Section 3 (Characters)
Understand the commands "tell" and "say" and "answer" as something new.
Understand "talk [text]" or "tell [text]" or "answer [text]" or "say [text]" as a mistake ("You'd rather not fill the air with idle chatter. A silent thief is an effective thief. Though if you really need to get something done, you can ASK someone ABOUT something.").
Persuasion rule for asking someone to try doing something:
say "You're not one for ordering people about. You can ASK someone ABOUT something if you like."
The description of the player is "Your non-descriptness is perhaps your most important thiefly trait." Harry the Barbarian is a person in The Adventurers' Lounge. The description of Harry the barbarian is "[if player is ascii]Harry the Barbarian is all muscle, all the time.[else]Stocky and jocky.[end if]". The illustration of Harry the Barbarian is "[if harry is joined and player is ascii]j_harry[else]c_harry[end if]". Paula the Mage is a person in The Adventurers' Lounge. The description of Paula the Mage is "[if player is ascii]Paula radiates with green sparkly power.[else]She's a bit taller than you. Black clothes, black makeup. She's like that girl in the Cindy Lauper video.[end if]". The illustration of Paula the Mage is "[if paula is joined and player is ascii]j_paula[else]c_paula[end if]". Ryan the Bard is a person in The Adventurers' Lounge. The description of Ryan the Bard is "[if player is ascii]A jaunty tunesmith.[else]Ryan's between looks, hasn't really gathered the guts to go punk yet.[end if]".The illustration of Ryan the Bard is "[if ryan is joined and player is ascii]j_ryan[else]c_ryan[end if]".Chris the Paladin is a person in The Adventurers' Lounge. The description of Chris the Paladin is "[if player is ascii]Strong, true, a paragon of paladinity.[else]She's wearing a tracksuit and a short haircut. Something about her eyes makes her look ready for a fight.[end if][if chris has the pocket watch] There's something round in her pocket.[end if]". The illustration of Chris the Paladin is "[if Chris is joined and player is ascii]j_chris[else]c_chris[end if]". Maximus the Cleric is a person in The Adventurers' Lounge. The description of Maximus the Cleric is "[if player is ascii]An elder in the community, feared and mocked for his wisdom.[else]A thin teen, a smattering of pimples ensuring his clerical chastity: a gift from god?[end if]". The illustration of Maximus the Cleric is "[if maximus is joined and player is ascii]j_maximus[else]c_maximus[end if]". Understand "Max" as Maximus the Cleric. People can be joined. People can be occupied. People can be pinned. People can be worried. People can be smooched.
Understand "bulge" as Chris the Paladin.
Harry is carrying a bag. The description of the bag is "It's long and skinny. Maybe he came from baseball practice?"
Ryan is carrying a schoolbag. The description of the schoolbag is "He's written all the bands he likes on it, attempting to imitate the logo styles on their albums. Some are blacked out as they fall out of favour with him."
Ryan is carrying picks. The description of the picks is "He shoved them in his bag. You just know you're useless with them, but he seems to have the knack."
Ryan is wearing a hat. Instead of examining hat, try silently examining Ryan.
Maximus is carrying a backpack. The description of the backpack is "Army surplus with a dragon well rendered in ballpen blue."
The goth girl is scenery in the Dining Room. The description of the goth girl is "Black lipstick and eyeshadow is all you get before you have to avert your eyes. She’s definitely not from your school, or any school that you can imagine. Beside her is a dreadlocked guy with a large beard, picking his teeth with a bone." Instead of kissing goth girl, say "Your boldness has limits."
The dreadlocked guy is scenery in the Dining Room. The description of the dreadlocked guy is "A beard big enough to hide a mouse in. You can smell the patchouli from here. A thin tattooed girl glances over at him frequently."
The thin tattooed girl is scenery in the Dining Room. The description of the thin tattooed girl is "Feathered short hair with bird-like nervous movements to match, but you don't know if it's Paula-inspired."
Erik is scenery in the Dining Room. Understand "people" and "jacket" and "bangs" as Erik. The description of Erik is "You can picture him in front of the mirror trying to get his bangs straight, and being amused when he fucked it up. The suit jacket has fragments of mirror sewn into it."
Drumstick is scenery in the Dining Room. Understand "bird" or "duck" or "food" or "meat" as drumstick. "It's a darker meat than you're used to, but it smells intriguing." Instead of taking drumstick, say "You're not really hungry." Instead of eating drumstick, try taking drumstick.
Goblet is scenery in the Dining Room. Understand "cup" as goblet. "You've always felt like wine was an old people drink, but now you're intrigued." Instead of taking goblet, say "Your boldness has limits."
Candelabra is scenery in the Dining Room. Understand "candles" as candelabra. "There's more candles than abra, and it doesn't look all that steady." Instead of taking candelabra, say "Stealing light sources tends to be noticed."