Yakov Rekhter
Position Candidate

    Dr. Yakov Rekhter
    Manager High Performance Networking, Research Staff Member
    T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Corp.
    P.O. Box 218,
    Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
    Phone: +1 914 945 3896
    Fax: +1 914 945 2141
    Email: yakov@watson.ibm.com
    Internet Society #: 1316065
    Expiration Date: Jan 94


Dr. Yakov Rekhter has been with IBM since 1984, and is currently a Research Staff Member and a manager
of High-Performance Networking group at T.J.  Watson Research Center.

Dr. Rekhter is one of the leading architects, as well as the major software developer, of the NSFNET
Backbone Phase II.  His contributions to the NSFNET project include areas of routing, network
management, and network topology design.

He is one of the leading designers of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).  He is also one of the leading
designers of the Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP).

His work in IBM with the TCP/IP protocol suite, and the NSFNET project brought him three IBM
Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards in 1986, in 1990, and in 1991.

Present activities include work on Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), work on the Unified Approach to
Inter-Domain Routing (under the contract with the National Science Foundation), work on supporting
transparent host mobility in connectionless network layer protocols (transport layer transparency), and work
on supporting IP over Fibre Channel subnetworks.

Dr. Rekhter actively participates in many activities of the Internet Engineering Task Force.  Currently he is
a chairman of the BGP Working Group. He is also an active participant in the ANSI X3S3.3 committee.

He is an author/co-author of twelve RFCs and several journal publications on the subject of networking