Contents of directory acts

ACTS Workplan: Background Material


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European Commission
DGXIII - Telecommunications, Information Market & 
Exploitation of Research
Directorate B - Advanced Communications Technologies and 


Subj:  ACTS Workplan: Background Material  
       (Rationale & Overview, Definition of Scope and Task
Conc:  Dissemination of Draft 4.0, for Consultation

1. Introduction to ACTS Draft 4.0

ACTS - or Advanced Communications Technologies and Services - is to be a programme of research and technological development, partially funded by the European Commission under the 4th Framework for European Research (1994-98). Draft 4.0 of the Background Material of the ACTS workplan has been placed on this server for a period of public consultation. This you are invited to download and to read. DGXIII-B would be pleased to receive your suggestions for improving this draft document, by the deadline stated below, in Section 3.

The overall structure of the document, and how this has been broken down into files for convenient downloading has is described in Section 6. For those persons as yet totally unfamiliar with ACTS, and / or the work of the RACE programme which preceded it, further background information may be taken from the document RACE'94, electronic copies of which are also available on this server.

2. The Ongoing Development of ACTS : How you can Help

We are very grateful for the level of support extended to us in the development of ACTS thus far, particularly that received from the National Delegations to the RACE Management Committee, and from the participants to the ACTS Workshops last Autumn.

We are now able to show you - and all other interested parties - the current status of preparation resulting from this. In return, we are particularly anxious to receive from you :

Note: At the time of publication of the completed Workplan, an additional chapter (or separate document) will be included, giving a description of the facilities to be provided by National Hosts. This information will only be finalised following the National Host Workshop and Conference to be held in June and September 1994 respectively.
********   DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 20 JUNE 1994   ********

3. How to Contribute

You are hereby invited to submit SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS for additions to, or improvements of the existing text to the Commission, for receipt up to the deadline stated below. To be easily accommodated, such suggestions will need to be submitted in an electronic form. Please use ASCII, or a file format compatible with Word-for-Windows 2 or Macintosh-Word 5. Files may be sent via Email to one of the following addresses:

       Compuserve:  100013.1437
Any difficulties in sending messages to these co-ordinates may be addressed in the first instance, to Nick Heenan (DGXIII-B) at:
       telephone:  +32-2-296-3453
       fax:        +32-2-295-0654

As a last resort, the files containing suggestions may also be sent on diskette (3.5", DOS or MAC formatted) via registered post, courier or by hand-delivery (for receipt by the same deadline) to :

       European Commission DGXIII-B
       ACTS Editorial Team
       Bu-9 4/73
       Avenue de Beaulieu 9
       B-1160 Bruxelles 

Please note that telephoned, faxed or other paper-written suggestions concerning the workplan material itself will not ordinarily be taken into account, given the time constraints and the entirely "electronic" consolidation process already underway.

********   DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 20 JUNE 1994   ********

4. Structure of Files on the FUNET archive

The files are organised in sub-directories of the present directory (where you found this readme file), according to file format. Most WWW clients support downloading binary files (e.g. in Mosaic select option load to disk) and of course you can use ordinary anonymous ftp to FTP.FUNET.FI too.

These are the options :
      (Stuffit Compressed, Word for Macintosh 5, with embedded graphics)
      (Zipped, Word for Windows 2, with embedded graphics)
      (GNU Zipped ASCII files, no Graphics !)
Postscript files are not being provided, as we want you to extract and re-use parts of the text as the basis for your suggestions !

In case the packaging format for the files is unknown to you please check our README.FILETYPES file.

The original files were fectched from and repackaged in FUNET by HKS

  • 00readme.fin (10 KB) [Jun 2 15:47]

  • ASCII (--dir--)

  • MAC (--dir--)

  • README.original (10 KB) [Jun 2 00:13]

  • WIN (--dir--)

  •  (308 bytes) [Jun 1 23:55]

  • This page has been generated with semiautomatically by Harri K. Salminen with a modified version of makeindex.