From Mon Mar 29 14:03:10 1993 Received: from by with SMTP id AA16968 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 29 Mar 1993 14:03:07 +0300 Message-Id: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 02:43:00 PST From: "VMSSERV Mail Server" Subject: U9212.TXT To: "rko" Status: OR CIS Radio Moscow Radio Ukraine Radio Tashkent Radio Yerevan 4485 0900 R. Petropavlovsk: RR: ID as R. Tikhy Okean, W w/ long Russian operatic type mx & vocals (333 10/27 Findlater-CA) 4980t 2203 Yakut R.: RR: Russian type mx, no ID heard (322 10/27 Bishop-NY) 6050 0600 RM: EE: ID, M/W dialog on current state of Russian economy, ancr w/ pgm of jazz by Russian musicians, 0800* (333 10/16 Findlater-CA) 7180 0000 R. Rossiy: FF: ID, M nx on Mitterand, Bosnia (222 11/12 Findlater-CA) 7180 0500 RM: EE: ID, nx read by V. Orgorov, rpt on Yeltsin's problems w/ hardliners, CIS conference in Moscow to resolve inter-country problems (444 11/6 Findlater-CA) 7200 0600 R. Rossiy: RR: ID, W nx, choral mx pgm, || 7210 (333 11/9 Findlater-CA) 7210 0800 R. Khabarovsk: RR: ID, M/W dialog + RR mx & vocals (333 10/27 Findlater-CA) 7230 2300 RM: SS: IS, ID, M nx - ments of Hungary, Yeltsin (222 11/8 Findlater-CA) 7315 1501 DW: GG: M w/ nx, slop from jammer on 7320, poor choice move! (311 11/4 Blair-CA) 7330 0700 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk, classical mx pgm, 0800* (222 10/19 Findlater-CA) 7345 *0630 RM: EE: IS, abrupt s/on, W summary of a Tolstoy novel (333 11/8 Findlater-CA) 7370 1428 RM: EE: "Mailbag", nx in brief @ 1430, "Russian by Radio" (555 10/16 Blair-CA) 9505 1640 RM: EE: W w/ "Africa Report", ID, || 9555 (555 10/30 Owsley-CA) 9530 2230 RM: EE: nx in brief, ID, into "Culture & the Arts in Russia" pgm (434 10/18 Bellovich-FL) 9540 *1200 RT: EE: straight on (no IS) w/ opening theme mx, W ID, very poor under co-channel R. Australia in CC (222 10/8 Westenhaver-QU) 9600 0330 R. Magadan: RR: Russian nx over co-channel BBC, heavy fading (322 10/10 Babin-MA) 9640 2215 RM: EE: "Focus on Asia & the Pacific" on Taiwanese independence movement and nuclear control in the Koreas (333 10/26 Westenhaver-QU) (Owsley-CA) 9685 0130 RU: EE: cmtry on Ukraine's building of armed forces (343 10/18 Biczak-NJ) 9685 2148 RM: EE: classical mx pgm - "Sampson & Delilah" and "Swan Lake" (444 10/14 Fraser-MA) 9705 1155 RM: CC: pop mx, "Mosuko guangbo diantai" ID by W and mb anmt @ 1158, IS to 1200, W anmt & nx (343 10/8 Westenhaver-QU) 9735 1638 RM: EE: "Africa as We See It" pgm, cmtry on military moves vs the gov't in Togo (243 10/23 Westenhaver-QU) (Fraser-MA) 9800 0800 RM: RR: IS, ID, M/W dialog, ments of Yeltsin (222 11/6 Findlater-CA) 11660 2030 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: ID, W w/ sermon - "the search for eternal truth & salvation", hymns, RM @ 2100 (333 10/26 Findlater-CA) 11660 2200 RM: EE: ID, W nx - US presidential debate, UN peacekeepers in Sarajevo (333 10/19 Findlater-CA) 11720 2000 RM: RR: IS, ID, M/W dialog on Georgia/Tiblisi, poor (222 10/19 Findlater-CA) 11730 2000 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx, ments of Yeltsin & Vladivostok, mx pgm (222 10/25 Findlater-CA) 11875 2300 RM: RR: IS, ID, M nx, co-channel QRM de Cuba @ 0000 (222 10/22 Findlater-CA) 12050 2040 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: religious tlk, ad for book, into mx selection in EE & JJ (333 11/6 Blair-CA) 12050 0116 RM: EE: cmtry abt border problems btw India & China, || 15425 (444 11/7 Blair-CA) 12050 *2340 RY: EE: M ID "This is Yerevan", Armenia/Azerbaijan war nx, bad QRM de Cairo in AA (212 10/23 Bellovich-FL) 12070 2038 R. Aum Shinrikyo: RR: M tlk, Japanese & religious mx, ID @ 2057 (??? 11/1 Wolfson-OH) 15225 1400 RM: EE: nx, "New Market", "Audio Book Club" (343 10/10 Biczak-NJ) 15375 2032 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: W ancr w/ religious pgm & mx (252 10/19 Lukas-NY) 15385 1635 RM: EE: "Africa as We See It" pgm ID, interview w/ Malian foreign minister on his visit to Moscow (243 10/22 Westenhaver-QU) 15425 2205 RM: EE: M w/ wld nx, ID @ 2210, "Focus on Asia & the Pacific" (333 10/19 Kyburz-CO) (Westenhaver-QU) (Owsley-CA) 15425 2030 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: "The Teachings of the Truth" pgm, song "Forge Ahead" (555 10/16 Bagozzi-CA) (Findlater-CA) 17605 2056 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: W w/ ad for book via Japan address, M ID @ 2058, into RM @ 2100, || 17690 (544 10/26 Blair-CA) 17690 0135 RU: EE: interview, unemployment in Ukraine, pop mx, ID (333 10/7 Bickus-VA) 17690 2123 RM: EE: "News & Views" - cmtry on closing of Coal mines in UK (544 10/20 Blair-CA) 17690 *2030 R. Aum Shinrikyo: EE: ID, M/W w/ religious sermons in broken EE, 2100* (444 10/23 Findlater-CA) 17700 0425 RM: RR: M tlk, folk guitar mx (333 10/30 Owsley-CA) 17720 2325 RM: EE: "Commonwealth Update", nx in brief @ 2330, "Russian by Radio" (555 10/26 Blair-CA) (Westenhaver-QU) 17810 1500 RU: Ukrainian: IS, brief anmt w/ "Radio Ukraina", into odd vocal mx - sort of Red Army Chorus to disco beat!, QSB (343 10/12 Westenhaver-QU) 17840 0405 RU: RR: M w/ EZL instrumental mx, into ID @ 0410 (354 10/30 Owsley-CA) 21465 1523 RM: EE: rpts on Romanian and Angolan elections, nx in brief @ 1530, light classical mx pgm (242 10/13 Westenhaver-QU) 21575 1232 RM: Indonesian: ID, M/W hosting "Kotak Pos" ("P.O. Box") pgm w/ tlk (answering letters?) & light mx (322 10/11 Westenhaver-QU) Lithuania Radio Vilnius 17605 0016 RV: EE: Lithuanian press cmtry w/ interesting stuff on money laundering by Lithuanian Mafia, weak/fluttery, || 17690 (242 10/23 Westenhaver-QU) 17690 0005 RV: EE: ID, freq info, tlk on economy & need for loans from the IMF, || 9530 (444 10/24 Bellovich-FL) (Bickus-VA) (Westenhaver-QU) Schedules Radio Art 05:15-07:00 on 11655 Radio Pamyat 14:30-16:00 on 7230 [SCDX 2165 via USEnet] A low turnout this month, but still a good selection of loggings. That's all for this time around - see you in 1993. -Jason Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!