Title          : Byterapers, Inc. musicdisk: Muzzax 6
Type           : musicdisk
Operating Sys  : Amiga
Uploader Email : jkauppin@jmp.fi ( Grendel/(B) )
Date Uploaded  :
Short Descrip. : Muzzax 6 musicdisk from Byterapers (c) Nov. 1989
                 Code: CSA
                 Musics: Speed-Head, Polo, Jugi
                 Graphics: CSA, Speed-Head, Avalanche
                 Works 100% AGA.

                 The poorest piece of Muzzax, Muzzax 6 was the
                 death signal for the series. Having much too many
                 Speed-Head musics, with alarming signals of
                 his entering into psychedelicium, Jugi's musics
                 were the only saving throw.

                 The again renewed engine, best of all Muzzax,
                 was the other good thing, but most musics were
                 questionable. Not all, of course.