user interface/x

gdm - The GNOME Display Manager.

License: LGPL/GPL
Gdm (the GNOME Display Manager) is a highly configurable
reimplementation of xdm, the X Display Manager. Gdm allows you to log
into your system with the X Window System running and supports running
several different X sessions on your local machine at the same time.


gdm-2.16.0-59.sl5.1.x86_64 [3.8 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2013-09-05):
- Added Patch: gdm-change-theme.patch
-->  The theme from TUV is not the theme we want to use
- Added Source: gdm.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Ran Regex: (Release: .*)%{\?dist}(.*) => \1.sl5\2
-->  Modify release string to note changes [3.8 MiB] Changelog by Troy Dawson (2009-09-16):
- Changed Patch 1 - to set default to EaseOfBlue from RHEL

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6