Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #223
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 17 Oct 97       Volume 15 : Issue 223

Today's Topics:

      512K Mac
      > [Q] Master Disks
      [Q] Personal Laserwriter LS
      [Q] System 8 & 68040?
      Another sad day
      BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series...
      CD/SCSI Question
      Color printing
      Japanese/Free PPP 5.5.2
      Jaz woes SOLVED, AKA:what are the good old days???
      key into italian/ k i english
      Mac OS8 Installation
      Megaphone on Power Mac 650/225
      Netscape Comunicator and AVI files
      No Menu Bar Icon for PPP
      OS 7.6
      PowerBook 5300
      Problems with a Powerbook 3400c
      Q: Apple's future in the PC world?
      Quicktime VR
      saving html files
      SCSIProbe alternative?
      sfil conversion

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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 00:30:02 +0100
From: (Ian Burt)
Subject: 512K Mac

Hello Digesters,

Just had a call from a friend looking for a set of system disks for a 512K
Mac. He seems to think OS 6 will do. I doubt it. In our corner of the UK
official sources have drawn a blank. Not supported anymore. I'm not
surprised. So can any UK Mac guru suggest anything?


Ian Burt

There once was a lady named Bright,
Who travelled much faster than light.
She started one day
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.
Isaac Asimov  (C
ommunArt Gallery) (Hull Wide Web)


Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 08:12:36 +1000
From: (John Haywood)
Subject: > [Q] Master Disks

Keith E Gatling <> wrote:

> Subject: [Q] Master Disks
> We've been working on how to come up with a system to easily reconfigure
> machines in the lab that have been messed with or have some other problem,
> and one solution we came up with was really quite all the
> machines "Mac HD" and make a Zip Disk from one of them that was set up
> exactly like we wanted all the others to be.  Then we could just copy
> that disk onto all the other machines.
> Sounds great in theory, but...
> What is it about ClarisWorks and LaserWriter 8.4.1 software that makes you
> have to reinstall it after you've done a master to clone copy in order for
> it to work right?  The problem with ClarisWorks is that it can't find the
> file translators even though they're right there on the disk.  The problem
> with LaserWriter 8.4.1 is that it says you can't use LaserWriter 8 because
> of an "internal error."
> Do I really have to go back to installing every machine from scratch (a big
> pain in the...) or is there some small detail I'm overlooking here?
> Thanks!
> keg

Just a thought:

When I used to do multiple installs, using Retrospect, I had to do two
things immediately afterwards:

rebuild the desktop thoroughly (i.e. using TechTool)
run Norton utes (shame about MacTools Pro, which worked better <sigh>)

then things found their prefs, etc.

John Haywood
Macquarie University, Sydney
remove 'NOSPAM' to reply


Date: 16 Oct 1997 13:44:06 U
From: "James Smart" <>
Subject: [Q] Personal Laserwriter LS

[Q] Personal Laserwriter LS
Don't claim to be a laserwriter expert, not even close... 
Problem:  Personal Laserwriter LS, using print driver Laserwriter 300,
prints blank pages - except for a thin horizontal line at the top of the
Replaced cartrige - some thing - thin horizontal line at top.  
Not too anxious to run out and get another cartrige to see if this one is
Any suggestions? .TIA[Q].. Jim



Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 21:58:13 -0500
From: (Christopher Heard)
Subject: [Q] System 8 & 68040?

I use a PowerBook 190/33 with 24MB RAM (physical). Is it worth my while to
upgrade to MacOS 8?

Christopher Heard


Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 23:55:43 +0200
From: Alex =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez?= <>
Subject: Another sad day

> Today has started badly.  It has been announced on the main morning new=
> bulletin, listened by the majority of the UK's professional people, tha=
> Microsoft's Bill Gates is to meet the UK's Prime Minister Tony Blair to=

> talk about giving every school child their own email address by 2002 an=
> substantially increasing the number of computers in schools.

Roland, you're not alone:

The sad day in Spain happened two weeks ago. It might be entitled "Where
monopolies meet": Bill Gates interviewed with the president of
Telef=F3nica, the ONLY Spanish Telephone company. Those of you who live i=
a free market may not figure what this situation implies.

Ten years ago, Telef=F3nica was a public company so at least the benefits=

of the monopoly reverted on the public treasure. When the Govt. decided
to sell it, we found ourselves in a weird situation: a monopoly
controlled by private hands, with only a shade of competition in mobile
telephony. Now we have the highest rates in Europe; if I had some money
left after paying those outrageous bills, I'd buy some shares right now.

Well, 15 days ago Gates met with the CEO of Telef=F3nica, and signed a
commercial agreement. Now this guy Gates has about 90% of *cumulative*
OS market share in Spain. So that now the ONLY phone company and the
ULTIMATE OS vendor are endeavouring to get all Spain wired (shiver).

At least in England you have two phone suppliers, and a certain presence
of Apple.

Alex Fern=E1ndez


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:58:04 -0600
From: mzajac@cc.UManitoba.CA (Michael Zajac)
Subject: BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series...

It may be a UK version of the Powermac 5500.  I've seen an ad for this in
the English version of Macworld.

In article <61vaqd$c1$>, Mark Fiske
<> wrote:

 > Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 08:50:16 -0400 (EDT)
 > From: Mark Fiske <>
 > Subject: BLACK Performa/Power Mac 5000-series...
 > Now, I'm NOT talking about the Performa 550-looking '030 Mac TV of 1993
 > (I've GOT one of THOSE already)  Somewhere, while exploring the farthest
 > reaches of the web, I stumbled across a pic of the actual machine (which
 > was based on the new 5000-series all-in-ones) as well as a set of
 > resources (icons, desktop patterns, etc.) all for a computer that I never
 > knew existed.  And, yes, it was BLACK...
 > Does ANYONE know anything about this machine?  I am VERY interested...
 > Mark.
Michael Zajac
7-66 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg MB  R3C 1P7  Canada
tel. (204) 943-6596


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:48:03 -0500
From: "C. Kurt Holter" <>
Subject: CD/SCSI Question

I have a Mac PPC 7500/100.  I anticipate purchasing an external
CD-Recordable (2x write/6x read) drive in the near future - most likely
an APS unit unless someone talks me out of that choice.

As matters stand, I have filled all of my logical SCSI ID's, and want to
avoid buying a SCSI card for more.  Can I simply unplug my standard
internal CD drive from the internal wiring and then use the vacant
logical SCSI ID for the external CD-Recordable drive?

If so, are there any disadvantages I'll face otherwise?  Thanks in
advance for any help.  Would appreciate personal email if you know the
answer, as well as sharing here.


Kurt Holter


Date: Thu, 16 Oct 97 00:11:40 +0100
From: Rodney Schmidt <>
Subject: Color printing

I am located at a large public university and am dismayed to find that 
any type of color laserwriter printing carries a very high charge. The 
central printing office on campus charges $7.00 for the first page and 
will come down to a low of $0.85 per copy for very massive quantities. 
The local Kinko's charges about $3.00 per page for their Tektronix, which 
yields questionable postscript results. Is there a service bureau 
anywhere that will accept Pagemaker files for color laserwriter output 
without color separations required (all postscripts output) and not 
charge an arm and a leg? I would appreciate the help, and replies to me 
directly will be summarized for the list. Thank you.


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:21:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: Japanese/Free PPP 5.5.2

Is there any known incompatibility between Mac OS 7.5.3/Japanese version
and FreePPP^2.5.2. A friend of mine, working on a PowerBook 1400 experieces
problems,like FPPP trying to connect again to the Internet POP after
disconnecting (closing the Internet session).
Any idea?

**  Arch. Paolo Bartoli              **
**                                            **


Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 02:06:46 -0500
From: Michael Gerber <>
Subject: Jaz woes SOLVED, AKA:what are the good old days???

I just wanted to let everyone that was concerned about my Corrupted Jaz 
drive problems (both of you) that I did infact figure out the problem.

Alright, noone laugh, but the solution was so obvious that I now feel 
like a computer newbie (which I am not). To recap, the problem was with 
lots of corrupted files due to lots of write errors to ALL of my Jaz 
cartridges. I thought I would have to back up and then reformat them 
all. I wanted to blame OS8 cause I was so annoyed with it. But this just 
got me looking in all the wrong places. It wasn't a corrupted OS nor was 
it a corrupted Iomega driver.

Instead, I had to turn on the SCSI termination ACTIVELY ON in the back 
of the Jaz drive. I had it on AUTO instead, and when I attached a 
scannner to the chain, the AUTO setting no longer functioned probably.

Turning the Termination ON solved all of my problems, and I could read 
ALL of the files that it claimed were corrupted. Hallelujah.

As a funny side note, I had gotten the scanner a few weeks after OS8 was 
installed. So duh, no wonder the problems occured at the same time as 
OS8's arrival. I feel a bit dumb but what can I say, now I have first 
hand experience about what exactly they mean when they say SCSI voodoo. 
I've experienced it first hand.

So all you Mac addicts out there, lets do the SCSI voodoo that you do so 

and again, thanks for the help,


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:18:41 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: key into italian/ k i english

Does anybody knows about an utility program called "Key Into Italian/Key
into English" (or something similar)? It's supposed to suggest translations
between italian and english, an utility for word processors.

**  Arch. Paolo Bartoli              **
**                                            **


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:21:02 -0600
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: Mac OS8 Installation

Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:46:31 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Mac OS8 Installation

I have a Power Mac 6500/225, with OS 7.6.1 and an IDE 3 GB internal HD. An
external APS 730 MB HD with miscellaneous applications and data, from an
earlier Mac, is connected, but not used for start-up. I now have my OS8 CD
ROM to install, but am warned that the APS HD driver software must be
updated from its present v.4.0 to the current v. 4.10. I have this new
driver software ready to be installed, and again am warned that the HD must
be formatted and re-initialised, before loading back all the backed up

Guidance, please! Which HD must be re-initialised? Where do I install the
latest APS drive software? What, in fact, is the step by step procedure, to
ensure that I can continue to recognise the APS HD, after the new OS8 is
installed? I have no need ever to use the APS as a start-up disk, only to
access it.

Any help appreciated.

Laurence Hawkins   <>

APS Technologies provides fair-good tech support and can probably answer
your questions by phone (800-304-7412) or by email to
Or go to


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 10:50:28 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Megaphone on Power Mac 650/225

I have recently installed Megaphone on my new Mac 6500/225, but have hit a
snag when trying to set-up the ring sequence for the software to
differentiate between an incoming voice message and a fax. Instructions are
given for the setting up of the "Telephone Setup" control panel, but that
item is not loaded for a Geoport connection. How do I get the right
answering sequence?

Laurence Hawkins


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:38:46 -0700
From: Bob Wall <>
Subject: Netscape Comunicator and AVI files

I am still trying to figure out how to use discussion groups and find
that a lot of files are unavailable to me.  Is there a way I can open
AVI multimedia files in Netscape?  What about all the JPEG files that
just give me numbers?   The numbers in the headers are often 0/1, 5/15,
etc.  I would appreciate any tips.   Mac 6400/OS 8.  Thanks.


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:57:20 -0500
From: "C. Kurt Holter" <>
Subject: No Menu Bar Icon for PPP

I have my system set up to automatically dial my ISP when I launch an
internet app, but always have to run Internet Dialer to hang up and
close PPP since installing OS 8.0.  Is there either a control strip
module or patch for a menu bar icon available for the OS 8.0 version of

TIA for any help.


Kurt Holter


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 20:32:11 +0000
From: "Jerry J. Grillo" <>
Subject: OS 7.6

All of my System and Application Folders are locked and I can not unlock
them. The General control shows that tey are not marked for protection.

The files inside of the folders can be deleted but the folders can not
be moved or trashed.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:39:43 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: PowerBook 5300

A question for PB 5300 owners.
I'd like to buy a used PB 5300, but I remember of problems with batteries.
Is there any other incompatibility with hard/software? What is the
performance of the machine?

**  Arch. Paolo Bartoli              **
**                                            **


Date: 	Thu, 16 Oct 1997 17:03:31 -0700
From: "Amy Robertson" <>
Subject: Problems with a Powerbook 3400c

Help! My husband was just issued a Powerbook 3400c at the school where he teaches.
It has 16mg ram and a 33.6 internal modem.  The machine came with system 7.6 preinstalled.
When he tried to connect to the internet via the modem, the system froze. He brought
it home for help from me. I reinstalled the system, it worked twice then froze again.
I upgraded to system 8.0.  Again, it worked two or three times then froze everytime
I asked the modem to dial up the connection. When I reinstall the internet connection
software from system 8 it works a couple more times before stalling out again. 

This is completely baffling me.  Tech help at the school for Mac users is all but
nonexistent. In fact, most of the people at the schools call me and I'm no technowizard
by any stretch of the imagination.  Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

You may reply through Infomac or e-mail me direct at ""  Thank you
all in advance for your help with this.  Amy Robertson  

Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere!


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:45:03 -0800
From: "S. Brewster" <>
Subject: Q: Apple's future in the PC world?

Hi everyone,

Unofficially, this doubles as an open letter to Apple computer; if anyone
knows anyone at Apple interested in these comments below, please forward
with my highest regards.

I was wondering, what are my fellow Mac-er's thoughts on Apple's future in
the world of home computers?  I was told that after they took back Power
Computing's license, they apparently blew it big time and now Apple (or so
I was told) is in major duress and quite possibly may not survive the end
of the year financially.

Apple's product line, as diverse and powerful as it is, is confusing to
most consumers, is it not?  I mean, you've got the 4400, the 5400, the
6500, the 7500, the 7600/120 132 200, etc.  They should go back to naming
the computers, it seems to me.  Or at least whittle down the product line
or make it more modular (the pick-your-own-options Power Computing CPUs are
a prime example of this).

Also, the clone makers had some brilliant ideas as far as chassis design,
integration, seamless operation, and just plain jaw-dropping free stuff
(i.e. the included IMS Twin Turbo in Power Computing's PowerTower 240)
which Apple apparently didn't buy into or just plain didn't understand.
Users _like_ free stuff.  I think Apple even stopped giving away mousepads
with their computers.  Or stickers, even.  (You remember, like the old see
thru bumper stickers that came with the Mac Plus and Mac II and so forth?)

Mind you, the Apple logo on things looks cool.  It is a symbol of quality
and an icon of hope.  But still, a lot of things and ideas other companies
are putting forth -- perhaps at a loss to them financially -- Apple could
at least entertain.  Or do their homework about.

The reason I keep bringing up the PCC PowerTower is because a friend just
bought one in lieu of the PowerMac 4400 (I think; see how confusing these
numbers are to people?)  and he got it configured the way he wanted it,
with all kinds of RAM, a free mousepad, and KEYBOARD, through mail order,
for $1100.  Sales pitch aside, Apple's comparable model without keyboard or
free anything was almost *twice* that amount.  He wasn't particular what
logo was on the machine as long as it ran VirtualPC [a task in itself].

Then I hear the news that Apple pulled PCC's license.  One word question.  Why?

I have been using Macs since the Mac II in 1980-something.  Been with them
ever since.  I feel comfortable around them.  I just wonder, will my
children?  Or will they laugh at it when it holds open a door somewhere
since there may possibly be, in their time, no support, no software, no
smiley face on startup?
No Type 11 errors, even! =P

Quite frankly, I still don't know who the CEO is over at Apple.  I don't
know if it's Gil Amelio or Steve Jobs.  Or somebody else altogether.  Since
their restructuring, they've kept a lot of things under the rug, leaving
their users in the dark pretty much about new products, updates, "cool
stuff" and offers we can't refuse.  I know they have their web site, but I
tried to find old system software on there the other day and they've
reorganized so heavily, they've neatened it up sooo much, I can't find

Sorry to blabber on like this, but it is a question that's been nagging at
me for a month now.

Thanks everyone for listening and long live the Mac!
--Scott Brewster, computer consultant

"Today's game is brought to you by...
 [shuffles papers, Jack Daniels in hand]
 Awww hell I can't find it."



Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:18:46 -0400
From: "Zafar A. Punjani" <>
Subject: Quicktime VR

Dear OS 8 users,

I noticed that the Quick Time VR extension loads on startup as I always see
it's icon show up during boot time.  Does anyone know what the function of
this extension is?  It takes up around 545 k according to Ext. Mgr.



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 00:45:01 +0200
From: "Johannes la Poutre'" <>
Subject: saving html files

Hi Brian,

did you check Internet Config (current version 1.4 AFAIK), especially the
file mapping for .html and .htm file-extensions?

Internet Config comes with many Internet programs, you most likely have a
copy installed already...

>Whenever I download an html file from Fetch to my desktop, it gets saved as
>a Netscape file. When I try to change Fetch's save downloaded files
>preferences (which is already set at TeachText) to SimpleText, it still
>saves downloaded files as Netscape files and Fetch reverts the setting back
>to TeachText. It only does this with html files.

Regards, Joe


Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:47:52 -0800
From: "S. Brewster" <>
Subject: SCSIProbe alternative?

Hi again; just a quick question about SCSIProbe.  Is there a quick mounter
program available as an alternative?  I've got a stubborn drive that
occasionally after Mac shutdown refuses to start up again unless powered
off completely and turned back on again.  SCSIProbe is a major pain to get
to recognize external SCSI chain devices and it's like four steps.  I
needed quick easy access to all my devices in one list, perhaps
appleScriptable.  Any suggestions?

--Scott Brewster, computer consultant

"Today's game is brought to you by...
 [shuffles papers, Jack Daniels in hand]
 Awww hell I can't find it."



Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 03:54:26 -0700
From: (morethanone)
Subject: sfil conversion

Art Werschulz wrote:

> Somebody recently gave me a Mac sound file (the file type was
> "sfil").... I would like to convert it to an au or aiff file ...
> Sound Machine ... told me that the file had "no, or very little, sound
> data"

That's supposed to be a "standard System 7 sound". Whatever that is,
with the riot of parameters fizzing around in sound space, and all the
leprous file-mangling half-baked sharewares with their begging bowls all
shined up.

If "Sound Machine" (reasonably robust, at least v.2.5.4) didn't like it,
there may be something wrong or unusual with it... scrambled header? I'd
try running it through the "SoundApp" convert first. Another candidate
is "Convert Machine", which strives to produce a specified target format
regardless of the source. Finally, try loading it into a sound editor as
a "raw sound", scalpel off what you can't hear, and resave as au/aiff.

~~ Tony <> SSS MIDI Rock Mac



End of Info-Mac Digest