G. XHTML DTD Module Implementations


This appendix is normative.

This appendix will contain implementations of the modules defined in this specification. These module implementations can be used in other XHTML Family Document Types.

G.1. XHTML Modular Framework

In order to take advantage of the XHTML DTD Modules, DTD authors need to define the content model for their DTD. XHTML provides a variety of tools to ease this effort. They are defined in a set of support modules, instantiated by a main Framework module:

Module DTD/xhtml-framework-2.mod not found!

Note that the module above references a content model module. This module is defined on a per-document type basis in addition to the document type driver file. The Modular framework also relies upon the following component modules:

G.1.1. XHTML Base Architecture

Module implementation XHTML Base Architecture needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Base Architecture needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-arch-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.1.2. XHTML Notations

Module implementation XHTML Notations needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Notations needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-notations-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.1.3. XHTML Datatypes

Module implementation XHTML Datatypes needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Datatypes needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-datatypes-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.1.4. XHTML Common Attribute Definitions

Module implementation XHTML Common Attribute Definitions needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Common Attribute Definitions needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-attribs-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.1.5. XHTML Qualified Names

Module implementation XHTML Qualified Names needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Qualified Names needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-qname-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.1.6. XHTML Character Entities

Module implementation XHTML Character Entities needed

The Module implementation Module implementation XHTML Character Entities needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-charent-1.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2. XHTML Module Implementations

This section contains the formal definition of each of the XHTML Abstract Modules as a DTD module.

G.2.1. Structure

Module implementation Structure needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Structure needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-struct-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.2. Block Text

Module implementation Block Text needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Block Text needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-blktext-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.3. Inline Text

Module implementation Inline Text needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Inline Text needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-inltext-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.4. Hypertext

Module implementation Hypertext needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Hypertext needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-hypertext-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.5. List

Module implementation List needed

The Module implementation Module implementation List needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-list-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.6. Link

Module implementation Link needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Link needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-link-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.7. Metainformation

Module implementation Metainformation needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Metainformation needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-meta-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.8. Object

Module implementation Object needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Object needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-object-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.9. Scripting

Module implementation Scripting needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Scripting needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-script-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.10. Style Attribute

Module implementation Style Attribute needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Style Attribute needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-inlstyle-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.11. Style Sheet

Module implementation Style Sheet needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Style Sheet needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-style-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.2.12. Tables

Module implementation Tables needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Tables needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-table-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.

G.3. XHTML DTD Support Modules

The modules in this section are elements of the XHTML DTD implementation that, while hidden from casual users, are important to understand when creating derivative markup languages using the Modularization architecture.

G.3.1. Param

Module implementation Param needed

The Module implementation Module implementation Param needed referenced as DTD/xhtml-param-2.mod needs to be defined. It will be defined before publication of a last call draft.