Changed packages:

==== libstorage-ruby ====
Version update (2.25.25 -> 2.25.26)
Subpackages: libstorage6

- remove partition from efi before destroying it on GPT disks
  (bnc#929677, bnc#870211)
- 2.25.26

==== ntp ====
Version update (4.2.8p2 -> 4.2.8p3)
Subpackages: ntp-doc

- Update to version 4.2.8p3 which incorporates all security fixes
  and most other patches we have so far (fate#319040).
  More information on:
- Disable chroot by default (bnc#926510).
- Enable ntpdc for backwards compatibility (bnc#920238).

==== openldap2 ====
Version update (2.4.39 -> 2.4.41)

- Upgrade to upstream 2.4.41 release with accumulcated bug fixes and stability improvements.
  * Add patch 0008-In-monitor-backend-do-not-return-Connection0-entries.patch
  * Remove already applied patch 0008-ITS-7723-fix-reference-counting.patch
  * Remove already applied patch 0009-gcc5.patch
  (Implements fate#319301)

==== libldap-2_4-2 ====
Version update (2.4.39 -> 2.4.41)
Subpackages: libldap-2_4-2-32bit openldap2-client openldap2-devel

- Upgrade to upstream 2.4.41 release with accumulcated bug fixes and stability improvements.
  * Add patch 0008-In-monitor-backend-do-not-return-Connection0-entries.patch
  * Remove already applied patch 0008-ITS-7723-fix-reference-counting.patch
  * Remove already applied patch 0009-gcc5.patch
  (Implements fate#319301)

==== patterns-openSUSE-apparmor ====
Subpackages: patterns-openSUSE-apparmor_opt patterns-openSUSE-base patterns-openSUSE-books patterns-openSUSE-console patterns-openSUSE-devel_C_C++ patterns-openSUSE-devel_basis patterns-openSUSE-devel_gnome patterns-openSUSE-devel_ide patterns-openSUSE-devel_java patterns-openSUSE-devel_kde patterns-openSUSE-devel_kde_frameworks patterns-openSUSE-devel_kernel patterns-openSUSE-devel_perl patterns-openSUSE-devel_python patterns-openSUSE-devel_qt4 patterns-openSUSE-devel_qt5 patterns-openSUSE-devel_rpm_build patterns-openSUSE-devel_ruby patterns-openSUSE-devel_web patterns-openSUSE-dhcp_dns_server patterns-openSUSE-directory_server patterns-openSUSE-enhanced_base patterns-openSUSE-enhanced_base_opt patterns-openSUSE-file_server patterns-openSUSE-fonts patterns-openSUSE-fonts_opt patterns-openSUSE-games patterns-openSUSE-gateway_server patterns-openSUSE-gnome patterns-openSUSE-gnome_admin patterns-openSUSE-gnome_basis patterns-openSUSE-gnome_basis_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_games patterns-openSUSE-gnome_ide patterns-openSUSE-gnome_imaging patterns-openSUSE-gnome_imaging_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_internet patterns-openSUSE-gnome_laptop patterns-openSUSE-gnome_multimedia patterns-openSUSE-gnome_multimedia_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_office patterns-openSUSE-gnome_office_opt patterns-openSUSE-gnome_utilities patterns-openSUSE-gnome_yast patterns-openSUSE-imaging patterns-openSUSE-imaging_opt patterns-openSUSE-kde patterns-openSUSE-kde_edutainment patterns-openSUSE-kde_games patterns-openSUSE-kde_ide patterns-openSUSE-kde_imaging patterns-openSUSE-kde_internet patterns-openSUSE-kde_multimedia patterns-openSUSE-kde_office patterns-openSUSE-kde_plasma patterns-openSUSE-kde_telepathy patterns-openSUSE-kde_utilities patterns-openSUSE-kde_utilities_opt patterns-openSUSE-kde_yast patterns-openSUSE-kvm_server patterns-openSUSE-lamp_server patterns-openSUSE-laptop patterns-openSUSE-lxde patterns-openSUSE-lxde_laptop patterns-openSUSE-lxde_office patterns-openSUSE-mail_server patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base-conflicts patterns-openSUSE-misc_server patterns-openSUSE-multimedia patterns-openSUSE-multimedia_opt patterns-openSUSE-network_admin patterns-openSUSE-non_oss patterns-openSUSE-non_oss_opt patterns-openSUSE-office patterns-openSUSE-office_opt patterns-openSUSE-print_server patterns-openSUSE-remote_desktop patterns-openSUSE-rest_dvd patterns-openSUSE-sw_management patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_gnome patterns-openSUSE-sw_management_kde patterns-openSUSE-tabletpc patterns-openSUSE-technical_writing patterns-openSUSE-x11 patterns-openSUSE-x11_opt patterns-openSUSE-x11_yast patterns-openSUSE-xen_server patterns-openSUSE-xfce patterns-openSUSE-xfce_basis patterns-openSUSE-xfce_laptop patterns-openSUSE-xfce_office patterns-openSUSE-yast2_basis patterns-openSUSE-yast2_install_wf

- downgrade broken requires from leechcraft pattern
- drop out dhcpcd
- Adapt MATE patterns to MATE 1.10+.
- Recommend OpenJDK 8 instead of OpenJDK 7.

==== perl-HTTP-Message ====
Version update (6.08 -> 6.10)

- updated to 6.10
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Message/Changes
  6.10   2015-07-19
  - fix uses of qr/.../m in tests that do not work in 5.8.x
- updated to 6.09
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Message/Changes
  6.09   2015-07-19
  - converted all uses of to Test::More
  - fix uninitialized warning in HTTP::Config (RT#105929)

==== pinentry ====
Subpackages: pinentry-gtk2 pinentry-qt4

- Make it build with every ncurses library ABI
  adding pinentry-ncurses6.diff

==== plasma5-addons ====
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-kimpanel

- Fix those version condition for 42

==== plasma5-desktop ====

- Fix those version condition for 42

==== plasma5-desktop-branding-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE

- Fix those version condition for 42

==== plasma5-session ====

- Fix those version condition for 42

==== libpulse-devel ====
Subpackages: libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulse0-32bit pulseaudio pulseaudio-bash-completion pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-jack pulseaudio-module-lirc pulseaudio-module-x11 pulseaudio-module-zeroconf pulseaudio-utils

- Fix missing speex resampler due to the recent split of speexdsp

==== qemu ====
Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-block-curl qemu-extra qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-kvm qemu-lang qemu-ppc qemu-s390 qemu-seabios qemu-sgabios qemu-tools qemu-vgabios qemu-x86

- Patch queue updated from git:// opensuse-2.3
- Fix -kernel boot for AArch64
  * Patches added:

==== gvim ====
Version update (7.4.763 -> 7.4.788)
Subpackages: vim vim-data

- Updated to revision 788, fixes the following problems
  * CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode do not always work well.
  * :diffoff only works properly once.
  * Behavior of :diffoff is not tested.
  * Background color response with transparency is not ignored.
  * Search does not handle multi-byte character at the start position correctly.
  * 'langmap' is used in command-line mode when checking for mappings. Issue 376.
  * When using the CompleteDone autocommand event it's difficult to get to the completed items.
  * It is not possible to avoid using the first item of completion.
  * Equivalence class for 'd' does not work correctly.
  * Coverity warns for uninitialized variable.
  * Using CTRL-A in a line without a number moves the cursor.
    May cause a crash when at the start of the line. (Urtica Dioica)
  * Compiler complains about uninitialized variable and clobbered variables.
  * line2byte() returns one less when 'bin' and 'noeol' are set.
  * Still a few problems with CTRL-A and CTRL-X in Visual mode.
  * copy_chars() and copy_spaces() are inefficient.
  * Using both "noinsert" and "noselect" in 'completeopt' does not work properly.
  * On some systems automatically adding the missing EOL causes problems.
    Setting 'binary' has too many side effects.
  * It is not possible for a plugin to adjust to a changed setting.
  * snprintf() isn't available everywhere.

==== yast2-network ====
Version update (3.1.121 -> 3.1.122)

- bnc#864264
  - fixed internal error in adding alias
- 3.1.122

==== yast2-storage ====
Version update (3.1.63 -> 3.1.64)

- Added NoCoW subvolume for /var/lib/libvirt/images (Fate#319299)
- 3.1.64

Removed packages:
   > libhdf5_hl9

Added packages:
   > drbd-kmp-desktop
   > drbd-kmp-xen
   > libhdf5_hl10