These are the source files to compile my latest version of the borg. Changes from the standard BenBorg include: 1) Changes in the caution code to make retreat off a level less likely 2) Defence including speed, prot from evil, GOI, resist spells 3) Use of *Identify* (only for items with random resists or abilities) 4) special code to psych the borg up for killing uniques 5) more use of heal spells 6) use of restore mana 7) changes to equiptment prioritization to make the borg less damage crazy and more defencive 8) ability to sell artifacts that are not needed and store usefull non-artifacts in the home. 9) updated guessing of his stats (if over 18/***) 10) changes to perception of danger 11) make the system give more info as to why the borg is not diving/recalling 12) other stuff which I forget (read the code) Things that need work: 1) The borg sometimes will rest when something can breath/cast spells at him. I need to change the code that tracks monsters to assume that if a monster breaths on him then it has LOS (Line of Sight) and should be counted as a danger. This means changing unkown squares between you and the monster to invisible ('probably floor'). 2) Warrior borgs need a boost. I seem to have wimpified them with my changes. 3) Most of the changes on Bens page still need to be done in this borg. 4) Bless spells 5) there are a bunch of !FIX and big hacks I put in that I would like to remove and code 'right' I have only gotten a Mage borg to kill Morgoth (and even then he had to cheat death a couple of times). I have had a priest borg get down to fight Morgoth but not win. I have had rangers and rouges down to level 80+. I have a paladin running now. He is at level 16 so it is too early to tell. Recent warriors all die before level 20. Adam Goodman