Table of Contents I The Scenario......................................................1 II A General Overview................................................2 III Arena of Magika...................................................2 IV Mage Statistics ..................................................3 V Character Classes.................................................4 VI Character Alignment...............................................5 VII The Orders........................................................5 VIII Movement..........................................................7 IX Sequence of Events...............................................7 X Artifacts.........................................................9 XI Cloaks ..........................................................10 XII Diplomacy .......................................................10 XIII Reconnaissance...................................................11 XIV The Ebon Mage....................................................12 XV Victory Conditions...............................................13 XVI Magic Spells.....................................................14 XVII Aptitude.........................................................14 XVIII The Spell list...................................................15 XIX Turn Reports.....................................................20 XX The Future.......................................................20 XXI Game Hints.......................................................20 XXII Winning..........................................................21 Game Design and Concepts: Chris Knapp Game Design and Programming: Dennis Aucoin Rule Book Graphic Artifacts: Elliott Rennie The Play Testers: Paul Brown Owen Harder Frank Martel Don Sinclair Paul Gairdner Bernie Hasselman Dave Murray Mike Sizaire Chris Gaudry Terry Magee Darrell Rozee Tom Snelgrove The Original Ebon Mage: Dan Ford Chris Knapp ChoZen FroZen Games 850 Shawn Dr. Tel # (902) 765-4466 Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 Fax/BBS (902) 765-0513 CANADA GEnie= C.Knapp MAGIKA is protected under various national and international copyright laws. Reproduction of this booklet, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of ChoZen FroZen Games, is strictly prohibited. Quotes and paraphrasing of background material is allowed for game review purposes. Copying of charts and figures, for use as a gaming aid, by registered players, is permitted. 1st Edition: Printed in Canada, August 1994 I The Scenario The Grand Wizard Christof was getting old, very old! Running MAGIKA, the most prestigious Wizard's school in the world, takes it toll. As the fame of the school grew, so did the never-ending line of novices trying to secure an apprenticeship. The increasing time required interviewing prospective mages, left little time for the other essential duties of office, yet a task of this importance could not be delegated! However, if it could be minimized..... So with a display of arcane arts, unparalleled since the days of the Orc Wars, Christof molded the six threads of power to create a very special place, the Arena of Magika! A huge cavern with a mile high ceiling that radiated the light equivalent to a slightly cloudy day, yet located deep in the bowels of the earth! A place where magic reigns supreme, yet no one could truly be harmed. Once a season, during the moon feast, wanna-be mages of all the races would come great distances for a chance to compete. For on that day, the great hall would open and the Ebon Mages (senior adepts) would circulate amongst the crowd to select the 12 who would get a chance at their life-long dream, the chance to be a MAGICIAN! While this did drastically reduce the number of novices being interview by Christof, it didn't really reduce the overall total of apprenticeships awarded, in fact it increased it! The "Ebon Mages" began to resent the huge amounts of time spent baby-sitting these "rookies" to the point they have banded together to try and beat the system. An Ebon Mage accompanies the 12 novices to the arena in order to "aid and assist" them in their quest and to report back the winner of the new contest. They realized that this presented an interesting "loophole" in their task! They could follow the Grand Wizards instructions "to the letter" and actually participate as a "13th" contestant! By doing so, if they happened to win, then they could truthfully report that no one was deemed "worthy" stemming the flow of apprentices! This brings us to the present! You have scrapped together your whole lives saving (all 28 silver pieces) and traveled a week to be here. You find yourself assembled in the great hall. You don't really care if the Ebon Mage is for or against you. You stand amongst the brave, the poor, the wise, the powerful and the foolhardy waiting for that one chance to be a "MAGIKA MAGE" II General Overview: Magika contests take part in an huge cavern. It has been artificially terra formed and lighted. It is triangular in shape with the players starting evenly spaced to the south. They proceeded toward the Goal Square (GS) at the pinnacle of the cavern and can pick-up artifacts, cloaks and spells to aid them on their journey. The game ends once any mage reaches the GS. The winner is any mage that can create a special artifact (the Globe of Life) or most often, by a Victory Point Total. This total will be determined by evaluating each mage's relative standing versus the other mages in different individual and team categories and adding quest bonuses. These points reflect proficiency, ability to conserve your resources, relative proximity to the goal square, the ability to follow through "in character" and quest completion. (See VP's: Section XIV) Players start the game by naming their mage, choosing one of five character races and selecting a suitable alignment. Each mage has four variable statistics. They are; Endurance, Arcania, Spell Skill and Aptitude. Through-out the course of a game, you may also become allied with other mages, these "teams" are indicated by colors. Each turn is broken into 5 phases and each mage may issue one order each phase. The players submit their orders to the Game Master for processing. There are 3 magical items in the game: Scrolls, Cloaks and Artifacts. Scrolls carry spells. A mage may hold a maximum of 6 scrolls at any given time. Scrolls may be found by searching, given by a teammate or acquired by magic. Scrolls automatically disintegrate whenever the spell has been cast, the scroll is dropped or exceeds a mage's limit of six held. Cloaks are essential to joining the different alliances. They come in six colors and a character may only possess two cloaks at any specific time through-out the game. A mage dons a cloak to try and join an alliance. There are three classes of artifacts; Alignment, Race and Ability artifacts. The three alignment artifacts aid in casting those alignment spells. More importantly, they are the components required to create the Globe of Life. Each of the five character races has an artifact that will allow a mage to temporarily obtain racial bonuses. The Ability artifacts give players improved ability traits. After each turn is processed a report is sent back to all players. While there are multiple ways to receive this report, no matter which method you use, each contains the same information. The type of information you receive will include data on your mage, the current game situation, map of the area and results about your last turn. III The Arena of Magika The map of Magika is a 26x26 triangle, that is labeled a-z, top to bottom and 1-26 left to right. Each space on the map has a dominant terrain. The novice mages start on the even numbered spaces of row (y). Generally, the terrain becomes more difficult as the map narrows and approaches the Goal Square. The main exception being the ocean (z) row and rivers extending northward. The more difficult the terrain, the higher the endurance required to "move" out of it or to "search" in it and the less endurance recovered when "resting" in it. The likelihood of finding a spell scroll also increases with the terrain difficulty. The type of spell found is also affected by character alignment. Some terrain is also more "attuned" to certain character races and can generate a 20% meditation bonus. (see Figure 1 Terrain) IV Mage Statistics ENDURANCE displays a mages current physical capabilities. Physical actions (move, search) require the expenditure of some of this strength. A mage's endurance is recovered by resting or through magic. The number and phase of moves can have a great impact on the endurance expended. ARCANIA displays a mage's current concentration level which directly affects the ability to "cast" spells. All cast spells drain a certain amount of this arcania. Arcania is restored through meditation. SPELL SKILL shows the current ability to properly cast a spell. A mage has a chance to raise this level whenever they attempt casting a spell. Spell skills greater than 100% bring the added possibility of a bonus effect on any spell cast. (Ex: longer duration, wider area, greater damage) APTITUDE shows the current indication of a mages alignment, relative to the spells they have cast. Each spell cast moves this indicator on a scale from 100% Good to 100% Evil. Mage's are judged by how close their aptitude matches their selected alignment (VP's) as well as having an effect on their ability to "demand" alignment artifacts. If your aptitude shifts too far, the ability to cast other alignment spells can be temporarily curtailed. STATUS show the current physical condition of your mage. You can be OK, exhausted (EX) or Unconscious (UC). A mage low on Endurance is considered exhausted and can only rest until endurance is regained. Unconscious Mages have no endurance left and must rest the remainder of the turn. TEAM/ALLIANCES. All players start out as Black (non-aligned) Mages. Each mage MAY join an alliance by donning that colored cloak. A team can have up to three players, if it contains one mage of each alignment or three of the same alignment. At the end of the game, the team's standing is also rated against the others in the VP totals. They are measured relative to their "Expendable's" (average combined Endurance and Arcania) and "Learnable's" (average combined Spell Skill and Aptitude). V The Character Classes Each of the five different character classes have inherent advantages. Their abilities may differ in: alignment, endurance, arcania, spell skill, movement, search and meditation. Each of the following descriptions describe the "Normal" starting level or maximum ability. However, almost any ability has the chance to be enhanced or altered "magically" through-out the game. All of the characters start the game with 50 Arcania and maximum Endurance. Human: Humans may be any alignment. They have a maximum Endurance and Arcania level of 100%. They commence with a spell skill of 70%. Humans may move every phase and may make 1 extra move per turn without an endurance penalty. Elf: Elves may only be Good or Evil. They have a maximum Endurance of 95% and a maximum Arcania of 105%. They commence with a spell skill of 75% and may move every phase. Elves are attuned to Forest. Dwarf: Dwarves may only be Good or Neutral alignment. They have a maximum Endurance of 110% and maximum Arcania of 95%. They commence with a spell skill of 65% They can only move up to 4 times per turn. Dwarves are attuned to Mountains. Dwarves are naturally resistant to magic and have an additional 15% chance that attacking magic spells will not affect them. Goblin: Goblins may only be Neutral or Evil alignment. They have a maximum Endurance of 110% and a maximum Arcania of 95%. They commence with a spell skill of 65% They may move up to 4 times per turn. Goblins are attuned to Swamp and take half the endurance factor for swamps. (movement multipliers still apply) Halfling: Halflings may be any alignment. They have a maximum Endurance of 90% and have a maximum Arcania of 100%. They commence with a spell skill of 70%. They may move up to 4 times per turn. They have a +20% "search" bonus. They are attuned to Hills. Race Characteristics (Figure 1) Race Alignment End Arc Skill Movement Attuned Special Human All 100 100 70% +1 Bonus Nil Nil Elves G or E 95 105 75% Normal Forest Nil Dwarf G or N 110 95 65% Max 4 Mountain 15% Resist Goblin E or N 110 95 65% Max 4 Swamp Swamp 1/2 End Halfling All 90 100 70% Max 4 Hills +20% Search VI Character Alignment One of the most difficult things to comprehend is the Grand Wizard's perception of alignments. One underlying principal is that no mage can truly be harmed (it is only a test!) in Magika. Secondly, how well a mage follows a regime or stays with-in established guidelines is an important point in evaluating apprenticeship potential. Therefore, the alignments were set-up. Good, neutral and evil are only the names given to the combat philosophy to be used by a mage and do not reflect the godly/moral precepts normally associated with those names! (Magika is for Mages, not Clerics) A mage will be given the option to select an alignment regime (limited only by race) and is evaluated by actual actions (Aptitude) with-in that regime. "Good" mages believe that they can maintain the advantage through non-combative means. Protection costs much less than destructive attacks and passive offense through illusion and chicanery is equally effective! Since the evaluation is relative, prudent use and conservation of resources will prevail over the foolish. "Neutral" mages believe that "Information" is the key to success! A balanced attack coupled with good defense is highly effective. But, knowing when to cast the right spell, at the most opportune time, as well as causing others to waste or over exert through deception is paramount! "Evil" mages believe no amount of protection, knowledge or tricks is more effective than superior firepower! If I can knock you out with the first punch, who cares what you can do! Since things are relative, they can win just as easily with low "statistics" if everyone else is lower! One note, while Neutral mages have the flexibility to cast all spells with greater balance, it is more difficult for neutral mages to achieve and maintain a perfect aptitude. The limit tolerances which inhibit spell casting of other alignment spells are also much tighter. (also note: You can not be neutral if you wish to be an Elf) VII The Orders A game turn is broken into 5 phases. Each mage may issue any order (you may issue the same order every phase if desired) that is considered valid. (enough endurance, arcania, holding that spell etc..) EVERY mage's orders for a phase are processed before ANY orders of the following phase. The orders issued within a phase follow a set Sequence of Events. (See Figure 4) MOVE: The Mage leaves the current space and moves in one of six directions. Moving expends endurance relative to the terrain of the space. When and how often a mage moves can drastically affect the amount of Endurance expended! (See Movement Endurance) It is generally "Illegal" to move (SE,SW) downwards. However, mages may do so in some circumstances. (See Special Movement) An illegal move order defaults to rest. REST: The mage devotes a phase to increase Endurance. The amount recovered will depend upon the terrain of the occupied space. The more difficult the terrain the less Endurance recovered. Mages with less than 10 (Exhausted) endurance will AUTOMATICALLY rest each phase until their endurance is above 10. Any mage whose endurance falls to 0 (unconscious) will AUTOMATICALLY rest the remainder of that TURN! A mage who devotes ALL 5 phases of a turn resting, receives a 25 Endurance bonus. An illegal or blocked order will default to a rest command. (see Terrain: Figure 2) SEARCH: The mage spends the phase trying to acquire magical items. Searching allows a Mage to either "pick-up" artifacts and cloaks or a random chance of finding a spell scroll. The more difficult the terrain the more likely one will find a spell scroll. Searching also expends endurance through "mini" encounters. How great the endurance cost will depend upon terrain difficulty and the value of items found. As a rule of thumb, your endurance cost will average 1/2 of the terrain factor. (see Terrain: Figure 2) CAST: A mage takes the phase to read a scroll and cast it's spell. Spell casting expends arcania depending on the spell and level. Casting a spell may also (percentage chance equal to double the spell's arcania cost) increase your Spell skill by 5%. All spells when cast will affect Aptitude. Special Note: Spells cast, simply to reach a favorable Aptitude, that have NO possible chance to attain the desired spell effect (as determined by the game moderator) will not affect Aptitude or Spell Skill! MEDITATE: The mage devotes a phase to increase Arcania. The mage recovers 15% of their current spell skill (+20 "attuned terrain" bonus, if applicable) level in arcania points for each phase spent meditating. Ex: A Goblin with 85% Spell skill in a swamp (85+20)x15%=16.75 therefore the mage would recover 17 arcania points. DROP: A mage may drop any or all scrolls or items. Usually this command is used to get rid of unwanted spells and create room for new spells without affecting Arcania or Aptitude. Dropped scrolls disintegrate. GIVE: A mage may transfer any carried spell(s) or item to a co-located mage or team member. (A mage can not carry more than 6 spells or two cloaks at any given time) DEMAND: One interesting aspect of Magika is the ability to compel another player to simply give you an artifact. To be successful, you must be more "attuned" to that artifact than the current carrier, if not you will be denied! If both the "demander" and the "holder" are equally attuned to an artifact, then the holder will keep the artifact. (see Section IX Artifacts) DON: A mage puts on a cloak to try and join an alliance. If accepted the mage receives data on all team members. A mage may also receive information about other mages that are carrying a similar cloak. A mage may not hold more than two cloaks. Once a mage has donned a cloak, the only way to quit the alliance is to don another cloak. However, if the mage is not accepted (into the other alliance) he/she will revert to NEUTRAL (black status) for the remainder of the game. MISSED TURNS: If a mage's orders do not arrive (for whatever reason) for a given turn then the Game Master will complete a "default" turn for the player. The GM usually makes a "conservative" turn attempting to maintain consistency with past actions. If a player misses two consecutive turns (no notice) the position is considered "in jeopardy". The GM plays a default turn and the player is warned that a third missed turn results in the player being dropped from the game. At that point, we will attempt to arrange for a standby player. Any allied mages will also be notified and given the chance to arrange for a replacement player. If the third turn passes with-out orders and a fill-in was not arranged the Mage is dropped from the game. Terrain Statistics (Figure 2) T# Terrain End Rest Srch % 1 River, Ocean 40 10 100 2 Coastal 2 9 30 3 Plains 4 8 35 4 Forest 6 7 40 5 Hills 10 6 55 6 Swamp 24(12) 5 60 7 Desert 14 4 65 8 Mountain 16 3 80 9 Glacial 18 2 85 10 Volcanic 20 1 90 T#=Terrain number: Terrain= Terrain Type: End= Endurance Factor: Rest= Endurance Recovery Rate Search= Probability % to find a scroll VIII Movement Move Endurance: A Mage's normal move entitlement is twice per turn on phases 2 and 4. They expend the Terrain Endurance Factor (see Figure 1) when they LEAVE a space with the move command. Making early, late and extra moves is possible. However, by doing so the endurance factor is modified. Only Humans and Elves may make 5 moves in a turn. The following chart shows the Endurance factor expended for a move made in a specific phase during the turn. Total movement endurance is the sum of all moves. Special Movement Their are three major governing factors upon movement in this game. Direction, Occupation and Initiative. In general a player may not move southwards (SW/SE) with a few exceptions. The maximum number of mages in a space is three, but there are specific constraints on when this may occur. If more than one mage moves to the same space at the same time, initiative will decide who gets to move first. Southerly Moves: A major premise of the game is that the mages will continue to move towards the GS. Therefore, the only times a mage may move Southwards (SW/SE) is: a move into water (ocean/river or swamp); due to the use of a magic spell (ex: teleport, confuse); if blocked from moving up "NE/NW" (ex: ElBlo); or being The Ebon Mage. Occupation: Any two mages may occupy a space. However for three mages to occupy a space one of the following conditions must apply: all the mages are on the same team (cloaked); one is the Ebon Mage; it allows all three artifacts to be co-located; or three neutral (black) mages of different races or alignments. Initiative: Sometimes more than one mage may attempt to move into a space in the same phase. Since there are only certain conditions that allow three in a space, an order of movement (initiative) must be determined. Once initiative is decided, moves are checked for legality. Illegal moves default to "rest" commands. It is therefore possible for a mage with lower initiative to move into a space if the preceding mage's move was determined to be illegal due to the occupation rules. The order is as follows: Movement Initiative: Figure 3 Magical Movements 1 Major Spell movement 2 Minor Spell movement 3 Arcania level (before casting) 4 Spell Skill 5 Most difficult terrain departed 6 A Teammate is already in the space Physical movements: 7 Northward (NE/NW) moves 8 Lateral moves (E/W) 9 Endurance (before moving) 10 Most difficult terrain departing 11 A Teammate is already in the space 12 Random All Mages with-in a group move before any following group. The Ebon mage wins any tie and further ties are broken by continuing on with the list. IX Sequence of Events Not all orders and spells occur simultaneously. All orders issued for a phase will be processed before orders for the following phase. The sequence with-in a phase is as follows: Event Sequence: Figure 4: 1. Demand 2. Give 3. Don 4. Cast 5. Move 6. Search 7. Drop 8. Meditate 9. Rest In order to use the demand or give command you must be co-located. The order spells take effect is listed under the Order of Activation. (See Spell Reference) Movement Endurance: Figure 5 Move/ Phase Race 1 2 3 4 5 1 All 150% 100% 50% 50% 50% 2 All - 150% 150% 100% 50% 3 (Human) - - 150% 150% 100% 3 (Other) - - 200% 200% 200% 4 (Human) - - - 200% 200% 4 (Other) - - - 400% 400% 5 (Human) - - - - 400% 5 (Elves) - - - - 800% Ex: An Elf moves three times through the forest. The 1st move is on phase 3 (late move) so is only 50% endurance (6x.5=3) the 2nd is on phase 4 (normal) so is 100% endurance (6) The 3rd move is on phase 5 (extra) so is 200% endurance (6x2=12) Therefore the Elf would have expended a total of 21 Endurance for movement that turn. X Artifacts. ALIGNMENT: The most important are the three Alignment artifacts: The Crown of Good, The Orb of Neutrality and The Scepter of Evil. They can be combined to form the "Globe of Life" completing the principal quest and ending the game. Possession of the Alignment artifacts has an affect on a mage's ability to cast spells. Mages who hold their aligned artifact receive a 20% bonus to spell skill for casting spells of that alignment and cancels the effect of non-aligned artifacts. Mages who hold other artifacts, cast spells of that artifacts alignment no penalty, spells of their own alignment 10% penalty and spells of the third alignment at 20% penalty. All three artifacts are magically attuned to each other and have the following effect. They teleport themselves (and co-located mages) to the Goal Square anytime they ALL end a TURN in the same space or they ALL end a PHASE in the possession of one mage or team. Needless to say this terminates the game. For the Globe to form, the latter situation must occur. (all components possessed by one mage or team) Each artifact is also attuned to all mages of that alignment and it's whereabouts is always known by them. RACIAL: Each of the 5 races have a specific artifact that will give the holder temporary attributes characteristic of the that race. The "Cross of Humankind" allows a mage to make early moves and 1 extra move per turn with-out the endurance penalty. The "Anhk of Elvenkind" allows a mage to make 5 moves per turn and a 20% attuned bonus in the Forest. The "Lamp of Dwarvenkind" bestows a 10% magic resistance as well as a 20% attuned bonus in the mountains. The "Pendant of Goblinkind" reduces swamp endurance by half and gives a 20% attuned bonus in the swamp. The "Medallion of Halflingkind" gives a mage a 20 search bonus as well as the 20% attuned bonus for Hills. A mage will always be able to sense in which direction their racial artifact lies. However they will only know the direction, not the distance! Each race has a natural charisma or hatred for the other races and this is reflected in the ability to demand racial artifacts. (see DEMAND below) ABILITY: The last four artifacts represent the 4 statistical abilities of the mages. The "Helm of Strength" allows the holder to recover double endurance when resting. The "Candle of Serenity" allows a mage to recover twice the Arcania when meditating. The "Tome of Magic" bestows a 20% Skill bonus when spell casting. The "Rod of Obedience" adjusts a mage's aptitude towards perfect by 1 each phase held and removes any aptitude limitations upon spell casting. DEMANDING ARTIFACTS: In order to invoke the inherent magic of an artifact so that another mage willing gives it up, you must be more attuned to it than the current holder. To demand an Alignment artifact, you must be of that alignment and have a better aptitude than the holder. To demand an Ability artifact you must simply be higher in that ability than the holder. Racial artifacts can be demanded by a mage closer in race than the current holder. (see below for order of races and special notes on the Ebon Mage) Table of Racial Preference: Figure 6 Humandkind Elvenkind Dwarvenkind Goblinkind Halflingkind Human Elf Dwarf Goblin Halfling Dwarf Human Human Human Human Goblin Goblin Halfling Elf Dwarf Halfling Dwarf Elf Halfling Goblin Elf Halfling Goblin Dwarf Elf XI Cloaks Cloaks are very magical items. They come in six colors to represent the six "threads of power" in this dimension. (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange and Violet) Mages who don the same color cloak are "allied" to each other. There can be a maximum of three mages on the same "TEAM" if the three mages are either, all the same or of all different alignments. Therefore, any two mages can always form a team and by doing so dictate the alignment of a possible third mage. Many major spells can be cast that will affect all mages wearing a specific cloak. Cloaks are found with the search action. They can be dropped or given away. If a third mage dons a cloak and does not meet the above requirements, the cloak disintegrates. Mages may only possess two cloaks at a time and may attempt to change teams by donning a different cloak. This action temporarily disrupts the "threads of power" and should not be heedlessly attempted. A mage who unsuccessfully tries to "re cloak" loses 50 Endurance, 50 Arcania, cannot carry another cloak and reverts to Neutral (team) Status for the remainder of the game. (unless the Cloak-aid Spell is used) Joining a team should be a conscious and co-ordinated decision! (don't just don the first cloak you find) Some major spells have a different effect when cast by cloaked or uncloaked magicians. The worst possible scenario in this game is to be a team of one! As a team of one, you end up with the worst spell effect vs. cost ratio! Also, to quit a team by an unsuccessful re-cloak is a VERY expensive proposition! A team does increase your chances of finishing first or in the top three, but it isn't essential to win. [Special Note: A mage will be given the opportunity to "de cloak" at no penalty, if stranded as a team of one due to a "drop out"] XII Diplomacy. The Ringlets given to each mage are a type of psionic transmitter. They allow a mage to mentally broadcast up to 3 messages per turn as well as receive messages each turn. A mage can direct these messages to an individual mage, a team colour or to "ALL" mages. They also have the ability to broadcast the message anonymously. Each of these messages may be up to 4 lines long (200 total spaces) however, you may not send two messages with the same To/From address combination per turn. XIII Reconnaissance Each turn a mage receives a RECON report. It is comprised of known data, a general history map, a detailed RECON map and other pertinent data. What information given (as well as the area of effect for spells) is determined by how close you are to a space or "RINGS" distance. The space occupied by the mage is Ring 0 (R0). Spaces one distant (the 6 spaces immediately around RO) is R1, spaces two distant (12 spaces around R1) is R2 and the spaces three distant (the 18 around R2) is called R3. The closer the hex, the more data you receive about it. The following information is given dependent upon the RING distance as follows: Ring 3: Terrain; Alignment Artifacts and if the space is occupied. You will see the Ebon Mage, but the exact number and identities of other mages is not given. Ring 2: R3 data; Racial Artifacts; A Mage's Character name, identity letter and the color of cloak worn; The Ebon Mage race, artifacts carried and total number of items carried. Ring 1: R2 data, Ability artifacts; A Mage's race, alignment artifacts carried. The Ebon Mage's alignment, spells carried, strength and serenity levels. Ring 0: R1 data; A Mage's alignment, all artifacts and number of items carried, strength and serenity levels. Strength and Serenity Levels: If you are close enough, you will be able to get a general idea of another mage's endurance and arcania. Strength levels are an indication of a Mage's Endurance level. They are Unconscious (0), Exhausted (1-9), Weak (10 to 1/3), Healthy (1/3 to 2/3) and Robust (2/3 to Max). Serenity is a relative indication of a Mage's Arcania. They are Spent (0-9), Sapped (10 to 1/3), Fair (1/3 to 2/3) and Intense (2/3 to Max) Cloaks and Recon: Allied mages also receive their teammates RECON MAP. You will also be given a list of what items and spells your teammate is carrying. A Mage will know the alliance status (team color) of any mage carrying the same color cloak as them. Cloaked Mages will also know the physical location of any Mage carrying a Cloak of their team color. XIV The Ebon Mage The Ebon Mage is the title given to the adepts closest to Wizard status. While tasked to evaluate you 12 novice mages for possible apprenticeship, all the senior serving adepts believe the Grand Wizard is over-tasked. They have made a secret pact amongst themselves to do everything in their power to prevent new apprentices from being hired. While they will not directly contravene the Grand Wizards orders, nor lie about the results, there are "loopholes" that have allowed them to take part as a "13th" contestant. If they can finish first, then they will be able to truthfully file a "none-suitable" report at the end of the evaluation. While this would be a rare occurrence, it is possible! Since they are Adepts, they operate under a different set of rules than the rest. They are also evaluated differently when it comes to Victory Points. The main differences in statistics and abilities are as follows: 1. A permanent Spell Skill of 100% the whole game. 2. Knowledge of where ALL Alignment Artifacts are at all times. 3. The Ebon Mage can freely move ANY direction. 4. The Ebon Mage carries a Prolonged Teleport Spell 5. The Ebon Mage can NOT pick-up an artifact or Cloak. (search) 6. The Ebon Mage has a 10% chance to DROP each ITEM when TELEPORTING. 7. Demand's Alignment artifacts as that alignment, 90 Aptitude. 8. Demand's Racial artifacts as if he was that race 9. The Ebon Mage may only use the Demand order twice a turn. 10.The Ebon Mage must move (or teleport) once each turn The most noteworthy of the above are 5, 7, 8. Whereas the Ebon mage cannot pick an item up, once it is possessed by another mage, it can be demanded by the Ebon Mage at a pretty good advantage! This will take some pretty fancy timing, constant movement or other means to keep an artifact away from a close by Ebon Mage. However, once the Ebon Mage has an artifact, if it is demanded by others, then the Ebon Mage's current "real" statistics are used! Also if the Ebon Mage DROP's or is forced to drop an artifact he cannot pick-it back up again! This is sometimes the easiest way to retrieve an artifact from him! The Ebon Mage has been tasked with helping and as the so called "referee" of the contest has the ability to magically affect most other mages through-out the game. Therefore he may often be enlisted to help in the cause. However, unless your request is for an action directly covered by the Grand Wizard's instructions you will probably be required to bargain for the service! Trading artifacts, cloaks, spells, even some endurance or Arcania are the common "payment" for services rendered. To make a deal, you must send a message stating the service (ex: casting a certain spell, trading for item) and the payment offered! (30 Arcania, A Red cloak, etc.) XV Victory Conditions The game terminates whenever a mage (other than the Ebon Mage) reaches the Goal Square (A1) or when the "Globe of Life" is formed. A single Mage forming the "Globe of Life" automatically wins the game. All other conditions use the following Victory Point (VP) status to determine the standing. Special Note: If the game ends due to the Globe being formed, then the players who formed the "Globe of Life" automatically finish ahead of all others mages. The exact order of finish amongst them is still determined by the following VP formula. Victory Points are divided into 4 categories; Relative Position, Individual Standing, Team Standing and Quest Bonuses. There is a maximum total of 100 VP's determined in the following way: (max value that area) 1. (24) POSITION: 2 Points for each mage that is equidistant or further away from the Goal square at games end. 2. (36) INDIVIDUAL STANDING: All individual statistics are used at games end. <9> ENDURANCE: 3/4 Point for each mage with equal or less Endurance <9> ARCANIA: 3/4 Point for each mage with equal or less Arcania <9> SPELL SKILL:3/4 Point for each mage with equal or less Spell Skill <9> APTITUDE: 3/4 Point for each mage with equal or less Aptitude 3. (12) TEAM STANDING: In each category the team average is computed and compared against all others. Teams are compared against the "Black" team by using the average of all non-cloaked players (plus the Ebon Mage) statistics. However, neutral players compare their individual average against the other teams for this statistic. <6> EXPENDABLE'S: 1 Points for each team with an equal or lower level of combined Endurance and Arcania. <6> LEARNABLE'S: 1 Points for each team with an equal or lower level of combined Spell Skill and Aptitude. 4. (28) QUEST BONUSES: Artifact Bonuses for you or your team. <12> ALIGNMENT: 3 Points for each Alignment artifact held by you or a teammate, 3 Point bonus if YOU hold your specific artifact. <12> RACIAL: 2 Points for each Racial artifact held by you or a team mate, 2 Point bonus if YOU hold your specific artifact. <4> ABILITY: 1 point for each Ability artifact you hold. Special Note: The Ebon Mage has a different evaluation criteria! Position and Individual standing carry the same weight (60 points) however the remaining 40 points are assigned differently. The Ebon Mage is assigned ten game tasks. They are drawn randomly each game and represent situations that must be accomplished, prevented or followed. They can range from directives dictated by Grand Wizard, goals of the Circle of Ebon Mages or a specific event. These are known to the Ebon Mage and are revealed at games end! XVI Magic Spells Each mage starts with two randomly determined spell scrolls. All other spells scrolls are found by searching. The chance of finding a spell scroll depend upon the terrain search factor plus any bonuses. When a mage does find a scroll, their is a 50% chance it will be a like alignment spell and 25% chance for each of the other alignment spells. The likelihood of finding a specific spell is also affected by its arcania costs. While the spell scroll found is determined randomly, generally speaking, the lower arcania cost spells have a greater likelihood of being found. All spells can be cast at two levels. Minor spells normally will effect 1 player, 1 space or have limited duration. Major spells will either have longer duration, effect an alliance or multiple spaces. Many major level spells have two differing effects. Which is used will depend upon whether the caster is on a team or is a neutral (black) alliance mage. When a spell is cast, first the aptitude level will be checked to see if the spell can be cast, then the required arcania will be deducted from the mages statistics. An Ability check is then done to see if the spell was successful. The casters aptitude is then adjusted and a percentage check is made (arcania cost X 2%) to determine if Spell Skill increases by 5% for that mage. (even if the spell failed) However, spells cast that have no possible chance of achieving the desired effect (Ex: simply to affect aptitude and increase spell skill) will not work but still expend arcania. The Game Master is the finally judge as to the "legitimacy" of a cast spell. XVII Aptitude Aptitude reflects how well a mage has been following the selected alignment. Good and Evil mages start will an aptitude of 90. Neutral mages start with at a level of +5 or -5. Each time a mage casts a spell the aptitude pointer will move in relation to the alignment and arcania of the spell cast. Casting effect: Good and Evil spells adjust aptitude +/- equal to the spell's required arcania cost. Neutral spells move the indicator 1/2 of the arcania expended towards zero. Inhibiting factors: A mage has the ability to cast any spell carried, however this ability can be inhibited by how a mage has acted previously. Good and Evil mages can not cast opposite alignment spells if there aptitude is worse than 35 for Good or -35 for Evil mages. They are temporarily banned for all non-alignment spells if the aptitude is past 0. Neutral mages have much tighter tolerances. They may not cast Good spells above +25, Evil Spells below -25 and may cast Neutral spells only, if greater than +/-35. Aptitude Victory Points: For Good and Evil Mages the VP's are based upon their current aptitude level. Since the neutral mages have a distinct flexibility advantage in maintaining a favorable aptitude when using the non-alignment spells, their VP's are based upon twice (2x) their deviations from perfect alignment. (Ex: a Neutral mage with -7 aptitude has an equivalent Aptitude of 84) XVIII The Spell List All spells are categorized by alignment. The description also contains the spell code, arcania cost and duration. Spells with a "phase" (p) duration are in effect the phase when cast and continue until that number of "phases" have expired. Spells with a "turn" (t) duration count on the turn when cast and expire after phase 5 of a turn no matter if they were cast phase 1 or phase 5! There is a big difference between a when a 10 phase and a 2 turn spell ends Spell descriptions give their minor level effects and list the difference or improvement when cast as a Major spell. To letter X is added to the spell code to denote Major Spells. Some major spells have a different effect when cast by cloaked (allied) mages or un-aligned neutral (black) mages. A mage CAN NOT dictate which major effect to be used. Once a Mage is "Cloaked" then the "team" effect is used, even if the mage is a team of ONE! Your cloaked status has no effect on spells cast "against" a team/alliance. There is a possibility that some spells would tend to cancel, negate or affect other spells that are cast. Only spells that specify they affect casting will disrupt a mage.. As a rule of thumb spells take affect in the following order: Protection Spells; Attack Spells (Non-combative, Combative then Elemental) Info/Aid spells; Recovery Spells. Figure 7 lists the actual order of occurrence. Good Spells Elemental Protection (ProEl) Cost: 4 / 10 Duration: 10p-4t This spell prevents the loss of endurance and movement restrictions caused by the elemental based spells (ElArr, ElBlo, ElAtt, ElDrp) It lasts 10 phases. [X] This gives ProEl protection to a whole team (cloaked) for 10 phases or a Black Mage for 4 turns. Knowledge Protection (ProKn) Cost: 6 / 12 Duration: 10p-4t This spells protects a mage from involuntarily divulging knowledge through the effects of mind probing type spells (IntRp, KnoSS, KnArt) for a duration of 10 phases. [X] This gives ProKn protection to a whole team for 10 phases or to a Black Mage for 4 turns. Confusion (Confs) Cost: 4 / 12 Duration: 1 phase This spell affects a mage attempting to leave a space (moving or teleporting) that turn to become confused and go the wrong direction.[X] This causes all the mages on a team to become confused that phase. Protective Shield (ProSh) Cost: 8 / 20 Duration: 10p - 4t This spell prevents the effects of non-combative based magic attack spells (Confs, Plyze, Stutt, CurSp) for 10 phases. [X] This gives ProSh protection to a whole team for 10 phases or to a Black mage for 4 turns. Protective Aura (ProAu) Cost: 10 / 24 Duration: 10p - 4t This spell protects a mage from the effects of the combative magical spells (AtEnd, AtArc, AntMa) directed at a mage for 10 phases. [X] This gives ProAu protection to a whole team for 10 phases or to a Black Mage for 4 turns. Item Protection (ProIt) Cost: 8 / 16 Duration: 10p - 4t This spell protects a mage from the effects of spells directed at the items carried (FumIt, DrArt, SteIt, BrnIt) by the mage for 10 phases. [X] This gives ProIt protection to a whole team for 10 phases or to a Black mage for 4 turns. Stutter (Stutt) Cost: 6 / 16 Duration: 1 turn This spell causes a mage to stutter when reading a spell scroll that turn, thereby failing any spell cast. [X] This causes all mages on a specific team to stutter their spells that turn. Fumble Item (FumIt) Cost: 6 / 16 Duration: 1 phase This spell causes a mage to randomly drop one item carried. [X] This causes all mages on a team to fumble and drop one random item. Heals (Heals) Cost: 8 / 24 Duration: 1 phase This spell restores half of a mages maximum endurance. [X] This restores a mage to the maximum endurance level Boost Endurance (BoEnd) Cost: 10 / 30 Duration: 3t - Game This spell causes a mage to recover double the endurance than normal when resting for 3 turns.[X] This causes a mage to recover double endurance for 3 turns and permanently raises the Mages maximum attainable Endurance by 10% Boost Arcania (BoArc) Cost: 10 / 30 `Duration: 3t - Game This spell causes a mage to recover double Arcania through the meditate command for 3 turns. [X] This causes a mage to recover double arcania for 3 turns and permanently raises the Mage's maximum attainable arcania by 10% Prolonged Spell (ProSp) Cost: 10 / 35 Duration: 3t - Game This spell affects the decay process of a spell. Once cast, it prevents the affected scroll from disintegrating for 3 additional turns after it's cast. However, casting the spell twice in the same turn will destroy the scroll. [X] This spell permanently prevents a scroll from disintegrating as long as it isn't read more than once per turn. Neutral Spells Knowledge of Artifacts (KnArt) Cost: 4 / 12 Duration: 1 turn This spell when cast will allow a mage to know the location of all alignment artifacts at the end of that turn. [X] Allows a mage to know where all artifacts are. Intelligence Report (IntRp) Cost: 4 / 14 : Duration: 1t - 3t This spell when cast will allow a mage to know specifically what items are carried by any mage with-in Ring 3 that turn. [X] Gives the IntRp ability to a team for 1 turn or a Black mage for 3 turns. Drop Artifact (DrArt) Cost: 8 / 24 Duration: 1 phase This spell when cast will cause any mage in the same space to drop any artifact carried. [X] This will cause any mage with-in Wizard status range (R3) to drop any artifact carried. Scatter Artifact (ScArt) Cost: 6 / 14 Duration: 1 phase This spell can be cast upon an artifact provided the artifact is not currently being held. It causes the artifact to be randomly teleported to an unoccupied space on the map. [X] This spell causes ALL non-held artifacts of to be randomly teleported. Teleport (TelPt) Cost: 6 / 16 Duration: 1 phase This spell when cast allows a mage to magically move into any adjoining space without expending Endurance. It can be used to move ANY direction and increases movement initiative. [X] Allows a mage to teleport up to 3 spaces in a straight line any direction. (the directions "N" and "S" can also be used, when moving 2 hexes) Know Spell Status (KnoSS) Cost: 6 / 20 Duration: 1t - 3t This spell when cast will allow a mage to know what spell scrolls a mage is carrying as well as which long duration spells are in effect for any mage with-in R3 at the end of that turn. [X] This gives KnoSS ability to a team for 1 whole turn or to a Black Mage for 3 turns. Elemental Arrangement (ElArr) Cost: 8 / 20 Duration: 1 turn This spell allows a mage to temporarily change the type of terrain in the space occupied by up to 3 difficulty levels for 1 turn. All terrain factors of the new type will apply to movement, searching, rest and attuned bonuses. [X] This allows a mage to temporarily change the terrain of the space occupied and ALL LIKE TERRAIN spaces visible by up to three terrain difficulty factors for 1 turn. Cloak Aid (CkAid) Cost: 8 / 30 Duration: 1p - 3t This spell once cast causes a mage to remove a donned cloak. It is used to "quit" a team safely with-out having to attempt a re-cloak. [X] This spell will allow a mage to safely attempt to re-cloak for 3 turns. A don command that would result in an unsuccessful re-cloak will default to a rest command. This spell will also allow a forced Black (due to an unsuccessful re-cloak) mage to pick-up a new cloak and don it safely for 3 turns. Invisibility Spell (InvSp) Cost: 8 / 22 Duration 1t - 3t This spell causes a mage to remain invisible to all other mages on their recon maps for 1 turn. [X] This gives InvSp to a mage's whole team for 1 turn or a Black mage for 3 turns. Recon Aid (RcAid) Cost: 8 / 28 Duration 1t-3t This spell gives a mage improved reconnaissance reports for 1 turn. The terrain map will be R4 and all status levels are improved by 1 ring. [X] This gives RcAid to a mage for 3 turns. Fog Map (FgMap) Cost: 10 / 35 Duration: 1 Turn This spell is used by a mage to cast a wall of fog over all spaces with-in visible range for 1 turn. This causes affected spaces other than R0 on a mage's map print-out to show blank on their print-outs for all spaces other than R0. [X] This causes fog to appear over EVERY space in Magika, thereby giving all mages blank terrain reports for all spaces other than R0. Spell Aid (SpAid) Cost: 10 / 40 Duration 10p - 4t This spell temporarily adds a 25% bonus to Spell Skill for 10 phases. [X] This gives SpAid to a mage's whole team for 10 phases or a Black Mage for 4 turns. Evil Spells Elemental Blockage (ElBlo) Cost: 4 / 12 Duration 1p - 1t) This spell causes a temporary blockage of all visible spaces of one terrain type, thus preventing mages from physically moving northwards (NE/NW) out of the space for 1 phase. It can only be cast upon terrain's 4-9. [X] This casts the ElBlo spell for a duration of 1 Turn. Elemental Attack (ElAtt) Cost: 8 / 24 Duration: 1p -1t This spells causes a natural disaster to occur in all visible spaces of one terrain type. (Ex: Avalanche, Flood, Forest Fire) It can only be cast upon terrain 4-9. It causes all characters ending the phase in the affected spaces to additionally lose the terrain endurance factor. [X] This casts the ElAtt spell for a duration of 1 turn Elemental Disruption (ElDrp) Cost: 10 / 30 Duration: 1p - 1t This spells has the effect of combining ElBlo and ElAtt at the same time. It is cast against all visible spaces of a specific terrain type for 1 phase. It prevents any character from physically moving northwards (NE/NW) out of the space as well as causing the loss of the endurance terrain factor. It can only be cast upon terrain factors 4-9. [X] This casts ElDrp for 1 turn. Search EXpired (SrchX) Cost: 4 / 12 Duration: 1 turn This spell causes the affected mage to search unsuccessfully for 1 turn. [X] This will cast SrchX against all mages on the same team for 1 turn. (This will not prevent a mage from picking up an artifact) Burn Item (BrnIt) Cost: 6 / 14 Duration: 1 phase This spell causes a 1 random spell scroll of a visible mage to go up in flames [X] This torches 1 random spell scroll of each mage on a team. Curse Spell (CurSp) Cost: 6 / 16 Duration 1 turn This spell causes the affected mage to have a 25% penalty to Spell Skill for the duration of the turn. [X] This spell casts CurSp against all mages on the same team for 1 turn. Attack Endurance (AtEnd) Cost: 8 / 22 Duration 1 phase This spell will cause a targeted mage to lose 25 Endurance points. [X] This will cause a whole team to lose 25 Endurance. Attack Arcania (AtArc) Cost: 8 / 24 Duration: 1 Phase This spell will cause a targeted mage to lose 25 Arcania points. [X] This will cause a whole team to lose 25 Arcania points. Paralyze Mage (Plyze) Cost: 8 / 26 Duration: 1 turn This spell prevents a mage from carrying out any physical actions (move, search, don, drop and give) for the remainder of that turn. Actions prevented by this command DO NOT default to rest commands. [X] This will cast the Plyze spell against a whole team for 1 turn. Steal Item (StlIt) Cost: 8 / 28 Duration: 1 phase This allows a mage to steal one random item from a visible mage. except for a "donned" cloak. [X] This allows a mage to steal ALL items carried from another visible mage except for a donned cloak. (Special Note: A mage will not steal more items than he can carried) Anti-Magic Spell (AntMa) Cost: 10 / 30 Duration: 1 turn This spell prevents a mage from performing magical actions (Cast, meditate, demand) for the remainder of that turn. Spells prevented by this command will always be unsuccessful. All other actions affected by the spell cast (arcania, aptitude, Spell skill etc.) are still valid. [X] This will cast the AntMa spell against a whole team of mages. Chaos Spell (CHAOS) Cost: 20 / 50 Duration: Game This spell when cast will cause all visible terrain to be randomly terra formed and all mages to be teleported to a random space on or with-in three lower rows with a 50% chance they will drop carried artifacts. [X] This will cause ALL spaces in Magika to be randomly terra formed, All mages to be teleported to a random space on or with-in three lower rows with a 50% chance they will drop a carried artifact. Complete Spell Reference (Order of Activation) Spell Data Minor Spell Major Spells # Code Para A Spell Name Arc End Arc End 1 SpAid N Spell Aid 10 10p 40 10p -4t 2 ProAu G Protective Aura 10 10p 24 10p -4t 3 ProSh G Protective Shield 8 10p 20 10p -4t 4 ProIt G Protect Items 8 10p 16 10p -4t 5 ProKn G Knowledge Protection 6 10p 12 10p - 4t 6 ProEl G Elemental Protection 4 10p 10 10p - 4t 7 CurSp E Curse Spell 6 1t 16 1t 8 Stutt #/C G Stutter 6 1p 16 1p 9 Plyze #/C E Paralyze Mage 8 1t 24 1t 10 Confs #/C G Confusion 4 1p 12 1p 11 AntMa #/C E Anti-Magic 10 1t 30 1t 12 AtArc #/C E Attack Arcania 8 1p 24 1p 13 AtEnd #/C E Attack Endurance 8 1p 22 1p 14 ElDrp TF E Elemental Disruption 10 1p 30 1t 15 ElAtt TF E Elemental Attack 8 1p 24 1t 16 ElArr �? N Elemental Arrangement 8 1t 20 1t 17 ElBlo TF E Elemental Blockade 4 1p 12 1t 18 DrArt N Drop Artifact 8 1p 24 1p 19 FumIt #/C G Fumble Item 6 1p 16 1p 20 StlIt # E Steal Item 8 1p 28 1p 21 BrnIt #/C E Burn Item 6 1p 16 1p 22 CkAid N Cloak Aid 8 1p 30 3t 23 RcAid N Recon Aid 8 1t 28 3t 24 InvSp N Invisibility Spell 8 1t 22 1t - 3t 25 TelPt DD N Teleport 6 1p 16 1p 26 ScArt A N Scatter Artifact 6 1p 14 1p 27 KnoSS N Know Spell Status 6 1t 20 3t 28 IntRp N Improved Intel Report 4 1t 14 1t - 3t 29 KnArt N Knowledge of Artifact 4 1t 12 3t 30 SrchX #/C E Search eXhausted 4 1t 12 1t 31 BoEnd G Boost Endurance 10 3t 30 xx 32 BoArc G Boost Arcania 10 3t 30 xx 33 Heals G Heal Endurance 8 1p 24 1p 34 FogMp N Fog Map 10 1t 35 1t 35 ProSp SS G Prolonged Spell 10 3t 35 xx 36 Chaos E Chaos Spell 20 xx 50 xx Parameters: Some spells require additional data in order to cast them. (Ex: what Mage or terrain type the spell is cast against) #/C = Mage Number or Cloak Color # = Mage Identity Number DD = Direction and Distance TF = Terrain Factor �? = Alter �? Terrain Factors A = Artifact Alignment SS = Spell Scroll (number) xx = Permanent Affect p = phases active t = turns active XIX Turn Reports How your turn report is laid out and the graphics used will depend upon which version you receive. All formats will have the same data passed to the players. The turn report is broken down into 7 sections. They are: Player data, Mage data, Maps, Intelligence, Turn Summary, Standings and Messages. Player Data: it contains your real Name, Mailing address, Acct. #, Acct. Balance, Game #,Date printed and Security Password. Mage Data: This section lists Character Name, Indentity Letter, Race, Alignment, Next Due Date, Team, Status, Current Statistics, Active spells and items held. Maps: This will always include your Intel Map and the terrain/artifact summary tree (TAST). It will also contain ally recon maps. Intel reports: This section is used to give you information gained about other mages in the world. It will include actual details or last "known" data about mages you no longer see. Turn Summary: This is a listing of your orders and what happens to you as well as any event that occurred which effects you each phase. Standings: This sections shows your position relative to the min/max levels of all other mages in the 4 individual statistics as well as VP level if the game were to have ended this turn. Messages: A copy of all messages posted to you or everyone on this turn.This section will also contain comments and updates from the game master. XX The Future Repeat Players: If you fail to win the game, you can always try again the next moon feast! If you keep the same character, you receive 15% of your old Arcania level as a bonus. You may also elect to start the new game with up to 2 of your old spells scrolls instead of the normal random choice. This is a first in a series of games, as you progress towards becoming the Grand Wizard. At the next level, A seat comes available on the Wizards council. Christof is fed up with all the back-biting politics involved in the appointment and has decided the Wizards will compete for the seat! However, a Council Wizard is as much a teacher and leader of others as a tactician of the arcane arts. Can you prevail in an all new scenario and new game area as "teams" comprised of you, a third level "Wizard" accompanied by a second level "Adept" and a first level "Mage" chosen by you, from your own school? XXI Game Hints - Ocean and river spaces are excellent for finding spells scrolls early. However, consider very carefully the endurance required to enter, search and exit water before you go for a swim! - Endurance is probably your most precious commodity. As terrain becomes more difficult, you expend more and more endurance with a lower recovery rate. A full turn rest bonus can come in very handy late in the game. -Be deliberate when "donning" a cloak! The penalties are severe to try and re cloak unsuccessfully later in the game. -How you deal with the Ebon Mage can often mean the difference in winning or losing the game! Don't be afraid to bargain! Many of his assignments require doing something for other mages, when asked! -The only way to increase Spell Skill is by finding and casting spells! XXII Winning! Aside from the wonderful feeling of knowing you have prevailed, as the winner you will be entitled to play the next game for FREE as the EBON MAGE! Also your name will be recorded, forever in time, at ChoZen FroZen Games. Magika Sign-up Sheet ChoZen FroZen Games 850 Shawn Drive, Kingston, NS Canada B0P 1R0 Tel: (902) 765-4466 Fax/BBS (902) 765-0513 GEnie=C.Knapp Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ____________________ Box/Apt# ______________ City: ____________________ State/Prov ____________ Country: ____________________ Zip/P Code ____________ Telephone: ___________________ Insurance _____________ In order to maintain balance, each magika game must have at least one character of each race and three of each alignment, to start. Therefore, we ask that you give us an alternate starting character of a different race and/or alignment. Players who submit one character, might not be included in the next open game and may have to wait until the following game. We will do everything we can to allow you your first choice, but we must follow the above game constraints. Primary Selection: Character Name:___________________________________________ Race: ______________________ Alignment: _________________ Secondary Selection: Character Name:___________________________________________ Race: ______________________ Alignment: _________________ ___ It doesn't matter, I'll take what's needed to fill the next game! Game Turnaround Time: Check Your Preference ___ 3 Week Game ___ 2 Week Game ___ Either is fine! Special Note: Due to the extra day's mail time to/from Canada, it is strongly advised that players wishing to enter a 2 week game be willing to submit turns by E-Mail, Fax or BBS. (All free services!) ChoZen FroZen Policy Game Fees: $US $Cdn Starter's Special (Set-up, RuleBook, 4 Turns) $ 15.00 $ 20.00 Turn Fees (Regular Mail or CAMP Disk Mailer) $ 3.50 $ 5.00 Rule Book Only (Creditable to Starter Special) $ 3.00 $ 4.00 CAMP (Computer Assistant to Magika Play) $ 1.50 $ 2.00 (IBM only, Specify Disk Size) Available in 96 CAMP File Turn Reports $ 2.25 $ 3.00 (E-Mail or BBS) Available in 96 Additional / Replacement Copies of Turns $ 2.25 $ 3.00 Phone Insurance First Call $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Additional Calls $ 2.00 $ 2.00 Received Turns by Fax, E-Mail or BBS FREE FREE - All players who already have purchased a rulebook will receive a $3 US ($4 Cdn) discount on the "Starter's Special" price. - Any player utilizing the CAMP and E-Mail/BBS turns will receive 5 Free turns on the "Starter's Special" (when available) - Anyone can down-load a free text copy of our rules and the CAMP from the ChoZen FroZen BBS. (902) 765-0513 - Games are processed after 6 PM the "Due Date". Players with "Phone Insurance" will be notified the night PRIOR if their turns have not been received. Calls will be made between 10-11PM Eastern. - Players can have also have E-mail or FAX Alerts for turn insurance same conditions as above but only 1/2 the phone price. We thank you for your time and Patronage! Christof: Grand Wizard