Assist is a play by email gaming aid. It features a map editor, unit editor and game editor. Assist runs on PCs under microsoft windows. Assist is distributed either 1) in 1 file or 2) in 2 files assis207.exe and assis207.w02 The file contains the files assis207.exe,assis207.w02 and this file. Registration and licence information is conatined within the installation files. To install assist run the file assis207.exe from the program manager. If the files assis207.exe and are in the same directory Assist will simply install If the files asis207.exe and assis207.w02 are in different directories (or on different discs) then Assist will prompt for the location of the file assis207.w02. Assist is a play by email gaming aid. It features a map editor, unit editor and game editor. The map editor is for creating the maps to play on. Features include 256 colour configurable palette bitmap editor for creating hex pictures and overlay pictures a true hex based placement and movement unlimited map size. (Well map size is limited by your disc space not your computers memory). The unit editor is for creating the game counters. Features include 256 colour palette for unit counters bitmap editor for creating unit pictures, drag icons and attribute overlays fully configurable unit attributes which may be either textual or numeric attributes may be edited during play and can display overlay pictures on the unit counter (e.g. a unit which has 'fired' can have a fired attribute which when set to true causes a picture to be displayed on the counter so that it can be quickly recognised as having been 'fired') The game editor is for playing a game with. Features include 256 colour units and maps with a true hex based movement system. Easy to use graphical point and click interface Multiple windows available on the map Printing of map positions and units for game development or game GMing ASCII or binary file output for sending to opponents Hidden units In built security system for secure dice rolling Hierarchical force pools to enable quick and easy unit location. Unit attributes can be edited during play (user defined attributes eg. step loss/promotion/entrenchment) Visual indication of units status (user defined status e.g.. moved, fired, orientation) Complete review of opponents move, either as complete replay or individual move inspection Pop up display to show unit information/terrain underneath units unit stacks display, unit locator, game set up files and much more ...... Assist comes with complete help files for the three editors and demonstration maps and games. Assist runs under Microsoft windows, it has been tested under windows 3.1 and windows NT. Assist is shareware. The shareware version is complete except that the Send Turn command becomes disabled after 400 actions and the map editor is limited to map sizes of 10 hexes by 10 hexes. This will enable almost the complete experience of using Assist, games can be started, turns read in units moved and edited. The registered version removes the map editor size restriction and enables the Send Turn command beyond 400 actions Registration information is contained within the installation files.. Download it and try I'm sure you will be impressed. I'm willing to put a lot of effort into helping people get started with Assist, including help with making game modules. I will also run a registry of players and available modules for Assist. Comments, questions and suggestions are welcomed via email to Kind Regards Roy