The greek word translated "departure" here is "exodos." This word is used
as a title for the second book of the Old Testament by the Septuagint. It literally means, "the way out." Moses
and Elijah spoke to Jesus about the significance of His death and
resurrection. In the first Exodus, God used Moses to lead His people
through death in the Red Sea to life in the promised land. The greater
Exodus occured when Jesus led God's people through death itself in
Baptism into eternal life in Heaven.
This note was written by Rev. Robert E. Smith in 1994 for Project
Wittenberg and was placed by him in the public domain.
Send comments, suggestions and offers to translate to:
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Project Wittenberg Coordinator
Concordia Theological Seminary
6600 N. Clinton St.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
Phone: (260) 481-2123
Fax: (260) 481-2126
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