Changed packages:

==== amavisd-new ====
Subpackages: amavisd-new-docs

- add /bin/logger as prereq (util-linux split)

==== shim ====
Version update (0.4 -> 0.7.318.81ee561d)

- updated shim to new version (OpenSSL 0.9.8za) and requested a new
  certificate from Microsoft. Removed
  * shim-allow-fallback-use-system-loadimage.patch
  * shim-bnc872503-check-key-encoding.patch
  * shim-bnc877003-fetch-from-the-same-device.patch
  * shim-correct-user_insecure-usage.patch
  * shim-fallback-avoid-duplicate-bootorder.patch
  * shim-fallback-improve-entries-creation.patch
  * shim-fix-dhcpv4-path-generation.patch
  * shim-fix-uninitialized-variable.patch
  * shim-fix-verify-mok.patch
  * shim-get-variable-check.patch
  * shim-improve-error-messages.patch
  * shim-mokmanager-delete-bs-var-right.patch
  * shim-mokmanager-handle-keystroke-error.patch
  * shim-remove-unused-variables.patch
  since they're included in upstream and rebased the remaining onces.
  Added shim-signed-unsigned-compares.patch to fix some compiler
- Keep shim-devel.efi for the devel project
- don't fail the build if the UEFI signing service signature can't
  be attached anymore. This way shim can still pass through staging
  projects. We will verify the correct signature for release builds
  using openQA instead.
- shim-install: fix GRUB shows broken letters at boot by calling
  grub2-install to initialize /boot/grub2 directory with files
  needed by grub.cfg (bnc#889765)
- Add shim-remove-unused-variables.patch to remove the unused
- Add shim-bnc872503-check-key-encoding.patch to check the encoding
  of the keys (bnc#872503)
- Add shim-bnc877003-fetch-from-the-same-device.patch to fetch the
  netboot image from the same device (bnc#877003)
- Refresh shim-opensuse-cert-prompt.patch
- Use --reinit instead of --refresh in %post to update the files
  in /boot
- shim-install: fix boot partition and rollback support kluge
- Replace shim-mokmanager-support-sha1.patch with
  shim-mokmanager-support-sha-family.patch to support the SHA
- Add shim-mokmanager-support-sha1.patch to support SHA1 hashes in
- snapper rollback support (fate#317062)
  - refresh shim-install
- Insert the right signature (bnc#867974)
- Add shim-fix-uninitialized-variable.patch to fix the use of
  uninitialzed variables in lib
- Add shim-mokmanager-delete-bs-var-right.patch to delete the BS+NV
  variables the right way
- Update shim-opensuse-cert-prompt.patch to delete openSUSE_Verify
- Add shim-fallback-avoid-duplicate-bootorder.patch to fix the
  duplicate entries in BootOrder
- Add shim-allow-fallback-use-system-loadimage.patch to handle the
  shim protocol properly to keep only one protocol entity
- Refresh shim-opensuse-cert-prompt.patch
- shim-install: fix the $prefix to use grub2-mkrelpath for paths
  on btrfs subvolume (bnc#866690).
- FATE#315002: Update shim-install to install shim.efi as the EFI
  default bootloader when none exists in \EFI\boot.
- Update signature-sles.asc: shim signed by UEFI signing service,
  based on code from "Thu Feb 20 11:57:01 UTC 2014"
- Add shim-opensuse-cert-prompt.patch to show the prompt to ask
  whether the user trusts the openSUSE certificate or not
- allow package to carry multiple signatures
- check correct certificate is embedded
- always clean up generated files that embed certificates
  (shim_cert.h shim.cer shim.crt) to make sure next build loop
  rebuilds them properly
- Add shim-bnc863205-mokmanager-fix-hash-delete.patch to fix the
  hash deletion operation to avoid ruining the whole list
- Update shim-mokx-support.patch to support the resetting of MOK
- Add shim-get-variable-check.patch to fix the variable checking
  in get_variable_attr
- Add shim-fallback-improve-entries-creation.patch to improve the
  boot entry pathes and avoid generating the boot entries that
  are already there
- Update SUSE certificate
- Update,,, and to remove the
  creation of the temporary nss database
- Add shim-only-os-name.patch: remove the kernel version of the
  build server
- Match the the prefix of the project name properly by escaping the
  percent sign.
- enable signature assertion also in SUSE: hierarchy
- Add shim-mokmanager-handle-keystroke-error.patch to handle the
  error status from ReadKeyStroke to avoid unexpected keys
- Update to 0.7
- Add upstream patches:
  + shim-fix-verify-mok.patch
  + shim-improve-error-messages.patch
  + shim-correct-user_insecure-usage.patch
  + shim-fix-dhcpv4-path-generation.patch
- Add shim-mokx-support.patch to support the MOK blacklist
- Drop upstreamed patches
  + shim-fix-pointer-casting.patch
  + shim-merge-lf-loader-code.patch
  + shim-fix-simple-file-selector.patch
  + shim-mokmanager-support-crypt-hash-method.patch
  + shim-bnc804631-fix-broken-bootpath.patch
  + shim-bnc798043-no-doulbe-separators.patch
  + shim-bnc807760-change-pxe-2nd-loader-name.patch
  + shim-bnc808106-correct-certcount.patch
  + shim-mokmanager-ui-revamp.patch
  + shim-netboot-fixes.patch
  + shim-mokmanager-disable-gfx-console.patch
- Drop shim-suse-build.patch: it's not necessary anymore
- Drop shim-bnc841426-silence-shim-protocols.patch: shim is not
  verbose by default

==== wireshark ====

- Build experimental UI wireshark-qt:
  * add wireshark-1.12.0-qt-QFont-stylename.patch
    to support building with Qt 4.6 on SLE 11
  * split UI into wireshark-ui-gtk and wireshark-ui-qt to reduce
    dependencies, one of which is required by the main package
- remove unknown configure option --with-python
Removed packages:

Added packages: