File: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940213.txt

OUR  DAILY  BREAD                  Sunday,   February 13,1994 
READ: Revelation 3:14-22


	Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  
	     If anyone  hears  My voice 
	  and opens the door, I will come in 
	  	      to him.
    		- Revelation 3:20

In a conversation with a 9-year-old boy, a youth worker  was
telling  the  story  of Adam and Eve and how sin entered the
world.  He told the boy that Jesus died to pay  the  penalty
for his sins, and that if he would ask Him into his heart He
would come in.  That night the boy  invited  Jesus  to  save

A few days later the youngster said to  the  youth  worker's
wife,  "I  don't have to talk to God long distance anymore."
"Why not?" she asked.  Pointing to his  heart,  he  replied,
"Because He's only 10 inches away."

Amazing!  Christ, by whom  all  things  were  created  (Col.
1:16),  comes  to live in a sinner's heart so that he or she
senses a close relationship with God.  That's the miracle of
the new birth.

This closeness, however, can be lost if we  become  lukewarm
in  our  love  for Jesus.  That's why He portrays Himself as
standing outside the door of our heart waiting to be invited
in  so  that  this  sense  of  intimacy can be renewed (Rev.
3:20).  Disobedience can break that close fellowship, but it
can  be restored by repenting, opening our heart's door anew
to Him, and letting Him take full control once more.   Jesus
wants  us  to  have  the  abiding  assurance that He is even
closer than 10 inches away.

Author:  Dennis J. De Haan

	How sad when flames of love burn low  
	In  hearts  that  once their  warmth did know!  
	But Christ will freely grace bestow
	And cause that love again to glow.   - Dennis J. De Haan

To renew  your  love for Christ,
   review Christ's love for you.

The Bible in One Year:  Leviticus 14-16

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