Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #84
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 10 Apr 98       Volume 16 : Issue 84

Today's Topics:

      (A) How to remap a key?
      (A) Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"
      (Q) & (A) key starts program
      (Q) Configuring Netscape 4.05 to invoke Eudora 4.0
      (Q) Crossplatform solutions page disappears
      (Q) Drivers for SyQuest cartridges
      (Q) Strange Errors
      [a] Eudora to netscape (launching)
      [a] Problem with kaleidoscope
      [A] Problem with Zip disks going bad
      [A] re Eudora to Netscape opening wrong vers
      [Q] Netscape can't access ftp sites
      [Q] unzipping an unzipper & more Office 98
      Fools and Color
      FullWrite, anyone??
      Global Village software 2.0 for 500 series PowerPort
      New Mac Questions
      No sound on computer speaker with 8.1 upgrade
      Power Goo problem
      Shareware Backup Program
      Still  more on Epson Stylus 600 problems
      ZipPlus drive problems...

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Date: Thu, 09 Apr 98 13:49:14 GMT
Subject: (A) How to remap a key? wrote:

>I am in the UK and I want to be able to use both the UK pound sign and the
>hash mark. I have two keymap options British or US. The British one gives 
>a UK pound sign for the <shift-3> key press and the US version gives a 
>hash mark for the same <shift-3>.

No need to remap the keyboard. On a UK keyboard, a hash sign is typed with 
<option>-3. I suspect the US keyboard is the reverse.



Date: 9 Apr 1998 13:13:52 GMT
From: (William S Frazier)
Subject: (A) Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"

In digest <6gi15t$9rv$> writes:

>>I bought a zip drive just a few months after they came out. Since then,
>>I've now accumulated about 2-3 bad disks. These are zip disks that once
>>worked fine, but now they will not even mount. I can't seem to repair them
>>with any utility I've tried, including Hard Disk Toolkit, Norton Utilities
>yada, yada, yada...

>The infamous "clicks of death" is a foreshadowing of failure of the media
>and often the drive mechanisms themselves. This has been documented at
>length on various usenet groups and was part of a class action lawsuit
>settlement with Iomega.

A note on the macfixit web site indicates that one cause of
this problem is erasing a Zip disk with a full disk security
erase program that wipes the sync track.  Aparrently the
hardware does not protect the sync track.  Once that is done,
the clicking is the head mechanism banging against the center
stop as it searches for the track that isn't there.  I believe
that newer editions of the drive fix the problem.  At least
the banging head is fixed.  I don't recall whether slaughtered
disks can be resurrected.
Bill Frazier                       
Assistant Director/Software Support          voice: (515) 294-8620
Iowa State University Computation Center     fax:   (515) 294-1717 
291 Durham, Ames, Iowa 50011                            


Date: 	Wed, 8 Apr 1998 14:52:45 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: (Q) & (A) key starts program

All of a sudden, typing the letter "i" would start the VideoPlayer on one
of my Macs. In any program, even the Finder. Hit "i", get VideoPlayer.
I've never seen anything like it. Hasn't happened on my other Macs (same
type, System, etc.).

The solution was to replace the Video Startup extension. 

Mac Performa 636, System 7.5.1, 8MB RAM.

Anybody else see anything like this?



Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 07:16:20 -0500
From: Kelly Alworth <>
Subject: (Q) Configuring Netscape 4.05 to invoke Eudora 4.0

Netscape support is apparently baffled, I've had no response from them in 3
days. Anyone know how to configure Netscape 4.05 to invoke Eudora Pro 4.0
when a mailto: link is clicked?


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 19:38:06 -0400
Subject: (Q) Crossplatform solutions page disappears

Dear Digest readers,
A month ago I was able to go to

To get a nice list of freeware/shareware crossplatform programs that
supported the numerous net formats from MIME to QuickTime.   But now the
page has disappeared.  I e-mailed the and got no
response.  Anybody know where that page has moved to, or found a page with
the _same_ information?

Thank you.


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 11:39:29 -0700
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: (Q) Drivers for SyQuest cartridges

Some of my old SyQuest cartridges mount automatically on my 7600 running
System 8.1, but others need to be goosed with Silverlining Lite to mount
each time. I'm pretty sure the latter need to have their drivers updated,
but I don't have any up to date software to do so. I am using a PowerUser
88 Meg drive. Can anyone help?

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 04:54:21 -0400
From: Andy <>
Subject: (Q) Strange Errors

	Hi Everyone. I have a strange problem. My computer has recently
started acting really odd. All of a sudden I started having strange errors.
Folders would disappear from the desktop. I was able to restore the
vanishing folders using Norton Disk Doctor, but the problem re-occured,
with much more. If I select shut down from the menu, the computer just
seems to sit there and do nothing. The clock still counts so it isn't
frozen. It just won't respond to the shut down or restart command. I tried
to move a few items from the desktop to the trash and I got an error that
said "The selected items could not be moved to the trash because it cannot
be found." When I finally did manage to move something to the trash it said
"The Item "easter eggs.htm" Could not be deleted because an error of type
-127 occured." (fsDSIntErr - Internal File System Error) I re-formated the
drive and installed a clean system, but to no avail. Oh yeah! It is not a
virus. I scanned all drives with Disinfectant and Sam. No trouble found.

	Aside from the fact that I am not able to boot from the affected
drive, I cannot even put another drive in it's place. The same problems
occur. I can run an external drive without any problems. A friend of mine
said that I likely have something toasted on the mother board. I hope not.
I can't afford to replace it. I'm using a Macintosh IIsi 68030 20mhz 17meg
ram with system 7.5.5. Does anyone have any Idea what the problem might be?
Thanks in advance.

Andy Fox <>


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:10:45 -0500
From: (Jonathan Rynd)
Subject: [a] Eudora to netscape (launching)

Eudora picks the application it's about to launch via the desktop file. 
It doesn't behave well if you have two versions of the same software on
your computer.

Evidently you hadn't completely deleted the old Netscape.  Do a Find and
see if it's still hanging around.

Then when you have done that, rebuild your desktop.

After the desktop is rebuilt, go into Eudora and hold down the option key
while you open a URL.  Eudora will ask you which application you want to
launch.  Pick Netscape 4.0.

Tired of getting junk email?  You can take back your mailbox!  


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:15:04 -0500
From: (Jonathan Rynd)
Subject: [a] Problem with kaleidoscope

> Date: Sun, 5 Apr 1998 00:05:02 +0100 (BST)
> From: Michael Rank <>
> Subject: problem with kaleidoscope

Sounds like one of the following is corrupted:

-Kaleidoscope itself
-The Apple Platinum scheme file
-The font inside ** most likely **
-Your system

I'd say try redownloading and reinstalling kaleidoscope.  Most likely one
of the schemes you downloaded corrupted the font.

Tired of getting junk email?  You can take back your mailbox!  


Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 23:19:24 -0500
From: (Jonathan Rynd)
Subject: [A] Problem with Zip disks going bad

> Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 19:25:21 -0500
> From: Jonathan Shaw <>
> Subject: Problem with Zip Disks going "bad"

> ALSO, several disks play the annoying "click-click" noise over and over
> again while reading certain sectors.

This issue is being tracked at

Tired of getting junk email?  You can take back your mailbox!  


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:01:05 -0400
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: [A] re Eudora to Netscape opening wrong vers

980408	1509est

Re the problem clicking on a url in a mail message & getting the wrong
Netscape version as the chosen browser, you probably must do what I did:
erase the old NS vers or at least change the name, so that you will be
prompted for which browser you want to use.  You said you trashed NS 3, but
did you actually erase it?

This is how I eliminated the "only one vers of Netscape can be open at one
time, the other file will quit now" message that popped when I clicked a
URL, after I installed NS Communicator 4.  Grrrrr!

As an alternative, you might consult the formalities on p.57 in the Eudora
3.1 manual, Using Active URL's.  I do not have the 3.0 manual.




Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 03:25:03 EDT
Subject: [Q] Netscape can't access ftp sites

I have just upgrades to Netscape 4.04 from 3.01 and the new netscape can't
access FTP sites. When i try to download a file from one ot these sights I get
an error message that says:
address doesn't have a DNS entry.
The sites include both of the Infomac Digest archives.

But the "No Frills" web browser inxluded with AOL can access the site and
download the files. Anybody have a clue? I thought there was a discussion on
this before here.

System Info PPC 6100, System 8.1, 40 megs ram, OTPPP, Internet Config 1.4. and
the usual assortmen of other goodies.

John McGibney


Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 15:51:35 -0400
From: "Jim (James G) Hardwick CPA" <>
Subject: [Q] unzipping an unzipper & more Office 98


Can anyone refresh my technique on how to open an un-archiver appl like Mac
GZip which I just downloaded to deal with Mac Purge downloaded at the
suggestion of Jonathan Ryne, which requires itself to unwrap?!  Can't get
an egg without a chicken syndrome, I guess.

Also, to beat the MS Office Mac horse just a bit more, has anyone had new
out of memory, type 1 errors, etc, since installing Office 98?  On my PM
9500/132 with 128mb, I just began having a plethora of such problems.  I
have also noticed that sys 7.5.5 now registers more memory usage in the
about this mac window than ever I recall from b4.  Am I paranoid or are
they connected?

Thanks as always.


Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 11:12:22 +0600
From: Fletcher Moore <>
Subject: Applescript

I need to get a copy of Applescript 1.1, but Apple's download link 
appears to be dead. Anyone have any info on this, or know any other 
site from which Applescript might be acquired?

Fletcher Moore


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 12:55:14 +0000
From: really "jc" <>
Subject: Fools and Color

Mark Hurty <> wrote:
>> (For the amount of time I need to look at websites written by fools
>> who encode information in colour, I can go use a neighbour's system).
> Colour?  How foolish!  Give me the Sistene Chapel in black and white!
> (That damned fool Michaelangelo, who's he think he is anyway?)

I don't think Michaelangelo designed the streetmaps of Rome with the
directions to the Chapel laid out so that colourblind people couldn't
read them.  People do design web pages that way.  [BTW, it's "Sistine";
correct spelling helps web navigation, too].

I'm not colourblind, but I do need all the sharpness and restfulness I can
get out of a display.  The cost-effective way to get those is high-quality
monochrome.  So I'd like to know how well that's supported on current


Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 09:32:41 -0500
From: Ron Bolinger <>
Subject: FullWrite, anyone??

I recently visited Akimbo System's website. I used to use FullWrite in
earlier versions back before System 7 and basically enjoyed the program.
So I thought I would take the plunge, download the demo program and send
for the temporary serial number to try it out.

the download went successfully and all indications are that the Akimbo
web site is functioning. However� I sent email to them and have not
heard back. I tried using the phone numbers posted on the web site only
to be told that those numbers are no longer in service.

Does anyone know Akimbo's status (maybe Akimbo's in limbo :))?  If so, I
would appreciate some clarification. I would like to use FullWrite but I
guess that won't be possible if there's no more company to support it.

thanks for your help.

Ron Bolinger


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 09:07:06 -0500
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: G3/Reboot

At 5:46 PM -0400 4/7/98, Marc Leroux wrote:
>How do you restart a G3/minitower when it freezes? Is there any concept of
>the old programmers switch? I hate to pull the plug out when it happens.

Command-Powerkey is the interrupt switch [drops you into MacsBug if
present, the "mini-debugger if not].

Command-Control-Powerkey is the "reset" switch.



Date: 9 Apr 1998 08:00:19 GMT
From: (Joel Rosen)
Subject: Global Village software 2.0 for 500 series PowerPort

No longer available.  If you have it, p-l-e-a-s-e  e-mail!

Thanks in advance,

   _/      Joel M. Rosen            _/       
  _/       _/       

"Never ask a man what computer he uses.  If it's a Mac he'll tell you.  If not, there's no point in embarrassing him."


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 13:06:31 -0500
From: "Carl E. Mungan" <>
Subject: New Mac Questions

> I'm the owner (well, OK, my wifes business is) of a new G3 mini-tower
> system and have a question about best practices for setting up our new
> environment.
> We still want to keep our old Centris 610 ('cause she can still do
> accounting, etc. on it) and I want to be able to share files. The Centris
> 610 doesn't have an ethernet connection, so we have to use localtalk. I
> want to be able to run localtalk, a modem and a serial printer from the G3
> (3 devices, 2 ports). What's the best way to handle this?

How about connecting the printer to the Centris and using Printer Share to
access it from the G3?

Dr. Carl Mungan, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Physics, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL   32514-5751
office: 850-474-2645 (secretary -2267, FAX -3161) email:


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 10:24:24 -0700
From: Douglas Frederick <>
Subject: No sound on computer speaker with 8.1 upgrade

Ever since upgrading to system 8.1, I have not been able to get any audio 
to come out on the built-in speaker on my PowerComputing PowerTower 166. 
The sound out jack works fine to external speakers. Nothing else was 
changed. I have a startup script called "Unmute It" installed which 
changes the sound configuration on startup to activate the onboard 
speaker when something is plugged into the sound out jack. But it doesn't 
seem to make any difference whether I run that first or not now, nor is 
there any way I can tweak with the settings in the sound control panel to 
get the audio back. 

This is baffling me utterly. Anyone have any ideas?

Douglas Frederick
Seattle, WA


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 15:27:49 MET
From: "Bas Slierendregt" <B.L.Slierendrecht@Pathology.MedFac.LeidenUniv.NL>
Subject: Power Goo problem

I just bought a copy of Kai's Power Goo, but every time I try to 
start the program I get a bomb with the message" system error 
occurred, unimplemented trap" and I have to restart again.
I try to run it on a Performa 6300 with 40 Mb of real RAM. Increasinf 
the memory to the program doesn't help.

Anyone a suggestion as to what could be the problem?

Bas Slierendregt


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 08:13:11 -0400 
From: "Tolbert, Philip (CORP)" <>
Subject: Shareware Backup Program

Does anybody know of a Shareware/Freeware program that is good for backing
up files onto floppy?  I have searched the archives and can not find
anything.  How about suggestions on a commercial product?

Thanks in advance, 
Phil Tolbert


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 14:32:35 -0400
From: Diane & David Turner <>
Subject: Still  more on Epson Stylus 600 problems

>1)  I also find it to be very slow.  Probably can't do much about this
>without a faster CPU.

Quite true. The first computer I had my ES600 connected to was a IIsi with
an 040 accelerator card (80 MHz equivalent speed). Even with the
accelerator, some jobs took up to *1 hour* per page at high resolution
(print a line, pause about 30 seconds, print another line, etc.). For what
it's worth, it prints quite fast on a G3/233 DT.

>2)  The printer dialog box is too big to display on the 12" screen of the
>LC!  I know that most folks nowadays have *at least* a 13" monitor, but
>this seems like an unnecessarily unfriendly bit of software design.
>Fortunately most of the crucial items (like the "Print" button) can be at
>least partially seen, so the basic functionality is possible.  But it's
>very frustrating not to be able to access everything.

Can't help you there. :/

>3)  I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn on background
>printing.  Maybe it's hiding off-screen in the oversized dialog box?  Or
>maybe 10 MB is not enough to enable it?

Background printing is turned on in the Chooser. 10 MB should be enough to
do smaller jobs, depending on how much free RAM is available when you spool
the job. Like I said before, background printing boosts finder RAM
consumption by ~4 Meg. (And I found out you *don't* have to increase the
EPSON Monitor memory allocation - background printing works fine with


David Turner
Centerville, OH


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 00:59:12 PDT
From: "Randall G. Floyd" <>
Subject: ZipPlus drive problems...


I have a friend who just got a ZipPlus drive and is having problems
installing it.  I have three Zip drives, but none of them is the new
ZipPlus drive which can switch between parallel and SCSI.  Do these drives
automatically sense which one it's connected to or does it have a switch?
All of my drives came with the tools on a Zip disk, but she tells me
their's came on a CD, is this right?  I suspect it is since it's for a
wintel machine also.  She says the driver icon is  showing up when she
boots with a red X through it, which I think indicates it can't locate the
drive, anything else this could indicate?

Please respond directly to me, as I'd like to get the info before I leave
work today.





End of Info-Mac Digest