! | good move |
? | bad move |
!! | excellent move |
?? | blunder |
!? | interesting move |
?! | dubious move |
+ | check |
# | checkmate |
N | novelty, new move (to my knowledge at least) |
= | equal position |
=/~ | equal but unclear position (standard symbol for unclear is horizontal 8) |
+/= | White has small advantage |
=/+ | Black has small advantage |
+/- | White has clear advantage |
-/+ | Black has clear advantage |
+- | White has winning advantage |
-+ | Black has winning advantage |
1-0 | White won |
0-1 | Black won |
![]() |
entertaining game: lots of sacrifices |
! | theoretically important and interesting game |
ADG | Alapin-Diemer Gambit or Alapin French |
BDG | Blackmar-Diemer Gambit |
corr. | correspondence (or e-mail) game |
DDG | Diemer-Duhm Gambit |
ECO | Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings |
FICS | Free Internet Chess Server |
ICC | Internet Chess Club |
ICCF | International Correspondence Chess Federation |
IECC | International Email Chess Club |
IECG | International Email Chess Group |
QGA | Queen's Gambit Accepted |
QGD | Queen's Gambit Declined |
UECC | Universal Email Chess Club |
Zone | Internet Gaming Zone |