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Our Daily Bread                                         Thursday, June 16 1994

                        "DID YOU READ MY BOOK?"

Read: Psalm 119:137-152

Have you not even read this Scripture? - Mark 12:10

Books! Books! Books! Hardcovers and paperbacks. Reference works and jokebooks.
Romantic novels and mysteries. Self-help books and religious publications.
They just keep appearing -- and we keep buying them.

We also keep writing them. No wonder Solomon said, "Of making many books there
is no end" (Eccl. 12:12). But one book supersedes all the others -- The Bible.
It it the Word of God, written by authors who were inspired by the Holy Spirit
and kept from error (2 Tim. 3:16). It is God's truth, telling us what to
believe and how to live. This Book should be required reading for everyone!

Jill Briscoe was addressing a convention of religious writers and editors. An
author of several books and numerous articles, she was talking about what it
means to have people read your words and be influenced by your writing. She
called it a priviledge and a responsibility. Then Mrs. Briscoe made this pro-
vocative statement: "When we get to Heaven," she said, "we will not say to
God, 'Did You read my book?' Rather, God will say to us, 'Did you read *My*

How about it? Have you read His book today? -- DCE

                   Our history is marked by the filling of books
                   With what we have thought, said, and done;
                 But one Book, the Bible, reveals the true way --
                     It tells of the Savior, God's Son. -- JDB

Bible in one year: 1 Kings 5-7

Thought for the day:

A well-read Bible is a sign of a well-fed soul.

Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible Class,
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. Written permission must be obtained
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of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any
group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members
and friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221