Flowers of Mysteria Walkthrough:

FFFF L     OO  W   W EEEE RRR   SS        OO  FFFF
F    L    O  O W   W E    R  R S         O  O F   
FFF  L    O  O W W W EEE  RRR   SS       O  O FFF 
F    L    O  O W W W E    R  R    S      O  O F   
F    L    O  O W W W E    R  R S  S      O  O F   
F    LLLL  OO   W W  EEEE R  R  SS        OO  F   

     M   M Y   Y  SS  TTT EEEE RRR  III  AA  
     MM MM  Y Y  S     T  E    R  R  I  A  A 
     M M M   Y    SS   T  EEE  RRR   I  AAAA 
     M   M   Y      S  T  E    R  R  I  A  A 
     M   M   Y   S  S  T  E    R  R  I  A  A 
     M   M   Y    SS   T  EEEE R  R III A  A 

Flowers of Mysteria

Would you like to see the instructions?

You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
Your adventure begins...
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
You can also see:
	a coat
What now?
>get coat
What now?
>wear coat
OK. You're now wearing that.
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a glass jar
What now?
>get jar
What now?
You are in your back garden. You see a well and a garden shed.
Exits: north, east
You can also see:
	a bucket
What now?
>get bucket
What now?
>fill bucke
This has no effect.
What now?
>fill bucket
You happily fill up the bucket with water!
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
What now?
>pour bucket into cauldron
You happily empty the water into the cauldron.
What now?
>drop bucket
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are at the top of the stairs.
Exits: east, west, down
What now?
You are in your bedroom.
Exits: east
You can also see:
	a shirt
	some money
What now?
>get money
What now?
You are at the top of the stairs.
Exits: east, west, down
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on the west bank of the River Aqua. This would be a good spot for 
Exits: north, south
What now?
You are on a stretch of grass in the southern part of Sylvania.
Exits: north, west
What now?
You are in a low-lying marsh. Rushes with long leaves grow here. Flies are 
buzzing around.
Exits: east
What now?
>catch fly with jar
You capture exactly one of the flies, and put him in the jar.
What now?
You are on a stretch of grass in the southern part of Sylvania.
Exits: north, west
What now?
You are on the west bank of the River Aqua. This would be a good spot for 
Exits: north, south
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	some money (6 bronze pieces)
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>drop jar
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You can't go in that direction.
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
Roderick is here.
What now?
>buy rod
You buy one of them. Roderick takes your money and smiles.
"I remember when the desert was fertile ground," says Roderick.
What now?
>buy matches
You buy them. Roderick takes your money and smiles.
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You can't go in that direction.
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on the west bank of the River Aqua. This would be a good spot for 
Exits: north, south
You can also see:
	a glass jar
What now?
>get jar
What now?
>attach fly to rod
You put the fly on the end of the fishing rod! Well done!
What now?
You sit on the bank and put the fishing rod into the River. You wait patiently.
After a while, you feel tugging on the end of the line. You pull up the line 
and discover a fine mackerel!
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are in the east part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are deep in middle of the Great Forest. The trees cast dark shadows.
Exits: east, west
A wolf is here.
What now?
>give mackerel to wolf
It is refused.
What now?
You are in the east part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
Roderick is here.
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
What now?
You are on a cobblestone lane.
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on a patch of waste ground. You remember with sadness that this was 
once fertile farmland.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on a stretch of rocky earth. The ground is very dry.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the gate of a large castle, to the north. There is a bell here, 
hanging from a wooden structure.
Exits: west
A moat separates you from the castle.
What now?
>ring bell
"Greetings, stranger!" shouts a voice from the castle. The drawbridge is slowly
lowered across the moat. "You may now enter the ancestral home of King Anfortas
of Mysteria!"
Exits: north, west
What now?
You are in the Great Hall of the castle.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in the Music Room. There is a brass plaque on the wall.
Exits: east
You can also see:
	a harp
Princess Anita is here.
What now?
>get harp
You are carrying too much to take that.
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	some money (2 bronze pieces)
	some matches
	a fishing rod
	a mackerel
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>drop money
What now?
>get harp
What now?
You are in the Great Hall of the castle.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are near the gate of a large castle, to the north. There is a bell here, 
hanging from a wooden structure.
Exits: north, west
The drawbridge has been lowered, and leads north.
What now?
You are on a stretch of rocky earth. The ground is very dry.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on a patch of waste ground. You remember with sadness that this was 
once fertile farmland.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on a cobblestone lane.
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
Roderick is here.
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are in the east part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are deep in middle of the Great Forest. The trees cast dark shadows.
Exits: east, west
A wolf is here.
What now?
>play harp
The music you play is quite melodious. The wolf seems to like it. He rolls on 
the forest floor joyfully. He tries to lick your feet!
What now?
>drop harp
What now?
You are in the west part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are at the bottom of a winding mountain path. You feel a bit chilly here.
Exits: east, up
What now?
You are at the top of the path. There is a gigantic bird's nest here. You feel
very cold.
Exits: west, down
What now?
You are at the edge of a deep chasm, to the west. You glimpse the other side in
the distance. The air is thin here.
Exits: east
A giant kingfisher is here.
What now?
>give mackerel to bird
"Just what I wanted," she says, eating it quickly. "In return, I will fly you 
across the Chasm. You can RIDE on my back."
What now?
>ride bird
You climb onto the kingfisher's back and she flies over the Chasm. The view is
extraordinary. Hundreds of feet below, there are large orange boulders. She 
lands gracefully on the other side and you jump off.

You are on a plateau near the top of a mountain. The chasm is to the east.
You can also see:
	a gentian
A giant kingfisher is here.
What now?
>get gentian
What now?
>exam gentian
The gentian is a blue flower with smooth leaves. Its kind usually grows in 
mountainous regions. It shines with the aura of the magical flowers of 
What now?
>ride bird
You climb onto the kingfisher's back and she flies over the Chasm. The view is
extraordinary. Hundreds of feet below, there are large orange boulders. She 
lands gracefully on the other side and you jump off.

You are at the edge of a deep chasm, to the west. You glimpse the other side in
the distance. The air is thin here.
Exits: east
A giant kingfisher is here.
What now?
You are at the top of the path. There is a gigantic bird's nest here. You feel
very cold.
Exits: west, down
What now?
>examine nest
You see nothing out of the ordinary.
What now?
>search nest
Sorry, but I don't understand any of that.
What now?
You can't go in that direction.
What now?
You are at the bottom of a winding mountain path. You feel a bit chilly here.
Exits: east, up
What now?
You are in the west part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are deep in middle of the Great Forest. The trees cast dark shadows.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a harp
A wolf is here.
What now?
You are in the east part of the Great Forest.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the Great Forest of Sylvania, which looms in the west...
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
Roderick is here.
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
What now?
>exam cauldron
The cauldron might be useful in preparing a herbal remedy. It contains liquid.
It is unlit.
What now?
>put gentian in cauldron
It falls into the cauldron with a splash.
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	some matches
	a fishing rod
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>light cauldron
You happily light the cauldron with one of the matches. The flower quickly 
dissolves in the hot water.
What now?
>drop rod
What now?
>fill jar
You fill the jar with a sample of the potion.
What now?
>exam jar
The jar contains a magic potion!
What now?
>drink jar
You take a sip. The potion tastes good, but seems somehow incomplete.
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	a fishing rod
What now?
You are in your back garden. You see a well and a garden shed.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are in the shed. It's gloomy in here.
Exits: south
You can also see:
	some string
	a ladder
	some pruning shears
What now?
>get ladder
What now?
>get shears
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	a ladder
	some pruning shears
	some matches
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
You are in your back garden. You see a well and a garden shed.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	a fishing rod
What now?
>drop match
What now?
>drop shears
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on Whetstone Bridge, built over the River Aqua, which flows swiftly 
from north to south.
Exits: east, west
What now?
>exam bridge
The bridge is made of many grey stones. It was built centuries ago. You notice
that one of the stones is loose.
What now?
>loosen stone
You manage to pull the stone out of the bridge. You are now carrying it.
What now?
>file shears
I don't understand 'file'.
What now?
>sharpen shears
You are not holding them.
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	a ladder
	a small grey stone
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
You are near a bridge over the River Aqua. The river is flowing swiftly.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some pruning shears
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
>get shears
What now?
>sharpen shears
You sharpen them on the stone. They are now nice and sharp!
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
What now?
You are outside a high-walled garden. The local people call it the Temenos. 
There is a gate in the wall, to the south.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are on a patch of grass, outside a greenhouse, which is east.
Exits: west
You can also see:
	an oar
What now?
>throw stone
The stone breaks a hole in the greenhouse and the door swings open.
Exits: east, west
What now?
>exam shears
They have been sharpened.
What now?
You are in a greenhouse. It's very hot and humid.
Exits: west
You can also see:
	a small grey stone
	an orchid
What now?
>get orchid
What now?
You are on a patch of grass, outside a greenhouse, which is east.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	an oar
What now?
>get oar
What now?
You are outside a high-walled garden. The local people call it the Temenos. 
There is a gate in the wall, to the south.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
Roderick is here.
Roderick wanders off to the south.
What now?
You are on a cobblestone lane.
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
>put orchid in cauldron
It falls into the liquid and quickly dissolves. So far, two flowers have 
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
You are in your back garden. You see a well and a garden shed.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are in the shed. It's gloomy in here.
Exits: south
You can also see:
	some string
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	a ladder
	some pruning shears
	an oar
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
You are in your back garden. You see a well and a garden shed.
Exits: north, east
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
Roderick arrives.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
Roderick arrives.
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
What now?
You are outside a high-walled garden. The local people call it the Temenos. 
There is a gate in the wall, to the south.
Exits: north, east
What now?
>lean ladder against wall
The ladder is now leaning against the wall.
What now?
>climb ladder
You climb up the ladder onto the wall. You jump down safely.

You are in a walled garden. A rose bush grows here. There is a gate to the 
north. You notice the inner walls are covered with ivy.
What now?
>cut bush
You cut one rose from the bush. Suddenly, you feel that this is one of the 
fabled flowers of Mysteria...
What now?
>get rose
You are already carrying that!
What now?
>climb wall
You climb up the ivy onto the wall. You jump down safely.

You are outside a high-walled garden. The local people call it the Temenos. 
There is a gate in the wall, to the south.
Exits: north, east
You can also see:
	a ladder
What now?
You are in a quiet market place.
Exits: north, south, west
What now?
You are on a cobblestone lane.
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
>put rose in cauldron
It falls into the liquid and quickly dissolves. So far, three flowers have 
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	some pruning shears
	an oar
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>drop shears
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You can't go in that direction.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
Roderick is here.
What now?
>exam boat
A small rowing boat, made of oak. The oars are missing. Strictly speaking, the
boat is a coracle, and only requires one oar.
Roderick wanders off to the east.
What now?
>board coracle
You board the boat and row it happily across the lake. As the wind blows 
through your hair, you feel more carefree than you have for a very long time. 
You reach dry land and disembark.

You are on a grassy island in the middle of the lake.
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
You can also see:
	a heliotrope
What now?
>get heliotrope
What now?
>row coracle
You board the boat and row it happily across the lake. As the wind blows 
through your hair, you feel more carefree than you have for a very long time. 
You reach dry land and disembark.

You are on the shore of an oxbow lake, which is south.
Exits: east, west
There is a rowing boat here, near the shore.
What now?
You are on a grassy path.
Exits: north, east, west
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in your kitchen. There is a cauldron here.
Exits: east, west
You can also see:
	a bucket
	some pruning shears
	some matches
	a fishing rod
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	a heliotrope
	an oar
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>put heliotrope in cauldron
It falls into the liquid and quickly dissolves. So far, four flowers have 
A sound starts to fill the air. It starts quietly, but gradually becomes 
louder. It sounds like a small orchestra playing a melody that slowly rises and
rises, ending on a triumphant chord, suggesting completeness.
What now?
>fill jar
But the jar already contains something.
What now?
>empty jar
You empty the jar onto the ground.
What now?
>fill jar
You fill the jar with a sample of the potion.
What now?
>drink jar
You take a sip. The potion is fit for a king, and a King of Mysteria at that!
What now?
You are in the hallway of your cottage.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are outside your cottage.
Exits: north, south, east
What now?
You are on a cobblestone lane.
Exits: south, east, west
What now?
You are on a patch of waste ground. You remember with sadness that this was 
once fertile farmland.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are on a stretch of rocky earth. The ground is very dry.
Exits: east, west
What now?
You are near the gate of a large castle, to the north. There is a bell here, 
hanging from a wooden structure.
Exits: north, west
The drawbridge has been lowered, and leads north.
Princess Anita is here.
What now?
You are in the Great Hall of the castle.
Exits: south, west, up
What now?
You are in the bedroom of King Anfortas. There is a four poster bed here. There
is a window in the south wall. The King is in bed, but he looks very pale and 
Exits: down
King Anfortas is here.
What now?
>give potion to king
You cannot give that to anyone.
What now?
You are carrying:
	a glass jar
	an oar
You are wearing:
	a coat
What now?
>give jar to king
The King drinks the potion. Slowly, his cheeks become red and he starts to 
smile. "I think I am well again. The wound in my leg has healed!" he shouts 
happily. You look out of the window. The dead land has become fertile ground 
again! Well done! Mysteria has returned to its former glory.
Your adventure is over. I do hope you have enjoyed playing.
You took 223 turns.
Press Enter to finish.