This document is a port to LaTeX of the document
"" produced and written in plain TeX.
The original TeX document was written by Steve Seiden.

The only copyright notice found about the original document was this one:
                I grant permission for you to reproduce this cheat sheet, and redistribute 
                it for educational purposes only. You may not reproduce it for profit. 
                If you reproduce it, you must not alter or delete my copyright. 

For the code specific to the LaTeX port, the licence is LPPL or BSD licence (at your choice).
The purpose of the port to LaTeX is to make it possible to use the document to test
some Unicode math fonts and unicode TeX more easily. This seems to be difficult
with Plain TeX while the use of a font other than the Computer Modern font
is awfully complicated.

This document is designed for use with almost any math fonts. However
in this first version, it is tuned to work only with the fonts GFS NeoHellenic
and GFS NeoHellenicMath.

The next revision will provide the tuning necessary to use the most common
math fonts in the TeX distribution.

Alain Aubord
Sourire Informatique