This is emTeX (tex386), Version 3.141 [3c-beta8] (INITEX)  3 MAY 1993 14:52
**dplainfr \dump
(dplainfr.tex (plain.tex Preloading the plain format: codes, registers,

 fonts, \fonthdg =dm... more fonts,
 math definitions,

output routines,
 hyphenation (hyphen.tex (hyacceur.tex)
languages: patterns and exceptions,

The english language is used as language number 0 (enhyph.tex
Enhyph.tex English hyphenation pattern.) (enhyphex.tex
Enhyphex.tex English exception words.)
The french language is used as language number 1 (f8hyph.tex
f8hyph.tex french hyphenation patterns. dc/ec 8bits encoding (V1.7))
 Font heading:dm
Beginning to dump on file dplainfr.fmt
 (preloaded format=dplainfr 93.5.3)
1995 strings of total length 27967
5377 memory locations dumped; current usage is 110&5264
962 multiletter control sequences
6978 words of font info for 16 preloaded fonts
17 hyphenation exceptions
Hyphenation trie of length 7388 has 264 ops out of 750
  83 for language 1
  181 for language 0
No pages of output.