From: steve@CATICSUF.CSUFRESNO.EDU (Steve Mitchell) Newsgroups: Subject: Secret Service Freqs Date: 17 Jan 92 21:41:07 GMT A couple of people have requested the lists I received via e-mail. Here they are. --steve -- |#| Steve Mitchell / System Administrator KD6BET |#| |#| California Agricultural Technology Institute +1 209 278 5675 |#| |#| California State University, Fresno |#| |#| Fresno, CA 93740-0115 "Now, Steve is happy." |#| 166.375 U.S. Government Secret Service 165.375 U.S.S.S. (Akron, Canton, Cleveland Field Office) [CHARLIE] 165.400 U.S.S.S. (Cleveland Field Office) 166.512 U.S.S.S. [ALPHA] (VIP escort, security details) 165.787 U.S.S.S. [BAKER] (security details) 414.850 U.S.S.S. [BROWN] (Foreign missions division, repeater output) 169.525 U.S.S.S. [DELTA] (Security details) 415.700 U.S.S.S. [FOX] (SAM nationwide downlink aircraft-to-aircraft) 166.400 U.S.S.S. [GULF] (Common field office repeater input) 165.087 U.S.S.S. [HOTEL] (VIP protection; field office) 165.212 U.S.S.S. [MIKE] (Field offices) 164.400 U.S.S.S. [PAPA] (F.O. common repeater input counterfeiting) 415.975 U.S.S.S. [RED] (Foreign missions division) 415.650 U.S.S.S. [SILVER] (Foreign missions division, repeater input) 164.650 U.S.S.S. [TANGO] (VIP protection; field offices) 166.462 U.S.S.S. [VICTOR] (VIP protection) U.S.S.S. [X-RAY] (Treasury) 415.875 U.S.S.S. [VIOLET] (Training division) 162.687 U.S.S.S. [YANKEE] (SAM local uplink ground-to-air) 171.287 U.S.S.S. [ZULU] (SAM local downlink aircraft-to-ground) 415.450 U.S.S.S. Air Force 1 / Air Force 2 414.775 U.S.S.S. Foreign dignitary protection 414.975 U.S.S.S. Protective service --------------- SECRET SERVICE NATIONWIDE RPT. 165.375 MHZ. BAKER 165.7875 MHZ. --------------- >Steve, > >Their primary repeater freq is 165.375. >They use it for their portable command posts. >They may also use the ATF/IRS repeaters in the area: 165.2875/165.950 >Also try 164.650, 407.825, 407.875, 164.100, 407.925, 166.2125, 166.5125 >Got a much longer list, but these would be your best bets. >Hope this helps and gets there in time. > >Pat