File: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940222.txt

OUR DAILY BREAD 	                 Tuesday, February 22, 1994 
READ: Acts 12:1-19

		"The Only Way To Help"

	   Peter was therefore kept in prison, 
	         but constant prayer  was
	   offered to God for him by the church.  
	  	   - Acts 12:5

I looked at my watch.  To my dismay,  it  was  1:45  in  the
afternoon.  I had promised my daughter Lisa, who was playing
the piano in a competition for college scholarships at 1:30,
that  I  would pray for her.  I got busy, though, and forgot
all about it.  By 1:45 I knew she had already finished.

I sat at my desk with a feeling of lingering  emptiness.   I
felt  as if I had failed her.  I knew that the only possible
way I could have assisted Lisa during her competition was to
ask  God  to  calm her and help her recall the music she had
practiced so long and hard to master.

As I contemplated this situation,  I  was  reminded  of  how
important  prayer  is  as a link with those we cannot reach.
By talking to the Lord about a friend or loved one's  needs,
we  have  a unique opportunity to make a difference in their
lives - even though we can't be with them in  person.   What
an amazing concept!

No  matter what the circumstances of our friends  or  family
members  who are away from us, prayer is always an effective
way we can support them and be of help.  It worked  for  the
people  who  prayed for Peter (Acts 12), and it can work for

Author:  J. David Branon

	No greater help and care is given 
	To others  in  their  need
	Than when we bear them up in prayer 
	And for them intercede.
				- Dennis J. De Haan

When  you  can't  be there,
  you can help through prayer.

The Bible in One Year:  Numbers 18-20

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