From Mon Mar 29 14:07:06 1993 Received: from by with SMTP id AA17325 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 29 Mar 1993 14:07:01 +0300 Message-Id: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 02:40:00 PST From: "VMSSERV Mail Server" Subject: U9105.TXT To: "rko" Status: OR USSR Radio Moscow Radio Kiev Radio Tashkent Radio Vilnius Radio Yerevan Radio Station Peace and Progress 4610 1235 R. Khabarovsk (DS2): RR: two men w/ long discussion (interview?) (232 3/7 Johnson-IL) 4895 0217 RM: RR: nx rpt abt the Soviet Union (221 3/8 Bishop-NY) 4975 0143 R. Afghanistan-Dushanbe (t): AA?: Koran recitation (322 2/10 Flynn-OR) 5915 0128 R. Alma Ata: EE: chime IS, orch. mx, ID "This is R. Alma Ata", ID & IS repeated, boring cmtry on Kazakh economy @ 0130 (222 3/19 George-MA) (Nice catch Steve! -ed) 6185 2145 RK: EE: mx & tlk, W freq. anmt, ID, & s/off (fr 3/15 Famularo-JP) 7400 0030 RK: EE: analysis of Gulf War by RK military expert (444 2/28 Johnson-IL) 7400 2300 RV: EE: Soviet and Lithuanian delegations meet (444 3/1 Johnson-IL) 9540 1403 RM: EE: nx, opening of Soviet space museum, into mailbag pgm (434 4/8 Carson-OK) 9600 1213 RM: EE: tlk on USSR & Geneva accords (454 3/23 Neff-FL) (Lish-FL) 9620 0800 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (333 3/2 Findlater-CA) 9685 2220 RM: EE: "Focus on Asia & the Pacific", ASEAN mtg, space photos (444 3/7 Fraser-MA) (Johnson-IL) (Findlater-CA) 9710 2130 RV-Kaunas (?): EE: new IS, s/on anmts, nx, QRM de co-chan RAI, no ||s heard, also heard @ 2300 s/on, || 11860, 11770 (211 4/5 Colyard-NJ) 9720 0200 RM: EE: IS, ID, M nx (333 3/3 Findlater-CA) 9740 0000 RM: RR: IS, M/W dialog, poor (222 3/15 Findlater-CA) 9750 0130 RSP&P: EE: ID - "the Voice of Peace & Progress" (333 3/1 Findlater-CA) 9765 0250 RM: EE: Hotel Moscow dreadlock holiday (544 2/10 Neff-FL) 9785 0000 RM: RR: IS, W nx (222 3/21 Findlater-CA) 9845 1110 RM: CC: M/W tlk (end of nx?), mx bridge, "Mosuko guangbo diantai" ID, M/W tlk w/ translation of RR insert w/ ments of "perestroika" (343 3/8 Westenhaver-QU) 11630 0200 RM: RR: IS, M tlk, 0230*, poor (222 3/17 Findlater-CA) 11655 0200 RM: SS: IS, ID, M nx (222 3/7 Findlater-CA) 11665 1745 RM: RR: M tlk, mx, Moscow ID (444 4/2 Valentine-CA) (Welcome back Frederick. -ed) 11695 2300 RM: CC: IS, ID, M tlk (333 3/10 Findlater-CA) 11700 0118 RSP&P: Creole/FF: Creole ID/cmtry on ecological problems, W tlk in FF @ 0122 on revising the Union Treaty, || 11920, 12030 (333 3/19 Westenhaver-QU) 11720 2200 RM: CC: M opening anmts w/ ID, "Moscow Nights", more anmts then W nx (343 3/12 Westenhaver-QU) 11735 0300 RM: EE: ID, M nx (333 3/15 Findlater-CA) 11750 0212 RM: EE: "mailbag" pgm (423 3/7 Gaharan-LA) 11760 2230 RM: RR: "mayak" IS, s/on by W, tlk, QRM (222 3/10 Prath-FL) 11770 0015 RK: EE: cmtry on nuclear weapons, vote referendum, miners requests, teachers policies (333 3/6 Levison-PA) (Findlater-CA) 11770 0130 RSP&P: EE: ID, M nx (333 3/14 Findlater-CA) 11770 0300 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (222 3/7 Findlater-CA) 11790 1800 RM: RR: IS, W tlk, 2000* (333 3/17 Findlater-CA) 11840 1800 RM: RR: IS, W tlk (better in USB) (222 3/7 Findlater-CA) 11850 0100 RM: EE: IS, ID, M nx (444 3/21 Findlater-CA) 11860 2313 RV: EE: statements in support for Lithuanian independence by visiting British MP's, slight QSB, || 11770 (444 3/13 Westenhaver-QU) 11860 0505 RM: EE: pgm looking at new Union Treaty (444 3/10 Hart-MN) 11920 2300 RM: SS: IS, M nx (333 3/8 Findlater-CA) 12005 0000 RK: EE: bells, nx read by M/W, cmtry, mx (555 3/10 Lish-FL) 12020 0300 RM: SS: M nx, || 12070, 11980 (333 3/26 Findlater-CA) 12025 1300 RM: EE: wld nx (333 3/17 Gaharan-LA) 12055 0100 RM: EE: ID, W nx (333 3/22 Findlater-CA) 12065 1838 R. Afghanistan: AA: nx abt George Bush (333 3/6 Babin-MA) (Robert, did you get an ID? Z90 ILG lists R. Yerevan in AA at this time. -ed) 12070 0400 RM: SS: IS, M nx (333 3/13 Findlater-CA) 13645 2000 RM: RR: ID, M/W dialog, 2100* (333 3/3 Findlater-CA) 13665 0500 RM: EE: ID, DJ w/ "Weekend Partyline" pgm (333 3/2 Findlater-CA) 13690 0400 RM: RR: IS, M nx (222 3/12 Findlater-CA) 13705 0400 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (333 3/4 Findlater-CA) 13710 2300 RM: RR: IS, M tlk, poor (222 3/2 Findlater-CA) 15110 0300 RM: RR: IS, M nx (222 3/17 Findlater-CA) 15130 0600 RM: EE: IS, ID, M nx (333 3/14 Findlater-CA) 15140 0250 RM: EE: tlk on reform in the Army (433 3/1 Gaharan-LA) 15160 2100 RM: RR: IS, M nx (333 3/6 Findlater-CA) 15180 2300 RV: EE: nx abt Gulf War, troubles in Albania, cmtry on occupation by Soviet troops, || 17690 (222 2/25 Hart-MN) (Flynn-OR) 15180 0000 RK: EE: ID, W nx (444 3/1 Findlater-CA) 15220 0500 RM: RR: IS, ID, W nx, M/W dialog, || 21830, 21615, 17850 (333 3/17 Findlater-CA) 15240 0700 RM: EE: ID, W nx, "Update" @ 1730 (444 3/15 Findlater-CA) 15265 0800 RM: RR: IS, M nx (222 3/8 Findlater-CA) 15280 0500 RM: EE: IS, ID, W nx (333 3/17 Findlater-CA) 15295 1139 RM-Voronezh: RR: pop vocals, M ID @ 1140, into tlk by M/W abt politics (333 3/22 Cichorek-NJ) (Findlater-CA) 15340 *0300 RM: CC: IS, W tlk (333 3/4 Findlater-CA) 15350 2100 RM: RR: IS, ID, W nx (222 3/15 Findlater-CA) 15405 1900 RM: EE: M nx, "Africa as We See It" pgm on changes in S. Africa apartheid, || 15425, 12050 (444 3/7 Findlater-CA) 15455 2000 RM: EE: ID, W ancr w/ class. mx pgm, 2100* (444 3/9 Findlater-CA) 15475 2041 RM: EE: "Sound Track" pop mx pgm w/ RR W host trying to sound like an American DJ (as if Vasily weren't enough!), 2059* (444 3/18 Westenhaver-QU) 15480 1400 RM: EE: "New Market" pgm (444 3/2 Gaharan-LA) 15510 2200 RM: FF: ID, M nx, pop mx (333 3/11 Findlater-CA) 15750u 1250 R. Rossiya: RR: sad RR song, into phone interview, ment. "Radio Rossiya", || 11990 (am), 15630 (usb), both weaker (343 3/27 George-MA) (Technically, this is probably a feeder, but since R. Rossiya is a new station I thought it deserved mention here. -ed) 17565 2000 RM: FF: IS, M nx (222 3/6 Findlater-CA) 17580 2000 RM: EE: IS, M nx (333 3/6 Findlater-CA) 17590 0500 RM: EE: IS, ID, W nx (444 3/18 Findlater-CA) 17605 0400 RM: EE: ID, M nx (555 3/21 Findlater-CA) 17610 0200 RM: EE: M nx, || 17570, 17590 (222 3/13 Findlater-CA) 17615 0700 RM: EE: IS, ID, W nx (333 3/18 Findlater-CA) 17655 0500 RM: EE: ID, M nx (444 3/1 Findlater-CA) 17665 0515 RM: EE: tlk abt economy and lack of supplies (333 3/6 Millard-TX) (Carson-OK) (Findlater-CA) 17675 0100 RM: CC: IS, ID, M tlk (333 3/17 Findlater-CA) 17690 2100 RM: RR: IS, M nx (333 3/1 Findlater-CA) 17690 0650 RM: EE: tlk on US/USSR relations, travel permits for Soviet nationals in the USSR, MIR space station (233 3/4 Johnston-NY) 17695 0700 RM: RR: IS, M nx (222 3/16 Findlater-CA) 17695 0130 RSP&P: EE: tlk on function of state security bodies (433 3/6 Neff-FL) 17720 2305 RV: EE: nx, ID, mx pgm, || 17690 (333 3/9 Prath-FL) 17730 *0900 RM: RR: IS, M nx (222 3/2 Findlater-CA) 17810 1645 RM: EE: pgm on the lack of books on Africa in the USSR (555 3/13 Fraser-MA) 17815 0800 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (333 3/17 Findlater-CA) 17835 0800 RM: EE: ID, M/W w/ "Update" - discussion of Baltic problems re secession, || 17660 (444 3/18 Findlater-CA) 17860 0700 RM: FF: IS, W nx, poor (222 3/16 Findlater-CA) 17880 1300 RM: EE: nx, "Science & Engineering", || 15475 (333 3/9 Prath-FL) (Findlater-CA) 17890 0319 RM: EE: Polish pres. visits USA, @ 0330 Union vote discussed (333 3/22 Carson-OK) (Westenhaver-QU) 21450 0500 RM: EE: ID, W nx, poor (222 3/18 Findlater-CA) 21480 0106 RM: EE: nx - Nixon visits USSR, "News & Views" (343 3/23 Carson-OK) (Findlater-CA) 21505 0400 RM: CC: ID, M tlk, into RR @ 0500 (222 3/19 Findlater-CA) 21615 0600 RM: RR: IS, W nx (222 3/21 Findlater-CA) 21655 0400 RM: RR: IS, M tlk (222 3/4 Findlater-CA) 21665 0400 RM: EE: ID, "News & Views" (444 3/3 Findlater-CA) 21680 1427 RM: EE: "mailbag" pgm w/ Karl & Svetlana, nx in brief @ 1430, || 21690 (333 4/8 Carson-OK) 21715 1250 RM: RR: mx pgm to 1300, IS, ID, into nx w/ ment. of Iraq (333 4/8 Carson-OK) 21750 1026 R. Afghanistan: EE: sub-continent mx, EE ID, freq., s/off anmt, @ 1030 s/on in unid. lang, possibly R. Afghanistan 2nd pgm (fr 3/9 Famularo-JP) 21755 1310 RM: FF: end of nx, mx bridges, into special daily pgm for RMI listeners in France/Belgium, || 21800 (333 3/11 Westenhaver-QU) 21765 0800 RM: RR: IS, ID, M tlk (333 3/11 Findlater-CA) 21825 0400 RM: RR: ID, M tlk (333 3/3 Findlater-CA) 21840 0500 RM: RR: IS, M nx, poor (222 3/15 Findlater-CA) 21888 0700 RM: EE: ID, W nx (feeder?) (333 3/2 Findlater-CA) (Probably not a feeder, as they are usually USB, possibly a spur - comments? -ed) 25780 1545 RM: EE: African svc pgm, hardly readable (141 2/10 Flynn-OR) Schedules R. Tikhiy Okean RR @ 0815: 4485, 7210, 9780, 12010, 12050, 12070, 13665, 15240 R. Beijing USSR Relay 1600-1700 in AA: 21750 1830-1927 in AA: 11895 2030-2127 in FF: 15540 2200-2257 in EE: 9740 Murmansk Radio 0200-2200 in RR: 5930 R. Afghanistan Relay 1830-1930 in EE: 11830, 15440 + 9635 via Kabul [B. MacGibbon via ANARC BBS] A good turn out this month, but nothing like the deluge the previous two months, hi! As you can see, I have made a few changes this month. Because I no longer have any current sources for RM transmitter sites, I have stopped listing them in the column. The only sites listed were provided by the contributors. I read a note on USEnet that Bernd Friedewald has come out with a "Summer 91" version of the ILG. I'll believe it when I see it. I have also dropped the Relay section of the column for the same reason as above. Regarding my note on the rumor about the USSR and Cuba ending their transmitter time swap, that appears to be false. Now that I have three pages, I decided to increase the font size of the column a little to make it more readable when it's reduced for the bulletin (do I hear a collective "yea" from the readers with terminal eye strain?). As I'm sure you all have noticed, most of the USSR did not move their clocks ahead one hour at the end of March. Seems the Soviet government finally decided to correct a mistake made clear back in the Stalin era, when the clock should have been turned back one hour, but weren't. This means of course that RM and republic broadcasts did not move back one hour. However, apparently the Baltic republics did move their clocks ahead anyway, yet their programs did not shift backwards (odd). Well, that's about all I have for this time. As you can see, I have extra space left over again. To help me fill up the column, please send in any info/schedules you might have on RM, like your observations on schedule quirks due to the time change, for example. The column is made up of your contributions, I'm just the guy who pieces it all together, hi! Thanks again for your support and see you next month! -Jason