Sermon Notes on Luke 17:1-10, Third Sunday before Lent

1.    Verses 1-10 of Luke 17 are a unit.  These verses are not a
      series of unrelated thoughts.  The verses are related to
      each other.

2.    These verses give us examples of sins which are common to
      all people.  Without the help of God people cannot overcome
      these sins.  These sins are:  a) Being an offense to other
      people.  This means to cause other people to sin by giving
      the impression that it is permissible to sin and to live in
      it; b) Failure to point out the sins of others so that they
      might repent; c) Failure to forgive other people when they
      sin repeatedly against us; d) Expecting thanks from God even
      when we don't do our duty as we ought to do it.

3.    To say to a sycamore tree:  "Be rooted up and be planted in
      the sea" is a miracle.  Jesus is not speaking about
      charismatic faith, a faith to heal peoples' diseases or to
      raise the dead.  He is speaking of the faith which all
      people need to be children of God and to live as God wants
      them to live.

4.    Natural man is spiritually blind, spiritually dead and
      spiritually an enemy of God.  There is nothing more hopeless
      than the condition of natural man.  What is even worse,
      natural man denies this.  To become a Christian means to
      realize this lost condition.

5.    This text was not addressed to unbelievers.  It was
      addressed to the disciples, verse 1, to the apostles, verse
      5.  They are the same group of people.  The disciples, the
      apostles, needed to be reminded of their lost condition.
      The flesh of the Christian tempts him to think that now,
      since he has become a Christian, he is better than other
      people.  It is dangerous for Christians to think that way.

6.    When a Christian reads verse 1 he should say:  "Oh Lord, I
      have caused others to sin.  I deserve your condemnation.  I
      deserve to have a millstone tied around my neck and to be
      drowned in the sea."  When he reads verses 3 and 4 he should
      say:  "Oh Lord, I have failed to rebuke my brother when he
      sinned.  Because of that he has not repented.  And I did not
      forgive him.  When he sinned against me many times in the
      day and said:  `I'm sorry' I failed to forgive him.  Have
      mercy on me, an unmerciful servant."  When he hears verses
      7-10 perhaps he says:  "I'm better than that slave.  I've
      worked hard all day for my master.  The least he could do is
      to thank me for working so hard.  I deserve more than some
      of my fellowmen.  They don't work as hard as I do."

7.    Why did the disciples say what they did in verse 5:  "Lord,
      increase our faith"?  Because the Law of God convicted them
      of giving offense, of failing to call peoples' attention to
      their sins, of failing to forgive fellowmen their sins when
      they confessed them.

8.    Some people come to church loaded down with a guilty
      conscience.  Their sins make them weary.  They simply need
      absolution, the forgiveness of sins.  Other people come to
      church feeling proud of themselves, proud like the Pharisee
      who said:  "God I thank Thee that I am not like other
      people."  They need to be convicted.

9.    How is faith like a mustard seed?  A mustard seed is very
      small but it is a genuine seed.  True faith may be small but
      if it is genuine it looks only to Christ Who takes away the
      sin of the world, to Christ who came not to be served but to
      serve, to give His life's ransom for many.

10.   To love my fellowman heartily is my constant duty before
      God.  I must take great care not to cause him to sin.  I
      must rebuke him when he sins and then forgive him.  No
      matter how often he sins against me, if he confesses his sin
      I must forgive him.

11.   "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, and the life
      which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of
      God who loved me and gave himself for me."  Galatians 2:20.

Sermon Outlines on Luke 17:1-10, Third Sunday before Lent


Introduction:    Jesus Once said:  "Without Me you can do nothing."
                 John 15:5. Paul said (Romans 5:6):  "For when we
                 were still without strength, in due time Christ
                 died for the ungodly."  Without our Savior we are
                 ungodly and have no strength.  No wonder that our
                 text speaks of our need for genuine faith.
                 Christian faith is like a mustard seed.  If it is
                 genuine, although it is small, it can do mighty
                 things, not because of us but because of Christ.

      We sin much every day.  Even Christians sin despite their
      best efforts. Romans 7:15.  Forgiveness of sins is a
      miracle.  It is like telling a tree to be uprooted and to be
      planted in the sea.  That's where Christ our Savior and
      Substitute steps in.  A man is justified by faith (in
      Christ) without the deeds of the Law.  Romans 3:28.  The
      whole Bible proclaims forgiveness of sins through Jesus
      Christ to everyone who believes it.  Acts 10:43.  I cannot
      rid myself of my sin.  I cannot give myself a quiet
      conscience.  But Jesus says:  "Son, be of good cheer.  Your
      sins are forgiven."  Matthew 9:2.  And Paul says:  "By grace
      you are saved through faith."  Ephesians 2:10.  Receiving
      forgiveness of sins is a miracle which God offers to all
      people.  We say:  "Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief."
      Mark 9:24.  "He that believes and is baptized, shall be
      saved."  Mark 16:16.

      Our text is addressed to believers, not unbelievers.  It is
      addressed to the disciples and apostles.  Our text does not
      tell Christians how good they are.  It speaks of their sins.
      Offenses are bound to happen.  That means occasions on which
      even Christians might give other people the impression that
      it is alright to sin.  That is dangerous.  Furthermore, our
      text speaks about rebuking our brother when he sins and
      forgiving him, no matter how often, when he confesses his
      sin.  Christians often fail to warn other Christians about
      their sins.  Christians often fail to forgive their fellow
      Christians when they confess their sins.  They are often
      like the unmerciful servant who refused to forgive.  Matthew
      18:23-35.  Our text also speaks of the arrogance of our
      sinful flesh which expects God to thank us although we are
      nothing but unprofitable servants.  God owes me nothing, not
      even mercy.  But faith in Christ fights the good fight of
      faith.  I Timothy 6:12; II Timothy 4:7.  The Christian
      resists the devil steadfastly by faith in Christ.  I Peter
      5:9.  The shield of faith can quench the fiery arrows of
      Satan.  Ephesians 6:16.  Genuine faith in Christ fights
      against giving offense.  Genuine faith is concerned about
      the brother's repentance and forgiveness.  Genuine faith
      thanks God for all gifts rather than expecting thanks from

      Producing good works is like telling a tree to be uprooted
      and to be planted in the sea.  They are miracles, gifts of
      God.  God prepares the good works for the believer so that
      he can produce them.  Ephesians 2:10.  Without faith in
      Christ it is impossible to please God.  Hebrews 11:6.  With
      David the Christian prays:  "Lead me, O Lord, in Your
      righteousness."  Psalm 5:8.  Jesus is the Vine.  Christians
      are His branches.  The Father cleanses the branches so that
      they bear more fruit.  The person who abides in Christ bears
      much fruit.  John 15:1-5.

Conclusion:      Like the disciples, we realize our sins and
                 sinfulness.  We cry:  "Lord, increase our faith."
                 He answers:  "If you have genuine faith you would
                 do mighty things."  What are those mighty things?
                 Confessing our sins, listening to the pastor who
                 forgives our sins, and fighting the good fight of
                 faith.  That is the cure for giving offense,
                 failing to rebuke our brother, failing to forgive
                 our brother often and arrogantly asking God to
                 thank us.  God be merciful to me, a sinner!

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