;+	Begin regs.def
;	regs.def - include file detailing some special function
;		registers.

	CBLOCK	0x00			; Begin data definitions
		indf0			; Interpret fsr2 (not a physical reg)
		fsr0			; Indirect data memory address 0
		pclo			; Program counter lo byte
		pchi			; Program counter hi byte
		alusta			; ALU status register
		rtcsta			; RTC status register
		cpusta			; CPU status register
		intsta			; Interrtupt status register
		indf1			; Interpret fsr1 (not a physical reg)
		fsr1			; Indirect data memory address 1
		wreg			; Working register
		rtccl			; RTC lo byte
		rtcch			; RTC hi byte
		tblptrl			; Low byte of program mem table ptr
		tblptrh			; Hi byte of program mem table ptr
		bsr			; Bank select register

	CBLOCK	0x10			; Bank 0
		porta			; I/O Port A
		ddrb			; Data direction bits, Port B
		portb			; I/O Port B
		rcsta			; Receive status/control register
		rcreg			; Receive buffer register
		txsta			; Transmit status/control register
		txreg			; Transmit buffer register
		spbrg			; Baud rate generator

	CBLOCK	0x10			; Bank 1
		ddrc			; Data direction bits, Port C
		portc			; I/O Port C
		ddrd			; Data direction bits, Port D
		portd			; I/O Port D
		ddre			; Data direction bits, Port E
		porte			; I/O Port E
		pir			; Peripheral interrupt flag register
		pie			; Peripheral interrupt enable reg

	CBLOCK	0x10			; Bank 2
		tmr1			; Timer/counter one (eight bit)
		tmr2			; Timer/counter two (eight bit)
		tmr3l			; Timer/counter three (lo 8 of 16)
		tmr3h			; Timer/counter three (hi 8 of 16)
		pr1			; Period register one
		pr2			; Period register two
		pr3l			; Period register three (lo 8 of 16)
		pr3h			; Period register three (hi 8 of 16)

	CBLOCK	0x16			; Bank 2 (Redefined)
		ca1l			; Capture register one (lo 8 of 16)
		ca1h			; Capture register one (hi 8 of 16)

	CBLOCK	0x10			; Bank 3
		pw1dcl			; PWM1 duty cycle, lower 2 bits
		pw2dcl			; PWM2 duty cycle, lower 2 bits
		pw1dch			; PWM1 duty cycle, upper 8 bits
		pw2dch			; PWM2 duty cycle, upper 8 bits
		ca2l			; Capture register two (lo 8 of 16)
		ca2h			; Capture register two (hi 8 of 16)
		tcon1			; Timer/capture/PWM control reg 1
		tcon2			; Timer/capture/PWM control reg 2

#define	_CARRY	alusta,0		; Hit the ALU carry bit
;-	End regs.def