DDGA'96 second round

Maciulewicz suggested that the top finishers of the DDGA'96 by percent wins could play the second round in order to find the ultimate winner.

I would be interested in organizing the second round -- and, of course, playing in it -- but I can see two problems:

  1. There would be very different level of players: Davids with rating 1400 would make it to the second round for sure; Maciulewicz with rating 2170 might as well. I have never heard tournaments where the winners of the A, B and C groups would play in the final.
  2. I would like to start the second DDG tournament after the summer, so there would not be very much time for the second round. Besides, it will still take a few months before we get the names of the "finalists".

Let us have more discussion after we have more results, and can try to guess the final standings.

Here is the list of players who scored more than 60 %:

    Name         Rtng  Pnts #  Score
    Hassim       2200  4    4  100 %
    Villase�or   1700  3    3  100 %
    Maciulewicz  2170  4.5  5  90 %
    Heikkinen    1880  7    8  88 %
    Davids       1400  3.5  4  88 %
    Stueber      2235  4    5  80 %
    Erben        1840  3    4  75 %
    Mongle       1400  1.5  2  75 %
    Evenson      1680  2.5  4  63 %

    # number of played games

Hassim abandoned 2 games.