Maylandia Meyer & Foerster, 1984
Metriaclima Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (synonym)
Maylandia aurora Meyer & Foerster, 1976
Pseudotropheus aurora Burgess, 1976; (valid as)
Maylandia barlowi
Pseudotropheus barlowi Mckaye & Stauffer, 1986; (valid as)
Maylandia benetos
Metriaclima benetos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia callainos
Pseudotropheus callainos Stauffer & Hert, 1992; (valid as)
Metriaclima callainos Stauffer et al., 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia chrysomallos
Metriaclima chrysomallos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia crabro Meyer & Foerster, 1982
Melanochromis crabro Ribbink & Lewis, 1982; (valid as)
Pseudotropheus crabro Mar©chal, 1991; (valid as)
Maylandia cyneusmarginata
Metriaclima cyneusmarginatus Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia demasoni
Pseudotropheus demasoni Konings, 1994; (valid as)
Pseudotropheus demasoni ; [CoL ]
Maylandia elegans Meyer & Foerster, 1935
Pseudotropheus elegans Trewavas, 1935; (valid as)
Maylandia emmiltos
Metriaclima emmiltos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia estherae
Pseudotropheus estherae Konings, 1995; (valid as)
Maylandia fainzilberi Meyer & Foerster, 1976
Pseudotropheus fainzilberi Staeck, 1976; (valid as)
Maylandia fainzilberi ; [iNaturalist ]
Pseudotropheus fainzilberi ; [CoL ]
Maylandia greshakei
Pseudotropheus greshakei Meyer & Foerster, 1984; (valid as)
Metriaclima greshakei Stauffer et al., 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia hajomaylandi Meyer & Foerster, 1984
Pseudotropheus hajomaylandi Meyer & Schartl, 1984; (valid as)
Maylandia heteropicta Meyer & Foerster, 1980
Pseudotropheus heteropictus Staeck, 1980; (valid as)
Maylandia heteropicta ; [CoL ]
Maylandia lanisticola Meyer & Foerster, 1976
Pseudotropheus lanisticola Burgess, 1976; (valid as)
Maylandia livingstonii Meyer & Foerster, 1899
Tilapia livingstonii Boulenger, 1899; (valid as)
Pseudotropheus livingstonii Mar©chal, 1991; (valid as)
Maylandia livingstonii ; [CoL ]
Pseudotropheus livingstonii ; [iNaturalist ]
Maylandia lombardoi Meyer & Foerster, 1977
Pseudotropheus lombardoi Burgess, 1977; (valid as)
Maylandia mbenjii
Metriaclima mbenjii Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia melabranchion
Metriaclima melabranchion Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia melabranchion ; [CoL ]
Maylandia phaeos
Metriaclima phaeos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia pursa
Pseudotropheus pursus Stauffer, 1991; (valid as)
Maylandia pyrsonotos
Metriaclima pyrsonotos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia sandaracinos
Metriaclima sandaracinos Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia sandaracinos ; [CoL ]
Maylandia thapsinogen
Metriaclima thapsinogen Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia thapsinogen ; [CoL ]
Maylandia xanstomachus
Pseudotropheus xanstomachus Stauffer & Boltz, 1989; (valid as)
Metriaclima xanstomachus Stauffer et al., 1997; (valid as)
Maylandia zebra
Tilapia zebra Boulenger, 1899; (valid as)
Pseudotropheus zebra Mar©chal, 1991; (valid as)
Metriaclima zebra Stauffer, Bowers, Kellogg & McKaye, 1997; (valid as)
24.4.2004 (27)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26);
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.