! InterSLIP gateway script for Cisco terminal server
! Label 99 is the general purpose error handler, which beeps
! and pauses long enough for the user to read the message.
! First, we wait for the user name prompt
note "Waiting for prompt"
matchstr 1 1 "Username: "
matchread 50
note "No username prompt"
jump 99
! Now, send the user name and wait for the password prompt
@label 1
note "Sending user name"
write "^5\13"
matchstr 1 2 "Password:"
matchread 50
note "No password prompt"
jump 99
! Send the password and wait for either the terminal server
! prompt or an error message
@label 2
note "Sending password"
write "^6\13"
matchstr 1 4 ">"
matchstr 2 3 "Access denied"
matchread 120
jump 99
! If we got an error message, notify the user and fail
@label 3
note "Access Denied"
! General purpose error handler.  Let the message appear,
! beep, and then pause for a second.
@label 99
pause 1
pause 60
exit -1
! If we've successfully logged in, ask for SLIP mode and
! wait for the response.  If we get anything except
! "Entering SLIP mode.", assume something went wrong, and fail.
@label 4
note "Requesting SLIP"
write "slip\13"
matchstr 1 5 "Entering SLIP mode."
matchread 120
note "Cannot invoke SLIP mode"
jump 99
! We've entered SLIP mode, so match on the first thing that
! looks like an IP address.  If we don't find one, fail.
@label 5
matchexp 1 6 "[0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*\\.[0-9][0-9]*\\."
matchread 120
note "No IP address given"
jump 99
! We've found an IP address, so inform MacTCP of it, and
! watch for a number (the MTU size).
@label 6
setip "^0"
note "IP address is:  ^0"
pause 300
matchexp 1 7 "[0-9][0-9]*"
matchread 120
note "No MTU value"
jump 99
! We found the MTU size, so inform MacTCP and exit
! the script successfully.
@label 7
setmtu "^0"
exit 0
! Answer and Hangup modes are currently unused in gateway
! scripts, but just for future compatibility, exit successfully.
exit 0