Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #373 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 22 Nov 99 Volume 16 : Issue 373 Today's Topics: Re: Update WP 3.5E? (Q) Outlook Express 5.0 problem [*] 500 Cards v2.0.1 [*] Abstract for ATPM 5.11 PDF version [*] Alarmclock [*] Alias Suite [*] Audiocorder 1.5.0 [*] BakudanjinDemo101.sea.hqx - a shareware action/puzzle game [*] Bodacious Backgrounds� Sampler [*] Cool Search and Replace [*] DiceRoller freeware [*] Euro Convert 1.0.1 [*] Export Icon Plug-in - export icons from Photoshop! [*] FontBuddy 1.3.1 [FontBuddy-1.3.1.sit.bin] [*] FTP: LSQL10b14.hqx [*] Gammasoft Apple II File Decoder [*] Gammasoft BASIC [*] Gammasoft BASIC Book [*] Gammasoft CashRegistry [*] Gammasoft FabuLogo [*] Gammasoft Goodies [*] Gammasoft Graphin' Stuph [*] Gammasoft ItMotN [*] Gammasoft LEDDisplay [*] Gammasoft Libsys [*] Gammasoft MylariaMaker [*] Gammasoft NoteMaker [*] Gammasoft PaintProc [*] Gammasoft Schematica [*] Gammasoft SDK [*] Gammasoft WordProc [*] GLMStat 5.0.1;Generalized linear models [*] HawkOS 1.5 for Kaleidoscope [*] Holy Night Kaleidoscope scheme [*] iAddress 3.0 [*] URL Manager 2.6-SE [*] Word Search V.2.6.0 [Q] Lombard Tel/Elec Adapters for UK Teleport 56k thru PBX lines Update WP 3.5E? The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, and Ed Chambers. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #373" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 99 11:40:55 EST From: Tom Coradeschi <> Subject: Re: Update WP 3.5E? Moshe Sadofsky: >I am a fan of WordPerfect, and am grateful to Corel for making V 3.5e now >available as a free download. There is an updater to v 3.5E on Info-Mac >archive. The free download from Corel already has the patch installed. There is no need (and, as I think you have discovered), no possibility of installing it a second time. tom coradeschi <+> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 05:16:53 -0800 From: Phil Winne <> Subject: (Q) Outlook Express 5.0 problem In Outlook Express 5.0, my text pane (where email text appears) acquires a gray background when I scroll a long message. Text below the bottom of the pane scrolls up with the background. I can't see highlighting on selecting text over the background but functions (e.g., copy) work. When I scroll down, the text that had disappeared off the top now has acquired a gray background. Apparently, there is some kind of redraw problem. Any ideas how to fix? Only OE5 has this problem. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: "Denis Birnie" <> Subject: [*] 500 Cards v2.0.1 500 is a (distant relative of Bridge) card game in which two partnerships play to be first to score 500! 500 Cards allows a single user to partner with a computer player and take on an all computer partnership at a variety of difficulty levels. Version 2 adds optional multi-user play (2-4 users) via Apple's NetSprocket software, fixes a number of bugs and improves the overall interface. 500 Cards should run on almost any Mac, from 68K B/W models still running System 6 to the latest iMacs! [Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/500-cards-201.hqx; 94 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Chris Turner <> Subject: [*] Abstract for ATPM 5.11 PDF version This is the PDF version of About This Particular Macintosh 5.11. It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later for viewing. ------------------------- November 2, 1999, Etna, NH ( - The leaves are turning colors, and so turn is the staff of ATPM - green with envy that is over the Power Macintosh G4 and Apple Cinema Display. Luckily for our readers, issue 5.11 of About This Particular Macintosh isn't as hard to find as the latest hardware from our favorite fruit company. This month, Mac maestro David Ozab continues his insights into the musical side of the Macintosh with the second part of his Midi and the Mac. This issue also sees a bit of a theme - fonts! Publisher Michael Tsai offers a comprehensive overview of fonts on the Mac in his column, Personal Computing Paradigm. Michael also reviews the font utility, Font Agent. David Spencer spins a wicked web of font searching in this month's About This Particular Web Site, and Shareware Editor Bill Lovett presents a plethora of font utilities for your enjoyment. Networking guru Matthew Glidden, of "Three Macs and a Printer," talks about something we all need once and a while - security. His fourth article of the 10-part series is "Dealing with Your Network's Insecurities." We're sure Matthew offers more help than just telling you how to build your network's self-confidence. Robert Paul Leitao returns to close out his tenure this year with Apple, Kids, and Attitude. Robert looks back at some of the predictions he made in ATPM 5.01 regarding Apple's business practices and financial future, and how they turned out. He also discusses the recent Apple flip-flop on shipping G4s, and we look forward to his return in ATPM 6.02. Tom Iovino and Mike Shields tie in some elaborate analogies in their respective columns, Apple Cider, and On A Clear Day... Tom tells us the things he's thankful for in the Mac world, and Mike laments the passing of his French Toast Crunch cereal while bringing us the latest on the Mac in Hollywood. We don't know how they do it, but they manage to pull it off. Scott Feldstein talks about computer buyer types in his column, User Preference, while David Ozab explores the Instrument Interface in a Segments piece. After you check out the staff reviews of the new iBook, Font Agent, Cruise Control, Spy Fox 2, and Auction Action Tracker, make sure you digest our new Update section, where we provide updated information on items we've reviewed in recent issues. ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-511-pdf.hqx; 1365 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Alarmclock Alarm Clock 1.1 � 1999 Koingo Software Bug Fixes: - Now only updates the time on each launch, therefore, not accessing hard drive as often. - Live time now in example box. What is it? The name says it all! Features: - Displays today's date and time. - Allows for alarm ring sound to be set to any quicktime compatible format. (System 7 Sound files not supported) Requirements: - 68k or PPC Macintosh Computer - 2 MB of free RAM Features to Come: - Date based alarm clock. - Customisable picture on clock screen. How do I set my Alarm Sound? 1. Copy the QuickTime sound you wish to be played into the same folder as the Alarm Clock application. 2. Click the "Set Alarm Sound" button. 3. Type in the EXACT name of the file you wish to play. Click OK. Is it free? Well... let's see... I DID spend hours getting HyperTalk to understand what I wanted it to do!! :-) So... no! It's shareware! If you like Alarm Clock and/or start to use it on a regular basis, please send $5 US to the address below. Josh Hague #132 22150 48th Ave Langley, B.C. V3A8R5 Canada License: Alarm Clock is Shareware. However, Alarm Clock is still Copyright � 1999 by Koingo Software. All ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/app/time/alarm-clock.hqx; 1508 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Luther Fuller <> Subject: [*] Alias Suite Alias Suite 2.0 Alias Suite is an AppleScript application that allows you to create a collection of aliases in a folder, then launch them all with just one double-click or a single selection fron the Apple Menu. Alias Suite requires Mac OS 8.x or 9. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/alias-suite-20.hqx; 9 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Chris Smolinski <> Subject: [*] Audiocorder 1.5.0 File uploaded: Audiocorder.sea.hqx Abstract: Audiocorder is a VOX program which allows your Mac to act as an audio recorder. It allows you to set the volume that the sound must reach to begin recording, and the volume at which it should end recording. It also allows you to set the trigger length for the start and stop values, which helps you to eliminate recording short bursts of sound or ending the recording process during a short pause (such as in normal speach). A start and stop button allow manual recording. In addition, you can create a schedule for up to 50 recordings, specifying the time and date each recording should start and stop, much like a VCR. This makes Audiocorder perfect for automated recording from many sources. Each sound file is stored in AIFF format, a Macintosh standard sound format. The audio can be sampled at 11, 22, 44 kHz, with a sample size of 8 or 16 bits, either monophonic or stereo. The name of each file contains the date and time (down to seconds) the recording began. Audiocorder is used in a wide variety of applications, including digitizing LPs and tapes, recording animals and other natural sounds, and automated recording of radio transmissions. Shareware: $20 Chris Smolinski [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/audiocorder.hqx; 510 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Chris Pruett <> Subject: [*] BakudanjinDemo101.sea.hqx - a shareware action/puzzle game I would like to be notified before this program is put on any shareware CD- ROMS. Thanks. ---- (product blurb) Bakudanjin is a fast-paced puzzle/action arcade game for Macintosh and Power Macintosh computers. In a game style remanecient of Hudson Software's Bomberman(R) series, Bakudanjin provides the Macintosh gamer with four separate unique worlds, three playable characters, end level bosses, and a range of power ups. Bakudanjin even comes with a built in map editor, so players can create their own levels. By gaining power ups and destroying enemies with bombs, players must fight their way through 28 unique levels spanning four worlds. In addition to the cooperative levels, Bakudanjin comes with 15 two player competitive levels. Competitive games include Death Match, Capture the Flag, and Steal the Ball. Bakudanjin comes with a built in map editor, so players can create their own maps and trade them over the Internet. The map editor gives complete control to the user, and can even use graphics created by the player! Drawn in a cute Japanese style, Bakudanjin is sure to be a hit with players of all ages. Simple but addictive game play is fun for both the young and old. Bakudanjin also comes with Japanese language support, so users with KanjiTalk or the Japanese Language Kit can enjoy a localized interface and completely translated manual. Bakudanjin costs US$15.00 and a demo is available from DreamDawn's web site. Bakudanjin requires a 68040-based Macintosh or Power Mac with System 7.1 or later. About 4 megabytes of free RAM, 5 megabytes of disk space, and 256 color support at 640 by 480 pixel resolution is also required. DreamDawn's web site is at: Bakudanjin maps and information can be found at: bakudanjin/ [Archived as /info-mac/game/bakudanjin-demo-101.hqx; 2468 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: n8hawk <> Subject: [*] Bodacious Backgrounds� Sampler Bodacious Backgrounds� are desktop pictures for the Mac featuring some of the most beautiful women in entertainment. The samples are just that, samples and you will see why I say this when you use one. If you like them and would like the official Backgrounds please register them and you will be sent the URL that you can download the originals. Registered Users also can request ONE custom-made Background. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/bodacious-backgrounds.hqx; 1274 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Tim & Amy <> Subject: [*] Cool Search and Replace Version 1.31 Cool Search and Replace is a powerful Macintosh search and replace program for HTML files. It has the potential to save you hours of time every time you use it. It performs mass searches and replaces on HTML files better than any other program. Minimum Requirements: Color Monitor 640 x 480 or greater 5 megs of free ram PowerPC Recommended This file was uploaded to MacGifts via FTP on 11/12/99. Cool_Search_Replace_131.hqx [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/cool-search-and-replace.hqx; 1564 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Nick Howes <> Subject: [*] DiceRoller freeware This program simulates rolling a set of dice. It is designed to help AD&D DM's (that's Advanced Dungeon and Dragons Dungeon Masters for the uninitiated). It's primarily for character generation, but can be used for other tasks as well. It works by simulating the rolling of six sets of dice. The results are presented, sorted, on the right side of the window. Each set simulates rolling the 'Number' of dice and adding up the 'Count' highest numbers rolled. Each set contains the same type of die and you pick the type using the 'Number of Sides' slider. (Note that bizarre die are supported such as 13-sided.) For example, if 'Number of die' was set to 4, 'Number that count' was set to 3 and 'Number of sides' was set to 6 then the program might roll {2,6,4,3} which would result in 13 = 6 + 4 + 3. Another example, if 'Number of die' was set to 12, 'Number that count' was set to 6 and 'Number of sides' was set to 4 then the program might roll {1,2,2,4,1,3,3,3,1,1,2,4} which would result in 19 = 4 + 4 + 3 + 3+ 3 + 2. [Archived as /info-mac/game/dice-roller.hqx; 779 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Mike Brackenridge <> Subject: [*] Euro Convert 1.0.1 Euro Convert euro conversion program for converting Euros to the currencies of the eleven EMU member states and vise versa. This is a very minor upgrade to Euro Convert. The text after the euro amount has been changed from Euros to the Euro symbol. Fix. After registering the please register dialog window would show one more time Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\Euro Convert.fat English.sit" [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/euro-convert.hqx; 1094 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Sherman Uitzetter <> Subject: [*] Export Icon Plug-in - export icons from Photoshop! I give permission for the Export Icon Plug-in package to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Kinetic Creations, Inc announces the release of the Export Icon Plug-in version 1.1! Export Icon is an Adobe Photoshop� plug-in which exports a Photoshop image directly from Adobe Photoshop to a custom icon file. The plug-in uses the Photoshop image's pixel data to create 4, 8, and 32 bit icons. It uses the image's transparency data to create the icon's 1 and 8 bit masks. Changes in version 1.1 from 1.0: * Fixed a bug which could cause the layer only plug-in to crash * Modified the icon mask creation procedure to avoid the "ever-darkening shadow bug" in MacOS 8.5+ System requirements: * Any Macintosh with at least a 68020 processor. * Adobe Photoshop. * System 7.5 or higher (tested up to system 8.6). License: This is a fully-working, 10 free trials version which may be converted to the normal, full version for $15 US. For more information, please read the enclosed READ ME file. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/export-icon-plugin-11.hqx; 436 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Vincent Jalby <> Subject: [*] FontBuddy 1.3.1 [FontBuddy-1.3.1.sit.bin] FontBuddy 1.3.1 [1999/11/11] by Vincent Jalby, Product description -------------------- FontBuddy is a font viewer. It shows all characters of any installed font. It also gives keystroke(s) to access special characters. It can print font samples and font index. It is easy to use, optimized for screen use, and MacOS 8.6 savvy New in this version ------------------- * Unicode for Symbol and Zapf-Dingbats corrected. * Symbol and Dingbats character names. * 0-255 character range (instead of 1-256). * New menu "Window". * Crashing bug (Finder quit or crash when accessing Menu bar) when Instant Palm Desktop (menu) extension is loaded. System Requirements ------------------- FontBuddy should run on any Power Macintosh under MacOS 7.5 or later. (MacOS 8.x preferred.) FontBuddy 1.3.1 supports keyboards of the following countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada (CSA, Fr, ISO), Denmark, Spain (Std, ISO), Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Swiss (Fr, Gr), Sweden, UK, US. It also supports MacOS 8.6 Dvorak. Shareware Fee ------------- FontBuddy is distributed as Shareware. Shareware fee : a License for a single user costs $10, a Site License costs $50, a WorldWide License costs $100. This software may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. [Archived as /info-mac/font/util/fontbuddy-131.hqx; 907 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: "Hao Li" <> Subject: [*] FTP: LSQL10b14.hqx LSQL 1.0b14 LSQL is a replacement of isql from Sybase. System 7.1 or higher and PowerPC are required. LSQL is threaded, and a long query won't block other queries or other running softwares. It works on MacOS 8.6, which was the primary reason to develop the software, since isql can run due to the font bug on MacOS 8.6. LSQL is distributed as freeware for non-commercial use. For commercial use, please contact me at: [Archived as /info-mac/dev/lsql-10b14.hqx; 1496 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft Apple II File Decoder This program will let you open files created on an Apple II series microcomputer. It will let you open text files, BSAVEd text, Lo-Res graphics, and Hi-Res graphics, and Applesoft program files. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Apple //e File Decoder file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/gs-a2decoder.hqx; 109 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft BASIC This is a version of BASIC. The commands are a little different than most versions of BASIC. You may want to look at the file "Gammasoft BASIC Book" for information. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft BASIC file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gs-basic.hqx; 64 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft BASIC Book Here is a Microsoft Word 5.1 file containing the command reference for Gammasoft BASIC. If you haven't used Gammasoft BASIC before, download this file. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gs-basic-book.hqx; 17 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft CashRegistry This program resembles a cash register. You can type in the information about quantity, price, etc. and have it calculate tax and stuff. You can print receipts, too. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft CashRegistry file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/gs-cashregistry.hqx; 64 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft FabuLogo Here is an implementation of the Logo programming language. There is no documentation, so you may want to look at some books on Logo first. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft FabuLogo file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gs-fabulogo.hqx; 61 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft Goodies This is a collection of little programs that do little things. They haven't made it into full-blown projects. These files require the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress these files, be sure to put the folder in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of each file in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. Note: If you have the developement version of HyperCard or if you have HyperCard of 2.5, you can bring up the message box (or the No Limits Message Box if you have HC of 2.5) and type "apple2" (without the quotes) in the Fonts program. In the bottom box you will see the words "Apple //e" in the center, then after a few moments you will see an Applesoft prompt with a blinking checkerboard cursor. Click the mouse button to bring the program back to normal. This works best if you select an Apple II-ish font and a size of 18. [Archived as /info-mac/app/gs-goodies.hqx; 322 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft Graphin' Stuph This is a graphing calculator. There is a black-and-white version and a color version. The color version can only plot points, while the black-and-white version can draw smoothly. These files require the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress these files, be sure to put them in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of the Graphin' Stuph and Graphin' Stuph Color files in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/gs-graphin-stuph.sit.hqx; 74 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft ItMotN This program is a screen saver program. It will let you select a module to use as a screen saver. To activate it, launch the ItMotN Backgrounder application and leave it in the background. To select a module or change other settings, open the ItMotN Setup file. Unlike other Gammasoft programs, this file does not need the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. It has it's own runtime engine built-in. If you have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine: When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the ItMotN Backgrounder file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/gs-itmotn.hqx; 1467 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft LEDDisplay This prgram puts an LED display in the bottom left corner of your screen. To chage what is displayed on this LED display, other programs tell it to "open" various strings. The string contains two words. The first one is three letters long: First: Vertical Position: T = Top, M = Middle, B = Bottom Second: Horizontal Position: L = Left, M = Middle, R = Right Third: Type: D = Diagonal, V = Vertical, H = Horizontal Decimal points are TDP or BDP Unlike other Gammasoft programs, this file doesn't require the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. It has it's own runtime engine built-in. If you have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine: When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft LEDDisplay file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/gs-leddisplay.hqx; 1192 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft Libsys Here is a simple, small library automation system. It is for use on a server on a Local Area Network. Since I just put it together one day, it isn't very much. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put aliases of the ADMIN and CLIENT files in the `Data folder. Make sure the aliases don't have an " alias" suffix or a space after their name. [Archived as /info-mac/app/gs-libsys.hqx; 122 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft MylariaMaker This program creates and reads descriptions of simple cartoon characters. Included are the character files for my own cartoon, Mylar City. There is also a MetaCard version of the program, if you want to debug and compile it. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the MylariaMaker file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/app/gs-mylariamaker.hqx; 201 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft NoteMaker This program lets you make music. This uses the HyperCard play command. Very little support is included for polyphonics, and even this support doesn't work. Song samples are included. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this folder, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the NoteMaker file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/gs-notemaker.hqx; 90 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft PaintProc This is a simple painting program. It's in development, so don't ask. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft PaintProc file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gs-paintproc.hqx; 6 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft Schematica This lets you create little schematics. It requires the Diode font. It's also in development, so don't ask about this, either. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft Schematica file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/app/gs-schematica.hqx; 2 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft SDK This contains information about how to make Gammasoft programs, ItMotN modules, and how to control the LEDDisplay program. It contains information in MS Word 5.1 format, RTF format, and Text format. Also included are the necessary programs needed to convert your applications and the LEDDisplay demo program. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/gs-sdk.hqx; 63 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Subject: [*] Gammasoft WordProc Here is a small word processor. Features are (yes, ARE) word count and spell checking. Word list for spell checking is not included. Now that spell check is done by XFCN, it shouldn't be the horribly slow one from Gammasoft Office. This file requires the Gammasoft Runtime Engine. If you don't have the Gammasoft Runtime Engine, you can download it from this server or, if you have MacOS Easy Open enabled, use the HyperCard Player instead. When you decompress this file, be sure to put it in the same folder as the Main Menu file. Also put an alias of the Gammasoft WordProc file in the `Data folder. Make sure the alias doesn't have an " alias" suffix or a space after it's name. [Archived as /info-mac/text/gs-wordproc.hqx; 12 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Ken Beath <> Subject: [*] GLMStat 5.0.1;Generalized linear models GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised linear models. It provides a macintosh interface and includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are - spreadsheet style data entry - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories) - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and specification of convergence and aliasing parameters - Scatter and Residual plots - Matrix scatterplots - Box and Whisker plots - Frequency distribution histograms - Descriptive statistics. - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter correlations - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications. - printing of data, graph and results. - Missing values - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual. - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts. - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences $US100. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware. - Registration includes free upgrades to version 5.x Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As are disabled and there are some limitations on usage. Version 5.0.0 - introduced string and category columns - category columns allow factors to have named levels eg mild, moderate and severe - extensive changes to simplify code for creating model matrices - Navigation services - changed name of Residuals command to Diagnostics and added leverage to output - in scatter plots 95% ci for fitted values shown using error bars if requested - export text command enhanced to allow choosing of columns (including those created during the fit process) and column titles and whether to only include the current subset - added command to display covariances of parameter estimates - and a lot of other minor changes Version 5.0.1 - fixes a bug which would cause missing values to be read as zeroes if all other values in a column were non-negative integer but some were zero or greater than maxlevels so column was converted to real This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations. ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/sci/glm-stat-501.hqx; 1298 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: n8hawk <> Subject: [*] HawkOS 1.5 for Kaleidoscope HawkOS is a scheme for use with Kaleidoscope. Version 1.5 has all the resources for systems 7-9 and even contains a HawkOS startup screen that may be used as a companion to the scheme. If you continue to use the scheme and like it please register it and send comments to me at [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/hawk-os.hqx; 680 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: royerm <> Subject: [*] Holy Night Kaleidoscope scheme Holy Night Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme is a subdued Christmas scheme in grays and taupes based on old English etchings. Please post on your recent additions page. -Martha Royer See and download my Kaleidoscope schemes here: Click the letter "R" and find my schemes there [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/holy-night.hqx; 615 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Kurt Vail <> Subject: [*] iAddress 3.0 TWIMC; I have attached the latest opdate of iAddress. Thank you. [Archived as /info-mac/app/iaddress-30.hqx; 1129 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: moj <> Subject: [*] URL Manager 2.6-SE Dr. Feelgood <> sl�pper nu den ultimata internethj�lredan URL Manager Pro 2.6-SE i svensk version. Programmet �r nu kompatibelt med system 9 URL Manager �r en upplagsplats f�r dina favoriter bland Internet-adresser och URLar (Uniform Resource Locators). URL Manager l�ter dig organisera och samla URLar i en hierarkisk struktur. Att organisera bokm�rken mellan och inom mappar �r enkelt med Dra & Sl�ppfunktionen. Dra HyperText-l�nkar fr�n din webbl�sare till f�nstret i URL Manager f�r att l�gga en URL p� upplagsplatsen. F�r att komma till en URL p� webben, Dra & Sl�pp ett bokm�rke till f�nstret i en webbl�sare eller dubbelklicka. URL Manager f�rst�r Internet Config. URL Manager Pro l�gger till t�t integration med Navigator, Explorer, Anarchie, Fetch, Claris Emailer och Eudora. Med URL Manager Pro kan du l�gga till bokm�rksmenyer till dessa programs menyrad. Dessutom l�gger URL Manager Pro till URL Managers delade ikonmeny till menyraden. Med denna meny kan du skapa bokm�rken f�r webbsidor fr�n --inuti--Navigator/Explorer, l�gga till anteckningar, greppa alla URLar p� en webbsida eller i ett e-postmeddelande, utforska Internet med en f�rinst�lld samling s�kmotorer eller starta din PPP-session med menykommandot �ppna PPP. Nyheter i version 2.6 [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/url-manager-pro-26-se.hqx; 1138 K] ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 From: Jim Graham <> Subject: [*] Word Search V.2.6.0 This release of Word Search introduces the long awaited shape editor. This allows users to create and edit shapes from within the program using familiar drawing tools and techniques. More info can be found at Thanks, Jim Graham [Archived as /info-mac/edu/word-search-260.hqx; 1318 K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:40:32 -0500 From: TCS <> Subject: [Q] Lombard Tel/Elec Adapters for UK I'll be going to the UK with Lombard Powerbook G3 Series, but do not know what is required for electrical and modem function in UK. Since the electrical spec for the computer is rated to 240, is all that is necessary a 3-prong adapter? How about the modem? Does anyone know if the internal v.90 modem will work? Do I need only an adapter for the modem port for a different size phone connector? Do I have to replace the modem, or is there a particular modem script required? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:56:22 +0100 From: Paolo Bartoli <> Subject: Teleport 56k thru PBX lines I just bought an external Teleport 56K modem for Macintosh. I'm experiencing some problems with the modem. Time by time the modem hangs up with no reason, and I can't complete file and mail transfer (I use the modem for Internet access). I must say that the problem isn't link to my ISP since I've been using a Teleport 28.8K modem without problems. The connection to the telephone line is thru a PBX with a digital-analog conversion. I think the problem is here. Is it possible to force the modem to work at the maximum speed (33,6 Kbps ?) that doesn't require a normal telephone line - no PBX- via a connection script? What else I can do to achieve the best working condition for the modem, since I can't exclude the PBX to access the telephone line?? Anybody has the same problem with 56K modems and PBX lines? ** Arch. Paolo Bartoli ** ** ** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:44:54 -0500 From: Moshe Sadofsky <> Subject: Update WP 3.5E? I am a fan of WordPerfect, and am grateful to Corel for making V 3.5e now available as a free download. There is an updater to v 3.5E on Info-Mac archive. It was designed with the original CD release of 3.5e in mind. I have updated my Mac (G3, OS 8.6) to WP 3.5e, but the newest updater called "WordPerfect 3.5e Updater" V. 4.6.1, which I downloaded from the MIT hyperarchive, won't install. I get the following message: "The default location required for this install could not be found.." While I have partitions on my hard drive, I tried installing WP 3.5e on the system partition and also on a zip drive, but neither would update with the updater. I've rebooted and rebuilt the desktop to no avail. Usenet original discussion about this updater pointed out that the folder and file names had to be the default names. I have not changed these. Has anyone been able to update the free version of WP 3.5e with the updater? TIA. -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************