patch-2.4.7 linux/arch/cris/drivers/lpslave/e100lpslave.S

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.6/linux/arch/cris/drivers/lpslave/e100lpslave.S linux/arch/cris/drivers/lpslave/e100lpslave.S
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+	;; $Id: e100lpslave.S,v 1.2 2001/06/11 12:50:01 olof Exp $
+	;;
+	;; Etrax100 slave network<->parport forwarder
+	;;
+	;; Copyright (c) 1999 Bjorn Wesen, Axis Communications AB
+	;;
+	;; We got 784 bytes (par loader size) to do DMA forwarding
+	;; between DMA0/1 (ethernet) and DMA3/4 (par port 0 RX/1 TX)
+	;;
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#if 0
+#include <asm/sv_addr_ag.h>
+#define BUFSIZE 0x600
+	;; R_IRQ_READ2
+#define DMA1EOPBIT 3
+#define DMA0EOPBIT 1
+#define DMA3EOPBIT 7
+#define DMA4DESCBIT 8
+	;; R_IRQ_READ0
+#define PAR0ECPCMDBIT 11
+	;; get host CMDs
+#include "e100lpslave.h"
+	;; disable interrupts. we are not going to use them at all.
+	di
+	;; setup DMA connections and port configuration
+	movu.w	0x84, r0	; DMA2/3/4/5 to par ports
+	move.d	r0, [R_GEN_CONFIG]
+	;; setup port PA dirs and turn on the LED to show were alive
+	movu.w	0x0cfb, r0	; PA2-PA3 out, PA2 inactive
+	move.d	r0, [R_PORT_PA_SET]
+	;; enable MDIO output pin
+	moveq IO_STATE(R_NETWORK_MGM_CTRL, mdoe, enable), r0
+	move.d	r0, [R_NETWORK_MGM_CTRL]
+	;; accept broadcast frames, and enable station address 0
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_NETWORK_REC_CONFIG, broadcast, receive) | \
+		IO_STATE(R_NETWORK_REC_CONFIG, ma0, enable), r0
+	move.d	r0, [R_NETWORK_REC_CONFIG]
+	;; use MII CLK mode, and enable the controller
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_NETWORK_GEN_CONFIG, phy, mii_clk) | \
+		IO_STATE(R_NETWORK_GEN_CONFIG, enable, on), r0
+	move.d	r0, [R_NETWORK_GEN_CONFIG]
+	move.d	IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, ioe,     noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, iseli,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, iautofd, noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, istrb,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, iinit,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, iperr,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, iack,    noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, ibusy,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, ifault,  noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, isel,    noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, dma, enable)        |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, rle_in, disable)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, rle_out, disable)   |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, enable, on)         |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, force, on)          |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR0_CONFIG, mode, ecp_rev), r0	; Reverse ECP - PAR0 is RX
+	move.d	r0, [R_PAR0_CONFIG]
+	move.d	IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, ioe,     noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, iseli,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, iautofd, noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, istrb,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, iinit,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, iperr,   inv)       |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, iack,    noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, ibusy,   noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, ifault,  noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, isel,    noninv)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, dma, enable)        |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, rle_in, disable)    |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, rle_out, disable)   |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, enable, on)         |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, force, on)          |  \
+		IO_STATE(R_PAR1_CONFIG, mode, ecp_fwd), r0	; Forward ECP - PAR1 is TX
+	move.d	r0, [R_PAR1_CONFIG]
+	moveq	IO_FIELD(R_PAR1_DELAY, setup, 1), r0    ; setup time of value * 160 + 20
+	move.d	r0, [R_PAR1_DELAY]
+	;; we got four descriptors, that can be active at the same time:
+	;; 1) from network
+	;; 2) to parport
+	;; 3) from parport
+	;; 4) to network
+	;;
+	;; we got four buffers, each can hold a max packet (we use 1536 bytes)
+	;; buffers 1 and 2 are used from network to parport, while
+	;; buffers 3 and 4 are used from parport to network.
+	;; 
+	;; a double buffering scheme is used, so that new data can be read
+	;; into a buffer pair while the last data is written out from the
+	;; last buffer. if the read buffer is done before the write buffer,
+	;; the reading will halt until the writing is done, at which point
+	;; writing starts from the newly read and reading can start with
+	;; the newly written.
+	;; 
+	move.d	R_DMA_CH0_FIRST, r1   ; we use this as base for subsequent DMA ops
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH1_CMD, cmd, start), r6
+	move.d	FN1desc, r7
+	move.d	R_IRQ_READ0, r9
+	;; start receiving from network
+	jsr	startdmaFPTN
+	jsr	startdmaFNTP
+	;; ------------------- MAIN LOOP
+	;; IRQ bits:	parport rcv is par0_ecp_cmd, then dma3_eop
+	;;              network rcv is dma1_eop
+	;;              parport tx  is dma4_desc
+	;;              network tx  is dma0_eop
+	;; ------- first handle the parport -> network link
+	;; check if we got something from the parport
+	move.d	[r9], r0	; r0 <- *R_IRQ_READ0
+	btstq	PAR0ECPCMDBIT, r0
+	bpl	noparecp
+	nop
+	;; ack it by reading PAR0_STATUS_DATA
+	move.d	[R_PAR0_STATUS_DATA], r0
+	;; trigger EOP on DMA3 (par0 incoming channel)
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_SET_EOP, ch3_eop, set), r0
+	move.d	r0, [R_SET_EOP]
+	;; if we simultaneously have parport rx EOP and
+	;; network TX eop, we can swap buffers and start a new RX/TX
+	move.d	[r9 + (R_IRQ_READ2 - R_IRQ_READ0)], r0
+	btstq	DMA3EOPBIT, r0	; check parport rx
+	bpl	noswap1
+	btstq	DMA0EOPBIT, r0	; check network tx
+	bpl	noswap1
+	nop
+	;; prepare to swap buffer ptrs (FN3b <-> TN4b)
+	move.d	[r4 = r7 + 56], r0; FP3b
+	move.d	[r3 = r7 + 72], r2; TN4b
+	;; but first check if this was a Host Command Packet
+	move.d	[r0], r5	; r5 <- first 4 bytes in PAR-received packet
+	bne	handle_command	; if non-zero, it was a host command
+	addq	4, r0		; skip command (in delay slot - handle_command requires this)
+	move.d	r0, [r3]	; write to To Network descriptor
+	subq	4, r2		; undo the skipping done last swap
+	move.d	r2, [r4]	; write to From Parport descriptor
+	;; clear the interrupts
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do), r0
+	move.b	r0, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH0_CLR_INTR - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]
+	move.b	r0, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH3_CLR_INTR - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]
+	;; copy received length to outgoing network length
+	move.w	[r7 + 60], r0	; FPhlen
+	subq	4, r0		; skip command
+	move.w	r0, [r7 + 64]	; TN4desc
+	;; restart DMAs
+	jsr	startdmaFPTN
+	;; Turn off the LED signaling an outgoing network packet
+	movu.b	[LEDOff], r0
+	;; Light the LED signaling an outgoing network packet
+	movu.b	[LEDAmber], r0
+	move.b	r0, [R_PORT_PA_DATA]
+	move.d	0x00011000, r0
+	move.d	r0,[LEDCount]
+	;; ----- now check the network -> parport link
+	;; if we simultaneously have network rx EOP and
+	;; parport TX desc, we can swap buffers and start a new RX/TX
+	move.d	[r9 + (R_IRQ_READ2 - R_IRQ_READ0)], r0
+	btstq	DMA1EOPBIT, r0	; check network rx
+	bpl	noswap2
+	btstq	DMA4DESCBIT, r0	; check parport tx
+	bpl	noswap2
+	nop
+	;; prepare to swap buffer ptrs (FP1b <-> TP2b)
+	move.d	[r4 = r7 +  8], r0; FN1b
+	move.d	[r3 = r7 + 24], r2; TP2b
+	move.d	r0, [r3]	; write to To Parport descriptor
+	move.d	r2, [r4]	; write to From Network descriptor
+	;; clear the interrupts
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH1_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do) | \
+		IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH1_CLR_INTR, clr_descr, do), r0
+	move.b	r0, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH1_CLR_INTR - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]
+	move.b	r0, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH4_CLR_INTR - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]
+	;; copy received network length to outgoing parport length
+	move.w	[r7 + 12], r0	; FNhlen
+	move.w	r0, [r7 + 16]	; TP2desc
+	;; restart DMAs
+	jsr	startdmaFNTP
+#if 0
+	;; Light the LED signaling an incoming networkpacket
+	movu.b	0xFB, r0
+	move.b	r0, [R_PORT_PA_DATA]
+	move.d	0x00010000, r0
+	move.d	r0,[LEDCount]
+	;; Count down LED counter, and turn off the network LED if required
+	move.d	[LEDCount], r0
+	beq	mainloop
+	nop
+	subq	1, r0
+	move.d	r0, [LEDCount]	
+	bne	mainloop
+	nop
+	;; Light the network LED , and start over the main loop
+	movu.b	[LEDAmber], r0
+	;; Turn off the network LED, and start over the main loop
+	movu.b	[LEDOff], r0
+	move.b	r0, [R_PORT_PA_DATA]
+	ba	mainloop
+	nop
+	;; --- some useful subroutines.
+	;; handle command. we also need to clear the PAR0 RX EOP IRQ, and 
+	;; restart the PAR0 dma. command is in R5, packet after cmd is in R0
+	moveq	IO_STATE(R_DMA_CH3_CLR_INTR, clr_eop, do), r2
+	move.b	r2, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH3_CLR_INTR - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]
+	cmpq	HOST_CMD_SETMAC, r5
+	bne	no_setmac
+	nop
+	;; copy station address (6 bytes) from packet to hardware
+	move.d	[r0+], r2
+	move.d	R_NETWORK_SA_0, r3
+	move.d	r2, [r3]
+	move.w	[r0], r2
+	move.w	r2, [r3 + 4] 
+	move	noswap1, SRP
+	ba	startdmaFP
+	nop
+	;; start DMAs, from parport and to network
+	;; start transmitting to the network (CH0)
+	move.d	TN4desc, r8
+	move.d	r8, [r1]					; TN4desc -> FIRST0
+	move.b	r6, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH0_CMD - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]	; start -> CMD0
+	;; start receiving from parport (CH3)
+	move.d	FP3desc, r8
+	move.d	r8, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH3_FIRST - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]  ; FP3desc -> FIRST3
+	move.b	r6, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH3_CMD - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]	; start -> CMD3
+	ret
+	nop
+	;; start DMAs, from network and to parport
+	;; start transmitting to the parport (CH4)
+	move.d	TP2desc, r8
+	move.d	r8, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH4_FIRST - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]	; TP2desc -> FIRST4
+	move.b	r6, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH4_CMD - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]	; start -> CMD4
+	;; start receiving from network (CH1) (r7 already contains FN1desc)
+	move.d	r7, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH1_FIRST - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]  ; FN1desc -> FIRST1
+	move.b	r6, [r1 + (R_DMA_CH1_CMD - R_DMA_CH0_FIRST)]	; start -> CMD1
+	ret
+	nop
+	;; --- DMA descriptors - each descriptor is 4 longwords (16 bytes)
+	;; DONT MOVE THESE AROUND. Due to the as/ld "hole-in-the-head",
+	;; we cant write stuff like (TP2b - TP2desc) but the offsets
+	;; have to be hardcoded.
+	.data
+	;; 0 from network
+	.word	BUFSIZE		; sw_len
+	.word	0x0001		; ctrl, d_eol is only flag we need
+	.dword	0		; next
+FN1b:	.dword	buffers		; buffer 1 8
+	.word	0		; hw_len
+	.word	0		; status
+	;; 16 to parport
+	.word	2		; sw_len, filled in by code 
+	.word	0x0004		; ctrl, d_wait because ecp cmd in next
+	.dword	TP2desc2	; next
+TP2b:	.dword	buffers + BUFSIZE ; buffer 2 24
+	.word	0		; hw_len
+	.word	0		; status
+	;; 32 to parport second descriptor, for the ECP command
+	.word	0x0001		; sw_len, 1 byte (ecp command) 
+	.word	0x0019		; ctrl, d_ecp | d_eol | d_int
+	.dword	0		; next
+	.dword	TP2desc2	; buffer, dont care
+	.word	0		; hw_len
+	.word	0		; status
+	;; 48 from parport
+	.word	BUFSIZE		; sw_len
+	.word	0x0001		; ctrl, d_eol is only flag we need
+	.dword	0		; next
+FP3b:	.dword	buffers + BUFSIZE * 2 ; 56 buffer 3
+FPhlen:	.word	0		; 60 hw_len
+	.word	0		; status
+	;; 64 to network
+	.word	2		; sw_len, filled in by code 
+	.word	0x0007		; ctrl, d_eop | d_eol | d_wait
+	.dword	0		; next
+TN4b:	.dword	buffers + BUFSIZE * 3 + 4	; 72 buffer 4 (the +4 is to offset the anti-skipping)
+	.word	0		; hw_len
+	.word	0		; status
+	.dword	0
+	.word	0xff
+	.word	0xfb
+	.word	0xf7
+	.word	0xf3
+	.word	0xf7
+	;; after the prog we put the buffers. not in the asm program, we just use
+	;; the address generated
+	;; END

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: