file: pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940808.txt

OUR DAILY BREAD                                  Monday, August 8, 1994
READ:  Romans 12:17-21

                       "The Power of Kindness"

               Be kind to one another, tenderhearted
                   forgiving one another, even as
                     God in Christ forgave you.

                          Ephesians 4:32

A young factory worker noticed one day that a valuable tool was missing 
from his toolbox.  Later he recognized it in the toolbox of a fellow 

The young man was the only Christian in the shop, and he wanted to have 
a good testimony for Christ.  So he went to the man and said, "I see you 
have one of my tools, but you make keep it if you need it."  Then he 
went on with his work and put the incident out of his mind.

During the next 2 weeks, the person who had taken the tool tried to 
soothe his conscience.  First he offered the young man something of 
equal value, then he offered to help him on some home projects, and 
finally he slipped some money into his coat pocket.  Eventually, the 
co-workers became good friends, and the one-time tool thief admitted he 
couldn't resists the man's kindness.

Kindness is probably the most effective tool Christians have in their 
kit of virtues.  But even when it doesn't bring about a reconciliation, 
as it did with those two workers, it is still the right response.  No 
matter how we are treated, we are to follow Christ's example (Eph. 

Oh, for grace to extend love to others, even as God for Christ's sake 
has loved us!


   Lord, help me be kind and forgiving --
   Your loving forgiveness You've shown
   To me for the sins I've committed;
   Lord grant me a love like your own.

                                - Anon.


Need to repair a relationship?   Try kindness.

THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Jeremiah 9-12

Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible 
Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA.  Written permission must be 
obtained from RBC for any further posting or distribution.  RBC provides 
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