Enchelycore Kaup, 1856
Rhinechidna Barbour, 1908; (synonym)
Aemasia Jordan & Snyder, 1901; (synonym)
Eurymyctera Kaup, 1856; (synonym)
Fimbrinares Whitley, 1948; (synonym)
Enchelycotte Kaup, 1856; (not available, in synonym)
Enchelycore anatina
Muraena anatina Lowe, 1838; (valid as)
Muraena sanctae helenae Gìnther, 1870; (synonym)
Muraena sanctaehelenae Gìnther, 1870; (synonym)
Lycodontis anatinus Blache et al., 1973; (valid as)
Enchelycore anatina Edwards & Glass, 1987; (valid as)
Enchelycore bayeri Paxton et al., 1989
Gymnothorax bayeri Schultz, 1953; (valid as)
Enchelycore bikiniensis Bæhlke et al., 1989
Gymnothorax bikiniensis Schultz, 1953; (valid as)
Enchelycore canina
Enchelynassa canina ; (valid as)
Muraena canina Quoy & Gaimard, 1824; (valid as)
Enchelynassa bleekeri Kaup, 1855; (synonym)
Gymnothorax vinolentus Jordan & Evermann, 1903; (synonym)
Gymnothorax feyhonnieni Chen, 1929; (synonym)
Enchelycore canina Paxton et al., 1989; (valid as)
Enchelycore carychroa Bæhlke & Bæhlke, 1976
Enchelycore kamara Bæhlke & Bæhlke, 1980
Enchelycore lichenosa Hatooka, 1984
Aemasia lichenosa Jordan & Snyder, 1901; (valid as)
Enchelycore nigricans Kaup, 1856
Muraena nigricans Bonnaterre, 1788; (valid as)
Muraena anguina Gronow, 1854; (synonym)
Enchelycore euryrhina Kaup, 1856; (synonym)
Gymnothorax nigrocastaneus Cope, 1871; (synonym)
Gymnothorax umbrosus Poey, 1875; (synonym)
Gymnothorax brunneus Nichols, 1920; (synonym)
Enchelycore nigricans Robins & Ray, 1986
Enchelycore octaviana Bæhlke et al., 1989
Gymnothorax octavianus Myers & Wade, 1941; (valid as)
Gymnothorax octaviana McCosker & Rosenblatt, 1995; (misspelling)
Enchelycore pardalis
Muraena pardalis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846; (valid as)
Muraena kailuae Jordan & Evermann, 1903; (synonym)
Muraena kauila Jenkins, 1903; (synonym)
Muraena lampra Jenkins, 1903; (synonym)
Muraena pardalis Hatooka, 1984; (valid as)
Enchelycore pardalis Chen et al., 1994; (valid as)
Enchelycore ramosa
Enchelycore romosa ; (valid as)
Gymnothorax ramosus Griffin, 1926; (valid as)
Fimbrinares mosaica Whitley, 1948; (synonym)
Enchelycore ramosa Paxton et al., 1989; (valid as)
Enchelycore schismatorhynchus Hatooka, 1984
Muraena schismatorhynchus Bleeker, 1853; (valid as)
Eurymyctera crudelis Kaup, 1856; (synonym)
Muraena congeroides Bleeker, 1860; (synonym)
Rhinamuraena eritima Jordan & Seale, 1906; (synonym)
24.4.2004 (12)
[CoL] Catalogue of Life
Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Döring, M., Ower, G., Hernández Robles, D. R., Plata Corredor, C. A., Stjernegaard Jeppesen, T., Örn, A., Vandepitte, L., Hobern, D., Schalk, P., DeWalt, R. E., Ma, K., Miller, J., Orrell, T., Aalbu, R., Abbott, J., Adlard, R., Aedo, C., et al. (2024). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2024-03-26); https://doi.org/10.48580/dfz8d
Additional information sources:
The taxonomic information and the basic database has been provided by; e-mail: Igor Sheremetyev ; This is a conversion from a database dump, and there are probably many odd things as result of automatic conversion.