Abstracts from files in info-mac/gst/grf/pshp as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX acr-nema-121.hqx **** From: fowen@spss.com (Frank Owen) Subject: ACR-NEMA 1.2.1 - Acquisition Plug In for PhotoShop ACR-NEMA Acquire is a plug-in module for PhotoShop and other programs that allow the use of PhotoShop acquisition modules. (The PhotoShop acquisition module interface has become a defacto standard for acquiring images from such devices as scanners, and for converting images from foreign file types, and is supported by many Macintosh graphics software programs.) The ACR-NEMA plug-in allows you to import ACR-NEMA image files into any such PhotoShop Plug-in compatible program. 1.2.1 Changed contact information. New email address, and US Mail address. Made some minor updates to ReadMe file. No functional (i.e. code) changes. #### BINHEX actions-library-vol-1.hqx **** From: rogsmu@brainiac.com Subject: Chris' Actions Library Vol 1 Chris' Action Library Vol 1 includes 16 predefined 'Action' scripts for use with Adobe Photoshop 4. Each script performs a set of operations on an image layer. Included are Distortion, Noise, Texture, and Painter Actions. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.brainiac.com/rogsmu/shorizons Thanks, Chris Rogers http://www.brainiac.com/rogsmu/shorizons #### BINHEX auto-bleed-21.hqx **** From: alex@envisionnet.com (Alexander Mcknight) Subject: AutoBleed Lite 2.1 Plug-In Filter for Adobe Photoshop AutoBleed Lite 2.1 Plug-In Filter for Adobe Photoshop 3.0/4.0 Automated bleed for high quality artists, and production artists. Photoshop required (Most useful in prepress application) Thank You Alex Mcknight #### BINHEX av-capture-21.hqx **** From: Oliver Sauerzapf, sauerzapf@mathematik.uni-kl.de Subject: Photoshop AV-Capture2.1 Photoshop AV-Capture2.1 is a Photoshop Plug-In designed to acquire still images via the AV/TV-Videocard or any other Quicktime compatible framegrappercard. Price: Shareware 30$ #### BINHEX av-dsp-filters.hqx **** From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator) Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 12:15:44 PST (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.>); Wed, 1 Dec 1993 11:47:02 -0500 Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 11:47:02 -0500 Message-Id: <199312011647.AA01425@mailer.fsu.edu> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="========================_14505218==_" To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu From: kalexand@mailer.fsu.edu (Kevin Alexander) Subject: AV DSP Power Plug-in --========================_14505218==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Attached is a binhexed Stuffit self-extracting archive of Spectral Innovations' PhotoShop plug-in which uses the built-in DSPs of the 660 and 840 AV machines to accelerate filters such as Unsharp Mask, Gaussian Blur, and Find Edges, among others. Image Size, Scale, Skew, Perspective, Rotate and RGB to CMYK mode change are also accelerated. This plug-in was described in the 11/15/93 and 11/29/93 issues of MacWEEK. System requirements: AV Mac (or NuBus Mac w/ Spectral Innovations 3210 DSP card installed) and PhotoShop 2.5.1. This file was downloaded from the Adobe BBS. --========================_14505218==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="AV_DSP_Power_Plug-in.se" #### BINHEX bladepro-209.hqx **** From: lloyd@kagi.com Subject: BladePro 2.0.9 - Metallic reflections filter Version 2.0.9 is a maintenance release which improves stability; allows the �environments and textures� folder to move; and includes a utility which translates BladePro presets to work on both Macintosh and Windows. * * * BladePro, the Photoshop filter that combines textures with bevels and mirrorlike reflections, now has amazing new features. BladePro puts you in control of lighting and surfaces, and offers a wide selection of edge styles. Produce reflections with the included environment maps (gold, chrome, outdoor scenes) or make your own. You can make glassy objects with prismatic catchlights, tarnish any surface, pour on iridescent oil-slick colors, and customize your textures. Over 100 presets get you started right away with all the possibilities. Quickly create appealingly 'touchable' 3-D appearances like slippery ice or weathered copper, as well as eye-catching text, buttons, and special effects. BladePro is shareware for Macintosh, and requires a paint program and QuickTime. You can check for updates at http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aa731/blade.html . #### BINHEX bluebox.hqx **** From: osmosis@pacificcoast.net Subject: Bluebox10 Blue box is a PhotoShop plug-in that does blue box encoding and decoding. It can be used to censor images, and decensor certain kinds of images as well. Freeware. #### BINHEX callisto-11.hqx **** From: tbo@earthlink.net (kas thomas) Subject: CCallisto 1.1 CCallisto 1.1 - this Photoshop plug-in (PowerMac only) lets you create cool 3D TERRAINS from 2D artwork, all in Photoshop! You can also wrap your terrains around spheres to create PLANET objects. And, *all* objects you create in Callisto can be fully texture-mapped using PICT images. When you're done, save your 2D renderings into a new Photoshop window just by hitting OK. Or, save your 3D models as 3DMF files for later use in other 3D programs. This is a fantastic plug-in for getting some amazing 3D effects in Photoshop. The Save features are *enabled*, but to get output resolution greater than 320x240 pixels you'll need to register for $20. Callisto was written up in the May 4 '98 MacWEEK, p.13. It requires Quickdraw3D 1.5+ and Photoshop 3, 4, or 5. Extensive PDF documentation included. #### BINHEX clut-converter.hqx **** From: elliott@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de (Mark Elliott) Subject: Photoshop clut converter Hi, Ever needed to convert a photoshop clut (color table) file into a clut resource ? Here is a small application to do just that. It prompts for a file to open, then prompts for a filename to save the new clut as. It saves it's files as resedit documents. Simple as that. Source code is included. Authors: Reevan McKay (clut conversion routine) and Mark Elliott (minimal user interface). There are a few planned improvements. Please do not distribute modified versions of either the program or the source code. If you make a useful modification, please send it to me, and I will incorporate it into the distribution. thanks Mark Elliott (elliott@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de) #### BINHEX cmulti-12.hqx **** Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 22:33:58 -0500 From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang) Subject: [*] Photoshop cMulti 1.2 filter cMulti 1.2 is a newer version of the filter (with the same name) that comes with Photoshop (along with a few other third-party filters). It's fully functional. Tony Huang tonyh@msc.cornell.edu #### BINHEX coco-306-demo.hqx **** From: visu@euronet.nl Subject: CoCo 3.06 DEMO Color Correction plugin for Photoshop CoCo 3.06 DEMO by VISU technologies web: http://www.visutechnologies.com email: mailto:visu@euronet.nl CoCo is a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop enabling selective color correction. Users (or old users) of High-End Pre-press systems will immediately feel at home. CoCo is not only for the proffesional to perform selective color corrections. It is simply the best and simplest way to do selective color correction. It even won a Seybold Editors Award in 1996 because of it breakthrough work in bringing High-End Color correction tools to the desktop. So far CoCo hardly changed. The main reason was that Photoshop itself had to improve before the plug-in could. Now that time has come and we think you will like what we did to CoCo. According to our major customers CoCo has always been a great product, and it is even better now. System Requirements: Power Macintosh, Apple System Software 7.6 or newer and Photoshop 4.0 or newer. Demo The latest version of this powerful color correction plug-in is version 3.06. You can try out the full version of CoCo 3.04 for a limited period of 30 days. New in 3.04 CoCo is now compatible with ColorSync 2.6 #### BINHEX color-swap-filters.hqx **** From: (Lloyd Burchill) aa731@ccn.cs.dal.ca Subject: Color Swap filters for Photoshop These are three simple filters for Photoshop and other paint programs. By swapping data between color channels, they transform color, changing a picture's chromatic harmonies in useful ways. #### BINHEX colorsafe-161.hqx **** Subject: ColorSafe1.6.1.sit.hqx From: "Travis Anton" <travis@boxtopsoft.com> ColorSafe is a filter plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and compatible applications that provides fully interactive color pickers for the easy creation of almost limitless 'hybrid' colors from the 216 color Web safe palette. Requires System 7.1 or greater, a 68k or PPC Macintosh, and a compatible filter host application such as Photoshop. #### BINHEX command-transform-10.hqx **** From: garyr@abac.com Subject: Command_Transform1.0 Command Transform 1.0.0 is an Automation Plug-in for Photoshop 5.0 Command Transform 1.0.0 by Robinson Software web: http://users.abac.com/garyr Command Transform is a Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop enabling the creation of layered Photoshop documents using offsets, rotations, and scales from images and picture boxes in Quark Xpress. With Command Transform you can recreate the Exact placement of images in Photoshop 5.0 as well as crop them to there Picture Box or use there path for cropping. The final procuct of a Quark page using Command Transform is a layered Photoshop document that matches the image position and crop of the Quark document. Command transform also allows you to set the Resolution of the images in a way that only requires one Transform to scale, rotate, offset,and change resolution. Uses for Command Transform: Desktop Publishing Web development System Requirements: Macintosh Power PC System 7.5 or better Photoshop 5.0 or better Applescript enabled and its standard scripting additions. #### BINHEX digitizer-12.hqx **** Date: Wed, 7 Dec 94 11:12:59 GMT From: cd102@phy.cam.ac.uk (Cyrus Daboo) Subject: Plug-in Digitizer v1.2 Hi folks, Here's the latest version of 'Plug-in Digitizer' (v1.2). This Photoshop/ NIH-Image acquisition plug-in allows you to grab images into these applications from any Quicktime compatible video digitizer, including the AV Mac's built-in digitizers. The new version now allows grabbing at any depth and size independently of the current monitor setting, allowing full size NTSC or PAL images to be grabbed with a 14" monitor attached to the computer. --Cyrus Daboo. #### BINHEX direct-bits.hqx **** Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 15:04:57 -0800 From: rausch@crl.com (Paul Rauschelbach) Subject: Photoshop 3.0 Direct Bits (fat) update This versions of Directs Bits will run native on Power Macintosh. It will improve the performance of the Bezier Pen tool when creating paths. Paul Rauschelbach <rausch@crl.com> SF #### BINHEX dither-filters-18.hqx **** From: hull@cs.uiuc.edu Subject: Dither Filters 1.8 This is version 1.8 of my Photoshop Dither Filter package, a collection of two filters for Adobe Photoshop that dither color or grayscale images to black and white so that they can be printed on a bilevel device, such as a laser printer. When printing to a laser printer, the dithering algorithms in these filters may be superior to the halftoning algorithms that are built into Photoshop. Why is that? Laser printers suffer from a problem called dot gain: isolated black pixels on the printed page are larger than they "should" be. In fact, a certain amount of dot gain is unavoidable: since the dots that a laser printer makes are round, each dot has to overlap slightly with its neighbors so that the laser printer can produce a solid black. What this means is that most laser printer output is slightly darker than it should be. In practice, most laser printers produce dots which are somewhat larger than this minimum necessary dot size, making the problem even worse. The two filters in the Photoshop Dither Filter package compensate for dot gain when they halftone an image. For more information see the enclosed README file or the web page, http://pertsserver.cs.uiuc.edu/~hull/halftone/ This version fixes a bug in VGDither, and adds some minor new features. The files in this archive were checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6. The file belongs in gst/grf/pshp/dither-filter-18.hqx and replaces dither-filter-16.hqx which is already there. The package is freeware. -David Hull (dlhull@uiuc.edu) #### BINHEX e-vue-image-tools-170.hqx **** From: "Marner, Joakim" <jmarner@e-vue.com> Subject: e-VueImageTools17.bin <<e-VueImageTools17>> e-Vue Image Tools for Photoshop 1.70 e-Vue Image Tools for Photoshop allows you to create new and convert existing images to the highly efficient, standards based MPEG-4 format. Typical MPEG-4 image sizes are 2-5 times smaller than with other image compression technologies, with no loss of image quality. Image protection features can disable right click copying or saving for Internet users. e-Vue's exclusive feature for progressive display by size or quality allows users to quickly preview the full image nearly instantly. Additional options to create thumbnail images and HTML pages support rapid web-site incorporation. #### BINHEX export-icon-plug-in-15.hqx **** From: Sherman Uitzetter <sherman@KineticCreations.com> Subject: Export Icon Plug-in 1.5 - export icons from Photoshop! Kinetic Creations' Export Icon Plug-in version 1.5 Export Icon is an Adobe Photoshop (r) plug-in which exports a Photoshop image directly from Adobe Photoshop to a custom icon file. The plug-in uses the Photoshop image's pixel data to create 4, 8, and 32 bit icons. It uses the image's transparency data to create the icon's 1 and 8 bit masks. Changes: * Added support for "Huge" (48x48 pixel) and "Thumbnail" (128x128 pixel) icons * Fixed a crashing bug in the previously released 1.5 public beta version System requirements: * Any Apple MacOS capable computer with at least a 68020 processor * Adobe Photoshop (r) * System 7.5 or higher (tested up through system 9.0.4) License: This is a fully-working, 10 free trials version which is converted to the full version (with a key) after purchase. For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. #### BINHEX expression-31-ppc.hqx **** From: jbum@netcom.com (Jim Bumgardner) Subject: Photoshop Expression 3.1 PPC Beta - Filter for Procedural Textures Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 11:42:33 -0700 (PDT) Expression 3.1 PPC Beta 2/28/95 Copyright 1995 Jim Bumgardner (jbum@netcom.com) This is a beta version of Expression 3.1 PPC, a photoshop filter for PowerMacs that can be used to create abstract images and special effects. This beta version is for users of Expression 3.0 who have requested a special version for their PowerMacs. If you are new to Expression, I suggest you download the 3.0 version, which includes documentation. New for version 3.1 PPC: Works (only) on the PowerMac - FAT version coming soon. TURB3D function for generating moving clouds and other turbulent phenomena. (This is basically a 3D Fbm function). New Presets: MAND Nice Zoom Marble - Gray Turb Waves Mand Amoeba Zebra Petals Turb Spiral Turb Lightning Clouds - Moving Clouds * * * Expression is a procedural textures filter for Photoshop or Premiere that makes colorful pictures and animations based on mathematical expressions. Things you can do with Expression: Fractals & Fractal zoom movies. Other interesting abstract movies. Textile patterns for weaving, embroidery etc. Animated texture maps for 3D rendering. Special FX. General purpose image processing. Expression is being distributed free to the public by the author. #### BINHEX eye-candy-30-demo.hqx **** From: samm@alienskin.com Subject: Eye Candy 3.0 - Photoshop plug-ins Announcing the release of Eye Candy 3.0! Eye Candy 3.0 is the latest version of Photoshop plug-ins from Alien Skin Software. These filters create special effects in seconds that would normally require hours of hand tweaking. New features since version The Black Box 2.1: *11 new filters (total of 21) *Zoomable and resizable previews with thumbnail navigation *Color Pickers added to many of the filters *Save and restore your own settings or choose from over 200 presets *Opacity options for HSB Noise and Cutout *Smaller installed size *New lighting control for shadows and highlights for the Macintosh filters *Drop Shadow, Glow, Outer Bevel, and Motion Trail no longer remove the selection when used with Photoshop 4.0 System Requirements: *PowerPC processor *Apple System Software 7.1.2 *12 Megabytes of physical RAM *Color monitor with 24-bit video card *Adobe Photoshop 3.04 or later For more information, please visit our Web Site: http://www.alienskin.com Thanks, Sam Mauney Alien WebFink Alien Skin Software http://www.alienskin.com Best regards, Sam Mauney #### BINHEX fbi-detector-101.hqx **** From: (Highwater Designs R & D,GB,IDV) MHSMITH@applelink.apple.com Subject: FBI Detector 1.0.1 This Photoshop plug-in will search for FBI fingerprints on any of your images. The FBI Detector� Installer may be freely distributed in an unaltered form. It must be accompanied by this READ ME file. #### BINHEX feather-gif.hqx **** From: lloyd@kagi.com Subject: FeatherGIF 1.9.7 - Web transparency filter FeatherGIF is a filter for Photoshop and other paint programs that lets you easily add complex transparency effects to GIF images for the Web. Version 1.9.7 works faster on G3 computers and can exchange settings files with the Windows version. FeatherGIF lets you create soft edges, see-through gradients - even automatic dropshadows and cutouts, and all effects will let a web page's graphic background show through properly. FeatherGIF is shareware for Macintosh. To see the results, and to check for updates, visit www.flamingpear.com . #### BINHEX filter-organizer-107.hqx **** From: Timothy Wall <twall@flashcom.net> Subject: Filter Organizer 1.0.7 Filter Organizer allows customization of the filters/effects/plugins menu of Photoshop and/or other graphics applications. If you've got a zillion plugins you need to organize (and still have available when you run Photoshop), this is the utility you need. A 68k version is also available at http://www.tiac.net/users/twall/fo/filter-org.shtml. Documentation is included. Permission is granted for inclusion on CD-ROMs; only author notification is required. Tim Wall Wall Art Software twall@kagi.com #### BINHEX fotopage-pro-11.hqx **** From: "Joe Stoner" <joe@vbase.com> Subject: FotoPage Pro Demo FotoPage Pro simplifies and speeds up the process of making Photoshop Contact Sheets, up to ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TIMES and works with versions 3.0 upwards. #### BINHEX franks-color-filters-101.hqx **** From: fjowen@worldnet.att.net (Frank Owen) Subject: Frank's Color Filters This package contains three Photoshop filters, which are grouped together under a sub-menu of the filter menu labeled "Color". Remove Color simply removes the color from the selection. This has the same effect on a selection as converting the entire image to grayscale, but without changing the color depth. This allows you to create that commonly used effect of having most everything in an image in black and white, but retaining color for an item of interest. Change Color changes the color of the selection to the currently selected foreground color. Colorize is similar to Change Color, but only operates on pixels within the selection that start out gray. This maintenance release (1.0.1) updates the author contact info, and adds new "About" boxes. Frank Owen fjowen@worldnet.att.net #### BINHEX frosty-20.hqx **** From: nwcs@delphi.com Subject: Frosty 2.0 Photoshop 3 Plugin Frosty is an image manipulator. It takes the selected area and does an algorithm on it and produces a snow like effect on the image. The amount of snow can vary according to the intensity you select. You can choose between 1 and 99 percent. The effects can be different according to the type of graphic you are applying the filter to. On simple pictures Frosty acts like a 'find lines' filter, adding frost along the edges. On more complex graphics, Frosty adds the 'snow' more evenly. In a sense, think of it as this: the snow goes into the 'pits' of the image. The 'snow' color is the current background color you currently have selected. This is a Adobe Photoshop version 5.0 filter. That is, it works with all programs that use Photoshop plug-ins compatible with version 3.0 of Photoshop and higher. The filter has native code for both 680x0 and PowerPC based Macintoshes. I don't have a 680x0 Mac anymore so I cannot test it but it is based on the same code. If there are any problems, please let me know. What's different since 1.0 (a.k.a. New Features) * Frosty is now a version 5 Photoshop filter * Previews in the dialog box * Numbers based on percent, not levels * Fat binary, supports PowerPC and 680x0 * Faster algorithm * Works if you have multiple layers in your document * Placed in the 'Noise' menu now instead of 'Stylize' * Better documentation with example! Frosty was written by Neil Schulman, nwcs@delphi.com #### BINHEX furbo-designer.hqx **** From: craigh@ix.netcom.com Subject: furbo-designer-20.hqx furbo filters Designer Pack - Version 2.0 - December 1997 Shareware Photoshop plug-ins ($39) developed by Craig Hockenberry of Iconfactory.com in partnership with Jeffrey Zeldman of www.zeldman.com. The DESIGNER PACK provides unique creative effects. "Makes five or six of Photoshop's bundled filters obsolete. And this is the only filter I have seen with a Chrome setting that actually produces something vaguely resembling chrome. Also included is a variation on the Emboss filter that does a better job of resolving engraved grooves at high settings, a psychedelic color remapper, and the obligatory synthetic-pattern generator." - Deke McClelland, Macworld. Additional information about these filters is available at our web site: <http://www.furbo-filters.com> The Designer Pack is available from Info-Mac as: furbo-designer-20.hqx #### BINHEX furbo-webmaster.hqx **** From: craigh@ix.netcom.com Subject: furbo-webmaster-10.hqx furbo filters Webmaster Series - Version 1.0 - December 1997 Shareware Photoshop plug-ins ($39) developed by Craig Hockenberry of Iconfactory.com in partnership with Jeffrey Zeldman of www.zeldman.com. The WEBMASTER'S SERIES enables web designers and developers to make the smallest and best-looking cross-platform images possible (via Netscape-CLUT posterization or automated web-scrubbing); and to preview images as they will appear on Mac and Windows platforms, as gif or jpeg, at a variety of user-selectable compression levels and CLUT settings. Additional information about these filters is available at our web site: <http://www.furbo-filters.com> The Webmaster Series is available from Info-Mac as: furbo-webmaster-10.hqx #### BINHEX gif-prep-101.hqx **** From: travis@boxtopsoft.com Subject: GIFPrep1.0.1 File name: GIFPrep1.0.1.sit.hqx Uploaded: 2/18/98 GIF Prep 1.0.1 is a drag and drop utility that will remove the resource forks from GIF and JPEG files so the Finder will display an accurate size for them. Freeware. Complete information is available from the BoxTop Software, Inc. Web site at http://www.boxtopsoft.com GIF Prep 1.0.1 is a minor update to version 1.0 and should replace any previous versions posted. It may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM -- Travis Anton BoxTop Software, Inc. http://www.boxtopsoft.com #### BINHEX graphite-106-68k.hqx **** From: twall@tiac.net Subject: Graphite 1.0.6 68k Graphite is a freehand graphite rubbing and texturizing tool for applications which support Photoshop filter plugins. With Graphite, you can select an arbitrary texture to use as your "paper" texture. Once a texture is selected, you can apply pencil strokes from 9H (very hard) to 9B (very soft and black) which interact with the paper grain. In addition, you can disable the pencil coloring and rub the texture into the current image. If you have a pressure-sensitive tablet, then you can rub lightly to get a little texture, or harder to push the texture deeper into the image. The README file indicated below is included in the distribution, and includes a version history: <http://www.tiac.net/users/twall/graphite.shtml> #### BINHEX graphite-106.hqx **** From: twall@tiac.net Subject: Graphite 1.0.6 PPC (replaces 1.0.5) Graphite is a freehand graphite rubbing and texturizing tool for applications which support Photoshop filter plugins. With Graphite, you can select an arbitrary texture to use as your "paper" texture. Once a texture is selected, you can apply pencil strokes from 9H (very hard) to 9B (very soft and black) which interact with the paper grain. In addition, you can disable the pencil coloring and rub the texture into the current image. If you have a pressure-sensitive tablet, then you can rub lightly to get a little texture, or harder to push the texture deeper into the image. The README file indicated below is included in the distribution, and includes a version history: <http://www.tiac.net/users/twall/graphite.shtml> #### BINHEX holo-dozo-10-demo.hqx **** From: wpenner@mmmsoft.com Subject: HoloDozo 1.0 - Photoshop Plug-ins Introducing HoloDozo 1.0: HoloDozo is a set of 28 plug-ins for Photoshop, Premiere, Director 5.0 and other Photoshop compatible host applications that frees you from the time-consuming drudgery of 3D work. Each of the plug-ins contains one 3D primitive onto which you can apply any imaginable texture. Manipulating and lighting these 3D objects is a snap with the unique Holocube, an innovative 3-dimensional interface. This HoloDozo Demo includes one fully-functional plug-in. Quickdraw 3D: HoloDozo is the first Photoshop plug-in which fully employs Apple�s award-winning Quickdraw 3D technology in both the user-interface (the HoloCube) and all the effects� rendering. System requirements: * System 7.5 * Power Macintosh with at least 16 MB of RAM (32 MB or more recommended) * Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 or newer (or compatible host app) * Apple QuickDraw 3D 1.0.6 or newer For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web site: http://www.mmmsoft.com Thanks, Willi Penner <wpenner@mmmsoft.com> M.M.M.Software <http://www.mmmsoft.com/> #### BINHEX hvs-color-gif-20.hqx **** From: sgust@megsinet.net Subject: HVS ColorGIF 2.0 HVS ColorGIF 2.0 is a plugin for Photoshop and plugin-compatible paint programs which produces highly optimized, compact GIFs using the HVS algorithm. It allows advanced control of color tables, transparency, dithering, gamma and thresholding. All features are enabled in this demo for thirty days after installation. Version 2.17 is fully compatbile with Adobe Photoshop 5, and offers improved color reduction for palettes of fewer than nine colors. http://www.digfrontiers.com/color2.html #### BINHEX hvs-jpeg-221-demo.hqx **** From: sgust@megsinet.net Subject: HVS JPEG 2.0 HVS JPEG 2.0 is a plugin for Photoshop and plugin-compatible applications which creates high quality JPEGs typically 45% smaller than Photoshop-standard JPEGs. All features are enabled in this demo for thirty days after installation. Version 2.21 is fully compatible with Adobe Photoshop 5. http://www.digfrontiers.com/jpeg2.html #### BINHEX imagevice-11.hqx **** From: travis@boxtopsoft.com Subject: ImageVice1.1.sit.hqx File name: ImageVice1.1.sit.hqx Uploaded: 2/18/98 ImageVice 1.1 is an Adobe Photoshop 2.5 or greater and compatible filter plug-in for color reduction that can make GIF, PNG, PICT, and BMP images up to 70% more compressible than they would be otherwise. Requires System 7.0 or greater and any compatible Adobe Photoshop filter plug-in host application. Shareware. Complete information is available from the BoxTop Software, Inc. Web site at http://www.boxtopsoft.com ImageVice 1.1 is a minor update to version 1.0 and should replace any previous versions posted. It may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM NOTE: *No* it is not supposed to be 'vise' with an 's' do not change the spelling -- Travis Anton BoxTop Software, Inc. http://www.boxtopsoft.com #### BINHEX india-ink-15.hqx **** From: lloyd@flamingpear.com Subject: India Ink 1.5 - stylized Photoshop halftones India Ink is a filter for Photoshop that gives you over a dozen exotic ways to convert color or greyscale images to unusual black-and-white halftones. Suitable for image stylization or black-and-white printers, most styles offer variable line weight, warping, gamma, and scaling. Version 1.5 now has built-in image sharpening for far better-looking results, and presets to get you started fast. It includes a utility for exchanging presets with the Windows version, special modes that work in color, and a randomizer that lets you find new ideas fast. India Ink requires Photoshop 3.0 or an equivalent. To see the results, and to check for updates, visit www.flamingpear.com . #### BINHEX india-ink.hqx **** From: lloyd@kagi.com Subject: India Ink 1.4.7 - stylized Photoshop halftones India Ink is a filter for Photoshop that gives you over a dozen exotic ways to convert color or greyscale images to unusual black-and-white halftones. Suitable for image stylization or black-and-white printers, most styles offer variable line weight, warping, gamma, and scaling. Version 1.4.7 now works faster on G3 computers. It includes a utility that lets youexchange presets with the Windows version. Special modes work in color, and a randomizer lets you find new ideas fast. India Ink is shareware for Macintosh. To see the results, and to check for updates, visit www.flamingpear.com . #### BINHEX jh-plug-ins-us.hqx **** From: hiro@b.email.ne.jp Subject: J&H Plugins 2.0 Mask Filter for PhotoShop 'J&H Plugins' package contains a seris of plug-ins for Adobe PhotoShop. Thay will work as filter plugin to mask whole or some square part of your pictures. The masking method of these modules are all reversible. When you want unmask it, you can do it by use the same filter on it again. System requirements: * System 7.0 or later *Adobe PhotoShop v2.5 or later * Macintosh 68k or PowerMacintosh with RAM for PhotoShop. * 900kb of hard drive space. For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web page: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/b/monkeybusiness/ Yours truly. Hiro FUJIMOTO <hiro@b.email.ne.jp> <http://www.ne.jp/b/monkeybusiness/index.html> #### BINHEX jpeg-it.hqx **** From: gyld@in-touch.com Subject: JPEGiT! for Macintosh JPEGiT! for Macintosh is an Adobe Photoshop plug-in enables you to output and read progressive JPEGs from the most popular and powerful graphics programs. The plug-in is a FAT binary and will run on both PowerPC and 68K Macintoshes. The plug-in works with Adobe Photoshop version 3.0+ and other graphic programs which support Photoshop file format filters. #### BINHEX jwpsgrad.hqx **** From: jwalsh@mcia.com Subject: JW's Spherical Gradients #1 http://www.mcia.com/~jwalsh/ JW's Photoshop Spherical Gradients #1 This is a binhex stuffit archive containing a gradient file for use with Adobe Photoshop 4.0 and 5.0. These gradients can be loaded into the gradient tool via the editor window and used in conjunction with the Spherize filter to make very realistic spheres without purchasing additional expensive plug-ins. This archive is freeware. These files may be included on Info-Mac CD-ROM's. These files may be distributed freely without restriction, as long as the ReadMe file accompanies them. This folder was checked for viruses with Disinfectant and Virex. For further information, see the ReadMe file upon download in the archive's folder or visit my web site. Thanks, Jerry Walsh #### BINHEX jws-sky-gradients.hqx **** From: jwalsh@mcia.com Subject: JW's Photoshop Sky Gradients #1 This is a binhex stuffit archive containing a gradient file for use with Adobe Photoshop 4.0 and 5.0 (only). There are no other system requirements. These gradients can be loaded into the gradient tool via the editor window and used to create realistic sky effects without purchasing additional expensive plug-ins. Clouds may be added with a variety of Photoshop techniques. This archive is freeware. These files may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM's. These files may be distributed freely without restriction, as long as the ReadMe file accompanies them. Commercial distribution is prohibited without my expressed written consent. This folder was checked for viruses with Disinfectant and Virex. For further information, see the ReadMe file upon download in the archive's folder or visit my web site. Thanks, Jerry Walsh Jerry Walsh Fringewood Design http://www.mcia.com/~jwalsh/ #### BINHEX jwsblade-propresets.hqx **** From: jwalsh@mcia.com Subject: JW's BladePro Presets #1 & #2 Jerry Walsh Fringewood Design http://www.mcia.com/~jwalsh/ JW's BladePro Presets #1 & #2 This is a dual set of custom presets for the Photoshop filter BladePro 2.X by Flaming Pear Software (Macintosh version). Some of the enclosed files relies upon texture and color files found within the original download or the extra texture files. The additional PICT files which are required are included in this archive. To assure that all presets function as designed, download extra texture packs #1 through #4 from: http://www.flamingpear.com/blade.html To use, simple place the enclosed presets and Photoshop PICT files from this unstuffed archive within the Photoshop/BladePro/environments and textures folder. When the preset button is clicked in the main BladePro window, simply select the preset desired. All presets in this archive are marked with an asterisk* in the file name for easy and unobtrusive identification. This archive has been check for viruses with Virex and Disinfectant. This archive is freeware. Only two restrictions apply. First, any commercial distribution is prohibited without first contacting me in writing. Second, any distribution must be accompanied by this ReadMe file. To contact me, e-mail: jwalsh@mcia.com Or visit Fringewood News for more Photoshop goodies at: http://www.mcia.com/~jwalsh/ All comments and questions are welcome. Jerry Walsh #### BINHEX kais-power-tips-extras.hqx **** From: quadra_quack@sierra.campus.mci.net (Isaac Church) Subject: Kai's Power Tips Extra's The following contains all of files that came with the original set of Kai's Power Tips. These files along with the Kai's Power Tips DOCMaker program recently uploaded, will help you become a better Photoshop user. This file is MUCH smaller than the Tips itself. #### BINHEX kais-power-tips.hqx **** From: QuadraQuac@aol.com (Isaac Church) Subject: Kai's Power Tips This is a DOCMaker Version of all of Kai's Power Tips. All you need to use these is a color Mac, Photoshop 2.0 or higher, and about 5MB of disk space for the uncompressed version of the document. Just double click and learn how to become a Photoshop wizard! The Filters, and example files that came with the original tips will be made3 available as a seperate upload. #### BINHEX kodak-photo-cd-311.hqx **** Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 15:05:37 -0800 From: rausch@crl.com (Paul Rauschelbach) Subject: Photoshop Kodak PhotoCD Plug-in version 3.1.1 (fat) This file contains information for using the KODAK CMS Photo CD Plug-In Module (Plug In) with Adobe Photoshop� Version 3.0 for the Macintosh. Adobe Systems and Kodak recommend using System 7 or higher for optimal performance. The KODAK CMS Photo CD Plug-in is a file format module designed for use with Adobe Photoshop 2.5.1 or greater for the Macintosh. Included with the Plug In are high-fidelity Source and Destination Precision Transforms. The Plug In opens images stored in Kodak's Photo CD Image Pac format and reads Photo YCC data from the disc through the KODAK PRECISION Color Management System (CMS). The CMS delivers accurate image quality for color editing and reproduction with Adobe Photoshop. The current version is 3.1.1, created Dec. 22, 1994. This version of the plug-in runs native on both the PowerPC and the 68000 series Macintosh and is noticably faster on both types. Depending on the amount of memory you have allocated to Adobe Photoshop, you can experience a five times improvement in performance times on the PowerPC compared to previous versions of the KODAK CMS Photo CD Plug In. Paul Rauschelbach <rausch@crl.com> SF #### BINHEX ks-labs-epson-ink-252.hqx **** Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 06:14:23 -0700 (PDT) From: Guy Kuo <guykuo@u.washington.edu> Subject: KS Labs Epson Ink 2.52 Update of KS Labs ink settings file for Epson Stylus Color and Photoshop. Use of this ink settings can dramatically improved color accuracy and saturation while printing from Photoshop to Epson Stylus Color printers. Now usable with StylusColor driver versions 1.10E, 1.20E, and 1.20A. Requires Photoshop. #### BINHEX lacquer-10.hqx **** From: Steve Hays <support@sandwater.com> Subject: Lacquer 1.0 - Photoshop-compatible plugin filter Lacquer is a plug-in filter for Photoshop and other paint programs. It produces shiny, glittery, glossy, sparkly results from nearly any image, with results that range from metallic to resinous to wet to weird. Lacquer builds a 3D surface from the brightness of an image and then lights this surface in several ways that you can control, tweak, and randomize. For examples, updates, and other filters, see www.sandwater.com . #### BINHEX mitch-power-actions-20.hqx **** From: "Mitch Gillen" <axis45@hotmail.com> Subject: Mitch Power Actions 2.0 An updated version of Mitch Power Actions. #### BINHEX one-scan-111.hqx **** From: han@lava.net Subject: onescan111.sit This Plug-In for Adobe Photoshop (>=2.5.1) allows the user to drive an Apple OneScanner or Color OneScanner. Version 0.1 was wildly hacked together in a moment of frustration with the Ofoto/Photoshop juggling process Written by Richard Parr in 1994. Still works today. If you rename this to be "Apple Color OneScanner" you can get the old OneScanner's to work with the current OneScanner Dispatcher software that ships with the 600/27 and 1200/30 models. #### BINHEX pan-digitalizer-10.hqx **** From: "Fedor Skvortsov" <fed@graphics-resource.com> Subject: Panopticum Digitalizer 1.0 Panopticum Digitalizer - it is the additional module for the Adobe Photoshop 5.x. Digitalizer allows to get a very interesting effect. The image is represented by a matrix, the elements of which will form a figure of the initial image. Elements of the image can be figures, letters or any other symbols. You can edit a set of symbols in a special editor. You can also use predefined character sets by loading them from a file. By setting up parameters of the plugin you can change the quality of picture display and its expressiveness. By combining this filter with others and by using multy-layers compositions you can get perfect computer art products. New future: New possibility to save result of effect in formats RTF, TXT and HTML. #### BINHEX pan-rich-typing-12.hqx **** From: "Fedor Skvortsov" <fed@graphics-resource.com> Subject: Panopticum Rich Typing version 1.2 Panopticum Rich Typing 1.2 - is a new set of additional modules for the AdobeR Premiere, AdobeR After Effects. This set includes 3 filters: Rich Typing, Digitalizer and Morphing. Rich Typing With this product you will be able to make different inscriptions, subtitles and creeping lines easily. What you can find very handy is that you can use formatted text created in Word and saved in RTF file format or text that was placed into clipboard. That text can be multi page or color, contain various fonts and different types of formatting if phrases and paragraphs. You can create lines floating in the screen or pages of text assembled letter by letter. It is also possible16:11 24.01.01 to obtain the effect text typing / erasing letter by letter. You will be able to make various vertical or horizontal creeping lines as well as their different displaying. Altogether there are over 500 variant of text effects you can make! Digitalizer This plugin module allows to receive very interesting effect. The image is represented by a matrix, the elements of which will form a figure of the initial image. Elements of the image can be figures, letters and any other symbols. A set of used symbols you can edit in the special editor. Also you can use ready character sets, by loading them from a file. Setting up parameters of plugin, you can change quality of display picture and its expressiveness. If picture driven, the symbols of a matrix will change in dynamics. In a combination to other filters and using the multy-layers compositions can be received the perfect products of computer art. Morphing Panopticum Morphing is a unique tool kit for fast creation of very interesting text effects. This module lets you transform one text into another by using morphing or various types of symbols changing. You can change the text in whole or lines and symbols one after another. With the help of a special editor you can prepare the initial and the final text for morphing. Using different colors, fonts and sizes is possible. #### BINHEX photo-fits.hqx **** From: OtterSol@aol.com Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 09:39:13 EDT Subject: File for submission -------------------- Photo Fits -------------------- Photo Fits is an Adobe Photoshopx plug-in which allows import of FITS files. Photo Fits can read byte, integer, longint, real, and double fits files. Photo Fits can not read fits files with extensions nor can it read 1D files. Photo Fits only looks at the image or images pointed to by the first fits header. Photo Fits can be freely distributed so long as it is not modified in any way and this read me file is distributed with Photo Fits. I know that Photo Fits can not read all fits files and I am working on it. Photo Fits is not finished and if you find a fits file which doesn't work DO NOT email it to me, a short note will be good and a ftp site where I can download it. Thanks for your understanding. Hope you like it. Doug Norton Otter Solution 10 Limekiln Road Whitesboro, NY 13492-2338 ottersol@aol.com tel 315.768.3956 fax 315.736.4371 #### BINHEX photo-gif-35.hqx **** From: travis@boxtopsoft.com Subject: PhotoGIF 3.5 PhotoGIF is a set of award-winning Adobe Photoshop plug-ins that provide unsurpassed capabilities for producing highly optimized GIF images and editing GIF animations within Photoshop, with minimum possible effort for maximum results. Requires System 7.1 or greater, a PPC based Macintosh, and a compatible host application such as Photoshop. #### BINHEX photo-opener-10.hqx **** From: joelaff@inlink.com (Joe Laffey) Subject: Photo_Opener_1.0 Converts graphics documents so that they launch Photoshop when double-clicked. #### BINHEX photoshop-de-aggravator-v2.hqx **** From: (Jerry Kindall) kindall@manual.com Subject: Photoshop De-Aggravator v2 for OneClick This new version replaces the earlier file photoshop-de-aggravator.hqx. Improvements in the new version include a more attractive palette and the ability to turn the palette on and off. Ever noticed that certain of Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts for tools in its floating tool palette are a wee bit inconsistent? M selects Marquee unless Marquee's already selected, in which case it toggles Marquee between rectangular and oval. Three other tools are similarly afflicted. This drove me nuts so I used OneClick to do something about it. With the De-Aggravator palette installed, these keys will act just like the others. A letter by itself always selects a tool without changing its mode; Shift plus a letter switches the modes of tools that can be switched. If you like it, please visit my Web site and keep me in mind for any technical writing or Web design jobs you need done. Jerry Kindall kindall@manual.com Manual Labor http://www.manual.com/ #### BINHEX photoshop-ppc-plugin.hqx **** From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits) Subject: PhotoShop PPC plug-in Date: Fri, 18 Mar 1994 19:23:47 -0600 --========================_17944792==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" This plug-in speeds all built-in Photoshop functions on the Power Macintosh, such as effects, resizing, rotating, compositing, feathering, color conversion, and all built-in filters including the Blur, Blur More, Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Add Noise, Despeckle, Median, Sharpen, Sharpen More, Sharpen Edges, Unsharp Mask, Emboss, Facet, Find Edges, Fragment, Mosaic, Trace Contour, Custom, High Pass, Maximum and Minimum filters. The accelerator does not, however, accelerate plug-in filters, such as the Color Halftone, Crystallize, Wind, Wave, Sphereize, Extrude, Twirl, Tiles, and Pointillize filters. Similarly, the PowerPC Accelerator does not affect third-party plug-ins, such as Aldus Gallery Effects and Kai's Power Tools. Note that the Lens Flare filter currently does not work on the Power Macintosh. Adobe Systems will post an update to this filter when it is available. --========================_17944792==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="PhotoShop_PPC_plug-in.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="PhotoShop_PPC_plug-in.sit" #### BINHEX phototext-20-solo.hqx **** From: JMcCartor@extensis.com Subject: PhotoText 2.0 Solo.sit Name : "PhotoText Solo 2.0" Description : "Extensis PhotoText Solo is a fully functional WYSIWYG text formatting plug-in for Photoshop 3.05 through 5.0. Features include multiple text blocks; character style sheets; individual character color; kerning, tracking, and leading controls; and formatting choices including bold, italic, underline, outline, and full justification. Text blocks can be saved to allow future editing and will even remember formatting and positioning." Minimum requirements : Adobe Photoshop 3.04 ---- Please post this in the Photoshop (pshp) directory #### BINHEX plug-one.hqx **** From: Paolo.Manna@omnitel.it Subject: PlugOne 1.0 submission PlugOne is a plug-in module that follows the Adobe PhotoShop standard. It allows to drive and acquire images from all the Apple scanners (i.e. AppleScanner, OneScanner and Color OneScanner series) directly from inside the host software (Adobe PhotoShop & StreamLine, Quark XPress and, of course, Toothpick's RemoteScan & Scan!Plot): this way, the acquired images are immediately available for retouching, tracing, etc.. #### BINHEX primus-10.hqx **** From: "Christopher Hadden" <chadden@contecrayon.com> Subject: Primus v1.0 >From the developers of BladePro, Primus introduces the novice plugin user to the incredible world of graphical plugins. Simply install the plugin, point your image application to the file and you are flying in 3D. Using the interface of BladePro, Primus is designed to help those users yet to explore graphical plugins. By keeping the functions simple yet linking it to the powerful technologies of BladePro, you will be instantly successful creating 3D surfaces and textures with preset variables. When you are comfortable with plugins and want more power, including complete control over your attributes and the ability to save and share your creations, take a look at BladePro, the award-winning plugin for the ultimate in 3D surface and texture creation. Primus is compatible with these applications: Jasc Paint Shop Pro (3.1 and higher), Ulead Photoimpact (4.0 and higher), Micrografx Picture Publisher, ArcSoft PhotoStudio, MicroFrontier Digital Darkroom, Microsoft PhotoDraw, Photoline (4.11 and higher), SPG Colorworks, Microsoft Image Composer. Also compatible with Adobe Photoshop (3.0 and higher), Corel Photo Paint (6.0 and higher), Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia xRes, Adobe Illustrator, Deneba Canvas (6.0 and higher), Painter (4.0 and higher), and Art Dabbler. Special requirements: � PowerPC processor � (Eye Candy will not work on 68K machines) � Apple System Software version 7.5 or greater � 12 Megabytes of physical RAM � Color Monitor with 8-bit or greater video card #### BINHEX pro-jpeg-312.hqx **** From: travis@boxtopsoft.com Subject: ProJPEG 3.1.2 ProJPEG is an easy to use, high performance tool for preparing optimized JPEG images for the Web. It is a file format plug-in for Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and greater. In contrast to other JPEG capable tools ProJPEG provides many unique abilities to aid you in the creation of optimized JPEGs for the Web without trial and error that can save you valuable production time while resulting in smaller, faster JPEG files for your Web site. Requires System 7.1 or greater, a PPC Macintosh and a compatible host application such as Photoshop. #### BINHEX proof-block.hqx **** From: rjohnson@execpc.com Subject: Proof Block plug-in for Adobe Illustrator Proof Block and Scan Layer 7.0 Adobe Illustrator plug-in filters This archive contains two plugins in one. ProofBlock is a plug-in filter for Adobe Illustrator that creates a block to identify the art and provide space for editors, art directors, etc., to initial when they've proofed an illustration prior to publication. It creates it on itw own layer tht prints from Illustrator, but will not print when placed into other applications. Scan Layer creates a special layer for scanned images, moving any selected raster art to the scan layer. If the scan is a bitmap (line art), its color is changed to 25% cyan to make it easier to trace. Requires Adobe Illustrator 7.0, Macintosh 68K or PowerPC Shareware ($5). Rick Johnson/Graffix #### BINHEX reduce-noise.hqx **** From: devel@dragonflydigital.com Subject: ReduceNoise.sea.hqx - A PhotoShop plug in for PPC Mac Reduce Noise is a plug in for Adobe Photoshop. It requires Photoshop 4.01 for PowerMac. The plug in works on Filmstrip files (only) so it is probably of no use to anyone without Adobe Premiere. The plug in is primarily intended to clean up still images captured on video. You capture multiple, identical frames, with your video device. Then you save your movie as a Filmstrip and open it in Photoshop. Then you can use the plug in to average all the frames together to clean up video noise. This is version 0.4. It is Freeware. There is more information on the following web page: <http://msn.fullfeed.com/~drgnfly/devel/> #### BINHEX retro-scan-10.hqx **** From: Greg_Staten@avid.com Subject: Retroscan 1.0 RetroScan is a professional quality PhotoShop Plug-In that simulates the effect of rescanning a noisy TV signal. It provides an easy way to achieve the fashionable "cyber punk" effect for print, multimedia, and video. RetroScan has the following controls: Signal Boost - Adjusts the "gain" of the video signal Snow - Adds noise as if the UHF signal was fading Scanline Size - Sets the scanline height to 1,2,3, or 4 pixels Scanline Contrast - Adjusts the amount of scanline enhancement Ghost Image - Toggles a faint ghost image 40 pixels to the right Ramp Edges - Makes the vertical border look more like a TV Generation - Cycles through the filter 1,2, or 3 times If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports send them to : 72614.2176@compuserve.com If you like and use RetroScan, please be sure to register your copy by sending $20 to: Deep Devices P.O. Box 620038 Newton Lower Falls, MA 02162 Registered copies of RetroScan will include additional neat stuff. #### BINHEX sisnikk-203-demo.hqx **** From: wpenner@mmmsoft.com Subject: sisnikk 2.0.3 - Photoshop Plug-ins SISNIKK Pro 2.0.3: SISNIKK Pro 2.0.3E1 is a Photoshop Plug-in Pack for professional high-quality Single Image Stereogram Development. A Single Image Stereogram is a picture with hidden 3D information. At first glance a stereogram may look like graphical art or can even look like a real photo, but when focusing beyond the page, a three dimensional illusion appears. Elements begin to float all over the image and objects pop out of the surface. Everything that opens with Photoshop is suitable to be composed to form a Single Image Stereogram with this incredible effect. SISNIKK Pro can create this magic in every color mode, in every resolution and in every size needed. All SISNIKK Pro plug-ins are fat binaries and run native on Power Macintosh computers. System requirements: * System 7.x * Macintosh with 16 MB of RAM * Adobe Photoshop 2.5.1, 3.0.5 or newer For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit our Web site: http://www.mmmsoft.com Thanks, Willi Penner <wpenner@mmmsoft.com> M.M.M.Software <http://www.mmmsoft.com/> #### BINHEX smart-gif-102.hqx **** From: roger@sitejazz.com Subject: smartGIF 1.0.2 Welcome to smartGIF� Version 1.0.2 for the Macintosh smartGIF� is a powerful Adobe Photoshop plug-in that takes the labor out of saving Web-ready images. Its innovative multi-selection technology makes it an export standout. The exclusive real-time multi-image and single or multi-file size preview dramatically reduces the time it takes to create professional Web-ready GIFs. System Requirements Hardware: Power Macintosh Software: System 7.6 (or later), Adobe Photoshop 4.0 or later (including 5.0) Memory: 2 MB (plus system and Photoshop requirements) File Types Supported: Any Photoshop RBG file Roger Ridpath SiteJazz Corp. Makers of smartGIF-saving net creativity http://www.sitejazz.com roger@sitejazz.com #### BINHEX sucking-fish.hqx **** Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 22:11:39 +0000 From: Alan King <alan@hecate.demon.co.uk> Subject: Photoshop filters I am sending the attached archive on behalf of, Naoto Arakawa <GCA00443@niftyserve.or.jp> who is unable to send the directly to you and has asked me to post them for him. The enclosed archive contains the following Photoshop Plug-ins; <1> DekoBoko Creates bevel edges <2> MidnightTV Creates noise like a TV station off air <3> Inai-Inai-Bar Encrypts and de-encrypts graphic files <4> Mr Sa-kan Creates brick walls <5> MagicalCurtain Creates gradients similar KPT's Gradient Designer <6> FrameCurtain Ditto Some instructions are in English others are in Japanese and are un-readable. However I post them intact as they are not mine to edit and Naoto is writing the international instructions. He will post to those who email for them when ready. The Plug-ins are emailware. Only requesting email notification of use. A small effort for such well crafted software. A Kai Krausse in the making. Also attached is my humble effort of a font design. Tektite is a Tekton� look-a-like which is currently very popular, but many characters have styles that are to my personal preference and hopefully to others. I made it for my use and for fun and is postcard/emailware. Thanks, Regards Alan #### BINHEX tesselation-126.hqx **** From: lloyd@kagi.com Subject: Tesselation 1.26 - seamless tile filter Easily turn any graphic into a seamlessly repeating tile with Tesselation, a filter for Photoshop. Now you can make web-page backgrounds and texture maps for 3D graphics without detailed retouching. Create tiles of any size that repeat horizontally, vertically, or both, and control the blending of the edges. Version 1.26 works faster on G3 computers and shows a live image preview. You'll need at least Photoshop 3.0 or an equivalent. To check for updates, please visit www.flamingpear.com . #### BINHEX twain.hqx **** Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1992 09:37:30 -0700 From: tonyh@lynx.msc.cornell.edu Subject: [*]Photoshop TWAIN Plug-In module Photoshop TWAIN Plug-in is a plug-in module for Adobe Photoshop. It allows Photoshop users to control their TWAIN-compatible devices (such as the HP and the new MicroTek scanners, as well as some video frame grabbers) and It was downloaded from the Adobe Forum on CompuServe. (There was another module that allows Photoshop users to access Photo CD. However, it was pulled from the Forum by Adobe because of bugs. It should be reposted there soon.) Moderators: I don't know what Adobe's distribution policy is since the program was not available on AOL (I'd been looking for it there since it was announced in MacWeek).Please don't post it if anyone is aware that the program was NOT to be distributed on the net. Tony Huang tonyh@msc.cornell.edu #### BINHEX twist-10.hqx **** From: support@sandwater.com Subject: Twist 1.0 - Photoshop-compatible plugin filter Twist is a plug-in filter for Photoshop and other paint programs. It distorts images by smearing them in a smooth or complex way, churning them into contrasty strands or turbulent clumps. Twist uses 'line integral convolution' to produce its unusual effect which can make images look active, distressed, or wholly abstract. For examples, updates, and more filters, please visit http://www.sandwater.com/twist.html . #### BINHEX vertigo-3d-hottext.hqx **** From: jan@vertigo3d.com Subject: Vertigo 3D HotTEXT -- add real 3D text to Photoshop Push your Adobe Photoshop designs over the edge with Vertigo 3D HotTEXT. Create never-seen-before 3D text effects right from your keyboard. Vertigo 3D HotTEXT lets you place 3D text along customized 3D paths, add textures, interactively position lights and use the virtual camera to capture the right shot. Vertigo 3D HotTEXT generates high quality images with the award-winning LightWorks renderer. One click and your 3D design is part of your Adobe document. It's that easy to bring your text into the third dimension, without leaving your creativity behind. System Requirements: Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 or greater Quickdraw 3D (a free download from http://quickdraw3d.apple.com/ ) Jan Dyson VERTIGO TECHNOLOGY INC http://www.vertigo3d.com #### BINHEX visual-patch-blade.hqx **** From: ipapadop@interpower.com.mx Subject: Visual Icon Patch for Blade 1.1 This little freeware patches the Photoshop plug-in called Blade 1.1, wich is one of the best ways to create great buttons and bevels replacing its side-view icons by eagle-view icons. #### BINHEX vitriol.hqx **** From: lloyd@kagi.com (Lloyd Burchill) Subject: Vitriol color/contrast filter This is a simple filter for Photoshop which changes colors' contrast as if viewed through colored glass, but without tinting the image. Now a dramatic contrast effect once only possible in black-and-white photography can be done in digital color. Distributors who would like to place this filter on their disks may do so; please notify the author. If you have ideas for improvements, or commentary, or questions, please email the author at lloyd@kagi.com. #### BINHEX web-clipper-20.hqx **** From: travis@boxtopsoft.com Subject: WebClipper 2.0 WebClipper is a free filter plug-in for Adobe Photoshop that corrects the color shifts from Web safe colors that routinely occur during color reduction to adaptive palettes. WebClipper allows you to easily create hybrid images containing both custom colors and select colors from the Web safe palette. Requires System 7.1 or greater, a PPC based Macintosh and a compatible host application such as Photoshop. #### BINHEX x-textures.hqx **** Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 19:07:59 MST From: "Crosby!" <cani@indirect.com> Subject: XTextures Plug-in This Plug-in is for Photoshop and other software that uses Photoshop Plug-ins. It can be used to create an almost infinite number of colorful textures. cani@indirect.com Magic - When Art and Technology Merge.