Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #262
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 16 Feb 99       Volume 16 : Issue 262

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#467/15-Feb-99
      (A) Non-LocalTalk Printer on Network
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring
      (Q) PC Zips to Powerbook
      (Q) Selling old Macs
      (Q) Speech recognition, but only overseas!
      [R] One logon per bootup
      Adobe Kills LW8 (C)
      Can you recommend any Speech-to-Text software?
      Control Panels for shutting down/restarting the Mac
      desktop icon organisation
      Doubling speed once again!
      Encore 4.0 and MIDI no longer appear to work on the Powerbook?
      G3 Blue & White DVD drive errors!
      How to convert JPGs to Slide Show
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #258
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #258
      installers [comments on your particular case]
      Mac II wont boot
      Mac II wont boot-son of
      Macintosh Pascal
      Monitor won't sleep
      My opinion re: ADB adapter vs. usb
      navigator 4.5 windows are a pain
      OS 8.5. - why the slowdown ?
      Outlook Express
      photo catalog & slideshow
      Putting back Apple HD Driver on Apple HD
      Q:ResEdit-ing Apple CD-ROM and other
      questions about archive...
      running PC games on a G3/233 Powerbook or OrangePC 620 on a
      SCSI cards for Blue/White Mac
      searching mainboard
      Serial ports.
      Speakerphone software
      Subject: Problems with Powerbook G3 and wall projectors
      The Monitors & Sound Control Panel Bug
      Three buttons mouse/RealPC
      Website...Older Mac Street Price Guide?

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 19:21:12 -0800
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#467/15-Feb-99


So why do Web pages aimed at Windows users have such tiny text? Geoff 
Duncan explains it all this issue, with a look at points, picas, 
pixels, and how the Mac OS and Windows render fonts differently. Adam 
weighs in with some thoughts on the permanence of URLs on the Web 
(and how to deal with broken URLs), and, in the news, we see 
Macintosh Runtime for Java 2.1, Action Files 1.2, ShareWay IP 2.0, 
and MasterJuggler 2.0.2.

    The Unbearable Lightness of URLs
    Why Windows Web Pages Have Tiny Text


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-467.etx; 29K]


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:09:42 -0500

Creative Alliance
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:10:06 -0500
From: Gord Shlanger <>
Subject: Need Help!

I can't seem to rebuild my desktop fully whether I use TechTool 1.1.8 or
startup holding down the option and command keys. It starts its rebuild but
quits less than one-quarter through. Many of my icons are generic and I
can't return them to their originals. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also noticed recently after correctly booting, I get a folder of rescued items containing a file called TempRes with a five digit number following. Help!

PPC 5200CD, 8.5.1


Gord Shlanger
Creative Alliance
47 Sycamore Drive
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
L3T 5V3


Date: 13 Feb 99 22:41:12 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: (A) Non-LocalTalk Printer on Network

 TCS <> wrote:
>If I put a Mac with a serial printer connected to it (say a 
>non-LocalTalk, non-Ethernet Stylewriter of some sort connected to the Mac 
>in standard fashion, with a serial cable) on a small home Ethernet LAN 
>with 2 other Macs, will the other 2 Macs be able to share the printer 
>(since the printer can be connected only to a mac and not the hub)?

The StyleWriters I'm familiar with can use a system extension called
"Printer Share" to make the StyleWriter visible over the network connection
to any other Mac which has the same print driver installed. The printer has
to be set-up in the Chooser to be shared and can be named from there too.
The host Mac has to be running in order for the other Macs to see the
printer. The down side is that the host Mac takes a performance hit during
printing and it must have all the fonts installed that anyone may want to
print with from the other Macs.
- Scott

Scott Beach <> Mac Know-How, Toronto, Canada


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:55:58 -0600
From: "Jason Madden" <>
Subject: (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring

> > wrote:
> > I have tried Outlook Express 4.5.  I have tried Eudora Lite 
> > I have tried Netscape Communicator 4.0 through 4.5, and 
> > Navigator 3.0.x.    I have tried Cyberdog.  I have tried Claris
> > E-mailer.
> > What left is there to try?
> >
> > And why can't those free e-mailers get it into their heads that
> > features cost money, and features when not released right can 
> > crashes?   Rhetorical, but if this message could only go to the
> > publishers of those free e-mailers, maybe we would see a better
> > e-mailer for the Mac.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >

You might try Pegasus Mail for Macintosh. It is an advanced e-
mailer that supports

		CC:, BCC, and Reply-to addressing; 
            The ability to keep copies of all your outgoing messages; 
            Support for message encryption; 
            Attachment support - up to 64 attachments per message; 
            Fully MIME-compliant; 
            Support for MIME encodings, UUencoding, and BinHex 	
            Spell checker; 
            A glossary feature that speeds up typing of common 		
            Mail filtering; 
            Support for confirmation of delivery and confirmation of 	
		reading requests; 
            Minimal installation, with very little ongoing maintenance; 
            Address book; 
            Distribution lists for sending messages to large groups of 
            Extremely configurable, with a wide range of preferences 	
            The ability to save messages in progress for later editing; 
            Context-sensitive online help; 
            Noticeboards for group discussions; 
            Many sorting and searching options for your mail; 
            Hierarchical mail foldering system; 
            Support for the POP3 and SMTP protocols for Internet 	
            User-Defined Gateways, giving flexibility to work with 		
		almost any mail transport system; 
            Mail Merge capability; 
            Extensions - "plug-in" modules that extend and enhance 	
		the program. 

I use Pegasus Mail, and find it to be very capable.It is available for 
several different platforms giving the user the ability to have a 
familiar interface anywhere. It is freeware, and is available at

Jason Madden


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:11:21 +0100
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: (C) A Cautionary Tale - Eudora is time expiring

> You might try Mailsmith from Bare Bones Software, I use Eudora Pro 4.02
> myself though.

Hi Denny,

I can only confirm that Eudora Pro 4.02 is the mail application I
like best. I used to try others like Microsoft's, then used Eudora
Light for a long time but finally decided that an "upgrade" to the
Pro version is worth the expense.

Best wishes, Christian.
Christian F. Buser, Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
"Wo Hunger herrscht, kann Friede nicht Bestand haben"  - Willy Brandt


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:25:20 -0500
Subject: (Q) PC Zips to Powerbook

Dear Digest readers,
I have a friend with a PC (not Mac) Zip drive who would like to hook 
it up to a Powerbook if they got a Powerbook.  But as I found out a 
long time ago, when I tried to wire up the Zip drive to my LC's SCSI 
port, the Zip drive gave my LC a sad mac face on startup.    I can't 
figure out where on the Zip drive is the SCSI ID switcher, so that 
may be part of the problem.    Also there is no second SCSI port on 
the Zip drive to put a terminator on, so I am assuming it wants to 
auto-terminate at its end, but the question is how to get it to do 
that.    Will I have the same troubles hooking it up to a Wall Street 
Powerbook G3?  Or has SCSI changed enough to recognize this 1995 Zip 
drive of theirs?

Should it not  be possible to get the PC Zip drive to hook up to the 
Powerbook G3, I don't want to buy a Zip drive, if it doesn't also 
support the standard 1.44MB floppy for my machine.  Anybody make a 
Zip drive like the Superdisk drive, in that it can take both DS/HD 
floppies and the larger data format?  Or is their a Superdisk drive 
that reads Zips as well?
I heard realize Mac Zip drives will read PC Zip cartridges, or so 
I've heard.    Is it true, will the File Exchange program on MacOS 
8.5.1 allow me to do that?

I have recommended to them to get a CD-R drive, but they won't listen.

Thank you.



Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 15:59:44 -0500
From: "Curt Hersey" <>
Subject: (Q) Selling old Macs

I've gotten a commitment from our school to purchase new Macs on the
condition that we find someone to purchase our old ones. Does anyone know of
any companies that purchase older computers for resale (or any other purpose
for that matter)? We've got 23 Power Computing and UMAX Mac Clones that we
need to unload together.

Thanks in advance for any information you can offer...

Curt Hersey
Graphics and Media Laboratory Director
Communication Dept.
Berry College
P.O. Box 490299
Mt. Berry, GA 30149-0299

Phone: (706) 238-7841
Fax: (706) 802-6738


Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 19:45:10 -0500
Subject: (Q) Speech recognition, but only overseas!

Dear Digest readers,
At long last a holy grail for the Mac.   Voice recognition.  But one 
must go to the UK to get it:

A review

An Apple description: 

A place to purchase it: 
(select the text in the web browser to see its description, as 
otherwise it is invisible.  Bad web page programming, but there it)

The company that makes it:

Looks like in March it will be MacOS 8.5 and i-Mac compatible :-) 
Anybody tried it?
How much better is it than Dragon's Power Secretary?

Any U.S. retailers carry it?  If not, we got to knock their doors 
down until they get it.
I've seen Via Voice, and other PC Voice recognition packages long 
enough at Best Buy to say, hey, we should see it here in the U.S. 

P.S. So what if it spells color, colour?   I can search and replace that.

I also MacSpeech and Plaintalk also enable this, but here is really a 
chance to have a software package that supports 120,000 word 
vocabulary on the Mac.   Works with:

ClarisWorks 4/5, WordPerfect 3.x, FileMaker Pro 3/4, Word 6.0.1, 
Excel, PageMaker 6.0/6.5, QuarkXPress 3.3/4.0, Nisus Writer, MacWrite 
Pro, Write Now, Omnis 7 and 4th Dimension.

According to the "MacGold" review.

Did somebody say WriteNow, Claris, Filemaker, Word and Word Perfect? 
MacWrite also?



Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:26:33 +0000
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject: [R] One logon per bootup

I'm not an expert, but when I had a similar problem setting FreePPP to do 
a hard close instead of a soft close when closing the connection did the 
trick. However, looking at FreePPP 2.6.2 control panel, I can no longer 
find that option.

But I'm not an expert
on 10/2/99 8:35 pm you wrote:
>I logon via TCP/IP to a server, do my business and log off, an hour later I
>try to log on and it simply sticks at the "establishing communications

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 21:29:09 -0500
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: Adobe Kills LW8 (C)

Well, there I went again.

And again, maybe my experiences will help one or more
of y'all.

My latest idiocy was getting Adobe's newest printer driver,
AdobePS 8.5.1, for Leslye. Other drivers don't much work
for Adobe products. Previous versions were called PSPrinter,
but the Adobe folk apparently wanted name recognition in
the chooser.

Fortunately I installed it on my computer before foisting it
on Leslye. Worked fine. A LW8-ish interface instead of the
LW7-ish interface of PSPrinter. Unfortunately, it killed LW8.

The Adobe 851 installer was not bright enough to know that
its "printinglib" extension was older than the one of the 8.6
persuasion installed under OS 8.5, and it overwrote the newer
extension. And the LW8 driver complained. Vehemently. No LW8
without the 8.6 printinglib.

OK, grab the 8.5 CD and see if I can custom-install printing
stuff. Nope. Oh naughtyword. However, I have TomeViewer,
a tool that has saved me time and bother on several of my
prior idiocies. I found printinglib in the installation tome and
expanded it and copied it over Adobe's older version. And all
is now well with LW8 in the chooser.

It galls me that I can't even talk to Adobe about that snafu
without calling their 900 number. I need to pay them to tell them
about their problem? Right up there with Symantec, Adobe is.

And it was a real treat to look through Adobe's tech support
data bases and its customer forums. The phrase "useless as
teats on a bull" comes unbidding to mind. No mention of what I'd
think would be a glaring problem in the support data base. And
the user forums seem useful only to those who like to grow
hair on their palms. Or whatever the female equivalent is.
Lotsa user comments. No responses. I need hair on my head,
not on my palm. Pass on Adobe's "help."

Ah well. Snarl a bit but -- more -- give thanks to the really nice
people at for releasing TomeViewer to us.
Being able to snag an inadvertently or advertently lost system
file is heaps better than doing a system reinstall, yes?

Al Bloom


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:40:05 -0500
Subject: Batteries?

Dear Digest readers,
Before anyone says, please read Ogrady, I know about it, but now it 
seems I have to register a username and password to use the 
discussion boards on it.

Here is the question.  Has anyone used AER Energy's batteries on G3 Powerbooks?
I hear their batteries last 23 hours and weigh the same as regular 
notebook batteries.

Or has anyone seen batteries that last longer than 3 hours on the G3 
Powerbooks, and will also fit in the slot that currently holds the 
battery for the Powerbook?

Thank you.


Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 10:58:48 -1000
From: "Edison M Cesar" <>
Subject: Can you recommend any Speech-to-Text software?

I am looking for a reliable, low cost program that will enable me to use a
connected to my Mac PC and generate text from continuous speech at normal
dictation speed.

I would like to get some accurate information based on user experience about

Speech-toText programs that will work with a Mac.  Assuming that one or more
of those listed below will work with a Mac, if you have successfully used
any of them and have opinions to share, please contact me offline at  

PowerSecretary Power Edition (I understand this company has discontinued its
Mac programs)
PowerSecretary PE for Microsoft Word 
Dragon Point and Speak
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Dragon Naturally Speaking Mobile
Voice Xpress
Now Your'e Talking
It Types Via Voice 98 Office
It Types Via Voice 98 Home
Point & Speak
Voice Power Pro  (I sent two messages to this company in the UK, but
received no response.)


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:30:24 -0800
From: Paul Brians <>
Subject: Control Panels for shutting down/restarting the Mac

Here's a stupid Mac trick I discovered after tearing my hair out. I set my
Mac to shut down nightly at 7:00. Later I decided I preferred midnight, but
it continued to shut down at 7:00 anyway.

Solution: the first time I had used the "Auto Power On/Off" control panel
and then forgotten about it. The second time I used the "Energy Saver"
control panel and kept trying to solve the problem using it. Duh.

Just in case anybody else ever has this problem.

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 12:45:36 -0500
From: Vincent Cayenne <>
Subject: desktop icon organisation

Basic background: PowerBook1400c 166, OS 8.1, 48Mb RAM (RAM-doubled to 144).

Two questions:

1) Every now and then the icons on my desktop change position - they 
'skrunch' closer together vertically seeming to clear space at the 
bottom of the screen. Even the Trash icon moves up. Any reason for 
this behaviour? It's probably relevant that I have GoMac 1.6 
permanently displaying a taskbar at the bottom of my screen. Sigh.

2) Is there any tool that facilitates alignment of desktop icons. I 
know it sounds anal but it irks me that a Mac hosts some of the best 
graphics software, has a graphic toolbox as part of the OS, is sooo 
GUI, yet in such a basic primary area, the Finder interface, I can 
find no help to ensure that two icons are horizontally aligned! Or 
have I been missing something obvious?

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"
 - Nobel physicist, Richard Feynman.


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 23:15:07 -0500
Subject: Doubling speed once again!

Dear Digest readers,
Apple is going to release a couple machines later this year to make 
the Pentium III look like a snail.

Shows that even the 300 Mhz version of the G4 is faster than the 500 
Mhz Pentium III.

Apple should really start lying about its Mhz ratings to show the 
true comparable speeds.    For if you saw Apple advertising it had a 
machine comparable to an 800 Mhz Pentium today, who do you think 
customers would buy?



Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:08:57 -0500
Subject: Encore 4.0 and MIDI no longer appear to work on the Powerbook?

Dear Digest readers,
OK, so I transfered over my files to the Wall Street Powerbook, from 
the PowerMac 7200/75 that I had.   But for some reason I can't seem 
to get Encore to recognize my MIDI instrument sending data via the 
Plaintalk port.   I have a MIDI to Mac Serial adaptor that connects 
the two.   Does Patchbay, the program that select the ports for 
Encore have any way of recognizing the phone/printer port of the 
Powerbook?  How do I get it to recognize the port?   I am having 
difficulty with this.  Anybody experienced this before?

Thank you.


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 11:58:30 +0000
From: (Mike Reddy)
Subject: G3 Blue & White DVD drive errors!

I have spent the last two weeks negotiating with the UK Apple Help Line,
the Dead on Arrival (DOA) line (who were helpful enough) and the Customer
Relations line (the latter of which were the least helpful, most rude.).
My new G3 had a DVD drive which would not open under any circumstances;
pressig the button on the facia, the one behind the flap (i.e. the
'proper' one!) and trying from the CD/DVD player software!

Initially, I was run through the standard procedures (startup with mouse
down, using a paper clip, etc.) before we all gave up and the machine was
sent down to a company called Amsys (who were mostly helpful, but COULD
NOT FIND THE FAULT!) for evaluation. It was returned to me with a message
saying "no fault found", yet the DVD drive would still not respond.

Then we went through the whole thing again: The DOA line, the machine
having another holiday in London at Amsys, the "no fault found" message,
and finally a machine returned to my desk, which still would not open! I
am sure you can understand my deep frustration and annoyance. Why was I
being bounced around like this? I have a theory:

The Customer Relations person mentioned that, since I had had my machine
for two weeks (actually, at the time it was 9 days, of which it had been
in transit to or from London for 5 of those days) it was not a DOA but a
warranty issue. I explained that this was an error, as I had never had a
working machine, but he responded that there was indeed a difference. So,
here is my theory.

For some reason, someone does not want this faulty machine to be
considered a DOA Mac. Is it bad for the statistics? Is the DVD fault a
common one due to manufacturing cock-ups, but Apple don't want to admit to
it being a major problem? I don't know. Neither do I know why I have been
treated the way I have. One would think that, to maintain the reputation
for quality, Apple would have bent over backwards to deal with it all,
especially, if it is a common problem. All I know is that it has been 13
days since I received my machine, and I have had it switched on for less
than an hour!

I work in a PC/Windows dominated environment; Microsoft owns the campus
here, with a few of us Apple 'terrorists' causing non-compatability (their
POV). It took me a YEAR of persistent campaigning to convince my boss to
agree to me buying a Mac. It took another 4 MONTHS for the purchase order
to get to a dealer (Getech, who have been the most helpful, but most
powerless to help, given the Apple bureaucracy required to approve a
replacement machine).

I am looking like an idiot to my PC-toting colleagues, with the farce of
trying to get a machine on my desk that works! This is the only Mac to be
bought in the last 3 years! And, as far as this establishment sees it,
that is a 100% failure rate! Hundreds of PCs go through this campus, and
there are faultly machines that are DOA, but there is a Viglan engineer on
campus to quietly, and diplomatically, repair them there and then. It
matters little that a statistic of one is not valid, that (hopefully) this
fault is a rare one. I am already running the gauntlet of snide comments,
and will do so for a good few weeks, at least. Someone please reassure me
that I am not alone here. I am feeling very depressed.

The box said: "Requires MS Windows 3.11 or better"... so I got a Macintosh!
Email: CU-Seeme: (On Request)
Snail: J228, Dept. of Computer Studies, University of Glamorgan, 
Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan. CF37 1DL Wales, UK.
TEL: +44 (0)1443 482 240 Fax: +44 (0)1443 482 715
HOME TEL: +44 (0)1443 402 685 (Emergencies only)


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 17:10:26 -0500
From: Randall Meadows <>
Subject: How to convert JPGs to Slide Show

At 12:37 PM -0500 2/9/1999, wrote:

> Howdy,
> I have about 15 JPEG format graphics which I'd like
> to assemble into a "slide show". Ideally it should
> end up as a quick time movie or other cross platform
> format.
> I tried importing the graphics into a movie using the
> Apple Video Player, but the resultant movie, could not
> pause at each picture, and some pictures were skipped.
> 1. Is there a way to force the movie to pause at each
>    picture? I would also like to be able to manually
>    move from picture to picture with the next and
>    prev buttons.
> 2. Any other suggestions for assembling pictures into
>    a movie or slide show?
> 3. Is there more capable movie editing software which
>    will allow me to do what I need?

You can do this with GraphicConverter; use "Convert More" and select 
"MooV-QuickTime" as the destination.  You have to set the frame rate 
appropriately in order to pause during each picture.


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:59:37 +0000
From: Roland Whitehead <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #258 wrote:

> I'd like to create a series of disks for Mac users that has all the 
> software they need to get connected to the net with a particular 
> provider.   I'd like to be able to have the installer automatically 
> put in the necessary software in the extensions, control panels, and 
> preferences folder.

> Anybody know of an easy way to create such an installer that doesn't 
> cost any money?
> If there is a way to easily edit Apple's own Installer that comes 
> with the operating system that might be the best option.

MindVision offer a version of their InstallerMaker for free to shareware developers. I'm sure that if your offering were freeware they'd let you use it.

Roland Whitehead


Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 06:18:26 +0100
From: UdoHuth <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #258

>Another point, Don't close the Powerbook screen until after it has 
>blackened from a Shut Down.   Otherwise the Powerbook will attempt to 
>go to sleep, which eats up batteries.
I put my PowerBook to sleep all the time. This is the mode in a PowerBook 
I like best, 
'cause just by pressing a button the computer is up and running. No long 
waits until it is
booted up.
I'd like to put my desktop Mac to sleep also instead of shutting it 
Just think a bit about why PowerBooks might have a sleep mode... the 
battery use in sleep
mode is minimal...

Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse delendam


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:51:06 -0400
From: Odette Duval <>
Subject: Informations

I am trying to reach Jim Leitch / address book....

I saw that he has a new version of is address book. I have the
application 3.5.1 and I want the upgrade.....  (I cannot reach him by

I have a new i-mac and my address book dosn't work correctly on my new

HELP........ Thank you

Odette Duval


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:08:03 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: installers

At 8:51 AM -0500 2/7/99, wrote:
> Anybody know of an easy way to create such an installer that doesn't
> cost any money?

Well, "easy" is relative, but...


MindVision Installer VISE:

and Aladdin InstallerMaker:

have fully-functional demos; the former generates installers that=20
expire after a certain period of time, and the latter puts up a "Hey,=20
you're not licensed!" dialog every time the installer is used.  The=20
ethics of using them for ongoing Real Work without paying for them is=20
left as an exercise for the reader. ;)  They cost about $300 apiece,=20
and I believe both are free to "qualified" freeware/shareware=20
developers [I know VISE is].

I've used MindVision VISE extensively, and recommend it without=20
reservation. It features an "Installer Wizard" that walks you through=20
the basics of building an installer.

I've never used InstallerMaker, but I understand it's very capable.

The Big Hairy Installer:
Costs $25.  I don't know if installers built by the demo have any=20
limitations.  I've never used it.

> If there is a way to easily edit Apple's own Installer that comes
> with the operating system that might be the best option.

The Apple Installer SDK:

Although I haven't looked at it in years, if it anything like what it=20
used to be, I wouldn't say that learning it will be easy; I'd venture=20
a guess that climbing up the learning curve with the included=20
documentation might be worth $300. ;)  I don't knwo if installers=20
built with an unlicensed copy will have any limitations, though I=20
suspect they don't.  You are supposed to license it for distribution,=20
whether external or internal.  Fees vary and are not disclosed in the=20

> And before anybody recommends AppleScript, I have found certain cases
> where AppleScript crashes some machines.     It should work with
> extensions disabled.

What are those cases?  I've never seen this.  Are you sure it's not a=20
conflict with something else?
Once you take away my right to speak, everybody in the world's up shit creek=
                          - Ice-T; Freedom Of Speech [just watch what you sa=
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:35:34 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: installers [comments on your particular case]

Aside from my earlier suggestions for installer-builders, this is a 
pretty tall order.

For purposes of these comments, I'm assuming the use of VISE.  I 
believe InstallerMaker is very similar.

At 8:51 AM -0500 2/7/99, wrote:
> Such an installer should be able to detect if FreePPP was already
> loaded, and remove FreePPP before proceeding with the installation.

This isn't a big problem.

> It should be able to stop installing if InterPPP is present, and
> inform the user to run Internet Valet setup, as the provider has
> previously given users Internet Valet for its setup, which is as
> simply an installer for those machines.

That's not a big problem.  If you include the Internet Valet 
installer, VISE could kick it off itself.

> Such an installer should
> be able to recognize the operating system and model Macintosh being
> used, and recommend upgrading before continuing if they have System
> 7.5.2 through 7.5.5.

Less straightforward.  Recognizing the specific OS release [beyond 
generalities like "System 7.1 or later"] may require writing a custom 
extension to VISE [in C].  Recognizing particular hardware definitely 

> If System 7.5.1 or earlier is in use, that installer should be able
> to extract out and build a segmented Stuffit archive, after the user
> puts in a series of disks.

Spitting out the segmented Stuffit archive isn't a big problem; it'd 
just be wrapped up in the installer like any other set of files. 
VISE has an "Ask User" destination, but then the user will get asked 
for each segment where to put it.

What's that segmented Stuffit archive contain?
The foot bone connects to the ankle bone, the ankle bone connects to the shin
bone, the shin bone connects to the knee bone, now hear the word of the Lord.
                                                - The Suburbs, Rattle My Bones
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:45:30 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Mac II wont boot

At 10:39 PM +0000 2/7/99, Ian Burt wrote:
> If it is a write off there are spares to be salvaged, and I kinda fancy
> having a 19 inch monitor myself to go with a Pios Keenya, Tanzania 4400
> clone, 200 Mhz, 32 MB RAM. It wont just plug and play,,tried it. I guess
> it needs the RGB card from Mac II? Or am I being unrealistic?

The monitor might require sync-on-green, like my old RasterOps 21" 
color [$30 at a salvage store].  If this is the case, a griffin 
MacSync adapter will set you right up.

You can look up the particular model in Griffin's online monitor 
database for specific information about it:

Come on over to our valley, where boys run free!  Run through the lush green
meadows in your shorts!  Brother John will be your guide in a summer of
indescribable earthly delight!                   - The Suburbs, Music For Boys
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 00:27:26 +0000
From: Ian Burt <>
Subject: Mac II wont boot-son of

Hey Macsters,

many thanks to the multitudes who replied to my plea for info about 
getting a Mac II to boot(too many to reply to personally, unless I get 
some spare time over the weekend). General concensus of opinion is it 
needs a new battery. We were hoping it might be something like that, i.e. 
cheap to fix. Will let y'all know the results asap.

Again many thanks. Mac users, dontcha just love em?


Ian B

But you who walk facing the sun,what images drawn on the earth can hold 


Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 15:53:02 +0100
From: Edmond Cambier <>
Subject: Macintosh Pascal

Good afternoon all Digest-Readers,
Being retired(67) I am starting on my LC2 with Think Pascal 4.0.1
I find a bit my way with the language but the Interface to the a
big problem. The six Inside Macintosh Books lie on the table but I don't
know how to use al that stuff. Please could someone help me on my
way...Many thanks in advance.
First question: Does someone know an FTP-Site specific to Macintosh Pascal
language? (Maybe I could download some programming code to see how it is

Second question: I am looking for some time after following old books
written by Stephen Chernicoff - called: Macintosh Revealed, book 1, 2 and
3. (I found here in Belgium book 4, which can be read when I can at least
walking if not to say running! As the mentionned books are printed between
1985 and 1990, they may be very used but that's no problem as long as all
the pages are in them! will search for this books but...I have no paying-card and their
email-address is not to find.

Why I start with Pascal? I think just a reason of my feelings...Pascal
looks to me more human than the currently used languages, with or without
the ++'s

Hoping to read some good news and thanking you for reading this, I remain,
with best regards,
from Mon, living in Mol, province Antwerp, Belgium.


Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 13:59:03 EST
Subject: Monitor won't sleep

Hi All,

Having some recent weirdness with my system, maybe someone can help.

My monitor will no longer go into sleep mode on its own. If I manually 
put the computer to sleep via menu or power button, the monitor will 
sleep. However, when I leave the computer unattended, the HD spins down, 
the monitor goes blank, but does not go into sleep mode. BTW, until 
recently, the monitor was going into sleep mode as scheduled.

Any ideas on how to fix this?



My system is:

Power Mac 7350/180
System 8.5.1
Energy Saver control panel
80 Meg RAM


Date: 13 Feb 99 22:54:14 -0500
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: My opinion re: ADB adapter vs. usb

Michael Holtzman <> wrote:
>Greetings, all. I am expecting a new iMac any day now, and I need a
>recommendation for a joystick. I have a Gravis MouseStick II (ADB). Should
>I get an ADB to USB adapter, or go for a new USB joystick? (I'm not a hard
>core gamer, so I don't need the latest and greatest .. I just want a

I don't know if there would be a compatibility issue with the drivers but
all things being equal, you'd get a lot more flexability out of a USB <->
ADB adapter. You could use existing mice, track-balls, a wide variety of
keyboards, drawing tablets and even some older modems.
- Scott

Scott Beach <> Toronto, Canada


Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 09:46:51 -0500
From: dead nancy <>
Subject: navigator 4.5 windows are a pain

hi, everybody.

so: without considering the future, i resized a navigator 4.5 window to
a very small size. i was just trying to see what was underneath. now,
every new window navigator makes is that very small size, and navigator
seems to find it necessary to reload the page from the server every time
i resize a window.

can i get rid of that tiny window without trashing my prefs (which i am
happy with?) any way to convince navigator to resize my windows with
content that should be in the cache? or without referencing the original
page at all (like ie?)

these two issues (which seem to be cross-platform) are enough to make me
end my ms-celibacy and start using explorer. i'd prefer not to.


dead nancy
nothing new at
see you in hell!


Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:05:11 +0900
From: (Simon Howell)
Subject: OS 8.5. - why the slowdown ?

I finally upgraded to OS 8.5.1 and although I like all the bells and
whistles it really seems to have slowed down my machine. I wasn't expecting
a speed gain when I upgraded but I didn't expect to take such a hit in
performance either. Has anyone else experienced slower performance or is it
all in my imagination ?

I've switched off everything I can think of and I'm wondering if I've
missed something somewhere. Would increasing the Disk Cache make a
difference ?

Power Performa 5280 (120Mhz, 48 MB, 1.2Gb drive). System 8.5.1.

Disk Cache set to default 1536K.
Virtual memory is off.
Remember Recent Documents etc is off.
Sound Sets are disabled.
Smart Scrolling is off.
Font smoothing is off.

Other installed software with extensions / control panels :
FinderPop (I can't live without this)
Nortons 4.0.3 (crashguard is disabled).
IE 4.5
FreePPP 2.6.2

Any advice ?




Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:49:39 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Outlook Express

At 1:41 PM +0900 2/5/99, Magnus Hoek wrote:
> 1) Where are the E-mails saved. What files ? I need to know what to
> backup...

"Eudora Folder"; the default location is in your System folder.  Each 
mailbox is a separate file [which can be opened in any test editor].

> 2) Is it possible to import Eudora mailboxes to new Outlook Express
> mailboxes.

No idea.

Come on over to our valley, where boys run free!  Run through the lush green
meadows in your shorts!  Brother John will be your guide in a summer of
indescribable earthly delight!                   - The Suburbs, Music For Boys
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 09:41:08 -0500
From: "Gino Landini" <>
Subject: photo catalog & slideshow

Hi all:
Can anyone point me to a no frills application that will store scanned
photos and let me show them in slide show format. I have tried Graphic
Browser and a few others but they all have some limitation or are too
complicated for my demented brain. Seattle Film Works has a free program
they give you with their pictures on disk but it only works with their
off the wall format. Please contact me directly at email if you have a
suggestion. Thanks in advance.
Gino Landini


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:56:21 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: Putting back Apple HD Driver on Apple HD

At 3:02 PM -0800 2/7/99, Dieder Bylsma wrote:
> How do I go about putting back an Apple HD driver on an HD that was
> perviously 'taken-over' by another drive formatting utility. Backing up and
> reinitializing is an unpreferred option since all my 100s of aliases will
> be broken and will have to be manually fixed.

I'm afraid that "unpreferred" option is the only safe one, to the 
best of my knowledge.

You may be able to:

1. Unplug the drive's power cable.
2. Boot up the machine.
3. Launch Drive Setup.
4. Plug in the drive.
5. Select "Rescan Bus" from the Functions menu.
6. Highlight your drive and choose "Update Driver"
7. Reboot.

That may work.  However, remember to back up before you try this, so 
that in the not-completely-unlikely event that it doesn't work, you 
can reinitialize and restore.

What's important in this world?  A little boy. A little girl.
                                                  - Chrissie Hynde, Thumbelina
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 06:25:04 -0500
From: "J. Rahmandar" <>
Subject: Q:ResEdit-ing Apple CD-ROM and other

A while back someone submited an article where one can ResEdit Apple
CD-ROM driver/extension to allow it to mount any non-Apple CD-ROM
drive.  Several example were given for different versions of it,
unfortunately, the one that came with my OS 8.0 is version 5.4, and it
is not the same as in the example. Can some expert out there tell me how
to identify which section of the code needs to be modified? I have
downloaded SuperResEdit, which allows you to see the DRVR in
opcode-operator formHow do you find the exact location to modify?

I'd also like to do the same with Apple HD Setup newer version. I
downloaded a version of Apple HD Setup 7.3..5 Hacked, and it has allowed
me to use Apple Driver on my "old" Syquest 44 and 88 removables.

Please CC: when posting your response. Thanks.



Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 16:26:06 +0100
From: "Dewey Markham, Jr." <>
Subject: questions about archive...

On February 7, Michael Luskin wrote:

>How quickly do files get uploaded to the archive.  Four files listed today,
>info-mac/font/amphiareocaps-font.hqx; 96K]
>/info-mac/font/cuzco-regular-font.hqx; 220K]
>do not seem to be in the AOL version of the archive.  Should I look elsewhere?


	I've had the same problem looking for newly listed files at SWITCH in
Switzerland (the most reliable Info-Mac mirror that is geographically
closest to me). I found that it takes a day or two for what I seek to
appear there, but if I do the netiquettely incorrect thing and go halfway
around the world to the mirror at MIT, I find they have the files available
the same day as the archive is released. Try

Hope this helps,


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 11:11:06 -0600
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: running PC games on a G3/233 Powerbook or OrangePC 620 on a

At 8:40 PM -0500 2/6/99, wrote:
> Now I have seen advertisements selling Virtual PC G3 with John Madden
> 98.  Does it work?

I would think so, otherwise every person who buys it will be 
contacting Connectix about a refund, and I don't imagine Connectix 
wants that sort of business. :)

> I don't care how slow it is.    How do I get John Madden to work?
> Would getting a Mac Gravis gamepad make any difference?

I wouldn't imagine so, if the problem is that neither game will begin 
to play.  I'd try calling EA [or whoever publishes Madden 98].  I 
suspect it's something like DirectX not being properly installed or 

> Is VirtualPC G3 worth it?

Depends on how you define "worth it".  Everybody I've talked to about 
this has universally panned VirtualPC for gaming-specific purposes. 
My experience is similar.  VPC is useful for running 
non-processor-intensive Windows tasks, but it's not a gaming 
solution.  Maybe my opinion will change once I get my G3 card, but I 
don't expect it to.

So, if you want to run Office or want to check webpages on Windows or 
something like that, I'd say VPC is worth it.  If you want to play 
modern PC games, I'd say it's not, unless you have a very high 
frustration threshold.  On a 250MHz 604e, the games I tried that 
required a 486/66 were unplayable.

> Does it come with Windows 95 or Windows
> 98 on disk, or do I have to use a separate copy of Windows 95 or
> Windows 98?

Virtual PC is available with DOS, Windows 95, or Windows 98.  If you 
already own Windows 95/98, you can save a bit of money by buying the 
DOS version of VirtualPC and using your own Windows CD.

> Does Simcity 3000 work on any of these?

Don't know.

> I hear also that Lego's Mindstorm is compatible with PCs with an
> infrared transmitter.   Does Apple's IrDa on a G3 Powerbook work with
> the Mindstorm Lego bricks?

Probably not.  I don't believe Virtual PC supports IR,  Mindstorms 
does not work with VirtualPC even without IR because of physical 
differences between the Mac and PC serial port hardware [not a cable 
adapter issue].  Talk To Me Barbie is similarly affected.

Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach.
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                           - The Who, Bell Boy
Chaz Larson     -     chaz at visi dot com     -


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 09:43:03 -0700
From: DrBlood <>
Subject: SCSI cards for Blue/White Mac

Digest readers,

I recently bought one of the G3 Blue/White models. I was thinking that I would
be able to connect my Umax scanner to this box using the SCSI card that came
with the scanner. Wrong! The SCSI card supplied with the scanner is for Wintel
boxes and is not a PCI card :-<. (so be warned if you have similar plans!)

So now I have to buy a SCSI card to use my scanner. Looking down the road, I
know that it would be nice to have support for ultra2 SCSI hard drives as
well. Is it possible that one card will have both internal conections (for  a
HD) and external connections for other devices? Or will it be necessary to buy
separate cards? Also, how many devices can be supported by the "typical" PCI
SCSI card? Will it be similar to the old built-in SCSI interface, or will
different cards have different capacities to support peripherals?

Please reply directly as I am *way* behind in reading the archives.



Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 13:46:43 +0000
From: (Hufnagel)
Subject: searching mainboard

   I'm searching for a used motherboard for Macintosh 7600 or an adress
where we can buy used and prepared boards or other parts for Macintosh
computers. Thank you for help.


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 99 21:50:12 -0600
From: Derek Jacobs <>
Subject: Serial ports.

I have a device I am looking to connect up to my G3 (the beige model) 
that requires a PC-style 9 pin serial port. I purchased a cable from 
MacConnection that has a 9pin male that will connect to the device, with 
a mac din-8 female connector on the other end that I can plug in a serial 
cable and attach to the mac. I use virtual pc to run the software; the 
preferences reflect the com port (either 1 or 2, tried both) set to the 
modem port, but the software will not detect the device.

For reference, the device is a DexDrive my brother would like to use for 
his Nintendo 64. (it reads memory packs so that one could download game 
saves and use them, or share yours with others on the net, or to back up, 

I have considered getting a USB card for this system. is there any sort 
of dongle for USB that will add such a serial port?

Any help greatly appriciated.

Derek Jacobs


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 09:43:11 -0700
From: DrBlood <>
Subject: Speakerphone software

Digest readers,

I am looking around for an app that will allow me to use my Mac as a
speakerphone. Another feature I would like to have would be voice mail. So far
I have only seen the "Voice-stf" software from STF inc. Does anyone have
experience with any of these kinds of products that can help me with my
deciion? Please reply directly since I am way behind in the archives.




Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:22:51 -0400
From: Deborah Foss <>
Subject: Subject: Problems with Powerbook G3 and wall projectors

>Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:02:26 +0100
>From: Jacob Palme <>
>Subject: Problems with Powerbook G3 and wall projectors
>I have a Powerbook G3 with a built in 600x800 pixel screen.
>I have problems connecting it to various wall projectors,
>which have less resolution than 600x800 pixel.
>The Powerbook G3 is obviously capable of sending out screen
>control signals with less resolution than 600x800. When I
>connect it to a CRT screen, it can do this. But when I
>connect it to various wall projectors, it refuses to show,
>in its menu of screen resolutions, anything else than
>Probably, if I could just set it to another resolution and
>using the external screen only, all would work. The problem
>is that it does not provide me with this setting option.
>I have had the same problem with several different kinds of
>wall projectors and with one system which converted the
>signal to ordinary television video signals.
>Can anyone help?

I am guessing that you like me, have the phat G3. They and the 3400c only
do 800x600 for resolution. Download the shareware switchres and then you
can switch to 640x480 to match most of the older wall projector, or many
other resolutions. The drawback is the screen on the powerbook goes black,
so you have to watch the cursor on the big screen, but at least it works.
The newer G3 powerbooks have multiple resolutions.



Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 00:02:02 -0800
From: Roger Stafford <>
Subject: The Monitors & Sound Control Panel Bug

  Apple's "Monitors & sound" control panel/application sometimes refuses to
launch, giving the error message:

  "Monitors & Sound cannot be used at this time. The required
   extension, SystemAV, cannot be found. The extension,
   SystemAV, has either been disabled or is not present. To use
   Monitors & Sound, first put the SystemAV extension in your
   extensions folder, make sure that it is enabled, and then
   restart your Macintosh."

As many users have found to their disgust, this often happens even though
SystemAV lies nestled in their extensions folder in perfectly good health!

  In my own case it has been an off-again, on-again thing.  It ran a year
without trouble, but this year it has failed far more often than it has
succeeded.  I used Dejanews and AltaVista recently to search for fellow
suffers, and found that there is a surprisingly large number of people who
have complained publicly of this failing over the past year and a half.
There must be far more who have suffered in silence and simply stopped
using Monitors & sound altogether.

  Here is a list of suggested remedies, none of which has proven
permanently effective:

1. Increase Monitors & sound memory allocation,
2. Replace Monitors & sound with a fresh copy,
3. Replace SystemAV extension with a fresh copy,
4. Disable possibly conflicting startup files,
5. Discard Finder preferences,
6. Rebuild the desktop,
7. Reinstall clean System folder,
8. Zap the PRAM, and
9. Increase the amount of available RAM.

  Among those I found who registered their complaint of this failing
against Monitors & sound, there was a diversity of computers involved:
PowerMacs 7100, 7500, 9500, Performas 6300, 6400, Starmax 3000, 4000, and
PowerTower Pro 250 (my own.)  Some of these had very large amounts of
available RAM - up to 320 MB.  Operating systems ranged from 7.5.3 up to at
least 8.1.

  It seems very clear to me that the fault must surely lie with the
Monitors & sound control panel itself and not with its environment.  There
is no polite way of saying this.  This control panel has a big, fat bug in
it which has been there from its very inception.  I do wish Apple would
admit to its existence and come out with a fix for it!

                            Roger Stafford - 2/13/99


Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 11:08:46 -0500
From: Martin =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ren=E9?= <>
Subject: Three buttons mouse/RealPC

I know that you can configure a 2 buttons mouse in any Windows emulator,
but I would like to use a 3 buttons mouse for use in AutoCAD with Real
PC and Win95 and can make the midle button work with my Kensington
Does anybody know if its possible to use a 3 buttons mouse in Real PC at

Martin Ren�


Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 20:58:10 EST
Subject: Website...Older Mac Street Price Guide?

I am looking for a website that I remember reading about a month or so ago. It
gives information on the street price for older macs. I am looking for the
value of a Performa 6220 CD. Your reply is appreciated.




Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:15:27 +0200
From: Carlos Alejaldre <>
Subject: Word98

Dear Digest readers:

recently I upgraded my word processor to Word98 after installing Office98,
which I am using with MacOS 8.1 . And from the very begininng, when trying
to save a file, small one, a warning comes out saying that I do not have
enough space in my hard disk (non true) and after three o four attempts, it
saves the file without any problem.

Any idea what could be the problem? any patch available?.


Carlos Alejaldre                
    Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion por Confinamiento Magnetico
             Asociacion EURATOM-CIEMAT para Fusion
               Av. Complutense 22, 28040 Madrid
                    Tel: +34-91-346.6159
                    Fax: +34-91-346.6124

----------  WebAddress: ---------------



End of Info-Mac Digest