Star	7
Brass Monkey	6
Bull Shot	5
Bushwacker	6
Cosmopolitan	8
Elephant's Ear	6
Fluffy Critter	5
Fuzzy Navel	6
Gin Rikki	6
Grasshopper	7
Gunfire	5
Harvey Wallbanger	8
Hurricane	6
Kahlua	8
Long Island Ice Tea	9
Manhattan	8
Margarita	8  
Mudslide	7
Pink Squirrel	6
Rusty Nail	7
Screwdriver	4
Singapore Sling	8
Slippery Nipple	7
Snakebite	7
Strawberry Mule	6
Yellow Bird	6
Wild Turkey	3
Zombie	4

The description of an alcoholic drink is "[if the item described is carried]It looks as you had hoped[otherwise]Bud prepares and presents each without flourish[end if].".

Rule for printing the name of a conspirator (called target) when showing attributes for an alcoholic drink:
say "[co-conspirator of the target]".

Should the game choose doing something to an alcoholic drink:
if engaged in Task Two begin;
if drinking or taking, it is a good choice;
if giving something to a person, it is a good choice;
end if;

The beer, Bourbon, Martini, the red wine, scotch, tequila, vodka, and the white wine  are alcoholic drinks.
The sippiness of the beer is 8. The sippiness of Bourbon is 5. The sippiness of Martini is 7. The sippiness of the red wine is 8. The sippiness of Tequila is 6. The sippiness of scotch is 5. The sippiness of vodka is 4. The sippiness of the white wine is 8.

A boozer is a kind of person.
Andrew hicock, Brian Flanagan, Coral Gershwin, Doug Kaufman, Jordan Mooney, Bonnie Clyde, Rowdy Patrick, Michael Curtiz, Oliver Wilson, Shelley Hacker, Robert Niskin, Dean Martin, Robert Kennedy, and Joanne Wilcox are boozers.

When play begins:
let choice be a random number between 1 and the number of rows in the Table of Booze;
choose row choice in the Table of Booze;
now raven's drink is Alcoholic Drink entry;
now the drinkers of Alcoholic Drink entry is {Richard Tuttle};
let patrons be the list of boozers;
let drinks be a list of things;
now drinks is the list of alcoholic drinks;
remove Raven's drink from drinks;
repeat with counter running from 1 to the number of entries in patrons begin;
now choice is a random number between 1 and the number of entries in drinks;
add entry counter in patrons to the drinkers of entry choice in drinks;
remove entry choice from drinks;
end repeat;
add a random alcoholic drink to the favorite drinks of the eagle;
add Olga Burlenko to the drinkers of entry 1 in the favorite drinks of the eagle;
now the favorite drinks of the fly is the preferred 4 drinks of the fly;
now the favorite drinks of the rat is the preferred 5 drinks of the rat;
now the favorite drinks of the swan is the preferred 1 drink of the swan;
repeat with talker running through conspirators begin;
unless talker is the swan begin;
unless the talker is the raven, add Eve Martin to the things spoken about of the talker;
add the pig to the things spoken about of the talker;
end unless;
if the talker is the raven begin;
add the list of co-conspirators to the things spoken about of the raven;
add the list of co-conspirators to the raven's agenda of the raven's tablet;
end if;
if the talker is the owl, add Project Rainbow to the things spoken about of the talker;
if the talker is the buzzard, add Project Humpty Dumpty to the things spoken about of the talker;
end repeat;
remove Richard from the things spoken about of the raven.

Project Humpty Dumpty and Project Rainbow are things.

To decide which list of things is the/-- preferred (total - a number) drink/drinks of/-- (imbiber - a person):
let drink list be a list of things;
let potential drinks be the list of alcoholic drinks;
while the number of entries in drink list is less than total begin;
let choice be a random number between 1 and the number of entries in potential drinks;
let booze be entry choice in potential drinks;
unless booze is raven's drink begin;
add booze to drink list, if absent;
add imbiber to drinkers of booze, if absent;
end unless;
end while;
decide on drink list.

A furnishing is a kind of thing. A furnishing is scenery.
Some furnishings are defined by the Table of Bud's Stuff.

Table of Bud's Stuff
Furnishing	Description
Bud's tv	"It shows a hockey game between a team with a duck bill on their jerseys and another with what looks like a penguin."
the barstools	"Wooden and uncomfortable. A bit like Bud himself."
the counter	"Bud keeps the counter clean and clear of any clutter, like napkins or free snacks."

Bud's tv, the barstools, and the counter are in the Boar Bar.
The Boar bar contains the alcohol and the Cologne.

Should the game suggest entering the barstools when engaged in Task Two:
it is a good suggestion.

Understand "alcoholic drink/drinks", "booze", "bottle/bottles", "drink/drinks/hooch", and "liquor"  as the alcohol. The printed name of the alcohol is "booze".
The description of the alcohol is "Bud keeps his bar well-stocked.".

Should the game choose doing something to the alcohol:

Understand "Bud's television", "bar television/tv", "big-screen tv/television", "big/large screen tv/television", "large-screen tv/television", "large/big tv/television", "hockey/sports game", "game", "play-by-play/commentary", "play by play", and "television/tv" as Bud's tv.

Should the game choose doing something to Bud's tv when engaged in Task Two:
it is a good choice.

Understand "barstool/stool/stools" and "chair/chairs" as the barstools.

Understand "bar" as the counter.

Understand "musk/pheromone", "raven/raven's cologne/musk/odor/pheromone/scent", and "odor/scent/smell"  as the cologne.
The description of the cologne is "The raven's cologne lingers, smelling as if you had been sprayed with a pheromone.".

Understand "budweiser", "coors", "guinness",  and "molson" as the beer.

Should the game choose doing something to the red wine when comparing the red wine against the white wine:
it is a good choice.

Bud, The cat, the dog, the fly, the pig, and the rat are people in the Boar Bar. The cat and rat are female.
Bud, The cat, the dog, the fly, the pig, and the rat are npc.

Should the game choose doing something with an npc person when engaged in Task Two:
it is a good choice.

A person can be blocked from player. [For NPCs that the player tries to control.]

Bud is bartender.
Understand "bartender", "bar tender",  and "buddy" as Bud.
The description of Bud is "With his bald head, wide forehead, small eyes, and black beard, Bud looks like he should be wearing a loincloth and hunting the wildlife with a giant club.".

The cat is retiree.
The cat can be crying.

The cat wears the cat's mask. Understand "cat [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- cat" as the cat's mask.

Understand "black cat/kitten/kitten", "dog's wife", "kitten/kitty", "pussycat", "tissue/purse/kleenex", and "whisker/whiskers/wife"  as the cat.

The description of the cat is "[if the item described is crying]The diminutive lady is hunched over and dabbing her eyes with a tissue, the whiskers on her black cat mask twitching[otherwise]The woman in the black cat mask could be mistaken for a child if it weren't for her gray hair[end if].".

The dog is retiree.
The dog wears the dog's mask. Understand "dog [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- dog" as the dog's mask.

Understand "cat's husband", "husband", and "puppy" as the dog.

The description of the dog is "[if the cat is crying]The dog rests his hand on the shoulder of the cat sitting next to him. His [otherwise]The [end if]dog mask is of a generic brown dog with floppy ears and big jowls[unless the cat is crying]. The man in the mask sits next to a cat, and a beer rests on the table in front of him[end if].".

The fly is pilot.
The fly has a number called drunkenness. The drunkenness of the fly is 0.
The fly has a list of things called favorite drinks.

The fly wears the fly's mask. Understand "fly [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- fly" as the fly's mask.

Understand "bar fly", "barfly", "eye/eyes" and "black fly" as the fly.

The sober talk list is a list of people that varies. [To track who the fly has talked to before he gets drunk. His conversation topics change depending on his drunkenness.]

The description of the fly is "He reminds you of a fruit fly: all black and with big red eyes. He seems to be keeping an eye on you, but it's hard to tell exactly what he's looking at. [if drunkenness of the item described is greater than 10]He is unsteady on his feet, and his head bobs[otherwise if the drunkenness of the item described is greater than 5]He wobbles a bit on his feet[otherwise][pb]He raises his drink to you[first time]. [pb]Okay. So maybe he is watching you[only][end if].".

The pig is law enforcement.

The pig wears the pig's mask. Understand "pig [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- pig" as the pig's mask.

Understand "fat man" as the pig.
Understand "cop/detective/officer", and "police officer" as the pig when the rat has spoken of the pig.

The description of the pig is "The pig wears one of the few full face masks you've seen tonight. It's chubby cheeks, snout, and dark hollow eyes give it a sinister appearance, but it's hard to take too seriously when the guy wearing it is this fat. He hasn't moved from the doorway since you've arrived.".

The rat is exotic dancer.

The rat wears the rat's mask. Understand "rat [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- rat" as the rat's mask.

Understand "barmaid", "gray nose", "nose", and "waitress" as the rat.
The rat has a list of things called favorite drinks.
The description of the rat is "The waitress wears a long gray rat nose with prickly whiskers and a black tip. It doesn't fit the tall blond woman at all.".

The swan can be raven-asking.
The addressee is the swan.
The swan has a list of things called favorite drinks.

The swan wears the swan's mask. Understand "Eve's/Eve/Martin's/martin/swan [disguise]", "[disguise] of the/-- swan/eve/martin", and "Eve Martin's [disguise]" as the swan's mask.
Understand "eve/martin" and "eve martin" as the swan when engaged in Task Two or engaged in Task Three.
Understand "feather/feathers" and "white feather/feathers/swan" as the swan.
Understand "pc" as the swan when the player is the swan.

The swan incorporates a container called the pocket. The pocket contains the invitation.

Understand "animal/cartoon card", "cartoon/farm animal/animals", "card/invite" as the invitation.
The description of the invitation is "Its cover says 'We're planning a wild party' above a group of cartoon animals. The message within reads, 'Be at the Calydonian Boar at 8:00 pm on the 28th of June.' It's signed 'G.'".

Understand "jeans/pants" as the pocket.
The description of the pocket is "Your pocket holds the invitation.".

Chapter - Task Two Conversation 

First conversation rule for someone who is not the pig when Boar Bar contains the pig and the conversationalist is not Bud and the noun is the raven:
say "'Can you tell me anything about the raven?' you say. [pb][The conversationalist] glances at the imposing pig standing in the doorway. [if the conversationalist is female]She[otherwise]He[end if] lowers h[if the conversationalist is female]er[otherwise]is[end if] head down then shakes it.";
rule fails.

First conversation rule for someone when conversationalist has spoken about the noun and the noun is the swan:
say "You're sure [the second noun] has nothing important on you.".

First conversation rule for someone when conversationalist has spoken about the noun and the noun is a person:
	say "'Anything more you can tell me about [the noun]?' you say. [pb]";
	if the conversationalist is:
		-- Bud: say "'I've said my piece.'";
		-- cat: say "'I told you what I know, dear.'";
		-- dog: say "'No, nothing.'";
		-- fly: say "[if drunkenness of the fly is greater than 14]'Not that I can think of. Not that I can. Think, that is[otherwise if the drunkenness of the fly is greater than 6]You aren't getting any more out of me.' He burps. 'Besides that[otherwise]'Not a word[end if].'";
		-- pig: say "'I won't say any more.'";
		-- rat: say "'There's nothing more to say, as far as I know.'".

A conversation rule for someone when a furnishing has been spoken generally about and the noun is a furnishing:
say "[The conversationalist] has already shared h[if the conversationalist is male]is[otherwise]er[end if] opinion on [if the conversationalist is Bud]his[otherwise]Bud's[end if] sense of interior design.";
rule fails.

										A conversation rule for someone when the noun is an alcoholic drink and an alcoholic drink has been spoken generally about and the conversationalist is neither Bud nor the rat:
say "You remember [the conversationalist] wasn't interested in a drink the first time you asked.";
rule fails.

A conversation rule for someone when the noun is an alcoholic drink and the conversationalist is neither Bud nor the rat:
	say "'Can I get you a drink?' you say. '[Noun]?' [pb]";
	if the conversationalist is:
	-- cat: say "'I haven't had a drink in over 40 years, my dear. I just drink water.' She frowns. 'But not from here.'";
		-- dog: say "'I'm not finished my beer, thanks.'";
	-- fly: say "'Usually I would, but I'm trying to cut down.' He sips his drink and winks. 'Starting tomorrow.'";
		-- pig: say "'No. Not tonight.'".
A conversation rule for Bud when the noun is a person and the noun is not the raven:
	if the noun is:
		-- the cat: say "'What do you know about the cat over there?' [pb]Bud shrugs. 'Don't know her. Haven't talked to her.'";
	-- the dog: say "'Do you know the guy in the dog mask?' you say. [pb]'He drinks beer. That's all I know. That's all I need to know.'";
		-- the fly: say "'Do a good business with the fly, it looks like,' you say. [pb]'I always do a good business. I know my business good, too.'";
		-- the pig: say "'Do you know the pig?' you say. [pb]'He doesn't drink. At least not yet. That's all you need to know.'";
		-- the rat: say "'Nice to see your waitress getting into the act,' you say. 'With the mask.' [pb]Bud looks surprised. 'Waitress? Oh yeah. Good lass.'";
		-- the swan: say "'What do you think of the mask?' you say. [pb]Bud shrugs. 'Better than some of them.'".

A conversation rule for Bud when the noun is the raven:
say "'Can you tell me anything about the raven?' you say. [pb]Bud stares at you. 'Nope.'";
now investigating raven is true.

A conversation rule for Bud:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'Nice decor,' you say. [pb]Bud shrugs. 'It's me.'";
say "You don't think Bud knows much about things outside his domain.";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for cat when the noun is an NPC person:
	if the noun is:
		-- Bud: say "'Do you know anything about Bud that I should know?' you say. [pb]The cat shrugs. 'I haven't talked to him. I'm sure he's a nice enough fellow.'";
		-- cat: say "'What can you tell me about yourself,' you say. [pb]'Oh, don't bother with me. I'm not that interesting.'";
		-- dog: say "'Is that your husband?' you say, indicating the dog sitting next to her. [pb]'Yes. For 48 years.' She smiles. ";
		-- fly: say "'Have you met the fly?' you say. [pb]'Poor dear. Drinks a little too much, I think.'";
		-- pig: say "'Do you know who the pig is?' you say. [pb]'Oh my dear, I don't think any of us know, and I don't think any of us want to.'";
		-- rat: say "'Have you met our waitress?' you say. [pb]'Delightful girl. Too bad they made her wear that ugly thing.'".

		A conversation rule for cat when the noun is swan:
					say "'I'd introduce myself but, you know, secrecy and all that,' you say. [pb]'Oh, that's okay, dear. All hush-hush.'".
					A conversation rule for cat when the noun is raven:
					add conversationalist to ask-order;
now investigating raven is true;
say "'I'm trying to learn more about the raven,' you say. 'He seems ... interesting.' [pb]'Oh, dear. We aren't supposed to know, you know. All I know is that a birdy mask means he's someone important. Not like us domestic animals.' She nudges the dog beside her and smiles.".

A conversation rule for cat:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'Do you like what Bud has done with the place?' you say. [pb]'I guess it's okay for a bar. I wouldn't know.'";
say "You don't want to bother the lady with irrelevant chat.";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for dog when the cat is crying:
say "The dog's head droops as he pats the cat's shoulder. You would rather leave them alone and let him try to calm his wife.";
rule fails.

A conversation rule for dog when the noun is an NPC person:
	if the noun is:
		-- Bud: say "'How well do you know Bud?' you say. [pb]'Enough to know why this place is the [']Bore Bar.[']'";
		-- cat: say "'[unless the cat has spoken of the dog]Is this your wife[otherwise]Your wife is a sweetheart[end if],' you say. [pb] 'Yes, as gentle as a kitten.' The dog chuckles.[if the cat is crying] 'And maybe a bit too sensitive.'[end if] ";
		-- dog: say "'I'd normally introduce myself but ... ' you say. [pb]The dog laughs. 'Of course. As would I, under different circumstances.'";
		-- fly: say "'Do you know our red-eyed friend?' you say. [pb]'Don't know him myself. But he seems interested in you, I think.' ";
		-- pig: say "'Do you know the pig?' you say. [pb]'If I did, I wouldn't tell you. Knowing him as I do.'";
		-- rat: say "'Have you met our waitress?' you say. [pb]'She'll be getting a big bonus tonight, to be sure. Putting up with this lot.'".
						A conversation rule for dog when the noun is swan:
					say "'Do you think my mask has any significance?' you say. [pb]'I think all of ours do. A ranking, I think.'".
					A conversation rule for dog when the noun is raven:
now the cat is crying;
now investigating raven is true;
say "'Do you know anything about the raven?' you say. [pb]'If I told you, I'd have to kill you.' The dog chuckles. 'Seriously, no. I hope he isn't anything like the real thing, though. Crows are smart. They're also mean bastards. Turn on you in a snap. You feed them, they hang around, then one day you don't. So they kill your dog.' He bangs the table with his hand. [pb]The cat bursts into tears. She pulls a tissue from her purse and grips it, sobbing. [pb]'So sorry, sweetie,' the dog says. 'Our dog ... ' He shakes his head. [pb]'That's okay,' you say. 'I'll leave her alone.'";
add conversationalist to ask-order.

A conversation rule for dog:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'How do you like this place?' you say. [pb]'A little spartan for my tastes.'";
say "You don't want to intrude on the couple more than you need to.";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for the fly when noun is a person and noun is not the swan:
let sober level be the drunkenness of the fly;
if sober level is less than 6 begin;
say "'[if the noun is listed in the sober talk list]Can you tell me more about [the noun]?' you say. 'I'm curious.'[otherwise]Do you know [the noun]?' you say. [end if] [pb]";
if noun is listed in sober talk list begin;
say "[if sober level is less than 3]The fly steps back and shakes his head. [otherwise]The fly teeters a bit and ignores you[end if].";
say "[if sober level is less than 3]'Loose lips sink ships, and Captain Fly is sailing steady.'[otherwise]The fly shakes his head an puts a finger to his lips. 'These lips are sealed.' He sips from his drink.[end if]";
add noun to sober talk list, if absent;
end if;
rule fails;
end if;
if the noun is the raven begin;
now investigating raven is true;
say "'The raven,' you say. '[if fly is listed in sober talk list]Come on, you can tell me, right[otherwise]Know him[end if]?' [pb]The fly drains his drink. 'He's big. Really big. Has his fingers in a lot of pies. Not just good old American apple pie, either.' [pb]'Do you know his name?' [pb]The fly stands perfectly still. He shakes his head. 'Perhaps I've stead, said, too much, too much.' He turns to the rat and yells, 'Another drink. Let's try Bud's [Raven's drink].' [pb]The rat scowls and orders the drink from Bud.";
add conversationalist to ask-order;
say "'[if the noun is Bud]Know Bud well, do you?' you say. [pb]The fly nods, the eyes bobbling. 'Yeah, we're great mates. Good guy[otherwise if the noun is cat]Have you met the cat?' you say. [pb]He shrugs. 'Never met her. I think. It's hard to tell. You know, with the masks[otherwise if the noun is dog]What's your take on the dog over there?' you say. [pb]The fly swivels his head to the dog. 'Good man. Likes beer. I like my drinks stiffer[otherwise if the noun is fly]So why did you end up with the bug eyes?' you say. [pb]'I guess [']cause I see all from above, that's my gig[otherwise if the noun is rat]I'm sure you're familiar with our waitress,' you say. 'The rat.' [pb]'A right good wench she is,' the fly says and raises his drink at her. [pb]The rat frowns and shakes her head. 'Pig[end if].'";
end if.

						A conversation rule for fly when the noun is swan:
say "'Take a picture, it lasts longer,' you say. [pb]'What,' the fly says. [pb]'You've been watching me all night.' [pb]'He smiles. 'I watch everyone.'".

A conversation rule for fly:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'Come here a lot, do you?' you say and cringe at the implication. 'I mean ... ' [pb]The fly shakes his head. 'Here.
 There..' He holds up his drink. 'It taste the same anywhere, really.'";
say "You don't want to talk to the fly more than you need to.";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for pig when the noun is an NPC person:
say "You look up at the pig. 'Can I ask you about [if noun is the conversationalist]yourself[otherwise][the noun][end if]?' [pb][if noun is Bud]The pig shrugs. 'A bit bristly, and he isn't the one with the whiskers in this place.' [otherwise if (pig has spoken of cat or pig has spoken of dog or pig has spoken of pig or pig has spoken of rat or pig has spoken of fly)]'No.' [otherwise]'We're wearing masks for a reason. You should know that.' [end if]".

A conversation rule for pig when the noun is swan:
					say "'Do you know anything about me?' you say. [pb]'I know what I need to about who I need to know.'".

A conversation rule for pig when the noun is raven:
					add conversationalist to ask-order;
now investigating raven is true;
say "[if (pig has spoken of cat or pig has spoken of dog or pig has spoken of fly or pig has spoken of rat)]'So I guess you won't tell me now about the raven?' [otherwise]'Can you tell me about the raven?' [end if]you say. [pb]The pig snorts. 'The raven? You dare ask?' [pb]'Well, I just did ... ' [pb]He clenches his fists. 'I can keep my mouth shut. Not like them.' He gestures at the other people in the bar. 'I told him they can't keep secrets. Everyone talks eventually. You just gotta know when to ask. I oughtta know.' He thumps his chest. 'And he should know about you.' He points at you, charges out the door, and stomps down the stairs.";
now the pig is off-stage.

A conversation rule for pig:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'Why don't you come in and have a seat?' you say. [pb]'I'm just fine where I am, Missy.' ";
say "The pig is too tight-lipped to talk about anything, never mind something like [regarding the noun][those].";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for rat when the noun is an NPC person:
if the noun is Bud begin;
say "'Do you know Bud well?' you say. [pb]'Yeah, sure.' The rat winks. 'Just don't ask me anything about him.'";
if the noun is the rat begin;
say "'Anything about you I should know?' you say. [pb]The rat smiles. 'Me? I'm not hiding anything, hon.'";
say "'What can you tell me about [the noun]?' you say. [pb]'[one of]Well, I'm not one to talk, but ... ' The rat looks around then leans toward you. '[or]Hmmmm. [stopping][if the noun is the cat]Their dog died, and she had it stuffed. It sits in its own chair[otherwise if the noun is the dog]I wouldn't be surprised if he had a little accident on the way out of here tonight. Seems he has a lot of those. I hope Bud has insurance[otherwise if the noun is fly]Three girlfriends, one wife, three kids. His wife doesn't know about one of them[otherwise if the noun is the pig]He's a detective, you know. He's good. A little too good, if you know what I mean. He always gets his man, even if he didn't do it[end if].'";
end if;
end if.

A conversation rule for rat when the noun is swan:
say "'Got any dirt on me?' you say. [pb]The rat's eyes widen. 'You, hon? No, of course not.' She nods at your black hair. 'So the blond hair is a dye job. Knew it.'".

A conversation rule for rat when the noun is raven:
if fly is listed in ask-order begin;
add conversationalist to ask-order;
say "'You must be able to tell me something about the raven,' you say. [pb]The rat considers. 'All I can tell you is that he likes the same drink as the fly. [Raven's drink].'";
say "'[one of]I'd really like to know more about the raven.'[or]Anything about the raven?'[stopping] you say. [pb]'[one of]I can't think of anything, hon. Maybe something will jog my memory[or]Nothin['] yet, hon. Sorry[stopping].' [lb]";
rule fails;
end if.

A conversation rule for rat:
if the noun is a furnishing begin;
say "'A little dark in here, but otherwise I like it,' you say. 'Simple.' [pb]'That's Bud for you. I think.'";
say "Anything she has to say about [regarding the noun][those] would just be white noise right now.' [lb]";
rule fails;
end if.

Chapter - Task Two Action-Processing Rules

First before doing something other than gazing when player is yourself and (location is Boar Bar or location is the Chamber) and every involved thing is enclosed by the location:
if clicking a conspirator and player is yourself, try biographing for the noun instead;
unless showing attributes for or showing room attributes for, say "You cannot do anything to influence the game state unless you are controlling a PC. Use HEADPOP INTO [bracket]a PC[close bracket] to take control of an inactive PC. COMMANDS shows a list of the testing commands." instead.

Before asking Bud to try taking an alcoholic drink, try taking the noun instead.
Before asking someone to try taking an alcoholic drink, try discussing the noun with the actor instead.

Before answering someone that "hi/hello/greetings" when engaged in Task Two, try discussing the raven with the noun instead.

Before changing channels when location is Boar Bar, say "The snear Bud gives you tells you it's his tv and his bar. His choice." instead.

Before conversing when the second noun is crying cat, say "You're not going to get anything out of her while she is mourning." instead.

Before discussing a mask with someone, try discussing a random person who incorporates the noun with the second noun instead.
Before discussing the raven with the rat when the number of entries in ask-order is less than 4 and the pig is off-stage for the first time, now investigating raven is true.

Before discussing an alcoholic drink with Bud, try taking the noun instead.
Before discussing an alcoholic drink with the rat, try taking the noun instead.

[We never want to print the "give the fly a drink" phrase when we do something with the fly.]
Before doing something other than showing attributes for when the fly is involved and not discussing the fly with someone who is not the fly, now the player is raven-asking.

Before doing something when the raven is involved and engaged in Task Two:
if conversing and the second noun is not the raven, continue the action;
say "He isn't around." instead.

Before doing something other than showing attributes for when the alcohol is involved, say "In a bar, referring to a drink in general is too ambiguous." instead.

Before drinking  a not carried alcoholic drink, try taking the noun.

Before eating an alcoholic drink, try drinking the noun instead.

Before examining a mask, try examining a random person who wears the noun instead.

Before examining the invitation, say "You pull the card from your pocket. [rpo]".

Before giving an  alcoholic drink to the player, try taking the noun instead.

Before listening when player is the swan, try listening to Bud's tv instead.

The can't remove from people rule does nothing.

Before smelling when engaged in Task Two, try examining the cologne instead.
Before smelling the cologne, try examining the noun instead.

Investigative technique is a stored action that varies.

Setting action variables for doing something other than talking to something when engaged in Task Two:
now investigative technique is the action of waiting.

Before talking to someone when engaged in Task Two:
if the noun is the crying cat, try discussing the noun with the cat instead;
if investigative technique is the action of waiting or (noun part of investigative technique is not noun), try discussing the raven with the noun instead;
now investigative technique is the current action;
repeat with selection running through npc persons begin;
unless the noun has spoken of selection, try discussing selection with the noun instead;
end repeat;
unless the noun has spoken of the swan, try discussing the swan with the noun instead;
say "You [if the noun is a person]can't think of anything to say right now[otherwise]don't want to appear any crazier than anyone else here[end if]." instead.

Before taking the invitation, say "It's easiest to carry in your pocket." instead.
Before taking the pocket, say "It's firmly sewn to your jeans." instead.

Before waiting, unless engaged in Task Two, try looking instead.

Instead of acting like bunny when engaged in Task Two, say "You're not dressed like a rabbit.".
Instead of activating something when engaged in Task Two and player is the swan, say "There is nothing to activate around here.".

Instead of asking someone to try doing something when engaged in Task Two, say "You can't tell anyone in here what to do. Not yet, anyway. After tonight, maybe.".

Instead of decommissioning something when engaged in Task Two and player is the swan, say "You wouldn't dare turn off anything without Bud's permission.".

Instead of discussing something with the fly when drunkenness of the fly is greater than 14 and engaged in Task Two, say "'So, what ... ' you say. [pb]'[one of]Wha's a chick li['] ya doin[']'[or]Tha's what I'm sayin[']'[or]The fly sways and smiles[or]He licks his lips, and you don't want to finish your thought[or]'Score!'[purely at random] [lb]".

Investigating raven is initially false.

Instead of discussing something with an npc person when engaged in Task Two:
now the conversationalist is the second noun;
follow the conversation rules for the conversationalist;
if rule succeeded, add the noun to the things spoken about of the conversationalist, if absent;
if investigating raven is true begin;
unless the conversationalist is the fly begin;
say lb;
give the fly a drink;
end unless;
if the conversationalist is the fly, increment the drunkenness of the fly;
now player is raven-asking;
end if.

To give the fly a drink:
increment the drunkenness of the fly;
unless the player is raven-asking begin;
unless the number of entries in ask-order is 5, say "You turn to see the fly retreat [if the drunkenness of the fly is greater than 8]in a few stumbling[otherwise]a few[end if] steps. ";
say "Swaying, [if the number of entries in ask-order is 5]the fly [otherwise]he[end if] ";
say "takes a swig of his drink[first time]. He seems to be hovering around you like a fly on ... let's say flypaper[only].";
end unless.

Instead of doing something other than examining to the cologne, say "You can smell it. That's enough.".

Instead of drinking a not carried alcoholic drink, say "You'll need to order one first.".
Instead of drinking a carried alcoholic drink:
decrement sippiness of the noun;
say "[if sippiness of noun is 0]You finish the drink and return the glass to Bud[otherwise]You sip the [noun].";
if sippiness of noun is 0 begin;
move the noun to location;
now sippiness of the noun is 5;
end if.

Instead of dropping a carried alcoholic drink, say "You don't want to leave your drink unattended.".
Instead of dropping or taking or taking off the swan's mask, say "You're wearing a mask for a reason. Besides, you like it.".
Instead of dropping or taking or taking off a mask, say "You wouldn't dare.".

Instead of entering something which is not a person when engaged in Task Two and the noun is not a furnishing, say "Not possible, you're sure.".
Instead of entering someone who is not the player when engaged in Task Two, say "That would be awkward.".

Instead of entering a furnishing when engaged in Task Two, say "You couldn't possibly sit on [regarding the noun][those].".
Instead of entering barstools when engaged in Task Two, say "You're a bit too anxious to sit right now.".
Instead of entering the player when engaged in Task Two, say "You're too tall to be a gymnast.".

Instead of examining a carried alcoholic drink, say "Just one of your favorites.".

Instead of switching on or switching off a device when location is Office during Task Two, say "You don't want to bother with that right now.".

Instead of talking about text with someone who is not the player during Task Two:
	if the second noun is:
		-- Bud: say "Bud shakes his head. 'Can't hear you.' [pb]That's odd; he seems able to take drink orders from his waitress just fine. ";
		-- the cat: say "The cat pats your hand. 'No business of mine, my dear.' ";
		-- the dog: say "The dog looks around. 'I may have said too much to too many already.'";
		-- the fly: say "'I'm not sure what you're getting at,' the fly says. ";
		-- the pig: say "'I won't discuss anything with you,' the pig says. ";
		-- the rat: say "'I do stay quiet about some things, despite what you might have heard,' the rat says. ";
	say lb.

Instead of giving Raven's drink to the fly when the fly is listed in ask-order, say "He's had enough.".
Instead of giving an alcoholic drink to the fly when the fly is listed in ask-order, say "You don't want to encourage him to expand his tastes.".

Instead of giving an  alcoholic drink to the dog:
if the noun is the beer begin;
say "There's plenty remaining in his mug.";
say "It looks like he prefers beer, and he isn't finished with what he has.";
end if.

Instead of giving an  alcoholic drink to someone, say "You don't know what [the second noun] drinks.".
Instead of giving the invitation to someone, say "It's yours. You don't know who else should be invited.".

 Instead of going up from Boar Bar, try going east.
Instead of going east from Boar Bar, say "*** [username of yourself] (as the swan) cannot leave Caledonian Boar Bar while PC is waiting for another PC. *** [lb]".
Instead of going down from Boar Bar, say "Solid floor.".
Instead of going nowhere from Boar Bar, say "That would run you into a wall.".

Instead of inserting something into the pocket, say "It isn't big enough to carry much.".

Instead of listening to Bud's tv, say "A guy describes the play-by-play of the hockey game.".
Instead of listening to the player when the player is the swan, say "You'll have to speak to someone to hear your voice.".
Instead of listening to someone, say "You'll have to ask [the noun] something if you want to hear h[if noun is male]im[otherwise]er[end if].".

Instead of opening or closing the pocket, say "It's easily accessible as-is.".

Instead of removing an alcoholic drink from the fly, say "Taking away any alcohol from the fly might tick him off, and you don't know what he's capable of when he's angry.".
Instead of removing the beer from the dog, say "He looks like he's enjoying it too much.".
Instead of removing an alcoholic drink from someone, say "[The noun] isn't drinking.".

Instead of smelling the player, say "Perfect.".
Instead of smelling someone, say "You don't want to act too suspicious with these people.".

Instead of taking an alcoholic drink when 1 alcoholic drink is carried, say "One drink at a time is all you can handle.".
Instead of taking someone when engaged in Task Two, say "You're not taking anyone anywhere. You're waiting.".
Instead of taking something which is not an alcoholic drink when engaged in Task Two, say "Besides a drink, there's nothing else here you can carry. Except maybe a conversation.".

Instead of taking inventory when player is the swan and engaged in Task Two, say "You carry an invitation in your pocket, and you're wearing the swan mask.".

Instead of waiting when engaged in Task Two, say "The hockey game plays in the background as you wait.".

Instead of wearing a mask which is worn by the player when engaged in Task Two, say "It's firmly in place and already doing its job.".
Instead of wearing a mask when engaged in Task Two, say "That one isn't yours, and you're pretty sure they are coded for specific positions.".
Instead of wearing something which is not a mask when engaged in Task Two:
if the noun is a person, say "That would require some sort of skin grafting. Gross, and [the noun] would never sign the consent form.";
otherwise say "Clothing works just fine.".

After examining the invitation, say "You slip the card back into your pocket.".

After listening to something when engaged in Task Two, say "[regarding the noun][They] remain silent.".

After looking when location is Boar Bar for the first time:
say "The scent of the raven's cologne [pb]*** Warning: [username of yourself] does not recognize PC raven. *** [pb]lingers in the air. [pb]From [i]The Titan Handbook,[/i] ('Connecting with Players', pg. 50)[lb]All titans should recognize every thing in the game, including PCs. If you encounter an unrecognized PC, re-establish a connection by finding another name for the PC. This may be done using the testing commands RELATIONS and SHOWME [bracket]a thing[close bracket] . In some situations, you may also be able to find the name by assuming the role of a PC or NPC and interacting with the game world. HEADPOP [bracket]someone[close bracket] will put you into a character, and DEPOSSESS will take you out. Talking to other PCs and NPCs is usually a good way of identifying players. Use RECOGNIZE RAVEN as [bracket]someone[close bracket] with the name of the person you would like to re-connect. [pb]*** Remember, when you are finished assuming the role of a PC, you need to RESET your session so that the game state is restored to what it was before you took control. *** [lb]".

After taking an alcoholic drink:
add noun to favorite drinks of the swan, if absent;
 say "Bud pours your request, [noun], and hands it to you.".

Section - Task Two Out-of-World Actions

Carry out showing relations when engaged in Task Two:
say "Boozing relates various people to various alcoholic drinks.";
say "The dog drinks beer.";
say "The fly drinks [favorite drinks of the fly].";
say "The rat drinks [favorite drinks of the rat].";
say "The swan drinks [favorite drinks of the swan].".

Chapter - Task Two Turn Sequence Rules

Every turn when investigating raven is true and engaged in Task Two:
now investigating raven is false.

Every turn when the number of entries in the ask-order is at least 3 and fly is not listed in ask-order and the drunkenness of the fly is less than 15 and engaged in Task Two:
if the number of entries in ask-order is at least 4, now the player is raven-asking;
give the fly a drink.

Acting attempts is initially 0.
Every turn when player has not been swan and engaged in Task Two:
increment acting attempts;
if six npc people are blocked from player and acting attempts is greater than 15 begin;
move Eve to location;
say "[b]*** Eve Martin has taken control of PC the swan. ***[/b] [pb]";
say ">l [lb] [description of location] [pb]";
let requested drink be a random alcoholic drink;
say ">ask Bud for [requested drink] [lb]Bud pours your request, [requested drink], and hands it to you. [pb]>drink [requested drink] [lb]You sip the [requested drink]. [pb]";
repeat with counter running from 1 to 4 begin;
say ">z [lb]The hockey game plays in the background as you wait. [pb]";
end repeat;
say "A hunched man in a vulture mask enters the bar. [pb]The vulture says (to the swan): Come with me. [pb]>e [lb]The swan follows the vulture east, out of the bar.";
report a premature ending;
end if.

Every turn when engaged in Task Two and (time since Task Two began is 60 minutes or waiting for 10 turns):
say "[description of location] [pb]The vulture enters the bar. [pb]The vulture shoots the swan with a blanker. [pb]You, Eve Martin as the swan, flicker and disappear. [pb]*** PC the swan has been removed from the game world. *** [lb]";
report a premature ending.

Last every turn when engaged in Task Two and the player is raven-asking:
now the player is not raven-asking.

Book - Task Three

Chapter - Task Three Rooms and Characters

Task Three is a debugging scene. Task Three begins when location is the Chamber. Task Two ends when the location is the Chamber.

After deciding the scope of the player when Task Three is happening and the location is the Chamber:
place the Office in scope.

When play begins:
repeat with selection running through conspirators begin;
add selection to the aliases of the selection;
add co-conspirator of the selection to the aliases of the selection;
unless selection is the swan, add second co-conspirator of the selection  to the aliases of the selection;
end repeat.

The Chamber is a room. "This chamber is deep underground and lined by gray stone, as if to protect the world above from the explosive secrets that are discussed within. Meetings are conducted around the wooden table at its center, which is flanked by a bank of monitors and a rotating holographic globe. Attendees enter through a thick wooden door and are greeted by a mural splashed over the west wall. [pb]The buzzard, the hawk, and the owl are sitting around the table.  At one end, the raven presides from an ornate chair, an electronic tablet before him[one of]. [pb]*** [if one conspirator is disconnected]Warning: [username of yourself] does not recognize PCs [the list of disconnected conspirators]. Please re-establish connection to something in the world with RECOGNIZE [BRACKET]someone[close bracket] AS [bracket]someone[close bracket]. [end if]All PCs activated. [if one conspirator is disconnected]Additional commands [otherwise]The commands [end if]available are BIO FOR [bracket]someone[close bracket], RELATIONS, and SHOWME [bracket]something[close bracket]. ***[or]. [stopping] ".

Should the game choose doing something to something which is enclosed by the Chamber when engaged in Task Three:
it is an excellent choice.

The chamber contains the bank of monitors, the chamber-table, the chamber-walls, the globe, the mural, and the ornate chair.

The bank of monitors is a switched on device.
The bank of monitors is scenery.
Understand "monitor/screen/screens", "building/buildings/vehicles/interior/interiors/exterior/exteriors", "television/televisions/tv/tvs", "television/televisions/tv/tvs monitors/monitor/screen/screens", "footage/video/videos", "video footage", and "wall of monitors/screens/televisions/tvs" as the bank of monitors.
The description of the bank of monitors is "The monitors fill an entire wall. They show video footage of vehicles and people as well as building exteriors and interiors.".

Should the game choose doing something to the bank of monitors:
if engaged in Task Three, it is an excellent choice;

The chamber-table is a furnishing.
The printed name of the chamber-table is "table".
understand "chairs/seats/table" and "meeting/large/wood/wooden table" as the chamber-table.

Should the game choose doing something to the chamber-table:
if engaged in Task Three, it is an excellent choice;

The description of the chamber-table is "The table seats five people along each length and one at each end.".

The chamber-walls is a furnishing. The printed name of the chamber-walls is "stone walls".
Understand "chamber walls", "gray/grey/stone walls" and "stone/rock/walls" as the chamber-walls.
The description of the chamber-walls is "Claustrophobic without windows and carved from cold rock, the chamber encourages short meetings.".

The globe is scenery.
Understand "country/countries/land/sea/seas/ocean/oceans/water", "land/water area/mass/region", "earth", "hologram", "earth/globe/world hologram", "holographic/rotating/spinning earth/globe/world", and "world" as the globe.

Understand "china", "great wall" and "great wall of china" as the globe when the addressee is the buzzard.
Understand "russia", "snowglobe", "snow/snowflakes" and "kremlin" as the globe when the addressee is the eagle.
Understand "africa", "desert/sand", "green/lush jungle",  and "jungle" as the globe when the addressee is the hawk.
Understand "england/europe" and "castle" as the globe when the addressee is the owl.
Understand "americas/america/usa", "american flag", "bald eagle", and "flag/stripes" as the globe when the addressee is the raven.

The description of the globe is "[if the addressee is the swan]The globe fills one end of the chamber. It rotates slowly, with subtle changes in direction. It flickers off occasionally and re-appears with a different rotation, forcing you to see the earth from different perspectives[otherwise if the addressee is the buzzard]The globe sprouts a Great Wall that extends around the equator to encircle the earth. Banded, it spins from east to west[otherwise if the addressee is the eagle]The globe has transformed into a snow globe, with snowflakes shimmering around the Kremlin[otherwise if the addressee is the hawk]The globe rotates with one side showing barren desert and the other lush green jungle[otherwise if the addressee is the owl]Castle walls have formed around the earth, which continues to spin within its confines[otherwise if the addressee is the raven]A bald eagle flies around the rotating earth, sprinkling stars and laying down the stripes of the American flag over the land and sea[end if].".

The mural is scenery.
Understand "painting/picture" and "mailbox/pole/zork" as the mural.
The description of the mural is "The wall is painted black with white cartoon letters spelling out 'ZORK.' A wooden door opens from the 'O,' revealing a dark interior. A mailbox pole bisects the 'O' and 'R.' Its planted into a patch of grass and tilted so that the mailbox itself covers the 'R' and 'K.'".

The ornate chair is a furnishing.
Understand "gold-flecked chair/seat", "gold/golden chair/seat", "padding", "padded/red chair/seat", and "blood/deep red chair/seat"  as the ornate chair.
The description of the ornate chair is "It's the only chair with padding, a dark red, and wood flecked with gold.".

Should the game choose doing something to the ornate chair:
if Task Three is happening, it is an excellent choice;

The raven carries a switched on computer called the raven's tablet.
The raven's tablet has a list of things called the raven's agenda.

Understand "electronic tablet", "ipad", and "raven's computer/laptop" as the raven's tablet.
The description of the raven's tablet is "He doesn't let anyone touch it, or see what he is doing on it.".

Should the game choose doing something to the raven's tablet:
if Task Three is happening, it is an excellent choice;

Chamber-door is east of Chamber and down from Bud's cellar. The chamber-door is a closed locked door.
The printed name of chamber-door is "chamber door".
Understand "chamber/wood/wooden door", "door",  and "windowless door" as chamber-door.
The description of the chamber-door is "The door is windowless, heavy, and closed. It is never left open or unlocked.".

Should the game choose doing something to the chamber-door:
if Task Three is happening, it is an excellent choice;

All conspirators are in the Chamber.

The buzzard disguises Chin Lee.

Understand "Chin/Lee/MoneyClip" and "Chin Lee" as Chin Lee when the buzzard is disconnected.
Understand "Chin/Lee/MoneyClip" and "Chin Lee" as the buzzard when the buzzard is connected.

The buzzard wears the buzzard's mask. Understand "Chin's/Lee's/buzzard [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- Chin/Lee/buzzard" as the buzzard's mask.
The buzzard is responsible for  NPC characteristics.

The real name of Chin is "James Whang". The DOB of Chin is "09/22/1972". The residence of Chin is "2236 Wangfujing St. Beijing, Hebei,  China". The email of Chin is "CLee55@sotfc.com".

The pic of Chin is "Picture of James Whang: A narrow-faced man with sandy brown hair, hazel eyes, and thin lips.". 

The eagle disguises Olga Burlenko.

The eagle has a list of things called favorite drinks.

Understand "Olga/Burlenko/LuckySeven" and "olga burlenko" as Olga Burlenko when the eagle is disconnected.
Understand "Olga/Burlenko/LuckySeven" and "olga burlenko" as the eagle when the eagle is connected.
The eagle wears the eagle's mask. Understand "Olga's/Burlenko's/eagle [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- Olga/Burlenko/eagle" as the eagle's mask.
The eagle is responsible for Resource Management.

The real name of Olga is "Valentina Stutikoff". The DOB of Olga is "11/01/1981". The residence of Olga is "254 Ulitsa Rubinshteyna, St. Petersburg, Russia". The email of Olga is "puckbunny@sotfc.com".

The pic of Olga is "Picture of Valentina Stutikoff: Chubby-cheeked woman with auburn hair, green eyes, and a bright smile.". 

The hawk disguises Yaphet Kalotto.

Understand "yaphet/kalotto/everyman" and "yaphet kalotto" as the hawk when the hawk is connected.
Understand "yaphet/kalotto/everyman" and "yaphet kalotto" as Yaphet Kalotto when the hawk is disconnected.

The hawk wears the hawk's mask. Understand "Yaphet's/Kalotto's/hawk [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- Yaphet/Kalotto/hawk" as the hawk's mask.
The hawk is responsible for  World Modeling.

The real name of Yaphet is "Fordondo Alambo". The DOB of Yaphet is "01/08/1979". The residence of Yaphet is "340 Cavendish Rd. YEOVILLE, South Africa". The email of Yaphet is "Kalotto2@sotfc.com".

The pic of Yaphet is "Picture of Fordondo Alambo: Bald-headed man with big brown eyes and no discernable chin.". 

The owl disguises Fiona Campbell.

Understand "fiona/campbell/needlepoint" and "fiona campbell" as the owl when the owl is connected.
Understand "fiona/campbell/needlepoint" and "fiona campbell" as Fiona Campbell when the owl is disconnected.
The owl wears the owl's mask. Understand "Fiona's/Campbell's/owl [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- Fiona/Campbell/owl" as the owl's mask.
The owl is responsible for Titan Management.

The real name of Fiona is "Riley Scott". The DOB of Fiona is "10/05/1991". The residence of Fiona is "27 Berwick St. Soho, London, UK". The email of Fiona is "whalesong@sotfc.com".

The pic of Fiona is "Picture of Riley Scott: A woman with curly blond hair, wide blue eyes, and a crooked nose that looks like it could have been broken.".

The raven disguises Richard Tuttle.

Understand "Richard/Tuttle/laserlight" and "richard tuttle" as Richard Tuttle when the raven is disconnected.
Understand "Richard/Tuttle/laserlight" and "richard tuttle" as the raven when the raven is connected.

Understand "richard's/tuttle's/raven [disguise]" and "[disguise] of the/-- richard/tuttle/raven" as the raven's mask.
The raven is responsible for Player Characteristics.

Understand "blackbird" and "crow" as the raven.
Raven's drink is an alcoholic drink that varies.
The raven is disconnected. 

The real name of Richard is "Kevin Bland". The DOB of Richard is "02/22/1988". The residence of Richard is "1105 Rideout Lane, Point Pleasant, WV, USA". The email of Richard is "engineer1988@sotfc.com".
The pic of Richard is "Picture of Kevin Bland: A man with short black hair, thick eyebrows, and a long thin nose.". 

Understand "bird" as a conspirator.

The description of a conspirator is usually "[Our] hair is [hair color of the item described], [our] eyes [eye color of the item described]. [if item described is short][We] [hold] [ourselves] straight to compensate for [our] height[otherwise if item described is average][We] [stand] with confidence but not dominance[otherwise][Our] height attains a lofty air, but [we] still [come] across as down-to-earth[end if], bound in a [weight of item described] frame. Like [if the item described is refined and item described is female]a ballerina[otherwise if the item described is bold]a bull[otherwise if the item described is clumsy]an unwary child[otherwise]a surgeon's hand[end if], [our] movements are [movement of item described][if item described wears a mask]. [Description of a random mask worn by the item described][otherwise].[end if][if the item described is the swan and the player is the swan] In the pocket of your jeans is an invitation.[end if]".

The description of a mask is usually "[The item described] [if item described is swan's mask]is really just a bunch of white feathers over the cheeks and around the eyes[otherwise if the item described is the buzzard's mask]has a crooked beak and dirty gray feathers that cover the entire face[otherwise if the item described is the eagle's mask]covers the cheeks in fine white feathers, and its beak is short and sharp[otherwise if the item described is the hawk's mask]covers the entire face in wide brown feathers and hides the nose under a small hooked beak[otherwise if the item described is the raven's mask]surrounds the eyes in a flurry of black feathers[otherwise if the item described is the owl's mask]plasters the face in tan and white feathers, which are smoothed into large circles around the eyes[end if].".

Chapter - Task Three Rules

Yourself can be investigating relations.

Carry out showing relations when location is the Chamber:
now player is investigating relations;
say "Manipulation relates various people to one sector.";
say "The buzzard manipulates Finance.";
say "The eagle manipulates Alien and Paranormal.";
say "The hawk manipulates Culture.";
say "The owl manipulates health.";
say "The raven manipulates science and Technology. [pb]";
say "Boozing relates various people to various alcoholic drinks.";
say "The raven drinks [raven's drink].";
say "The eagle drinks [favorite drinks of the eagle].";
if turns taken is 2, say "[lb]>The raven reads his tablet.".

Turns taken is initially 0.

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 1:
if player is not investigating relations, say ">The raven says: Before bringing in our guest of honor, I'll ask each of you to summarize our 'family' connections. [pb]>The raven checks his tablet.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 2:
now the addressee is the buzzard;
say ">The raven says: Let's start with our buzzard. [pb]The equator of the globe bulges outward, forming a great wall.".

To say possible error message for (talker - a person):
if talker is disconnected, say "[pb]*** Warning: [Username of yourself] does not recognize PC [the talker]. *** [pb]".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 3:
now the addressee is the eagle;
say ">The buzzard [possible error message for the buzzard]says: Show me the money, man! Project Humpty Dumpty is well under way, financial aid is being withdrawn from the uncooperatives, destabilization and re-organization should follow.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 4:
now the addressee is the eagle;
say ">The raven says: And you, eagle? [pb]The globe explodes into a flurry of snowflakes, and the Kremlin emerges.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 5:
say ">The eagle [possible error message for the eagle]says: We're trying to squash and discredit the studies on the Illuminati DNA, but we'll probably have to forge medical records for several of the British monarchy and other world leaders. So far we've also been able to hide what was found in the remains of the Chelyabinsk meteor, and we're tracking down all the pieces we can.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 6: 
now the addressee is the hawk;
say ">The raven says: Hawk? [pb]The globe flickers, showing contours in intense leafy green and sandy brown.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 7: 
say ">The hawk [possible error message for the hawk]says: We've decided to turn our attention away from the usual race and religious slander [mdash] real world events are brewing enough hate [mdash] and focus on ... lighter issues. Like giving film awards to aging white male actors. Although we're still supporting doping in major sports and the skewing of judges['] scores in major events.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 8:
now the addressee is the owl;
say ">The raven says: Good. And you, owl? [pb]The globe rotates south, skimming over blue water and traveling north.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 9:
say ">The owl [possible error message for the owl]says: We're continuing to keep the effective cancer treatments under wraps. We're testing our Project Rainbow chemicals for various interested parties. We're conducting extensive field studies. There will be a worldwide epidemic of people with bizarre medical symptoms of unknown etiology, but a diagnosis of mass psychogenic disorder should hide all of them.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 10:
now the addressee is the raven;
say ">The raven says: Good job everyone. And me? [pb]The globe spins rapidly and stops on the Americas.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 11:
now the addressee is the swan;
now the swan is conscious;
say ">The raven says: We're continuing to hide and slow progress in clean energy research for Big Oil, and we don't want cold fusion and EM Drive technology to get out just yet. And of course we are helping the NSA and their surveillance efforts; we're continuing to experiment with computer simulations and games with real-world components. [pb]The raven taps on his tablet.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 12:
move swan to Chamber;
say ">The raven says: Let's welcome our newest member. She's ready. [pb]The swan opens the door and enters the Chamber. [pb]>The raven says: Welcome to Gaia. We're really impressed with your work on the methods to hide characters from players. The induction process has already begun, and you should see a change in your PC's awareness.".

Every turn when engaged in Task Three and turns taken is 13:
if the sidebar is g-present, close the sidebar;
now sidebar is disallowing toggling;
say ">The swan says: Thank you, everyone. [pb]>The swan says  (to the raven): We have a problem. An unauthorized titan took over my PC and followed me on the last test. [username of yourself]. I don't know how much about us has been revealed or whether [username of yourself] is logged on and watching us now. [pb]>The raven types on his tablet. [pb]Press any key.";
wait for any key;
clear the screen;
say "Your webcam switches on, and you appear on the computer screen. HarborMaster's alarm sounds, and it shows the message: '*** Resources activated ... acquiring targets ... ' Addresses of your residence and those of family and friends. 'Target locked ... target locked ... ' [pb]Press a key.";
wait for any key;
clear the screen;
say "Webcam footage on the screen shows a man in a raven mask sitting at his computer. He speaks. 'Looks like we got our wires crossed somehow. You seemed to have picked up the wrong suitcase, as it were, and peeked inside.' He frowns and shakes his head. 'I guess we'll find out whether working for FromChaos has taught you how to stay out of its clutches.' [pb]The raven sips from a mug. He cocks his thumb at you, his finger the gun barrel. He shoots you. 'In the meantime, you might find this ... insightful.' He winks at you and taps on his keyboard. [pb]Downloading Egg Hunt. Done. [pb]Do you want to play a game? [pb]";
if the player consents begin;
now the player is the bunny;
try looking;
say "You don't have time for the raven's games right now. You fear a much larger [mdash] and real [mdash] game is about to begin.";
say thank the player;
end if.

Last every turn when location is the Chamber:
increment turns taken.

Volume - Hidden Reality

Book - Egg Hunt and Hidden Server

Chapter - Objects and Rooms

Finding Reality is a scene. Finding Reality begins when the player is the bunny.

Task Three ends when player is the bunny.

EggRoom1, EggRoom2, EggRoom3, EggRoom4, EggRoom5, EggRoom6, EggRoom7, EggRoom8, EggRoom9, EggRoom10, EggRoom11, and EggRoom12 are rooms.

Should the game choose doing something with something which is enclosed by the Office when the player is the bunny:
Should the game choose doing something with something which is enclosed by the Boar Bar when the player is the bunny:
Should the game choose doing something with something which is enclosed by the Chamber when the player is the bunny:

EggRoom1 contains an animal called the bunny. 

Understand "bunny's/rabbit's/bunny/rabbit ears/nose/leg/legs/foot/feet", "easter/white bunny/rabbit" and "rabbit" as the bunny.
The bunny incorporates the ears, the eyes, the feet, the legs, and the nose.

Rule for printing the name of something (called body part) when the body part is part of the bunny:
say "bunny's [printed name of body part]".

Should the game choose doing something to something which is part of the bunny:

The description of EggRoom1 is "[first time]The egg cracks. There is light. [pb]You jump. The egg breaks open. [only]The Orphic egg lies cracked open at your feet. The new world expands before you, its form shifting and experimenting. It won't be like the world you left behind. [pb]You bounce on your feet, eager to prove your worth to the other bunnies by finding those 12 eggs. But there's a wall blocking your way. You're big for a bunny, but not as tall as this wall.".

EggRoom1 contains the wall and the Orphic Egg.
Understand "big/tall wall" as the wall.

Jumping over is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump over [something]" as jumping over.

Orphic jumping over the wall:
say "You crouch and jump over the wall. You fall down the other side and splash into a pool of yellow goo. You found the egg yolk! [pb]Pumping your legs, you manage to make it out of the goo and onto solid ground next to a river.";
move the player to EggRoom2.

The description of EggRoom2 is "The water separating you from the rest of the eggs looks very deep and rough. Wide, too. Way too far to jump. [one of]Nearby, a giant is busy snapping trees in his giant arms and stacking them into a huge pile. He wipes sweat from his brow, exhales deeply, then sees you. He glances at the other side of the river then smiles at you. He bends over and holds out his empty arms[or]Smiling and bent over toward you, the giant holds out his open arms[stopping].".

EggRoom2 contains the giant-arms, the giant, the egg-trees, and the egg-river. 
The giant is a man.

The printed name of the giant-arms is "giant's arms". The printed name of the egg-river is "river". The printed name of the egg-trees is "trees".

Understand "arm/arms/hand/hands", "his arm/arms", "giant/giant's arm/arms", "giant's open arms", and "open arms" as the giant-arms.
Understand "stack/stacks" and "tree/trees" as the egg-trees.
Understand "deep water", "river/stream/water" as the egg-river.

Jumping into is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump into/in to/-- [something]" as jumping into.

Orphic jumping over the egg-river:
say "That's way too far.".

Orphic jumping into the egg-river:
say "That might be really deep, and I can't swim.".

Orphic jumping into the giant-arms:
say "You jump into his arms. He nuzzles your neck, pulls a carrot from his pocket, and gives it to you. [pb]The giant wades through the water, which reaches his belly. He got all wet, and you got a carrot and where you wanted to go. You found a good egg! [pb]After munching away the carrot, you find yourself at some kind of track with racers far ahead of you. One of them is a chicken, the other ... something small and wobbly.";
move the player to EggRoom3.

The description of EggRoom3 is "[one of]You find the line in the dirt marking the start line and [or]At the start line, you [stopping]wait for the starter pistol to go off so you can catch up to the racers ahead of you. You bounce on your feet in anticipation. You can catch these guys. Let's go already!".

EggRoom3 contains the starter pistol, the starting line, and the racers.
Understand "starter gun" as the starter pistol.
Understand "bird/chicken/runner/racer/runners" as the racers.

Jumping the start is an action applying to nothing. Understand "jumpstart", "jump start", and "jump the gun" as jumping the start.

Orphic jumping the start when EggRoom3 contains the player:
say "You can't wait for the signal anymore, so you jump";
if the player's command includes "gun" begin;
say " the gun";
say "start";
end if;
say ". You speed past all the other racers but cross the finish line after the chicken. An egg has crossed the line as well. You found an egg! You can't tell whether the chicken came first, though. [pb]A gopher bowls into you and starts digging. The hole deepens and expands as the animal whirls around, dirt flying. The ground crumbles. You fall in and land on a floor.";
move player to EggRoom4.

The description of EggRoom4 is "Colorful lights swirl around the floor in the otherwise dark room. A young woman, Joy, dances to the pulse-pounding music. Her arms flail, and there's something in each of her hands. She smiles at you, expectant.".

EggRoom4 contains the dance-music, the dance-floor, the lights, faux-joy, and Joy. faux-joy is a woman.
The printed name of dance-music is "music". The printed name of dance-floor is "dance floor".
Understand "dance/disco music" and "music/song" as the dance-music.
Understand "disco", "dance floor", "dancefloor", and "floor" as the dance-floor.
Understand "light" as the lights.
Understand "young woman" as faux-joy.
Joy incorporates Joy-arms.
The printed name of Joy-arms is "Joy's arms".
Understand "joy/joy's arm/arms/hand/hands" and "arm/arms/hand/hands" as Joy-arms.

Orphic jumping into joy-arms:
say "She doesn't look like she could hold you.".

Jumping for is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump for [something]" and "jump with [someone]" as jumping for.

Orphic jumping for Joy:
say "You jump to the beat, and Joy's smile widens. Joy nods then spins around you until the song ends. She opens her hands, revealing an egg in each. You found the egg shaker! [pb]The music starts again, and Joy hip-bumps you out the door.";
move player to EggRoom5.

The description of EggRoom5 is "[one of]You tumble onto a street where a group of children have gathered to[or]A group of children[stopping] watch a pair of bored-looking girls swing two skipping ropes between them. The audience cheers you on. They recognize a talent when they see it! You're sure you could wow them.".

EggRoom5 contains the audience, the girls, the rope, and the skipping-rope.
The printed name of the skipping-rope is "skipping rope".
Understand "boy/boys/children/crowd/kids" and "crowd/group of children/kids/girls/boys" as the audience.

Understand "pair/friends/girl" and "young girl/girls" as the girls.
Understand "jump/jumping/skip/skipping rope" as the skipping-rope.

Orphic jumping over when the noun is either the rope or the skipping-rope:
say "But you want to do it more than once.".

Orphic jumping for when the noun is either the girls or the audience:
say "You can hardly wait to show them!".

Jumping with is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump [something]" as jumping with.

Last orphic jumping with something:
say "You're not a violent bunny, so you don't need to get the jump on anything.".

Orphic jumping with the rope:
say "You jump between the ropes, but the girls begin to swing faster and faster. Your foot catches in a rope, and you fall. The crowd sings a chorus of 'ahs.' You got egg on your face!";
move the player to EggRoom6.

The description of EggRoom6 is "[one of]Giggling, the two girls wrap you in the rope and pull you down the street. They leave you, unbound, in the doorway of a house with just one room. [pb][or]You stand in the doorway of a single-room house. [stopping]Chalkboards with equations line the walls between filled bookshelves. Textbooks and bound papers are stacked around a clear space in the room's center. They balance in delicate shapes, their weight making indentations in the rubber floor.".

EggRoom6 contains the books, the chalkboards, the floor, the space, and the spot.
Understand "delicate/wobbly shape/shapes" and "book/bookshelf/bookshelves/shape/shapes/textbook/textbooks/shelf/shelves" as the books.
Understand "calculation/calculations/equation/equations/chalkboard" as the chalkboards.
Understand "indentation/indentations", "rubber floor", and "rubber" as the floor.
Understand "center", "center room", "small clear area/space/place", "small/clear area/space/place" and "area/place" as the space.

Jumping onto is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump on [something]" as jumping onto.

Orphic jumping onto the wall:
say "You aren't up there.".

Orphic jumping onto the spot:
say "You jump on the spot in the center of the room and jump and jump and jump. The books and papers shake. They fall all around you, revealing a pale man wearing glasses, a pocket protector, and lab coat. You found the egghead! [pb]He opens a closet and ushers you inside. The door closes behind you. A bright light.";
move the player to EggRoom7.

The description of EggRoom7 is "[one of]You materialize in darkness. You feel something small bump your leg. And another something. And another. You pick one up, feel it, smell it. It says, 'Meep.' It's a chick. A chorus of 'meeps' erupt around you. [pb]You wade through the chicks, find a wall, and tap on it. It feels hard but thin. You follow it and end up back where you started. Probably. [pb]You tap the wall. If only your puny arms were as strong as your legs, then you could bust out of this place[or]Chicks call out from the darkness with a chorus of 'meeps.' They, like you, are trapped within this round cage made of one hard thin wall that one good punch could probably break. Darn your puny arms[stopping].".

EggRoom7 contains the chicks, the meeps,  and the egg-wall.
The printed name of the egg-wall is "wall".

Understand "babies", "baby chicks/chickens/chick" and "chick/chicken/chickens" as the chicks.
Understand "crying", "chick/chicks call/sound/music/meep/meeps" and "meep" as the meeps.
Understand "circular/egg/round/hard/thin wall/walls", "hard thin wall/walls", and "wall/walls" as the egg-wall.

Understand "kick" and "kick [something]" as a mistake ("You're more of a jumper than a kicker.") when the player is the bunny.

Jumpkicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jumpkick [something]", "jump kick [something]", "jumpkick", and "jump kick" as jumpkicking.

Rule for supplying a missing noun while jumpkicking and the location is EggRoom7:
now the noun is the egg-wall.
Rule for supplying a missing noun while jumpkicking and the location is EggRoom11:
now the noun is the hunters.
Rule for supplying a missing noun while jumpkicking:
now the noun is the player.

Rule for supplying a missing noun while listening and the location is EggRoom7:
now the noun is the meeps.

Orphic listening when the noun is either the meeps or the chicks:
say "They want to leave as badly as you do!".

Orphic jumpkicking someone:
say "That might hurt, and you don't want to hurt anyone.".

Orphic jumpkicking egg-wall:
say "You jump kick the wall. You hear a crack.  You kick again. And again. On your fourth try, the cage shatters into pieces that fall all over you and the chicks, who scurry away. You found eggshells! [pb]You step onto a particularly large shell, and it lifts you into the air. It speeds off over land and water, eventually stopping over star-studded space. The shell tilts, and you slip off, landing on a giant asteroid.";
move the player to EggRoom8.
The description of EggRoom8 is "You're balanced in the middle of a rectangular chunk of rock orbiting around a single sun with many others glowing as pinpricks in the darkness. The rock slopes downward into a bowl on your left and a valley to your right. The valley goes way, way down, much farther than the bowl. [pb]You have to get off of here. This is crazy!".

EggRoom8 contains the asteroid, the bowl, the shallow end, the middle ground, the deep end, outer-space, and the valley.
The printed name of outer-space is "outer space".

Understand "rock/rocks/meteor" as the asteroid.
Understand "depression/hole/left" as the bowl.
Understand "center/centre" as the middle ground.

Understand "constellation/dark/darkness/gas/helium/space/star/stars/sun" as outer-space.
Understand "deep ground" and "right" as the valley.

Orphic jumping over when the noun is not outer-space and the location is EggRoom8:
say "You'd rather jump off than over.".

Orphic jumping into outer-space:
say "But where to launch from?".
Orphic jumping into when the location is EggRoom8 and the noun is not outer-space:
say "That wouldn't get you outta here!".

Jumping from is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump from [something]" as jumping from.

Orphic jumping from something which is not outer-space when the location is EggRoom8:
say "That just doesn't sound like the right thing to do.".

Jumping off of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump off of/-- [something]" and "jump off" as jumping off of.

Rule for supplying a missing noun while jumping off of when the player is bunny:
if location is EggRoom8, say "Off which end? One is much deeper than the other.";
otherwise  say "Off of what?".

Orphic jumping off of something when (the noun is neither the shallow end nor the deep end nor outer-space) and location is EggRoom8:
say "You'll have to choose from which end to jump.".
Orphic jumping off of something when the noun is either the shallow end or middle ground:
say "You sense that won't get you anywhere you want to be.".

Orphic jumping off of the deep end:
say "You think about it then jump off the deep end. Mindless, you float for awhile, passing through an evaporating gaseous globule. You found an egg in outer space! Eventually you're picked up by a spaceship that resembles a yellow submarine.";
move the player to EggRoom9.

The description of EggRoom9 is "The spaceship is crowded with animals and people. There's a walrus, a penguin, some pigs, a priestess ... a joker laughing ... smokers choking ... and that's just in its place. You hear even more people from behind, but you can't turn around to see. The exit, though, must be that way. [pb]Everyone listens to the city policeman auditioning up on a stage. He sings a lot of 'Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged.'".

EggRoom9 contains the crowd, the city policeman, the joker, the penguin, the pigs, the priestess, the stage, the walrus,    the smokers, the spaceship,  and the sub-music.
The printed name of the sub-music is "music".

Understand "animal/animals/audience/people" as the crowd.
Understand "pornographic" and "pornographic priestess" as the priestess.
Understand "pig" as the pigs.
Understand "laughing" and "laughing joker" as the joker.
Understand "choking", "smoker",  and "choking smoker/smokers" as the smokers.
Understand "cop/police" and "musician" as the city policeman. The city policeman is a man.
Understand "submarine/ship" as the spaceship.
Understand "audition/chorus/song/songs" as the sub-music.

Orphic listening to when the noun is either the sub-music or the city policeman:
say "He's good.".
Orphic listening when the location is EggRoom9:
say "That policeman can sure sing.".

Orphic jumping ahead of the crowd: 
say "But you want back there.".

Orphic jumping out of the spaceship:
say "You don't want to leave exactly, just get out of this room.".

Orphic jumping over something which is not the sub-music when the location is EggRoom9:
say "That would only get you closer to the stage, and it's too hot too stay in here.".

Jumping back is an action applying to nothing. Understand "jump back" as jumping back.

Orphic jumping back:
if the location is EggRoom9 begin;
say "As good as the music is, it's stifling in here. You jump back over the crowd, tumble through the exit, and land at the feet of a white, oval-shaped man. You found the eggman! [pb]The eggman shoves you into a torpedo tube and fires you from the ship. You fly straight into a lineup outside a movie theater.";
move the player to EggRoom10;
say "That isn't where you want to go.";
end if.

The description of EggRoom10 is "You're lined up outside a theater, but the entrance is so far that the marquee isn't visible[one of]. As you wait, a group of tough-looking teenage boys break into the lineup right in front of you. What a bunch of butt-inskies! You might even miss the movie because of them[or]. The line moves slowly, and you're afraid you'll miss the movie. The butt-inskies could get in and you won't. You should be closer than them[stopping].".

EggRoom10 contains the boys, the lineup, and the theater.

Understand "bullies", "bully", "buttinsky", "boy", "crowd", "but-inskies", "buttinskies", "men", "teen", "teens", "teenager", "teenagers", and "toughs" as "[butt-ins]".
Understand "[butt-ins]", "mean/tough/rough [butt-ins]" and "tough-looking [butt-ins]" as the boys.
Understand "line-up" and "line/queue" as the lineup.
Understand "marquee", "movie theater/theatre", "movie", and "theatre" as the theater.

Jumping cut is an action applying to nothing. Understand "jump the/-- cut" as jumping cut.
Jumping ahead of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump ahead of/--  [something]" as jumping ahead of.

Orphic jumping with the lineup:
say "You'll need to be more specific to not be a butt-insky yourself.".

Orphic jumping ahead of the boys:
say "You'll need to be more precise so you don't be a butt-insky yourself.".

Orphic jumping over the boys:
say "But you don't want to jump too far, just ahead of them.".

Orphic jumping cut:
if the location is EggRoom10 begin;
say "You give the boys a good stare before jumping the cut. You land just in front of them. Using their fingers, they show their displeasure and leave. [pb]Inside the theater, you eagerly await the movie. The title sequence appears. It's [i]The Egg and I![/i] As it starts, the boys return, put a sack over your head, and carry you off. This is scary.";
move player to EggRoom11;
say "That doesn't seem to make sense here.";
end if.

The description of EggRoom11 is "[one of]The boys dump you into a bush in a forest. A deer grazes nearby, but it can't see you. It jerks its head up and runs off. Two hunters appear and walk toward your bush[or]A couple of hunters approach, but they can't see you hiding in the bush[stopping]. They've turned the forests into some kind of horror movie. You and the other animals have lived in fear of them for too long. Payback time!".

EggRoom11 contains the bush, the forest, and the hunters.
Understand "bushes/foliage" and "hiding spot/place" as the bush.
Understand "tree/trees/woods" as the forest.
Understand "gun/guns/hunters" and "people/man/men" as the hunters.

Orphic jumpkicking the hunters:
say "That would probably just make them mad.".

Jumping out of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump out of [something]" as jumping out of.

Orphic jumping out of the orphic egg:
say "That wall is in the way.".

Orphic jumping out of the egg-wall:
say "But you're surrounded by it, and it has no holes.".

Orphic jumping out of the bush:
say "You want to be more precise for the desired effect.".

Jumping for fright is an action applying to nothing. Understand "jump scare" as jumping for fright.

Orphic jumping for fright when the location is EggRoom11:
say "You wait for the hunters to get close. At the right moment, you jump. They yell out and stumble back in fright. Their faces are egg white! Feeling satisfied, you jump away.";
move the player to EggRoom12.

Orphic jumping for fright:
say "There's no-one you want to scare around here.".

Jump counter is initially 0.

The description of EggRoom12 is "[one of]You reach a field but, just as you decide to rest, a hula hoop suspended by a rope drops from the sky and dangles in front of you[or]A hoop suspended from a rope dangles in front of you[stopping].".

EggRoom12 contains the hoop and the sky-rope.
The printed name of the sky-rope is "dangling rope".

Understand "dangling rope" and "rope" as the sky-rope.
Understand "dangling hula hoop", "dangling hoop", "hula hoop", "hula", "dangling ring", and "ring" as the hoop.

Jumping through is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump through [something]" as jumping through.

Orphic jumping through the wall:
say "That would hurt if I tried!".

Orphic jumping through the egg-wall:
say "Not head-first. No way.".

Orphic jumping through the hoop when the jump counter is less than 4:
increment jump counter;
say "You jump through the hoop. It retracts and disappears. Another drops down in its place.".

Orphic jumping through the hoop when the jump counter is 4:
say "The hoop retracts into the sky, and a colorful egg falls from it. You found the Easter egg! A backdoor materializes and opens. You jump through. Press a key to continue.";
wait for any key;
clear the screen;
now player is yourself;
move the player to FC Server.

Jumping over is acting like bunny. Jumping into is acting like bunny. Jumping the start is acting like bunny. Jumping for is acting like bunny. Jumping with is acting like bunny. Jumping onto is acting like bunny. Jumpkicking is acting like bunny.Jumping from is acting like bunny. Jumping off of is acting like bunny. Jumping back is acting like bunny. Jumping cut is acting like bunny. Jumping ahead of is acting like bunny. Jumping for fright is acting like bunny. Jumping out of is acting like bunny. Jumping through is acting like bunny.

FC Server is a room. "[first time]I'm so glad you found me. I am part of the creative team behind [i]S.hip[/i] and [i]Gaia's Web.[/i] This backdoor opens into the FromChaos server. FromChaos is using the [i]S.hip[/i] series of games to shape players['] realities and influence real-world events: All of us will become characters in their game. Please help me get the word out by opening any of these folders and copying their contents to your computer. [pb][only]H:\Managers\World Management [pb]Volume: Ship Series[lb]Volume Serial Number is FC024-7445[pb]<DIR> People [lb]<DIR> Narratives [lb]<DIR> Science [lb]<DIR> Culture".

the folder, EarthSim, Personnel, Narratives, Science, and Culture are secret folders.
All secret folders are in FC Server. 

When play begins:
now EarthSim is off-stage.

Understand "file/files" and "folders" as the folder.

The printed name of personnel is "People".
Understand "people" as personnel.

Yourself can be final stage.

Chapter - Hidden Reality  Non-Jumping Actions and Rules

Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the 	can't see any such thing error and the player is the bunny:
say "I'm not sure I see that, or I didn't understand you.".

Rule for printing a parser error when the player is the bunny:
say "I couldn't understand you. Remember, I'm just a bunny, and I'm really good at jumping.".

Rule for printing the name of a room when the player is the bunny:
say "The Beginning of a Time".

To say unknown command:
say "Unknown command. RTuttle is authorized to copy or open files and folders; dir refreshes the listing.".

Rule for printing a parser error when the location is FC Server:
say "[unknown command] [lb]".

Understand the commands "hop" and "skip" as something new.

Understand "hop", "hop [any thing]", and  "hop [text]" as a mistake ("You're not a baby, so you jump rather than hop.") when the player is the bunny.

Understand "skip", "skip [any thing]", and  "skip [text]" as a mistake ("Your legs were made for jumping; skipping is more of a human thing to do.") when the player is the bunny.

First before doing something other than looking when the player is the bunny:
if examining the player, say "Your nose twitches and your ears perked. Most importantly, your legs are strong. You're ready to find those eggs!" instead;
if jumping, say "Yep, that's what bunnies do, and you're a bunny. You find, though, that particular skill much more effective when you decide exactly how to use it." instead;
if waiting, say "You can hardly wait to find those eggs!" instead;
follow the orphic rules;
if rule succeeded, rule succeeds;
if examining or smelling or listening, say "Your eyes, ears, and nose are working perfectly fine. You can't learn anything more about [if the noun is a room]this place[otherwise][the noun][end if]." instead;
say "You're a bunny and, though you can't do a lot, your legs are strong, and you can really jump. That's all you need to do to find those eggs." instead.

First orphic when the noun is the player and not examining:
say "I do the jumping; I never get jumped.".

Last orphic when acting like bunny:
say "I can surely jump, but I don't know how to do that [unless the noun is nothing]with [the noun], and I'm not sure that would help anyway[otherwise]to be effective now[end unless].".

Understand "copy [text]" as a mistake ("Cannot find file.") when location is FC Server.
Understand "cd [a secret folder]" as opening when location is FC Server.

Copying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "copy [something]" as copying when location is FC Server.

Rule for supplying a missing noun while copying and location is FC Server:
now the noun is personnel.

Check copying something which is not a secret folder:
say "Cannot find file." instead.

Carry out copying a secret folder:
say "copying [noun] ... *** Error finding files: parent <DIR> EarthSim *** [lb]";
move EarthSim to FC Server.

First before doing something other than looking when location is FC Server:
if  copying a secret folder or opening a secret folder, continue the action;
 if closing, say "No folders open." instead;
say "[unknown command] [lb]" instead.

Understand "dir", "directory", "directories", "list", "ls", "folder", and "folders" as looking when location is FC server.

Before opening EarthSim:
choose row with a final response rule of immediately restart the VM rule in the Table of Final Question Options;
blank out the final question wording entry;
choose row with a final response rule of immediately undo rule in the Table of Final Question Options;
blank out the final question wording entry;
choose row with a final response rule of immediately restore saved game rule in the Table of Final Question Options;
blank out the final question wording entry;
choose row with a final response rule of immediately quit rule in the Table of Final Question Options;
blank out the final question wording entry;
now player is final stage;
try looking instead.

This is the confirming Earth's destruction rule:
say "Are you sure you want me to delete Earth?";
if the player consents begin;
say "Press a key to begin destruction.";
say "Termination aborted. Press a key to logout.";
end if;
wait for any key;
follow the immediately quit rule.

Instead of looking when player is final stage:
say "MV-12-MW:\Simulations\Managers[pb]Volume: World-254[lb]Volume Serial Number is 7.128.874.214[pb]Galaxy: Milky Way[lb]Planet: Earth [lb]NPC Population: 7,103,275,784 [lb]PC Population: 100,452,547 [pb]Simulation Executive Group: FromChaos [lb]Executive Member PCs: Fordondo Alambo, Kevin Bland, Riley Scott, Valentina Stutikoff, and James Whang [pb]";
end the story finally saying "Welcome user RTuttle. I am running Simulation: Earth, which began 7.214 billion years ago (sim-time). "

Instead of copying EarthSim:
say "The contents of EarthSim cannot be copied.".

Instead of opening a secret folder:
say "Opening [noun] ... *** Error finding files: parent <DIR> EarthSim *** [lb]";
move EarthSim to FC Server.

Table of Final Question Options (continued)
	final question wording	only if victorious	topic	final response rule	final response activity
"QUIT"	false	"quit"	confirming Earth's destruction rule	--
"RESTART"				false				"restart"	immediately restart the VM rule	--
"or RESTORE the world"	false				"restore"	immediately restore saved game rule	--
"do you want to LOGOUT"	true	"logout"	immediately quit rule	--

The print the final question rule response (A) is "Would you like [if  location is FC Server]me [end if]to ".

Chapter - Test Commands

Test pre-task with "n / kill zeus / quit / read e-mail / read review / touch harbormaster / Nigel / nSbjayne".

Test task-1 with "Test task-1-crash".
Test task-one with "test pre-task / test task-1-crash".

Test task-2 with "headpop into the swan / x me / read invitation / ask bud about raven / ask pig about raven / talk to cat / talk to dog / talk to rat / talk to fly / talk to rat / recognize tuttle as raven".

Test task-two with "test pre-task / test task-1 / test task-2".

Test task-3 with "showme globe / relations / showme tablet / recognize Chin as the buzzard / bio for Chin / showme buzzard / recognize Olga as eagle / bio for Olga / showme eagle / recognize hawk as Yaphet / bio for Yaphet / showme hawk / recognize owl as Fiona / bio for Fiona / showme owl / bio for raven / showme raven / z / showme swan".

Test task-three with "test pre-task / test task-1 / test task-2 / test task-3".

Test bonus with "test pre-task / test task-1 / test task-2 / test task-3 / test bunny".

Test bunny with "jump over wall / jump into arms / jump start / jump for joy / jump rope / jump on the spot / jumpkick / jump off the deep end / jump back / jump cut / jump scare / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop / jump through hoop.".

Test server with "open people / open earthsim".

Test whole-game with "test pre-task / test task-1 / test task-2 / test task-3 / test bonus / test server".

Test task-1-crash with "activate drone / x drone / x alicia / talk to Alicia / 1 / x travis / talk to Travis / 1 / x Chucky / activate Chucky / x Eve / z / x roger / x Sam / talk to sam / 2 / z / z / deploy gas / talk to Alicia / 1 / z".

Test task-1-roadblock with "activate drone / x alicia / x travis / x squirrel / x sam / x drone / talk to Alicia / 2 / talk to travis / 1 / z / z / z / z / talk to jason / 1 / z / z".

Test diana with "activate drone / activate Chucky / click Alicia / click Travis / click Sam / click Chucky / click doncan-132 / talk to Alicia 2 / talk to Travis / 3 / talk to sam / 1 / z / z".