Board of Trustees of the Internet Society
Fifth Meeting
Praha, Czech Republic
13-14 Jun 1994

Document:   94-224
Title:      Policy on the Establishment and Conduct
            Chapters of the Internet Society
Author(s):  Rutkowski 
Date:       21 May 1994
Committee:  ISOC BoT
Revision:   basic
Status:     Draft
Access:     Unrestricted

This document describes the Society's policies and procedures
in the establishment and conduct of chapters of the Internet

1. Establishment of Chapters

1.1 Any responsible party may submit a request to establish a
chapter to the Society's International Headquarters Secretariat.

1.2 The Executive Director of the Secretariat will consult with the
President of the Society on the matter and provide some immediate
response to the requesting party regarding the feasibility of
establishing such a chapter.

1.3 The requesting party will then provide a detailed
written charter for the proposed chapter - addressing all of
the items contained in this policy statement and guideline.

1.4 Upon receipt of the final draft charter, a second review
will be undertaken and approval made by the Executive Director
in consultation with the President.

1.5 If the response at any point in establishing a chapter
is negative, the party can appeal directly to the Board of 
Trustees.  Final approval of chapters lies with the Board of 

2. Purpose of Chapters

2.1 Chapters of the Internet Society serve the Society's purposes
by serving the interests of a segment of the global Internet
community through a local presence, focus on local issues and
developments, use of local languages.  Every chapter shall have
an explicit statement of purpose.

3. Scope of Chapters

3.1 Chapters may be established on a non-exclusive basis to
cater to the needs any specific, cohesive community of
interest.  Generally this will be a national community.

3.2 Where a significant overlap of the defined communities arises 
from the proposed creation of a new chapter, a compelling reason 
must exist for such a redundancy.

4. Funding of Chapters

4.1 Chapters will generally be funded by reasonable local
membership dues or grants.

5. Public Positions and Statements

5.1 Specific officials of local chapters may make public statements
and take public positions as long as such statements are:

5.1.1 Related to and advance the purposes of the Internet Society

5.1.2 Not contrary to a position taken by the Board of Trustees

5.1.3 Prepared and presented in a professional manner

5.1.4 Not likely to give rise to any significant liability of a
legal or juridical nature

5.2 Where there is any question regarding the appropriateness of
a public position or statement, the chapter is expected to consult
with the Society's headquarters.  If the statement is one before a
governmental body, such consultation is mandatory.

5.3 The Society's headquarters shall be informed of all public positions
and statements taken or issued by a chapter - preferably in advance, but
in any case within 24 hours after issuing the statement.

5.4 All public positions and statements made by a chapter shall clearly
indicate the source as the "Internet Society Chapter of [ - - - ]"

6. Members

6.1 All individuals and organizations falling within the defines scope 
of the chapter shall be eligible for membership without discrimination
except of just cause.

6.2 All members of a chapter shall also be members of the Internet Society.
Membership is not necessary, however, for participation in activities of the 
society or its chapters.

7. Liabilities

7.1 The Internet Society shall not be liable for any act or omission or
incurred liability of any kind of any Chapter.

8. Organization

8.1 Chapters will be encouraged but not required to constitute themselves as
not-for-profit corporate persons.

8.2 Chapters will have minimally have a defined Board of Directors, Officers,
a written charter, members and a fixed headquarters location.

8.3 Chapters will be responsible for maintaining a current list of members that
is available to the International Secretariat at all times.  Arrangements may be
made for the International Secretariat assisting chapters in this task.

9. Activities

9.1 A chapter may undertake any activity reasonably related to and in 
furtherance of the purposes of the Internet Society in its scope of
